The Right Temptation (10 page)

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Authors: Diane Escalera

BOOK: The Right Temptation
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Kayla opened her mouth over his and gave him a slow, deep, erotic kiss. “Did that one work?” She felt his dick jump, electrifying her.

He took her hand and placed it over his massive erection. “Like a charm.”

Kayla’s eyes closed. She squeezed, measured, stroked. “You were already hard as a rock.”

“Yep.” Nico flashed his sexiest grin yet.

She sat up and caressed him, paying particular attention to his bulky biceps, so powerful in her grip. “Everything is hard,” she said, adjusting to better accommodate him between her legs. He groaned and lifted his hips off the bed.

He watched as she rode him. Raw passion engulfed his heavy-lidded eyes. She placed her hands on his thighs and leaned back to give him an x-rated view. Nico rewarded her with another deep groan. It heightened her desire to a whole new level of desperation. The fact that she could weaken someone so strong had her feeling supreme. But she wouldn’t kid herself. Nico controlled the situation.

She hovered above him, letting her long curls tickle his face. He threaded his hand through her hair. Her breasts flattened against him, and she felt his heart beating and thumping as wildly as her own.

Kayla’s mouth went to his. Her tongue traced the shape of his lips. Nico took command and surged the kiss to a combustible level. A hungry urgency had them devouring each other like they’d never get another day.

Her mouth was all over him now. She kissed her way south over dips, planes and muscles that twitched when she licked, flexed when she sucked. Delineated ribs gave her pause, and she placed feather-light kisses over the area he’d injured in the accident.

Nico’s washboard abs, on the other hand… She attacked that gorgeous part of his body, her mouth demolishing the sculpted squares. His scent, his taste, Kayla absorbed it all.

His mouthwatering erection loomed large. She slipped her hands inside the waistband of his cute Calvin Kleins, tugged, and–hello!–his dick popped out and saluted her. Wow. All that was for her?

She couldn’t wait to feel him inside her, after she got a little taste. Nico didn’t even flinch when she stripped him naked and wrapped her hand around his shaft. He felt like hot steel, and when she sucked him in, Nico fisted her hair and cursed.

He tasted delicious. Kayla ate him up, but then slowed the pace and concentrated on his reactions. She discovered what he liked, his sensitive spots, what made him grunt, what had him grinding his lip.

“I’m gonna come,” he said, and pulled out of her mouth.

“That’s the whole point.”

“Yeah, but not yet,” he rasped out.

She folded her arms, curved a brow. “Thought I could have it my way?”

“That was before,” he said, his gaze hot and dark.

“What happened? Can’t handle me?”

“Open that drawer,” he huffed, indicating with his chin.

The sexual wrangling gave her such a rush. She enjoyed being ordered around by a gorgeous naked hunk. Kayla ambled to the nightstand, bent, and gave him an eyeful. She opened the top drawer. “Is this what you want?” She fisted a box of condoms.

“Grab one and put it on me.”

Damn, that sounded hot. Did he want her to slap his ass too? “Why?” She stood at the edge of the bed and played with the pendant on her necklace.

His eyes settled below her waist. “I need to teach you a lesson.”

Kayla chomped on her bottom lip. She’d always prided herself on being a good student. “Oh, and what do I need to learn?”

“You need to learn to never doubt me.”

What an ego. He didn’t like having his manhood questioned. Not that she believed for a minute that he couldn’t handle her. Kayla fished out a couple of packets. She kept one and tossed the rest on the nightstand. Sitting beside him, she tore open the pouch with her teeth. Carefully, she extracted the condom, got rid of the wrapper, placed it over him and slowly rolled it down with both hands. Nico’s eyes squeezed shut.

“Time for you to make me a believer.”

Those beautiful eyes opened and pinned her. “This cast has me at a slight disadvantage. Get on top.”

She almost kidded him about making excuses, but in all fairness, he did have a point. Kayla climbed over him, and with his help, he penetrated her. “Omigod!” came from her at the initial invasion.

He looked concerned. “
Oh my God
bad or
Oh my God

“Definitely good.” She seized a few more inches. Nico took his time entering, and she relished their bodies fusing together. Slick with arousal, she had no problem accommodating him. Actually, the snug fit was perfect. When he buried that last bit, a flash of heat rushed through her belly.

“Doing okay?” He kept one hand hard on her ass.

A considerate lover, he watched her the whole time, took great care not to hurt her. It weakened her even more. She felt vulnerable, emotional because it was Nico, the only man she’d ever wanted.

Kayla stared into his face. She’d never felt more complete. Love filled up that empty space she’d carried in her heart. “I’m doing great,” she said. And when his hips began to move, she followed him because she couldn’t wait to see where they would go, what awaited on the other side.

“That’s it, Kayla,” he rasped, all rough and sexy. “Just stay with me.”

He didn’t need to ask. She’d stay with him forever. Making love with him was the most intense experience of her life. “Nico,” she cried out, grinding herself into him.

“Let’s switch positions,” he said.

She’d swing from the ceiling fan if needed. “Okay.”

“Get on your side.”

The instant void when he pulled out nearly destroyed her. She wanted him back inside her again.
. Kayla took the spot he’d vacated. His scent, the smell of fresh shampoo was everywhere. Nico came from behind and spooned her. He prodded her opening, and with one good pump, buried himself completely. They moaned in unison.

She loved the position, how his solid bod and all that Latin heat enveloped her like a thermal blanket. His hand cradled her stomach, and he rode her from behind, delivering a paralyzing surge of passion. Kayla propped her leg over his, opened herself wider to feel every new sensation. He traveled her body, played with her nipples. Oh God. She’d never felt anything like it.

