The Ride of Her Life (38 page)

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Authors: Lorna Seilstad

Tags: #Fiction, #Christian, #Historical, #Romance, #General

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“I am.” He hooked his fingers in the pockets of his vest. “I had to deliver some important papers.”

“You do an awful lot of that. Are you sure there isn’t another reason you keep coming to the diner—a special someone, perhaps?”

“Apparently Lilly tells you everything too.” He chuckled. “Don’t make more of something than it is. I like to be nice to Eugenia. I thought it would be good for her.”

“Then you’re not really interested.”

“Not in a permanent sort of way.”

Marguerite slipped her hand into Mark’s elbow. “You have to be careful with a girl’s affections—especially with someone like Eugenia.”

“Perhaps you should be saving your lectures about being careful with someone’s affections for Nick Perrin.”

She stopped. “What do you mean?”

“Only that he’s been spending a lot of time with his former fiancée, the vaudeville actress Ruby Rawlins.”

Marguerite sighed. When she’d stopped by yesterday, Lilly had told her about Ruby’s injury and Nick rendering the woman assistance. Was there more? Did her brother know something she didn’t?

“Mark, do you think Nick is sweet on Ruby again?”

“He carries her to his buggy, he takes her to her hotel room, and he sees to her needs. What does that tell you?”

“How do you know all this? Furthermore, why do you even care?”

He shrugged. “Lake gossip. It gets to the best of us.”

She frowned and poked his chest. “Keep this lake gossip to yourself, understand? We don’t know what is going on between Nick and Ruby.”

“But you’ll speak to Lilly? She should know.”

Tipping her head to the side, she eyed him. “Did you grow up when I wasn’t looking?”

Everything was perfect.

With Levi’s chubby fingers safely tucked in his hand, Nick skirted the crowds and headed toward the roller coaster. How had he been so lucky to have Mark offer to retrieve Ruby this afternoon? Actually, it didn’t take a genius to realize it was Marguerite who’d arranged the situation. He’d have to thank her later.

The offer had allowed him to spend a few extra minutes with Lilly, and now he could spend some time with his favorite small person. He didn’t even have to worry about Ruby. With any luck, Mark would have her nearly back to the theater by now.

At least that nightmare was over.

“You want some ice cream, Levi?” Nick nodded toward a vendor’s cart.

“Yes, please!”

After securing two vanilla ice cream cones, Nick and Levi took their time walking the rest of the way to the roller coaster.

“We’re a pretty good team.” Levi looked up at Nick, then licked his cone. “Aren’t we?”

“I’d say so.”

“Forever and ever.”

“I’m working on that.” Nick ruffled Levi’s hair as they passed through the turnstile.

Glancing at the loading station, Nick halted. Ruby stood at the top of the stairs waiting with Mark. Why had he brought Ruby here and not to the theater?

Nick directed Levi around the side of the building. The last thing he needed was for the boy to go back and tell his mama that Ruby had come there after all.

“Percy.” Nick called the young man over. “I need you to do me a favor.”

“What now?”

Nick scowled at the youth’s tone but decided to let it go this time. “I need you to keep an eye on Levi here while I handle another matter.”

“I’m no nanny.”

“I didn’t say you were. You’re doing me a favor.” Nick nudged Levi forward. “Have you met Percy?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You’re going to spend some time with him, okay?”

Levi nodded.

“Nick, what do I do with him?”

“You were a boy once. Do what you would have wanted to do. But keep an eye on him.” He ruffled Levi’s hair. “You do what Percy tells you to, Chipmunk. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Ruby’s wide-brimmed hat had so many feathers Nick wondered if a good gust would send it flying. And should someone’s hat be wider than any other part of their body? He was no expert on women’s clothing, but it didn’t seem right.

For the first time all week, only a dozen or so customers were present. Maybe Tuesdays were going to be slower days. That’d be okay with him, but the investors might not like it.

At least the small crowd would allow him to talk to Ruby. He’d deal with her now rather than later. His father always said putting off a task didn’t make it any less unpleasant, but it made the suffering longer.

“Ruby.” He tipped his hat. “You’re looking refreshed.”

“I told Mark he had to bring me here so I could properly thank you for all you’ve done.”

“You’re welcome, and I was happy to help.”

She laid her hand on his arm. “Do you mean that?”


“I’m so glad to hear you say so.” She linked her arm in his and drew him off to the car shed on the side. “We’re fortunate things aren’t busy right now. I need to talk to you about a private matter.”

An uneasy feeling took root inside Nick, but he remained. “What do you want to discuss with me?”


Nick stepped back. “There isn’t an ‘us,’ Ruby. I thought you understood.”

“I know that’s what you said, but are you certain there’s no hope for reconciliation?”

“I love Lilly.”

“The cook?”

“Yes, and she’s a fine woman.”

“And she has a son. Are you ready to be a father? What do you know about children?”

“I had a lot of brothers and sisters, you know that, and yes, I love Levi like he’s my own.”

She laughed. “Then maybe you should look to see where your future son is right now.”

