The Right Temptation (11 page)

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Authors: Diane Escalera

BOOK: The Right Temptation
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Kayla’s jaw sagged. She looked mortified. “Terrific. Just dandy.”

“Sorry. I didn’t know she was coming.” Nico sympathized. He felt really bad.

“So now what?”

“Just relax. I’ll get rid of her.” He closed the bedroom door behind him. Damn his mother for being so persistent. She didn’t have to keep pounding on the door like a lunatic. He yanked it open and glared at her.

, you scared me to death. I thought something happened to you.”

“Don’t you know how to use a phone?” He didn’t yell, because she really did look worried. Why chastise her for caring about her only son? She’d always been overprotective, had given him twice as much love to make up for his father’s indifference.

” She gave him an incredulous look. “Since when do I
to call first?” She shoved her way inside the house with a grocery bag in hand. Platform sandals clanked against his wood floor. She took a look around, in search of what, he wasn’t sure. “What took you so long to answer?” Her heavily made-up eyes were very suspicious.

“I was in the bathroom, okay?”

“Look at you. You’re a mess,” she said, scanning him from head to toe. “I knew I shouldn’t have left you
. What’s that purple mark on your neck?”

He should’ve thrown on a shirt and at least fixed his hair. But he’d been more worried about shielding Kayla from embarrassment. “Why are you here?” He used a patient tone, albeit forced. “I told you I’d be fine.”

You call
fine?” Her gaze went to his head. “And where did you get that haircut. The
told you not to drive.”

God, he didn’t need this right now. “
, are you finished?”

She went to the kitchen and dropped the bag on the counter. “
Tienes hambre
? I got you something to eat.”

Yes, he was hungry, but he didn’t need his mom to keep doing this to him. He couldn’t wait to get rid of the cast. Maybe then she’d stop coddling him. God bless her for caring, but her timing really stunk. His thoughts went to Kayla. He wouldn’t blame her if she tried to make an escape, climb out the bedroom window. “I appreciate it,” he said, struggling for calmness. “But really, you didn’t have to come all the way out here.”

in the neighborhood.” Waving him away, she pulled out a loaf of Cuban bread and some cold cuts from the sack. “
,” she said, tapping her fingernails on the granite. “Who cut your hair?”

“I did,” Kayla said, appearing out of thin air.

Nico’s neck snapped sideways. So did his mom’s. To his surprise–and relief–Kayla was fully dressed, her hair pulled back in a high ponytail. She looked fresh-faced and…gorgeous. He preferred her naked, but this look worked much better with his mother. She’d have no reason to pass judgment. “Hey,” he said, for lack of something more eloquent.

, so
is your hairstylist?” His mother smiled unexpectedly.

“Mom, this is Kayla.” She held her head up, looked confident, like she had nothing to hide. He really respected her for handling the situation with such grace.

Hola, Kayla
. I’m

Kayla went to her and kissed her on the cheek. “It’s nice to see you again.”

His mom gave her a quizzical look. “Again?”

“Yes. I saw you at the hospital when Nico had his accident.”

Mom wore a blank look on her face. Nico chimed in and said, “She was the nurse who took care of me.”

That bit of information seemed to please his mother. She even took Kayla’s hand. “

, now I remember. My
couldn’t stop looking at you.”

“You mean Christian,” Nico said. He knew Dylan had more class. Happily married, he didn’t ogle other chicks.

His mom nodded in agreement. “So now you and my
are friends?”

“I’ve known Nico since I was a kid.”

“Kayla grew up in the neighborhood. She’s Jesse’s sister,” he said.

, that Jesse
esta caliente
,” his mom said, adjusting her bright blue tank top over her ample chest. She beamed at Nico. “How come you never told me about
thiz belleza

“Jesse didn’t let Kayla hang out with us.” He started to sound like a broken record.

“But now it’s
?” She laughed.

“He doesn’t have a say in the matter anymore,” Kayla told her.

His mom clucked her tongue. “I like her. She has

Kayla smiled at that. “Can I help in the kitchen?”

Claro que sí
.” Of course she could.

Nico’s cue to let the women get acquainted. “Think I’ll leave you two to catch up while I go take a shower.”

They barely heard him over all the chit-chat. He shook his head. Guess he should’ve been happy they’d taken so quickly to each other. Mom usually dismissed the women in his life. But who could reject Kayla? The warm-hearted nature, her genuine kindness captivated people. Look how easily she’d won him over. He tossed a glance over his shoulder. They assembled lunch, joking and laughing like they were best friends.



Chapter 11


Kayla had a super productive weekend. She accomplished more than she’d set out to do. Not only did she succeed with Nico, but she had Charo as a new ally. The woman adored her. And vice versa. What a hoot. Kayla loved her eccentricities. Charo knew how to have a good time. She had amazing energy, found humor in everything. They made plans to get together again, maybe even spend a day shopping.

After Charo had left, she and Nico had jumped into bed. As a matter of fact, they spent the rest of Saturday and most of Sunday naked in each other’s arms. In between making love, they’d talked about everything–hopes, dreams, goals. Nico had even shared his feelings on growing up without a father, something he said he’d never done with anyone, outside of his mother.

She couldn’t stop smiling, to the point that her face hurt. But who cared? She was in love. Spending the weekend with Nico confirmed everything she already knew, everything she’d hoped for. They were compatible on every level, especially in bed. Wow. She’d be in a sexual haze for days, maybe even weeks.

