The Right Temptation (6 page)

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Authors: Diane Escalera

BOOK: The Right Temptation
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His body felt like steel, and Kayla couldn’t help it when she climbed on his lap. One hand grasped his rock-hard bicep. The other held his face, because she’d die if their lips came apart.

She ground her hips into him and he groaned into her mouth. It didn’t matter that her legs were folded awkwardly in the swing. She only cared about the growing erection pulsing between her legs.

Take me
. Her body screamed and hollered inside. She rocked against him, kissed him with all the passion she felt, smothering his sexy groans with her whimpers. His cast got in the way, but she worked around it, positioning herself so he didn’t get frustrated. She wanted nothing to distract from his pleasure.

His kissing style had definitely evolved, but back then, he’d weakened her knees just the same. This version of Nico was hungrier, darker, much more practiced. He knew what to do, and when his big hand glided over her breast and cradled it, she smiled into his mouth. She’d never been this easy with a man. And she probably should’ve made him work for it. But who was she kidding? Nico could take what he wanted. He could have it all.

The chemistry between them electrified the air. It could’ve doubled as a bug zapper, obliterating any insect flying nearby. Her hands roamed his body, molding those perfectly defined muscles. She slipped them under his shirt because she needed to feel bare skin. Smooth. Hard. Hot to the touch. Her fingers streaked over his abs, ribs, and ridiculous pecs.

Kayla broke the kiss, but only so she could catch a quick breath. Her hands went back to work. She stroked his baby-soft hair, massaged his temples. Nico opened his eyes. Flame flickered in his dark irises. “What are we doing, Kayla?” he asked in a gruff voice. One hand cupped her ass.

She pressed kisses to his throat, then sucked in a patch of skin. So good, she could’ve swallowed him whole. “We’re getting reacquainted.” She lapped his Adam’s apple. Their eyes met, and she took his face and let her thumbs trace his handsome features. His moist mouth beckoned her, and she claimed his lips, nipping the shapely top one, sucking the fuller bottom.

His stark gaze never left hers. And yet, a part of him still held something back. She could feel the tension in his body, the battle waging inside his head. Kayla wanted to put him at ease. They had more than a physical attraction. Nico needed to free his mind and let her take him on this journey. Only then could he see what she already knew. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” he said, tilting his head back when she went for his neck again.

This, from a man who’d initiated the kiss. “No?” Kayla pressed against his massive erection. Instead of riding him–which her body so wanted to do–she kept still and let him sort through his feelings. She inhaled lingering traces of cologne that blended effortlessly with his natural male scent. Nobody said she couldn’t mark her territory. Nico would be sporting a hickey by the time she got through with him. If he’d lied about a girlfriend, he’d definitely be in the doghouse.

Nico’s eyes turned to two little slits. She swore she heard a
when she nibbled his earlobe. Good. She wanted that guard down. His hand went from her ass to her breast. He cupped it, squeezed it, got in a
good feel before moving to the other one. She rocked the swing. Motion kept the friction in play. She pressed her hands to his thighs and leaned back so he’d have full access. His head dipped down and she mashed her chest into his face. Nico smothered himself in her cleavage. He kissed wherever bare flesh peeked out, used his chin to push down her top so he could have more.

Kayla watched his hungry mouth on her. She’d fantasized about this a million times over, but oh God… She bit her lip because it felt so damn consuming. Her imagination hadn’t done the man justice. He took his time tasting, teasing, licking with a hot tongue that induced a steady stream of pleasure.

She wanted to remove all barriers, strip off her clothes. But no. Slow and steady would win this race. The more Nico hungered, the easier it would be to convince him. Not that he protested. After all, he did have a good portion of her boob in his mouth.

“Your brother is gonna kill me,” he said against her chest, breathless and breathy and sexy as hell.

“I think you can take him,” she reassured, squeezing his strong upper arms.

His gaze flicked up at her and he grinned. “Probably. But that’s not the point.”

She knew what he meant. But this wasn’t about her brother. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a woman now. It doesn’t matter what Jesse thinks.”

Nico stopped the swing with his foot. “Believe me, I noticed.” He gave her a smoldering look. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

That made her smile. “So are you.”

The shake of his head came after a smug look. Guess he appreciated the compliment. “You’re Jesse’s sister, for Christ’s sake.”

“And that automatically means we can’t be attracted to each other?” She fastened her arms around his neck.

He looked up to the sky and sighed. “It means that I should respect my boy’s wishes and leave his sister alone.”

Not a chance. She took his chin and forced him look at her. “What if his sister doesn’t want to be left alone?”

Nico fought to keep a straight face but he couldn’t fool her. “Seriously? You really want to do this?”

Bet he sucked at poker. He didn’t bluff very well. “What do you think?” she said with an inquisitive smirk.

“Right now, I don’t know what to think.” He scrubbed a hand down his face.

Jesse would’ve applauded his restraint. Speaking of which, somebody’s dick had a totally different take on the matter. She rubbed against it for good measure. “Don’t act like you didn’t know.”

“That was a long time ago,” he said, grinding his lower lip. “I figured you’d forgotten about me by now.”

Impossible. She braided her fingers with his. “You figured wrong.”

“We can’t–” Nico stopped and looked at her. He shook his head. “I think this is insane.”

“I think you
too much.” She gave him a mind-blowing kiss.

When their mouths parted, Nico licked her taste from his lips. “How do you expect me to respond to that?”

He looked so hot and flustered. “You already did.”


“You kissed me back.”

He laughed. “Couldn’t help it.”