He followed the direction of her gaze, and his heart thudded to a complete stop. Halfway up the lift hill, Levi sat beside Percy in the front car of the roller coaster.

If Nick didn’t die of a heart attack, Lilly was sure to kill him.

Slowly. Painfully. Inch by inch, with her paring knife.

His stomach churned. Maybe they wouldn’t have to tell her.

He heard a gasp. He stepped from the car shed. With Ruby right behind him, he turned and saw Lilly. Her eyes, filled with tears, bore into him.


Nick’s heart plunged.

Lord, what have I done?


Every nerve pulled taut as Lilly watched the car carrying her son whiz around the roller coaster rails. Agonizing seconds flew by. Up and down. Around and around. Her head swam with dizziness, and she grabbed for the railing.

Her son.

Her baby.

On that

Nick laid his hand on her shoulder. She jerked away. How could he have let Levi ride the roller coaster when he knew how she felt about it?

“Lilly, he’ll be okay.”

“You don’t know that,” she spat. “There are no guarantees.”

The car rolled into the station, and Sean applied the brake. Levi jumped out and ran to her. She knelt and crushed him against her chest, holding him, drinking in his sweaty little boy scent and pressing kisses to his downy hair. She held him as long as he’d allow.

At last he wriggled free. “Did you see me? I was flying.” Levi made a hilly motion with his hand. “It was sooooo much fun! Mama, you gotta try it.”

She patted his head. “Levi, go sit on the bench down by the steps and wait for me.”

“But, Mama, I want to go again. See, I’m big enough.”

“Now, Levi.” Her tone left no room for argument.

With his shoulders slumped, Levi trudged away.

Lilly whirled toward Nick. Anger boiled inside her like a pot left on a hot stove. He’d put her son in danger. That was unforgivable. She glared at him. “I have one question. Why? Why did you let him do it?”

Nick took her arm and propelled her to a more secluded spot. He crossed his arms over his chest. “I didn’t let him. I left him with Percy, and the boy must have taken him on the ride. Don’t blow this out of proportion. He’s fine.”

“Why did you leave him with Percy? I thought you wanted to spend time with him.”

“I had something I needed to take care of.” Nick glanced toward Ruby, who stood several yards away beside Mark.

Lilly followed his line of sight, not missing the triumphant smile on the actress’s face. She wiggled her fingers in Lilly’s direction.

“Her? You weren’t watching Levi because you were talking to Ruby?”

“It’s not like that.” Nick held out his arms. “Maybe now isn’t the time to talk about this. Maybe we should discuss it later after you’ve calmed down.”

“There won’t be a later.” Tears, hot and angry, filled Lilly’s eyes. “I can’t do this. I can’t trust you with my son. Levi could have been hurt.”

“But he wasn’t.” Nick ran his hand down her arm.

She pulled away. She stared into his blue eyes flashing with hurt and anger. “I can’t.”

He shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. “This isn’t about letting Levi ride on a roller coaster. This isn’t even about us. This is about you. You don’t want to be hurt. But I’ll tell you something, Lilly. Life hurts sometimes.”

“I know all about how much life hurts.” Tears fought their way down her cheeks, and she swiped them away.

“This is the excuse you’ve been looking for so you can go back to your safe world—the one you control—without feeling guilty. But the truth is you’re afraid.”

“Afraid of what? You?”

“Everything.” His voice dropped low. “But most of all, you’re afraid we’ll all see you’re a coward.”

“You insufferable, arrogant—” She stopped and clamped her lips together. She would not say another word.

Getting involved with Nick Perrin had been a mistake—a mistake she wished she could erase as easily as chalk on a board.

Drawing his fist back, Nick prepared to let the punch fly.

He slammed his knuckles into his open palm. The collision stung. The pain almost felt good. It was certainly better than the frustration building inside him.

Behind Percy, the roller coaster’s engine putted along as if nothing had happened. Wide-eyed, Percy looked as if he expected Nick’s next punch to land in his face. Still, Nick couldn’t muster any sympathy for him. Irresponsible boy. Why had Percy let Levi ride the roller coaster? Did he even realize the grief he’d caused Nick?

Nick glared at him. “What in the blazes were you thinking?”

Percy looked at the floor and shrugged. “You said to let the boy do what I would have wanted to do.”

“I said to watch him. I trusted you to keep an eye on him.”

Percy looked up, defiant. “And I never took my eyes off him. What harm was there in letting him ride the roller coaster? Other kids do it all the time.”

“But Levi isn’t any other kid. He’s—” Nick swallowed the lump in his throat. “He’s Lilly’s son, and I know you heard me talking about how she wouldn’t let him ride.”

“Okay, I’m sorry. I didn’t think it was a major concern.”

“Well, you were wrong.” The pulse in Nick’s temple drummed an annoying beat, accusing him of being the truly guilty party. If only he’d ignored Ruby and tended to Levi himself. “Get out of here.” Nick turned his back on Percy and waved his hand in the air.

“Are you firing me?”

“No, but I don’t want to see your face right now.”

Percy slammed the door to the motor shed so hard the building shook. Nick’s chest heaved. He ought to throttle that boy.

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