The Rider's Dangerous Embrace (An Interracial Bad Boy Romance Story) (8 page)

BOOK: The Rider's Dangerous Embrace (An Interracial Bad Boy Romance Story)
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“Do you think…” She bit her lip and looked into his eyes.

“You’ll be fine, I promise.” He said, reading the look on her face in that pale moonlight. He must of been asked that more than once.

What was she doing? It was crazy, but she needed it.

She reached for him and pulled him to her as she kissed him. She didn’t want to talk about this anymore. She just wanted him, and she wanted him now. Jayda pulled him down onto the blanket and onto her. His body was solid against her soft frame and her kisses didn’t go ignored. She could tell that he enjoyed it when she took charge.

So when he rolled over and pulled her on top of him she wasn’t entirely surprised.

“I want to watch you ride me.” He declared with a husky, confident voice. “I want to see you move up and down my cock in the moonlight.”

Too confident.

God, why does everything he say infuriate me and turn me on?

She perched over him, ready to take all of him in, but before she could mount him he stopped her.

“Wait, put this on me first,” Luke handed her a little foil packet with serrated edges. A condom. She was glad he was thinking straight. Because all she wanted was to get on that hard cock and ride it.

“My, aren’t you prepared?” She asked, her voice sultry and deep. It was foreign to her.

She tore the package open and grabbed the condom out of it, placing it over his cock and rolling it down the thick shaft. She made sure to leave just a little bit of room at the tip. This wasn’t her first rodeo.

Jayda took a moment to survey the scene laying out before her. It was exciting and completely country, if not a bit cliché. But she liked that about this night. She liked that about Luke. In this moment he was exactly what she expected when she expected it. And all she wanted was to slide his cock into her and complete the fantasy.

“I want you now, Luke.” She said as she took what she wanted.

So she climbed up on him and took his cock in her hand, moaning as she guided his throbbing cock into her little slit. It was snug, but that was the kind of fit she liked. She rocked on him, a cry escaping from her lips as he hit the deepest part of her center. She braced herself by placing her hands on the hard muscles of his belly.

He found his way to her hips, gripping her flesh as he helped to guide her up and down that dick. Impatiently she tried to increase her pace but he was too strong, each movement was slow, deliberate. She could feel every inch of him as he pulled her up his shaft and then back down again.

“Damn, Jayda. Damn” He asked as he let her fall back on him, the tight walls of her pussy taking all of him, making her moan.

“Yes,” She panted, “But I want more.”

“Take what you want, Jayda. Ride me.” He let go of her so that she had complete control, surrendering to her.

She had no problem taking control. Sweat built up on her brow, trickling down her body, even in the cool night as she rocked back and forth on his hard cock. Her speed increased with every slam into her. She wanted more, she had to have more of him. She was frenzied in her need, gripping his shoulders tight as she fell on his cock over and over again.

“Your cock feels so good inside of me.”

Luke bucked against her with each movement their bodies coming together as one over and over again.

“Yeah, baby. You ride me. Take it, Jayda,” Luke growled as he bucked against her when she came down. His fierce male confidence won over him, and while she would normal buck it, this time, this time she wanted it.

Wanted him.

She was so close to cumming. She just had to push a little farther.

She could feel the pulses of pleasure as they made their way down her body, taking control of her senses. It was so good. She wanted more. Refusing to yield to the building force, she moved faster, grinding her hips against his, forcing the sensations to grow. She pushed herself to the next level, her body shaking furiously as she screamed out into the night.

Her moans and calls of pleasure pushed him over the edge. Luke grunted as he thrust into her a final time, his orgasm coming in waves and spurts.

She collapsed over him when she was finished, sweat plastering her hair to her forehead, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. The chill of the air met her back, sending a shiver through her as she cooled down.

Jayda didn’t realize she was shivering until after Luke wrapped the blanket around the two of them. She didn’t know him. Didn’t know anything about him, except that he rode bull like her dad and had a wild side. It made her want to know more about him.

