The Road Back (41 page)

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Authors: Di Morrissey

BOOK: The Road Back
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‘Well, I'll make sure that we keep an eye on your house and we'll watch out for dark blue cars as well, but I'm not sure we can do much more at this stage.'

‘You know, Pete, I don't like the idea of being threatened in my own home town. It makes me angry to think that someone is trying to invade my space,' said Chris. ‘But thanks for your help. I'll tell Mum that someone from the cop shop will be poking around the house regularly. Mind you, I'm not sure that Mum would be easily intimidated, but best we don't take any chances. And thanks for the coffee, mate.' He drained his mug and stood to leave.

The sergeant opened the door and put
his hand on Chris's shoulder. ‘Take care, Chris.'

As he walked back to the house, Chris felt comforted by Pete's support and relieved that he had reported the events, but still uncertain about what his next move should be. It felt good to stretch his legs. The rain clouds had cleared and the sky was bright and clear, studded with a zillion stars. The Milky Way was a brush stroke across the velvety night canvas. This was the kind of sky you never saw in a city.

On an impulse, he didn't walk straight back to View Street but continued on the lower road, towards the river. The old white bridge spanned the silky silent water. How many times had he fished from this bridge, swum beneath it with his dog and his mates, or driven across it; a link with home and other places, always the beginning and end of a journey. Here, in the darkness, he had no sense of anyone watching him; no car in the shadows, no danger, no threats. All around him felt safe and peaceful. But for how long, he wondered. He had to make some decisions.

Megan was his priority. He didn't want to alarm her by suggesting that the Baxters were being targeted, but he wanted her out of Neverend for the time being. School holidays started the following week. He'd send Megan to her mother. Jill had wanted Megan to go over to the west for quite some time, so that would work out well. He couldn't move his mother, so he would have to alert her. He was sure she would take it in her stride, maybe even decide that now was the right time to go away with David. He would also tell Georgia what was going on. He felt the need to share his concerns with her. He turned and walked towards home.

Megan and the cat were curled up beside Susan, riveted to the flickering TV screen. Chris didn't want to talk about all that had happened, so he poured himself a Scotch, something he rarely did, and went into the study and rang Georgia.

She listened quietly, letting out a shocked expulsion of breath when he finished.

‘Dear God, Chris, that's really serious. Have you any idea who would do something like that? Who's got it in for you?'

‘Quite frankly, I'm at a loss about that, but I know it was no subtle hint. I was almost pushed off the road. It's some kind of miracle I wasn't killed, and you know, if I had been, everyone would just think it was an accident that happened in the wet on a slippery mountain road. But now I'm more concerned for Megan and my mother.' And he told her that he had decided to send Megan to Perth for the holidays.

‘That's a good idea. I don't suppose there is anything I can do, but if you think of something, just give me a shout.'

‘Thanks for that. It's good to know you're in my corner. Someone to talk to so that I don't have to worry Mum too much. 'Night, Georgia, talk soon.'


‘Do I have to go to Perth?' wailed Megan the next morning when Chris told her of his decision.

‘Of course you do,' said Susan briskly. Chris had explained to her late the previous evening about the incidents with the blue car and she was in total agreement that Megan should be sent away for the time being. ‘Your mother misses you. I bet she'll plan some fantastic things to do. Perth is beautiful. Isn't that right, Chris?'

‘A lovely city, and Freo, Fremantle, is great fun.'

‘I'll miss Squire. You know I don't want to leave him. And what about my friends? We have heaps planned for these holidays. And you said Georgia might come up to visit soon and I want to see her.'

Chris smiled to himself. Six months ago, Megan had hated the thought of living in Neverend. Now he couldn't get her out of the place.

‘Mollie will ride Squire for you and I'll check on him and take him carrots,' said Chris. ‘And your friends will still be here when you get back, and you can see Georgia another time. Your mother wants to see you, so over to Perth you go.'

Megan shrugged and shuffled off to her room where, no doubt, Chris thought, she would tell her friends about her unreasonable parents.

‘Do you want to drive my car?' Susan asked as soon as Megan had gone.

‘Thanks, Mum, but if they're watching me, they'll spot that soon enough. Anyway, I hope they've gone by now. Perhaps they think they've made their point. I just wish I knew what it was.'

Chris didn't want to feel he had to keep looking over his shoulder, so he had no intention of changing his routine, although he was thankful that he had no immediate reason to drive up to the plateau. He debated over whether to worry Shaun by telling him about the various incidents, or say nothing on the presumption that nothing more would happen. But in reality, Chris was concerned that another vehicle might be sabotaged, so he decided that he had little choice other than to confide in his friend.