Hopefully, she’d be able to function at work. People’s lives depended on it. One thing for sure, her euphoria would not be fading anytime soon. Neither would the floating-on-air feeling. Unfortunately, all good things had to come to an end. For now. She dreaded having to leave Nico. Duty called. She needed to get her butt home and get ready for the workweek. Mondays were high-volume at the hospital. She’d have to bring her A-game if she planned to get through it and keep her sanity.

Fully dressed, Kayla gathered her belongings while Nico watched sports in the living room. She wished she could read his mind. After their weekend together, did he still have apprehensions? She knew he liked a tidy existence. Would he be more open to a relationship? More importantly, could he put the past behind them, not think of her anymore as Jesse’s little sister? Speaking of which, would Nico stand up to Jesse if it came down to it? Kayla shook her head. The last few days had been pleasantly peaceful. She’d give anything to stay in fantasyland. Ah, well. Real life called. She had no choice but to answer.

“You taking off?” He sat up and muted the TV.

Kayla dropped her bag on the floor and went to him. God, he looked gorgeous and satisfied, like a man who’d been thoroughly loved. Nico stood and locked eyes with her. A whirl of emotions passed between them. Good. She wasn’t the only one affected. “I need to get ready for work tomorrow.” She braided her fingers with his.

“Spend the night and leave from here.”

His sexy dark gaze spiked her body temperature several degrees. Kayla would’ve jumped at the offer. But she really needed to rest, and that wouldn’t happen if she slept over again. She couldn’t put a patient’s health at risk, God forbid administer a wrong dose or make some other careless mistake.

“I can’t,” she said, staring at the hickey she’d put on his neck. She’d left her mark, just like she’d planned. “Jesse will be back soon, and I don’t have the energy to deal with him. If I’m home, he won’t ask any questions.” She figured Nico would accept this excuse more easily.

“So when will I see you again?”

The question overjoyed her. “I have a fierce schedule this week.” Unfortunately, she did. Suddenly, she wished she hadn’t agreed to work so many hours. At the time, she’d only been thinking about the paycheck because she wanted to get her own apartment ASAP. Too late now, unless she could finagle something, which she highly doubted. On the other hand, maybe it would be good to put a little distance between them, make Nico miss her. Men liked the chase.

“Let me know if you can fit me in somewhere,” he said, tucking his bottom lip between his teeth. He almost sounded wounded.

“I will,” she said, tapping his cast. “Do you need me to do anything before I leave? Once I’m gone, you’re on your own,” she teased.

“Just one thing.”

“What’s that?”

He pulled her close, pressed his mouth hard over hers and gave her a bone-rattling, mind-shattering, heart-stopping kiss.

* * * *

Kayla worked all week with an extra bounce in her step. She hardly had time to think about her whirlwind weekend, but every so often her thoughts drifted there and she cracked a smile. A couple of the other nurses had commented on her rosy glow, her extra-sunny disposition. She’d chalked it up to a “restful” weekend.

Her co-workers were cool, but she hadn’t been at the hospital long enough to form any bonds. Kayla kept her personal life to herself. On the other hand, she’d told her sister all about her blissful weekend. Sofia knew about Nico. She gave Kayla major props for finally snagging him.

God, she really missed a certain sexy guy. The hectic pace at the hospital kept her up to her eyeballs in work. She got home late, exhausted, with only one thing on her mind–sleep. Two more days and she’d finally get a break. She planned to spend the whole day in Nico’s bed.

Come to think of it, Nico hadn’t called. Charo had mentioned something about getting him out of the house this week. So maybe she’d kept him busy. Still, Kayla would make it a point to call him during her lunch break. If she got one.

* * * *

Nico’s mother drove like a maniac. His accident hadn’t killed him, but Mom certainly would. She called this fun? Nico had no interest in running around town with her. But the fresh air did feel good. Now if he could only shake the cobwebs from his head.

One weekend with Kayla, and now everything felt different. He wouldn’t lie. He did miss her. Too much for his own good. It bugged the hell out of him. No woman had ever consumed his every thought. He even dreamed with her–dirty, sexy, soaking wet dreams he didn’t want to wake up from.

Ma took a sharp turn, and his heart lodged in his throat. At this rate, she’d make his problems go away permanently. Problems. How the hell could he label a gorgeous, intelligent, kind-hearted, hot-blooded woman a problem? Any man would kill for a girl like Kayla. And yet, here he sat with a long face, feeling flustered and confused.

By now, she had to be pretty pissed off that he hadn’t called. Jerk. He acted like he didn’t give a shit. Eventually, he’d call, after he sorted out his feelings. And he would not let his mother’s opinion on the matter influence him in any way. She’d said it enough times. He heard it loud and clear. She loved Kayla, thought a woman like her could finally straighten his ass out.
Yeah, yeah
. Spare him the lecture.
decide when to settle down.

Nico couldn’t wait to get to the jobsite. It had been the one condition he had for today’s field trip, otherwise he would’ve stayed home. Maybe he couldn’t work yet, but he could at least stop by and see the guys, take his mind off things for a little while. His mom made another turn, this one slightly more civilized. She sang at the top of her lungs to the Spanish tune on her car stereo like she didn’t have a care in the world. What else was new?

“Hang a left at the stop sign,” Nico shouted over the music.

She nodded. Once on the avenue, she stopped singing, lowered the volume and let out a whistle. “Who lives here? Donald Trump?” Her head snapped from side to side as she took in the neighborhood.

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