“See? We have the same problem.”

“We have a problem, alright.”

He didn’t seem to have a problem holding her hand. Their fingers were still clasped real tight. “We also have a solution.” She winked at him.

Nico shot her a wary look. “I got a feeling that solution of yours is gonna cause me some headaches.”

“The Nico I knew didn’t scare so easily.” She massaged his swollen deltoid muscle. “Getting soft in your old age?”

“Getting smart.”

She dropped his hand, climbed off his lap and sat in the swing. “Okay, Einstein. Have it your way.”

The shocked look on his face gave her pure satisfaction. “Sorry,” he said, his voice low and heavy. “I shouldn’t have…” He let out a frustrated sigh.

Shouldn’t have what? Melted her with his kisses? Kayla understood his reluctance. Hell, she respected him for it. But she wouldn’t let it stop them. Not with the volcano raging inside her, raging inside him even if he pretended it didn’t exist. Yep. Before the weekend was over, Nico would finish what he started. And Kayla would make sure of it.



Chapter 6


What the fuck was wrong with him? Twice he'd acted on impulse and let his dick do the thinking. Nico knew better. And yet, he didn’t stop himself, even with red flags flapping violently, the sirens blaring inside his head.

Kayla wasn’t one of his typical one-night stands. The chicks in his life knew how things worked. Good times. Good sex. But no checking their cell phone for calls or texts, because Nico never made any promises. He didn’t consider himself a jerk either. His intentions were clear from the start. Amazing how many women accepted those terms. Naturally, some of them thought they could change him, make him fall in love or something. Like that would ever happen. Once they realized they couldn’t, they either made a gracious exit or stayed on for the sex.

It wouldn’t always be this way. Eventually, he’d cut the crap and get serious. When he did, he’d fully commit to one special woman. But that was in the future. Right now he only cared about making something of himself. When the time came to settle down, he’d have the means to provide a decent life for his family.

He didn’t aspire to be the CEO of a major company. That didn’t mean he didn’t have goals or dreams. He had drive, valued hard work. Benjamin LaCosta had taught him how to be a man. Both his uncle and mother had instilled an important lesson: family came first. Family meant everything. He carried that mantra close to his heart. And one day, he’d make them proud.

Kayla rose from the swing. She knocked his thoughts right back to the moment, and to his dilemma. He’d been effective at controlling his emotions. It took a lot to rattle him. Kayla had done so little, and yet here he sat, all twisted up inside. Damn her for having so much power over him. He felt helpless against it. How the hell did a man deal with that? He had no experience to draw from because no woman had ever gotten to him this way. He couldn’t believe she’d wanted him all these years. It should’ve scared the shit out of him. And she did! But he also felt like a stud. Look at the woman. What guy wouldn’t want to be the object of her affection?

He watched Kayla stroll leisurely to the swimming pool. She had more curves than a winding country road. His hand had felt that luscious body, had even touched her soft breasts. He swallowed the lump in his throat. Damn. He wanted her.

Her brother served as a convenient excuse. That's not what held him back. He could handle Jesse. Kayla, on the other hand, gave him serious doubt. He didn’t want a relationship. A casual affair would never work. Not with her. He knew somebody would get hurt. His gaze skittered over her frame, stopping at her rounded ass molded by tight-fitting jeans. It wasn’t too late. He could save himself if he walked away now.

But what did he do? He got up and walked over to her instead. So what if she gyrated seductively to the slow sexy song that had just started to play. She moved like a siren, swaying and swiveling her shapely hips. Her body spoke its own language, one he understood.

Her arms went up in the air and her writhing body went into sync with the melody. Every part of her moved seamlessly and when she threw her head back, her beautiful curls danced across her back. He came closer, grazing her with his chest. She turned around and gave him a smile that made his heart falter. Her sleek arms looped around his neck. She rocked her pelvis, coaxed him to follow her rhythm.

He took his mind out of the equation and his body went on autopilot. Light on his feet, he scooped Kayla against him. Their bodies were made for each other, moved like they’d been dancing together forever.

“Who taught you how to dance?” Kayla meshed her body with his.

“I’m Latin. It comes natural,” he said, pressing her into his erection. To be honest, his mom had taught him some moves. She’d told him one day he’d be grateful; dancing enhanced a man’s sex appeal. More than once, his mother’s theory had proven true.

Holding him possessively, Kayla gazed into his eyes. “It’s so beautiful out here.” She looked up at the dark sky and exhaled a soft breath.

Perfect time for a steamy kiss. “You got that right,” he said, fighting the urge with everything he had. Having tasted her already made the battle twice as hard. He’d lusted for other women, but nothing like this. And that had been with just a kiss.

“Is your cast bugging you?” She touched his arm and smiled sympathetically.

“What cast?” Nothing else fit into his brain except Kayla and how right she felt in his space. God, she smelled incredible. Her skin was warm and silky, her supple body a weapon of lethal proportions. He smothered his face in her scented hair and lost himself in a whirlwind of sensations.

“I love your body,” she said, working her slender hands all over his muscles, outlining the veins in his forearm. “Whatever you’re doing is working.”

She’d cast a spell on him, had sprinkled something on his omelet to make him fall head over heels. “I could say the same about you.”

Her fingers stroked his back, leaving goose bumps in their wake. “But I hardly work out,” she said.

Nico’s legs moved between hers. He wanted to get in another dip, one more thorough grind before the song ended. “I wasn’t talking about exercise,” he said, grasping her hipbone. He would’ve killed for the use of both hands to hold her more firmly against him.

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