The Rhythm of My Heart (18 page)

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Authors: Velvet Reed

BOOK: The Rhythm of My Heart
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My dad shakes his head and grins. “I can’t believe I didn’t put it together with Grace’s last name and that shock of auburn-red hair she has. It’s been a long time, Bryan.”

“You two know each other?” Grace asks, just as curious about the strange interaction as the rest of us.

Bryan’s shaking his head in disbelief and Dad has a small smile on his face as he turns to Gracie. “Yes, we know each other Grace. We met a long time ago through a very special woman; a woman who inspired me to continue my career in oncology, and to help find new treatments for cancer patients.”

Gracie’s hand flies to her mouth as she gasps and tears glisten in her eyes. “You were my mom’s doctor?”

Dad looks to Bryan, then Charlie, and finally back to Gracie. “Yes, Grace. I was your mom’s oncologist,” he admits.

Everyone has been stunned into complete silence. Bryan walks to Dad and pulls him into a man-hug, patting each other on the back. “I don’t think I ever thanked you enough for everything you did for Maggie. I know it was fifteen years ago but… thank you, John.”

“There’s no need to thank me, Bryan. Knowing Maggie was thanks enough,” Dad replies.

Dumbfounded by this development, I glance around at everyone else. Mom and April have tears in their eyes, while they flow freely down Gracie’s cheeks. Charlie moves to his sister and wraps an arm around her shoulder as they stand staring at our fathers.

“Well, what are the chances of this happening?” Bryan questions.

Gracie turns and looks at me, her big brown eyes shimmering with an abundance of emotions.

What are the chances of my dad reconnecting with a patient’s husband fifteen years after she died? What are the chances of it being the patient who so obviously had a huge impact on him? What are the chances of his son being involved with that patient’s daughter?

As I gaze into Gracie’s beautiful eyes, everything is suddenly very clear. This wasn’t by chance. There’s a reason Gracie and I met; there’s a reason why I felt an instant connection to her and there’s a reason that our families are connected.
Fate? Abso-friggin-lutely!

“Well, this turn of events has just made this holiday even more special,” Mom says, breaking though everyone’s thoughts. “Let’s get this party underway, shall we? Men out back; women inside. Chop, chop people, we have some celebrating to do.”

Chatter fills the kitchen again as everyone starts to organize themselves. Ruby’s little hand comes up to my chin and she turns my face toward her, gracing me with her beautiful, little smile.

“Let me see this precious, little flower,” Mom says, as she stands in front of us.

Ruby’s smile grows and she signs, “Hi,

to my mom. “She’s saying, hi,” I interpret.
Well, at least, I can interpret that word.

Mom does her best to mimic the sign and says, “Hi, precious girl.” Then, she cups Ruby’s cheek. She turns to me with serious eyes. “She was sent to you, Cole. For whatever reason, Grace was sent to you and to this family. I remember her. I remember Grace’s mom. Your father talked about her a lot and I remember, actually, being jealous of another woman for the first time in our relationship. When I told him how I felt, he assured me that I had nothing to worry about and he wanted me to meet her.”

Mom looks away and shakes her head, takes a deep breath and looks back. “She was an amazing and beautiful woman, Cole. She worried about the other patients during her chemo treatments. She would get Bryan to make sure they had things to make them comfortable or sit with them if they had no one. She’d even make him bring all the nurses and doctors coffee and muffins. Just like your father, she inspired me, Cole; that’s when I truly started the charity work. I just never realized that she had two small children at home.”

“I’ve seen her picture. Grace has it on display at her house.”

“She was beautiful, that’s for sure, but her presence, the way she conducted herself, made her more beautiful than her looks. Grace is the same, Cole, don’t let her go.”

“I’ll do my best,” I chuckle.

“I love you, my handsome boy.” She reaches up and kisses my cheek.

“I love you, too, Mom.”

“Now, go get the yard set up. You’re the host, you know; you have big shoes to fill.”

“I doubt my feet would fit in your tiny shoes, Mom, but I’ll see what I can do.” She gives me a wink and heads back to the girls. As Gracie and April joke around, Gracie’s gaze lands on me once more and her beautiful smile lights up my heart and sends its rhythm into overdrive.
There’s no way on earth I’m letting her go… Ever.




Chapter 22




Our Fourth of July celebrations are in full swing. Everyone is here, the introductions made, drinks in hand, food being eaten, and the pool being put to use. Cole’s house is absolutely perfect for entertaining with the French doors opening up the house to the deck making one huge covered area. The outdoor patio furniture that’s as comfortable and inviting as any living room furniture provides a perfect place to relax and chat, and that’s exactly where the girls from Flaunting My Flowers have taken up residency with some nurses from the hospital.

Dad and John have hardly moved from one another’s side, talking non-stop and catching up, I guess. I had previously wondered if John had treated my mom all those years ago and to find out that he actually did is crazy. I wasn’t too sure about my feelings toward him after meeting him at the family dinner, but now, after he apologized, which he really didn’t need to do, and this revelation, I really can only be very grateful that he helped my mom. I can’t help but feel that our two families where supposed to connect again.

Charlie seems to be enjoying himself too, drinking and talking to the guys from the garage. He looks so happy and carefree today. He glances away from the guys to the pool where Ashley, April, and Allison from the hospital are laughing and playing with Ruby, while she splashes them happily. I follow his gaze to Allison; as she signs to Ruby, his lips curve up into a small grin and he continues to stare.
Hmmm, well, that’s interesting.
As if sensing my eyes on him, he turns to me across the yard and his eyes widen as a red tinge covers his cheeks.
I raise my eyebrows and smile, but he shakes his head and turns back to the guys.