But she wasn’t sure if he wanted it too.

“Take me back to my car? She asked as she pushed herself away from him.

“I’d prefer you stay. But I’d do anything to keep you. anything that you want, Jayda. Anything at all.”

Luke pulled back into the parking lot next to her car. All but a few cars had vacated the field turned parking lot. Only a couple remained scattered here and there. No doubt they belonged to people who either got a ride to someone else’s place or needed a ride because they got smashed.

The tall, handsome man kissed her again and got out of the truck, his arms wrapped around her as she slid her body down his. Until her feet touched the gravel on the ground. Quite the gentleman, Luke closed the door behind her. No sooner had he done so he was pressing her up against that very door, kissing her neck and threading his fingers through her free-flowing locks.

She pushed him back, the heel of her hand firm on his shoulder. He acquiesced easily, stepping back, giving her ample space. She liked that he was a man who respected consent. In fact, it turned her on. She could feel the stirrings of the apex between her legs, yet again, because of this man.

“Come home with me, Jayda.” It wasn’t a request, but he still sounded desperate.

And Jayda liked to grab control whenever she could.

“Not tonight.” She smiled as she got in the car, fully aware of the way he looked at her as she drove away.

Jayda pushed through the door of her father’s office and walked in, her head held high. She finally felt settled in, hell, she even looked the part. Corporate dress wouldn’t fly here the way it did for most people who owned a million dollar business. She looked every bit her old man’s daughter in a blue flannel top tucked into her tight fitting jeans and a pair of cowboy boots on. Perfect for a half day. Or any day as far as she was concerned. It was time to take on more responsibilities than just recruiting. It was time to take over the business.

“Ms. Rivers! How nice to see you! Would you like a…” Mary Nichols walked towards her, her tanned body and bright white smile an antithesis to Jayda’s own seething mood.

Jayda held up her hand and kept going.

She had spent her night last night looking over all available digitalized financial records. Someone was siphoning money out of her company and into their own pockets. And they were doing it poorly. At first it looked like everything was in order, but upon closer inspection she could see areas were funds were mismanaged, incorrectly reported, and where profit margins fell short. Resulting in a cut in a pay and less funding for the employees. She spent most of the early morning at home, scanning the files that were in her companies data banks online.

Why hadn’t Thomas told her about this? From what she could gather the situation was not dire, but there certainly had to be an investigation under way. Or at least there should have been. Jayda walked right into Thomas’s small office and threw a small folder filled with her findings before him.

“What the hell is going on?” she demanded, glaring at him.

“What do you mean?” He said as he opened the folder and searched through the books. His lips pursed together after he saw her detailed notes and highlighted findings.

“You should have brought this to my attention. The fact that you didn’t makes you seem pretty damn suspect.” She tried to look as adult as she wanted to feel, but this was the man who bounced her on his knee when she was a little girl. She knew that her nose was scrunched and her cheeks were red, she could feel the head blazing through them. Just like when she used to have tantrums.

“You’re right, but I wasn’t sure you would give a shit.” He looked up at her, a little smile on his face. He thought it was a tantrum, alright.

“Excuse me?”

“You’ve been vacant for months, Jayda. Not even coming into the office. Doing it all on the phone, telling me to ‘handle’ it. I figured this was just one more thing for me to handle. I made a promise to your daddy so I’m handling it.” Thomas didn’t scream. He didn’t yell. He just gave her a look that said it all, he still thought she was a little kid.

“Who is it?” She asked, sitting down. She needed to calm down. Blowing out a few breaths she let her face relax.

Thomas waited until she was visibly less agitated before he started talking.

“I have a couple of ideas, but you need to be patient with me, Jayda. I’m just tryin’ to devise a plan. Give them some bait and then catch them red handed. But, if you are interested, I sure could use your help. I have a contact or two out at the practice facility who want to help.” Thomas ran his hand through his thick salt and pepper hair. At forty-eight he still looked good, strong and handsome, but the weight of stress was evident in his eyes and it made him look every bit his age.