Nico’s heart pounded like mad against her back. His hand went south, and when his fingers found her clitoris, she nearly lost it. He spread her fluids and stroked with varying degrees of pressure. His body pumped harder, and he whispered sweet things in her ear, his hot breath and raspy tone making her tingle all over.

She felt his orgasm on the brink, so close that when she drove herself into him, they both shattered with an intensity that jarred every bone, jerked every muscle. She grabbed the sheets. He grabbed her. They cried out each other’s name.



Chapter 10


Sun peeked through the blinds. Nico peeked under the covers. He just had to get another look at Kayla’s fantastic body. Jesus. He’d experienced her heart, body and soul. She eclipsed every previous sexual encounter. No woman had ever left him drained, weak, sated and delirious.

Kayla’s voracious appetite had put him to the test. Nico felt proud. Injuries and all, she couldn’t bring him down. Nope. He’d hung in there like a champ. She’d had to beg him to stop. And in the end, she’d fallen asleep first.

Incredible. No other word could describe last night. Nothing else could describe how she looked right now. A mass of dark curls draped over his pillow. Her pretty lips–lips that had been all over his body–were slightly parted, and every so often a light wheeze slipped out. Nico scrutinized her face. He couldn’t contain his smile. What a spitfire. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined this would happen. Of all the women, it had taken Kayla to rock his world. She’d rocked it right off its axis. Damn. This wasn’t supposed to happen.

But it had.

He stared at her. It should’ve bothered him that she slept in his bed, broke one of his rules. He maintained boundaries. Women never spent the night. He didn’t want anyone getting too comfortable, or worse, misinterpreting the relationship. Sex was sex. He’d always made it crystal clear.

Technically, this didn’t fit his definition of a sleepover. They hadn’t planned it or anything. They’d simply fallen asleep after a marathon lovemaking session. He should’ve been eager to get back his space, send her on her merry way. But it was the furthest thing from his mind. And that’s what perplexed him the most. She looked so right in his bed; waking up with Kayla felt totally natural.

His heart hammered hard. On one hand, the prospect of having her in his world excited him. She certainly lit up his life. Granted, he’d been content. Had he ever been happy? His chest tightened. A few hours with Kayla, and some weird transformation had taken place. Suddenly, his existence wasn’t so black and white. What the hell did she do to him? He felt it setting in–confusion, complexity, complications–everything he’d been trying to avoid.

She stirred. Her eyes opened and a slow smile spread across her rosy lips. Oh boy. That did it for him. He wanted to wake up to this for the rest of his life. Her glow illuminated the bedroom. That smile melted his heart.

“Good morning.” All sexy and sleepy, she tugged the sheet to her chest.

Seriously? He’d seen every inch of her body. No reason to be shy now. Still, Nico found her modesty endearing. “Good morning.” He brushed hair from her cheek. “We passed out.”

“What time is it?” She glanced at the window blinds.

Good question. Nico hadn’t even noticed. He looked at the nightstand and chuckled. The condom box shielded the alarm clock. He leaned sideways and flicked it away. “Holy shit, it’s almost noon.” Nico never slept late. Must’ve been all those orgasms…

“Really? I can’t remember the last time I slept in.” She yawned into her palm.

His gaze darted over her. He couldn’t believe he had anything left. Guess his dick didn’t get the memo. “Do you need to be somewhere today?” He could easily spend the day in bed trying to break last night’s record.

She slanted him a look. “Why? You want me to leave?”

Not exactly what he had in mind. “Thought we could pick up where we left off.” He waggled his brows.

She shook her head in disbelief. “Dude, I don’t even think I can walk.”

“Well, there you go. More reason to stay in bed.” He slipped a hand under the sheet and cradled her breast. Yep. He could wake up to her every day.

“Thanks for the sympathy.”

He tweaked her nipple. “I’m the one with the broken arm and bruised ribs.”

“Poor baby. Did I make it worse?”

Quite the contrary. He wanted to shout from the rooftops, tell the whole fucking universe how amazing he felt. “No. You have an incredible bedside manner.”

“Told ya.”

He laughed. “Damn, girl, you really worked me over last night.”

“Me? What about you?” She looked at him like she worshipped the ground he walked on.

Nico slid the covers off her naked body. Christ. She made him salivate. “I have to have you again.”

She sat up. Her long curls spilled over her breasts, partially concealing them from his view. “First you need to feed me. I’m starved.”

“Deal,” he said. It took everything not to do a victory lap. Nico climbed out of bed and padded off to the bathroom. A knock on the front door stopped him dead in his tracks. What the hell? He wasn’t expecting company. He heard another knock and then his mother's voice. Ah, shit.

Kayla snatched up the sheet and shot him a wild-eyed look. “Oh my God,” she said all red-faced, scrambling off the bed.

He did not need this right now. It pissed him off to see Kayla so frantic, especially when she’d been perfectly relaxed a second ago. “Slow down. You’re gonna hurt yourself,” he said, as she ran around the room plucking her clothes off the floor. Nico threw on his jeans, but didn’t bother with a shirt or underwear. “Don’t worry. I’ll get rid of her.”

Kayla’s head whipped around like Linda Blair in
The Exorcist
. “

“My mom,” he said, with a frustrated sigh. He got so annoyed, but then, his mother did shit like that. She didn’t need an invitation. His injuries had given her the perfect excuse to crash his life.

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