Read The Rhythm of My Heart Online

Authors: Velvet Reed

The Rhythm of My Heart (16 page)

BOOK: The Rhythm of My Heart
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Looking around our little shop, I can’t help but be in awe of the beauty that surrounds me on a daily basis. This is what I love; this is my passion. Creating floral pieces which are not only beautiful but have meaning is what I was born to do. Whether it’s an anniversary, birthday, funeral, the birth of a child, a farewell, or Valentine’s Day; each arrangement I create has meaning behind it from the giver; love, sympathy, celebration. I play a part in making those moments, those feelings memorable. I love my job.

“The delivery is here,” Mary calls out from the back.

“Okay. Just make sure everything is there this time. I don’t want to be short on anything again,” I reply.

Heading for the door to check the displays out front, I almost run into Andy as she barrels back into the store. “Deliveries are done, but the van is going to need gas on the next trip. I forgot the card.”

“Okay, no worries, I’m just going to check these and head out for lunch.”

The shrill ringing of the phone cuts through the store. “I’ve got it,” Andy says, and jogs off.

The street is full of activity with people hurrying about their business. Passersby stop and admire the displays, trying to decide which bouquet to choose. I take it all in and breathe a sigh of contentment. As I’m checking the water levels in the displays, I’m jolted from behind with hands grabbing my sides and I yelp in surprise.

“Gotcha,” Gracie giggles.

Swatting at her hands, I reprimand her. “Crap, Gracie, you scared the hell out of me. Give me a little warning next time.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” she pouts.

Rolling my eyes at my best friend, I shake my head. “You’re lucky I like you and didn’t whip out my ninja moves.” She lets out a loud laugh at that.

“Please! You know you love me and when did you ever take any form of martial arts classes?”

“Fine,” I huff. “I do love you, and no, I’ve never taken formal classes but TMNT provides lots of tips,” I reply, with a completely straight face.


“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was my favorite when we were kids, remember?” I chuckle.

“Oh, God. Seriously? I don’t know how we are even friends.”

“Ummm… Who was it that had a crush on Casey Jones?” I enquire.

“I was like eight years old, Ash!” Gracie exclaims.

I can’t help but laugh at my best friend. No one would ever mean more to me than this woman.

“Anyway, Ruby and I wanted to see if you’re free for lunch.”

I suddenly realize that little Ruby is standing beside Gracie looking intently at the flowers. I tap her on the shoulder and sign, “Hi.” I’m gifted with a bright smile and a warm hug. Ruby looks from me to the pink roses on display and points to them. Knowing her love for all things pink, I pluck a single rose from the pot and hand it to her. Ruby signs her thank you, takes the flower to her nose, and inhales.

“She has been so obsessed with pink roses ever since Cole gave her one on our date,” Gracie says, while looking down at her niece with complete adoration.

“Well, the man has good taste and obviously our Rubes does, too,” I reply. “Anyway, I was just about to go for lunch myself; let me grab my bag.” Gracie takes Ruby’s hand and they follow me back inside as I head for my office.

“The arrangements are gorgeous, Ash. The store looks fantastic,” Gracie praises.

“Yeah, the suppliers have had great stock lately, so we’ve been extra busy.”

“Plus, your reputation is going through the roof. I can’t believe—” Gracie is cut off when a young guy walks in with a bouquet of flowers.

“I have a delivery for Miss Ashley Brooks,” he announces.

I’m stunned for a moment. “Are you sure you have the right place?” I ask.

The kid looks at his delivery slip. “Yep, this is the address. Are you Ashley?”

A snort escapes me. “I am, but you do realize this is a florist, right? Why on earth would someone send flowers to a florist?”

“No idea, lady. I just got told to deliver them,” he responds impatiently, and hands me the flowers and then leaves.

I look over to Grace and Andy with a disbelieving look on my face. They both have their eyebrows raised in question. “What kind of idiot sends someone who owns a florist, flowers from their competitor?” I ask them.

“There’s a note,” Andy points out.

I study the bouquet while retrieving the little envelope. It’s a huge mix of colorful Gerberas and foliage, they’re pretty but the arrangement is off-balance. Putting the bouquet down on the counter, I rip open the card to see who the moron is.


From Sam.


That’s it! That’s all it says!

“Well?” Gracie asks.

What the hell is this? Why would he send me flowers? He isn’t even particularly nice to me. Seriously… Who in their right mind sends flowers from another florist? Who signs the card ‘From Sam’ with no explanation about what the flowers are for?

“Ashley,” Grace barks. “Who are they from?”

I finally look up from the card “Uhhh… They’re from Vagina Man,” I say, and burst into laughter.

“Vagina Man?” Andy repeats, sounding confused.

“Sam sent you flowers?” I look at my best friend and simply nod. “Okay then. Well, that came out of left field. Are you not telling me something?”

I shake my head, dumbfounded. “I have absolutely no idea why he would do this, Grace. He doesn’t even like me,” I scoff.
Oh, shit! It must be a joke
. I shake my head. “All the note says is ‘From Sam’. He’s probably just sent them to piss me off and annoy the crap out of me.”
I throw the card down and get my purse.

“Are you sure about that, Ash?” Gracie asks with her eyes soft and concern laced in her tone.

“Of course, I am, Gracie. We can’t even hold a civil conversation. There’s no other explanation.”

“Do you want his number to thank him?”

“Thank him for what? So he can have a good laugh at my expense. I don’t think so. Come on, I’m hungry, let’s go eat.” With that, I head to the door.