The screen door banged behind him as he entered Shaun's house and called out a greeting.

‘In here, mate. Watching the footy.'

‘Don't get up. How're you going, Frenchy?' Chris grinned at Shaun, who had his foot up on a cushion and a folding table beside him with a can of beer, peanuts and the crossword.

‘Help yourself to something from the fridge. The missus is out shopping. Everything go all right today? Get everything delivered?'

‘Sure did. Needed to get the windscreen wipers fixed first. A light beer sounds good, you ready for another lager?'

‘Why not? I'm not going anywhere.'

Chris brought the beers back from the kitchen and gave one to Shaun.

‘When do you see the doctor again?' asked Chris as he twisted the top from the bottle and sat down.

‘Tomorrow, but I'm doing really fine. I'm just making the most of the time off while I can,' Shaun grinned. ‘What're you up to?'

‘I have a few things on the agenda. I was hoping to get a couple of days off next week. Do a swap with someone. I need to do a bit on this book. I seem to be falling behind. I'm thinking of talking Georgia into coming up, as well.'

‘No worries. I'll be back driving by then, so we won't be a driver down. We'll work around you. Make up for all those extra shifts you've done while I've been laid up. Is this Georgia girl getting serious? Or is it work?'

‘Bit of both, I guess. If she came up we could talk about my book, or go out to Jean Hay's place so that Georgia can take more photos of it. She thinks it's very photogenic. But mate, I have to talk to you seriously.'

‘What's up?' Seeing Chris's concerned expression, Shaun leaned forward. ‘Anything I can do?'

‘You've done more than enough for me, mate. I feel really badly because I think your accident was due to me.'

‘Whaddya mean? Don't tell me you changed those damned tyres and didn't tighten the bolts? I don't believe it.'

Chris shook his head. ‘No, no. But I'm convinced that those nuts were loosened deliberately in an attempt to hurt me. I was expected to drive that van, you were collateral damage. And that's not all,' he said. He went on
to describe the events involving the blue car.

‘So are you telling me that someone is trying to kill you? Have you any idea who? Chris, the whole thing sounds crazy. Things like this don't happen in Neverend. But then, I guess I do have a few cuts and bruises to show that maybe they do.'

‘Look, Frenchy, if you think I'm a danger to the business, and you want to let me go, then just say so. I would understand.'

‘Don't be stupid. What sort of mate do you take me for? Talked to Pete Pollard yet?'

‘Yep. He said he'd keep an eye on the house.'

‘Good bloke, that. We might have to beef up security at work. We don't have much. There's a man in Coffs who has security dogs. Could get him to bring them over to patrol the yard for a bit, to protect the vans. I think a couple of Dobermans would make intruders think twice. What are you going to do about Megan and your mother?' asked Shaun.

‘Mum said she'd be fine and I'm sending Megan over to Jill's in Perth for the holidays.'

‘That's a good move. Look, Chris, it's a bit of a worry that all this has happened to you, but if we all take sensible precautions and keep our eyes open, things will work out,' said Shaun.

Chris stood up and put his hand on Shaun's shoulder. ‘You're a good friend. I really appreciate what you've done to help me. The last thing I want is to make trouble for you. And I'm sorry you had this prang that was
meant for me.'

Shaun rearranged his leg on the cushion and smiled. ‘Ah, it's given me a good excuse to bludge for a couple of days. Do me a favour and get me another beer on your way out.'

Chris chuckled. ‘Sure thing. See you soon.'

‘Say hi to that Georgia for me!' He called as Chris let himself out. Shaun looked concerned as he picked up his beer.


After dinner that evening, Chris's mobile rang.

‘G'day, kid. Mac here.'

‘Hi, Mac, gosh it's good to hear your voice,' said Chris as he walked into his study.

‘Chris, Georgie filled me in on what's going on. Serious stuff. I didn't call straight away; did a bit of homework. I think you're going to be shocked by what I've found out.'

‘How so?'

‘Well, Georgia mentioned to me that you've had a bit of trouble with Alan Carmichael over this book of yours. Now, it's well known in some circles that the man is less than forthcoming about his business interests. Then I remembered a journo I used to know a few years ago. He had a good nose for any corruption going on in the building industry. Anyway, he was investigating one of Carmichael's shopping centres in Queensland – that is, until he was killed in a hit-and-run accident on the Gold Coast. The police never found the driver of the car that hit him.'

Chris was taken aback. ‘That's terrible,' he said, shaking his head. ