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Authors: Kennedy Kelly

The Right Kind of Love (27 page)

BOOK: The Right Kind of Love
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“You are special, and I plan to give you
all night long.” I kissed her deeply. I don’t give a fuck that we were in public or that the hotel clerk was probably glaring at us.

Once we got everything settled and paid for, we headed up to our suite. “I can’t believe you got a suite.”

“Nothing but the best for my woman.” And I meant that she would have nothing but the best from me.

The shop was doing really well. I made extra money from my band gigs. It wasn’t just a little spending money either—our band got paid well. My credit cards were paid off and I had little debt. Pretty soon, I wanted to buy a house for her and the baby. I wanted to buy a house for my family.

I slid the key card into the door and we walked in. The room was done in cream, yellow, and blue. There was a bathroom when you walked in with a shower, toilet, and sink. In the bedroom, there was a Jacuzzi tub that would fit an army, and further into the room was a king sized bed with a table and chairs next to it. There was a large armoire across from the bed that held a huge TV. This was living.

“This room is amazing!” Syd was so excited. She hopped up on her toes and gave me a kiss. It was just a peck, but it felt so fucking good.

Fucking right.

Looking down at my watch, I noticed we had about ten minutes to make our reservation. “We better get back downstairs. Our reservation is in ten minutes.”

“Oh, all right.” She put a pout on her beautiful face.

I wanted to stay up here and ravish her body, but food was first, maybe a little gambling, and then an all-night feast of one another. My dick started to stir in my pants just thinking about it.

Exiting the room, we made our way back down to the restaurant. As we walked in, I took in the deep red walls and wood trim. I walked up to the hostess and announced our reservations. I placed my hand on the small of Sydney’s back and followed them to our table. The dining room was equally as nice with the same wood finish and beautiful artwork adorned the walls. We were seated at our table, which was dressed in white linens and silver flatware. There was a tiny covered candle on the table. The restaurant was dim, and the candle gave off the perfect romantic ambiance. Perfect for a date.

We both opened our menus. “So what kind of steak are you going to get?”

She looked up over her menu. “I’m not sure about the steak yet, but I’m going to get the roasted baby beet salad for sure. I love beets.”

“Now, that’s just gross. Where in the world did you get a taste for beets?”

“My mom always ate them and I tried them and liked them. Not everyone can like the same thing, Damien.”

“I know but beets? Eww.”

“Well, Mr. I Don’t Know What Tastes Good, what are you going to have?” Now she was going to give me a hard time. God, I loved my girl.

“I’m going to start out with Gallagher’s Wedge, and then I’m going with the Porterhouse Steak. I’m definitely ready to tear up some meat.”

“Me, too. As I said, I’m famished. I’m going with the Filet.” She set her menu down on the table. The server came over and greeted us then she got our drink order. I noticed that she lingered a little longer on the words that I spoke to her.

“Not again,” Sydney says, and I could tell she was upset, but it was different this time. I saw the look in her eyes and knew that I didn’t need to reassure her that she’s the only woman for me.

“I know. I get it a lot. But you don’t have to worry, baby. I only have eyes for you,” I told her with sincerity.

“I’m well aware of that. It’s just annoying, and I do get a little jealous.”

“Don’t be jealous.”

The server brought back our drinks and we ordered our meals.

“So I’ve been thinking.” I hope to God she agrees with the living changes I want to make.

“Did you strain yourself?” She giggles.

“Ha ha. No, I was actually thinking about our living arrangements. I think I should permanently move into your room, and we should make my room the baby’s room.” There I said it. It would be like we were taking the next step and officially living together as a couple. If we fought, I wouldn’t be able to go to my own room. We would have to stick it out together.

She bit her bottom lip, a sign that she was in deep thought. “Well, we do need a place to put the baby. Um, actually, I think that’s a great idea.” She took a sip of her iced tea. “We still have a lot to do to get ready for her.”

“I’ll move the stuff I need this weekend, and then I’ll have my brothers help me get my other stuff to a storage unit. After that, we can start working on the baby’s rooms.” I took a sip of my water.

She clapped her hands together. “Yay, I’m so excited! I can’t wait until she gets here.”

I think this was the first time I had seen her so excited about the baby. There are many nights when I heard her cry herself to sleep, no doubt thinking about the rape. We’ve talked about it more than a few times. She’s strong, but she can be fragile at the same time. I worry that some day she might have a total breakdown.

“I’m excited, too.”

The rest of our time at dinner was spent telling stories about our childhood. We talked about our future, and I found out that she wanted to have at least three more kids. I’m completely on board with that given that I come from a large family. I too want to have more than 2.5 kids like the average American family. We also decided that as soon as our lease is up in a year that we wanted to buy a house together. She had continued to save money, in addition to her winnings, as well as an inheritance she received when her mother died. And I’ve finally been able to put some money away. It’s a good feeling.

A damn good feeling.

I really felt like I was getting to know her inside and out, and I loved that. Even though we were different, we were still so much alike.

We walked out of the restaurant, and she was in front of me headed for the machine where she had won. I heard my name being called, and I stopped... and so did Sydney. This long legged girl with blonde haired and black roots came up to me and threw her arms around me and started kissing me. I pulled back immediately.

“Hey, Damien, how are you baby?”

I honestly didn’t know what the hell to say. I looked at her. “Candy?” I asked her for confirmation.

She swatted me on the chest with her half chipped nail polished hand. Damn, this woman was rough. “It’s Cindy, silly. How could you forget my name after the incredible night we had together.”

“You need to step away.” She was still wrapped around me and I tried to pry her off.

Sydney walked up to us. “I suggest you untangle yourself from my boyfriend.”

She looked over at Sydney and moved an inch. And then she looked Sydney up and down doing a full appraisal and laughed. “Who the hell are you?”

“Well, for your information, I’m Sydney Summers, Damien’s girlfriend. I suggest you step away from my boyfriend.”

She moved another inch away, but she wasn’t totally letting go. I was trying to get myself away from her, but she had a strong grip on me. “Oh isn’t that sweet. You knocked up one of your little conquests. She looks like she doesn’t know how to please you the way I do. Why don’t you ditch her and come home with me, big guy,” she said with a sultry smile. What the hell did I ever see in this woman?

Sydney moved closer to her and slapped her across the face. Damn, my girl was on fire. Finally, I got myself away from her. “Okay, girls. Candy, I suggest you go back to wherever you came from. This,” I pointed between her and me, “will never happen again.”

She placed her hands on her cheek. “It’s Cindy, and suit yourself. You have no idea what you’re missing.”

“Oh, he isn’t missing anything, you skank!” This time Candy or Cindy, whatever the hell her name was, slapped Sydney across the face, and I’d had enough.

I took Sydney into my arms and we walked away. Candy reared her ugly head. “If you think she’ll make you happy, it’s never going to happen.”

We just kept walking. I looked down at Sydney. “Are you okay, baby?”

She pulled away from me. “Don’t baby me, Damien.”

“I know you’re pissed, but that wasn’t my fault, she came up to me.” I could she pain and anger mixed all over her face. This situation had definitely gotten under her skin.

“How could you sleep with a woman as nasty as she was? I mean, don’t you even have standards?” Her angry eyes flared at me.

“Honestly, I don’t think I did have any. I was just filling my life with meaningless sex. It all changed when I met you. I knew I wanted more,” I said to her honestly, because I didn’t know what else to do other than to tell her the truth. The man I was before Sydney was not a man that I like to think about. “I was pretty despicable. I’m sorry if this has hurt you. I love you and you mean everything to me. Women like her mean nothing to me. You’re the only one that means anything to me. I want forever with you.”

She gave me a solemn look. “You love me and you want forever with me?” He lips turned up, and she gave me a genuine smile.

I leaned down to her and whispered in her ear. “I fucking love you.” She shivered when those words came off my tongue. I knew I was having an effect on her.

“Well, I love you too, more than you know. Forever isn’t long enough.”

And at that moment, I crushed my lips to her showing her love and forever with the passion that I poured into our kiss. I kissed her wet and thorough. I pulled away from her and looked into her eyes, espresso to jade.


She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a gigantic hug. One that I felt all the way down to my toes. “I love you, Damien, and I’m sorry I overreacted.”

I tapped her on the nose. “You didn’t overreact.”

“So are we going to play some slots and tables?”

“I have a better idea. Let me take you up to our room and make sweet love to you. You mean everything to me, and I want to show you just how much.”

She placed her head on my chest and whispered a breathy okay.

I had Sydney spread out before me. I’d just undressed her, and I was in the process of removing all of my clothes. I was fucking rock hard and couldn’t wait to slide into her.

The first thing I did was kiss her, and then I trailed my lips down her body and kissed our baby. “Daddy loves you so much. I can’t wait to meet you.”

Sydney sighed. “You’re melting my heart, Damien.”

I looked up at her. “I can’t help it, I love our baby.’

She caressed my hair. “I know you do, honey.”

Wetting my lips, I began to trail kisses down her inner thigh. I ran my tongue down the perfect contour of one leg, and then started up the other. I could hear her breathing hitch. It was coming in slow pants. “Damien, it feels so good.”

I made my way up her thigh and hit my prize. I gave her one deep lick and she sprang up off the bed. “Oh, God.”

Yep, I had hit pure honey. I placed my mouth over her clit and sucked and lightly bit it. Then I swirled my tongue around it, and taking one finger, I sunk it deep into her wet pussy. Since she was so ready for me, I added another finger and started a rhythm. In and out, in and out. Her breathing was labored. I lavished her clit with my tongue, and when I started to hum, the vibrations threw her over the edge.

“Holy shit.” She looked down at me with hooded lust-filled eyes. Eyes that I knew were only for me. 

I pulled away from ravishing her clit. “Baby, when are you going to let me pierce your pretty kitty?”

She slightly sat up, and I could tell she went from turned on to fucking pissed in a second. “Don’t start, Damien, and please don’t screw up my orgasm.” She screamed. “That feels amazing! Don’t stop.”

“A piercing on your kitty would make it even better. That’s all I’m saying.” I resumed the position.

I licked her juicy pussy and traveled up her body with my tongue tasting every inch of her. I loved her taste. Making my way to her lips, I gently bit them, and then kissed her tenderly. My cock was throbbing so hard, and I really wanted to be inside of her, but I tried to take it slow.

Plunging my tongue into her mouth, I began to work each of her breasts with my hands. I kneaded them, and then pinched her nipples between my fingers. We were both breathing really hard, and she kept sighing with satisfaction. No doubt, I was bringing her pure fucking bliss. 

Swirling my tongue around in her mouth, I positioned myself at her entrance and then slowly sank inside her until I was balls deep. I sat there for a minute letting her adjust to me. “You okay?”

“Never felt better, don’t stop.” She began rocking her hips into mine and I started to move with her. We were making love at a delicious pace.

Not being able to hold back any longer, I increased my pace and started hammering into her. I felt her start to squeeze my cock, and I could feel myself ready to explode. “Come with me.”

And those words, we were both sent over the edge. We both spiraled into oblivion calling out one another’s names.

“Damien, that was amazing,” she said between pants.

“It was fucking phenomenal.”

That night, we didn’t get much shuteye. We made sweet love to one another until we couldn’t keep our eyes open any longer.

BOOK: The Right Kind of Love
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