We go to a new deli around the corner and catch up while we eat. Gracie tells me all about meeting Cole’s family and the bitchy colleague / family friend who showed up, but I’m honestly not giving her my full attention, I’m not even paying any attention to Ruby. I put in a few ‘ah huhs’ here and there but my mind is going crazy with questions….

Why the hell would Sam send me flowers?

Is he really that big of a jerk?

Does he not like me that much?

Why the hell do I care?


Why is he the last person I keep thinking about before I fall asleep every night?




Chapter 20




I can’t drag my body away from this freaking toilet bowl. Every single time I try to move, my stomach spasms and the porcelain calls my name again. It’s been going on for hours, and from what Cole can gather from a phone call, I’ve gotten food poisoning from the deli that Ashley and I had lunch at yesterday. Ashley and Ruby are fine but then they didn’t have the chicken focaccia. Ash has been a lifesaver by taking the day off to look after Ruby and me at my house.

“Are you still up-chucking?” Ashley asks from the doorway.

“Not if I don’t move.”

“You need to drink more water, Gracie; you don’t need to get dehydrated as well.”

“It just comes straight back up anyway. I’ll just have to wait it out.”

I sense Ashley moving as violent heaves rack my body and the little that is in left my stomach is expelled. A cool wet cloth wipes across the back of my neck and the hair clinging to my sweat covered face is pulled back.

“Well, we certainly won’t be recommending that deli to anyone, will we?” Ashley tries to lighten the mood.

“I’ve never thrown up this much in my entire life,” I whimper pathetically. With heavy eyes, I lean on the toilet seat and rest; disgusting, I know, but my energy has been depleted.

“I put a bucket in your room. Let’s get you in the shower and in bed.”

“I don’t think I can,” I moan and pout.

“Suck it up, princess. You have toilet germs on you and you freaking reek of vomit.”

After helping me up and turning on the shower while I stand there like a zombie, she asks, “Will you be okay in here while I go check on Rubes?”

“Yeah, I’ll manage. It’s not like you need to see my goods.”

Ashley laughs, “It’s not like I haven’t seen your goods before, sweets. I’ll be back in ten minutes.” She closes the door behind her.

Undressing at the speed of a snail, I look at myself in the mirror.
Oh, dear God, shoot me now.
My skin has a greenish-grey pallor and there are tiny beads of sweat coating my forehead. My eyes with dark circles underneath them are bloodshot like I’ve been drinking all night; my hair, oh, lord, my hair is a matted tangle.
Dreadlocks would never be a good look for me, that’s for sure
. I’m a hot mess.

I finally step into the warm spray of the shower. The water cascades over me in cooling, cleansing rivulets. Leaning against the tiles, I gather what little strength I have. I wash myself with tired movements as fatigue sits heavily on my body. I turn the shower off, and then go through the motions of drying myself and dressing in the loose tank top and bed shorts that Ashley has left on the basin. Making my way to my bed without too much difficulty, I climb in and allow the mattress and pillows to absorb my exhausted body.

“Here, drink some water for me and I’ll leave you be,” Ashley says, from beside me. I somehow manage to drink half the bottle. I’m not sure if Ashley says anything else because I’m fast asleep before my head even hits the pillow.

My heavy eyelids struggle with what feels like a giant weight pinning them down. Each attempt takes too much effort, fluttering only a millimeter at a time, and it’s not until soft warm lips make contact with mine, that I manage to pry those suckers open wide enough to find vibrant blue eyes watching me.

“I was wondering when you would finally come back to the land of the living,” Cole chuckles.

“Mmmm, what time is it?” I grumble.

“Just after seven.”

“What? Where’s Ashley? Did Charlie pick up Ruby?” I panic, trying to sit up, but when failing miserably to support myself, I slump back onto my pillows.

“Gracie. Baby, I mean that it’s seven in the morning. You’ve been asleep for over fifteen hours. Everything’s fine, trust me.”

“Fifteen hours? That can’t be right,” I reply, while massaging my eyes in my confusion and disbelief.
How the hell did I manage to sleep that long? Argh, I seriously need to pee and brush my teeth.

Cole chuckles at me again and places his hand lightly on my forehead. “How are you feeling?”

“Better. Obviously not nauseous any more but my body sure is aching. I seriously need to use the bathroom, though.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you do. You go do that and I’ll get you some food.”

I gingerly climb out of bed and breathe a sigh of relief as I take a seat and start to pee. Boy, oh, boy, what a pee it is; after fifteen hours, I honestly don’t think it’s going to stop.
Look out Niagara Falls; you have nothing on Gracie Rivers post food poisoning.
“Any time now,” I say aloud when the stream keeps going.

Finally, after fixing myself up, washing my face, brushing my teeth and hair, I make my way to the kitchen and stand in the doorway, taking a minute to appreciate the scene before me. Cole, in black cargo shorts and a simple grey t-shirt with bare feet moving about my kitchen with comfortable ease, is a beautiful sight.

He turns and flashes his trademark smile followed by a small, adorable pout. “I was going to bring your food back to the bedroom.”

“I’m too stiff from lying down for so long.”

I move across the room, wrap my arms around his waist, and lay my cheek against his back while he makes coffee. “Mmm, just what the doctor ordered.”

Cole places his hand over mine and swivels around in my arms until he’s facing me. I’m quickly captured in his arms as his lips press to my forehead and I snuggle into his strong chest, inhaling his scent, which is all man… all Cole. “I’m glad you’re feeling better, baby. I was worried about you yesterday; Ashley kept me updated when I called, but I just wanted to be here to look after you.”

BOOK: The Rhythm of My Heart
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