Sensing eyes on me, I immediately track down the gorgeous blue ones that own me. He’s standing at the grill with Sam and a guy named Hamish that I met earlier; he seems nice enough, but a bit shy. With a wink and a breathtaking smile, Cole resumes his conversation.

“Everyone seems to be having a great time,” Olivia says, as she comes to stand beside me and starts rearranging plates on the table.

“They do, don’t they? I was so worried about how everyone would get along, but it’s great,” I reply.

“It’s perfect, Grace.”

“Are you sure we have enough food? I’ve never catered for this many people before.”

“Honey, there’s more than enough, trust me. Now go and have fun, everything’s under control,” Olivia reassures and gives me a nudge toward the pool.

“Thanks, Olivia,” I say, as I head for the girls.

“Get your gear off and get your butt in this water,” Ashley laughs.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.” I take off my shorts and tank top, and step down onto the stairs at the shallow end. I chance a look at Cole to see if he’s checking out my new American flag bikini, but his eyes aren’t on me; his fiery glare is directed at one person and one person only… Troy.

Troy being the completely oblivious moron he is, doesn’t even realize that Cole’s about two seconds away from killing him because his gaze is firmly planted on me… Well, on my breasts to be exact.
This guy really needs to get a clue

Just as Cole starts to make his way off the deck, Charlie catches Troy’s gaze and smacks him across the back of the head. “Dude, that’s my sister. Keep your eyes in your goddamn head.” Seeming slightly mollified, Cole returns to his spot at the grill and his eyes finally land on mine. I smile hoping to calm him, but all I get in return is a stare full of questions and a curl of his finger as he beckons me to him. I quickly dry my legs and put my clothes back on, then head for the outdoor kitchen as Cole hands the utensils over to Sam.

“What the hell is up with Troy?” he snaps.

“Excuse me?”

“Do you two have history?”

I shake my head in disbelief. “Seriously, Cole? You’re going to do this now?”

“I want to know. Have you ever been with Troy?”

“Yes! I’ve been with Troy. Are you happy?”

“Why the hell would I be happy, Grace? You work with him and he was just staring at you like he owns you. He’s lucky I don’t kick his ass, and throw him out,” Cole says, through clenched teeth.

“It was almost a year ago, Cole, way before we met and it didn’t last long anyway. You have nothing to worry about. I’m not interested in Troy and never will be again. I tolerate him because he works for my dad, nothing more,” I tell him in a soothing tone while wrapping my arms around his waist.

“Who ended it?” Cole enquires, without returning my embrace.

I heave a harsh breath. “I did, okay. There are certain things I won’t tolerate in a relationship and cheating is one of them. I walked in on him and some chick going at it, so I told him where to go and left. I hardly even talk to him at work because there really is no need.”

“Why didn’t your dad fire him?” he fires off another question.

“Why would he need to? He did nothing wrong at work; my dad and Charlie didn’t even know we were seeing each other. I’ve been cheated on before and dealt with it the same way, Cole; I move on. Troy isn’t an issue.”

“Well, if I ever catch him looking at you like that again, he’ll have an issue with me,” he states and pulls me to him possessively.

“Okay, tough guy, just kiss me and get your sexy ass back out there and finish cooking,” I implore, and with a tenderness I wasn’t expecting, his lips softly meld with mine claiming ownership and taking my breath away. He doesn’t deepen the kiss, just slowly caresses my lips making my insides melt and my knees go weak.

“Come on, we have hungry guests to feed,” he says, on an exhale, and then takes hold of my hand and guides me back to our party.

Olivia was right. We had plenty of food… Actually, much more food than we needed, but with most people sticking around for the fireworks later tonight, I’m positive it won’t be wasted.

A few guests have left, mainly hospital staff; I think Troy got the hint that Cole wasn’t impressed with him and left as well. Ashley decided we needed some music; when she realized that Cole had his music system wired to the deck with outdoor speakers, she decided to liven the party up even more.

As the first strains of “Treasure” by Bruno Mars play, she comes dancing across the deck, shoulders swinging back and forth and grabs my hand dragging me to her makeshift dance floor. “Dance with me, Gracie,” she squeals and I can’t help but laugh at her exaggerated and excited dance moves.

“You’re kind of crazy, you know that?” I chortle.

“Yep, crazy and amazing.” She blows an air kiss with lip smacking sound effects.

Allison and April join in and the four of us are laughing and having a great time. Even Olivia comes over and breaks out some dance moves. My arms are above my head as I swing my hips and get into the rhythm of the music and Bruno’s sexy voice, when I feel an arm wrap around my waist and lips travel up my neck to my ear. A huge smile overtakes my face as I lean back into Cole’s body.

“I’ve got my treasure right here, pretty girl.” Coles says; his warm breath whispers into my ear, delicious ripples of pleasure course their way down my body.

“Mmmm, really?” I murmur, slowly turning my head to the side to see him.

“Absolutely. You know, baby, we throw a pretty kick ass party. We’ll have to do this more often.”

“We do, don’t we. Our families meeting couldn’t have gone better. It’s great having everyone together.”

When he nips my neck with cold lips from a swig of his beer, goose bumps pop up all over me. “As long as they don’t stay too long because I’ve got my own fireworks display to show you later.”

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