“Who?” She asked tentatively.

“Dustin and Luke.”

“But Luke isn’t even a part of this.” She was confused. He was just a recruit. Someone who used the facility and rode. Someone Thomas asked her to look at. “He doesn’t belong to the ranch at all yet. Still has to sign the papers for my sponsorship.

“He hasn’t told you?” Thomas’s eyebrow cocked, just slightly. “Thought that you had been in contact with him on more than one occasion by now.”

“Told me what? That he is willing to sign on with us?” She was starting to get frustrated. “It hasn’t happened yet. I am working on it.”

“Is he now? Well, that’s something else. What I’m talking about, well, it isn’t my place.” Thomas was always crafty like that, giving her just enough information to be curious about, but never divulging more. All because he knew she would investigate.

Oh come on.

She wasn’t going to get anything out of him and she knew it.

“It’s my company, Thomas.” She could feel her face going red. Again. “What aren’t you telling me?”

“It’s our company. You hold majority partnership. I don’t know how to explain how serious this is, Jayda. This could ruin your stake in the company. You are being framed, and people are going to force you to sell. There are people who would benefit from that.

“Like who? My partners? You wouldn’t do something like that, Thomas. I trust you.”

“Yeah, but you don’t know all your partners, Jayda. Some of us are totally honest, me, Muriel, but not everyone. You have a couple other partners to worry about.”

“A couple?” She hadn’t exactly read the partnership agreement when she signed it, her lawyers told her that everything looked legitimate and that she was by far the majority owner. She just assumed that Thomas was her only partner. The only partner that her father had ever spoken about.

“Talk to Luke.”

“I intend to do just that.” She gathered up her things and looked at him. He was hiding something and so was Luke.

And she wasn’t going to let it stand.

The last thing Jayda was going to do was come at Luke without any kind of information about him. She needed to know everything there was to know about him if she was going to get the answers she needed.

“Mary, do we have anything on Luke Daniels?” She asked, bursting into her office her drive renewed. Solving problems was easiest when she had leads, when she had any kind of evidence or device pointing to her to a solution.

“Oh, Ms. Rivers! I was so hoping you would be around, especially because you looked so upset when you came in this morning. I have just the thing! I bought some donuts for us, and I even went and picked up a few different brews of coffee for you to try, you dad always liked it dark and black… but you seem more like a flavored kind of girl.”

That sweet smile greeted her, and she found herself faltering at it. Mary really wasn't that bad, she was kind and persistent. She could see why her father chose her as an assistant, aside from her pretty smile and long legs. The young secretary had a way of lifting spirits.

“Thank you, Mary. I’d appreciate a cup of something flavored and a donut. Do you think you could get me what you have on Luke?”

“Luke? He should be in the data base of trainees, for the sake of insurance, at the very least. I’ll see what I can pull up on him, might be more.”

She was grateful for her new assistant. A smile came to her lips, she had him now.

One jelly donut and a pumpkin caramel latte later, she had everything she needed. All it took was a quick search through employee records and she left with an address for Luke Randall Daniels. He wasn’t listed as anything more than a ranch hand and a hopeful on the database. But she knew that he was more.

“This is all we have?’ She said between mouthfuls of donut.

“Yeah, there isn’t much about him. I don’t know anything, really. Seen him a few times, before your dad…” Mary tucked her hair behind her ears and busied herself with some files on Jayda’s desk, arranging them so that they were in a perfect pile, and then pushing the stack, so she could arrange them all over again. “I called the training facility to see if he was there, but apparently he comes and goes as he pleases, but today is usually his half day. He was there early this morning, training, but left around eleven. Might be at the bar, might be home.

“What are you going to do?” Mary asked, when she finally looked up, the topic of Jayda’s father replaced with her question about Luke.

““What I have to. I am going to go down to his place and get some answers.” She said it more for her own benefit than for Mary’s.

Jayda grabbed her bag and practically ran out of her office, heading right towards her little coup. She got in her car and drove. She had questions that needed to be answered and he was going to be the one to answer them.

There was too much going on here for her to be in the dark. Thomas may have been trying to keep her safe, keep her protected, but someone was very obviously trying to send her a message. That her company was not safe. It could be taken out of her hands in a moment’s notice if it looked like she was mismanaging money.

And it did.

She would be forced to sell her shares, and she might even face charges on embezzlement. Except she wasn’t the one who was stealing, and, besides Thomas, she was the only one who knew that.

He said Luke was the key to finding out who was stealing from her, but he didn’t say how. He didn’t give her any information. All she knew was that he was acting behind her back, all while pretending to be interested in her agency.

So she did the only thing she could do, she prepared to ambush him at his house.

It wasn’t much, just a little side apartment off of a house on 321 Drake Street. Jayda pulled up to the small add-on structure off the side of the home. The driveway wasn’t long but between the drive and parking, Jayda was back to being furious.

How could he use her like that? Wrap his strong arms around her, tell her that she was his. All the while lying to her about who he was and what he meant to the company. She parked and got out of her little coupe, slamming the door harder than she should have. If he didn’t know that someone was there before she got out of the car, he sure as hell knew with that move.

She spotted a little stoop that had to be the front door to his house. Squaring her shoulders, Jayda walked up to the door and rapped sharply on its facade.

Appearing bedraggled, complete with hair that looked like it had just come up off a pillow, his hazy eyes and bare torso said it all. He had been asleep.

“Mornin’ beautiful. What brings you here?” Luke scratched his hair and looked at her, a lazy smile splayed across his lips. He tried to reach for her, but she dodged it deftly. She wasn’t just some pretty thing. Her daddy taught her a thing or two about the rodeo. Particularly the cowboys who might want more than just a friendly conversation.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” She glared at him.

“I take it you aren’t here for a social visit.” His face went hard, any sign of emotion draining from it. He sighed and moved aside, his door open.

“What do you think?” She wasn’t going to give in to him. Even if the way his mouth was down turned made her want to kiss his soft flesh.

“Could we please not have this conversation on my doorstep for the entire neighborhood to see?”

They weren’t exactly in the middle of a booming metropolitan area, but he did live in a small town. She looked around to see the telltale signs of noisy neighbors. Curtains shook in just about every direction she looked.

He had a point.

She stormed into his apartment and looked at him.

“I’m tired of the lies, Luke. I want to know how you are involved in the business and I want to know now.” She steeled her resolved and looked him right in the eyes. It almost made her go weak, but she refused to let him sway her. “Because if Thomas is using you to help find the assholes that are stealing from me, you aren’t just a rider looking for a sponsor. You are something else. What, was this supposed to be a ruse? A way to gain my confidence so that you two could make me into the business woman I should be? What the hell, Luke?”

“Sit down. Let me make you some coffee.” Luke padded over towards the kitchen area, his muscles of his back moving and shifting as he went. She couldn’t help but stare. She hadn’t actually gotten a good look at his body before and now… it was right before her. She noticed a series of scars on his back, peeking just out of his jeans. Someone or something had gored him. She made a note to ask later.

“I want to know why you are so involved in my father’s company, Luke. Are you one of the silent partners?”

“And you will. Now sit down and let me make you a cup of coffee,” His face softened, “Please.”

She stretched out the couch and eased herself down onto it. Refusing to let herself relax, Jayda waited not so patiently for him.

“I’m invested in the business, yes. But I’m not a partner, Jayda. My mother is.” Luke busied himself in the kitchen, moving around and fixing the coffee before walking back over towards her, leaning against the back of the counter that divided the two rooms.

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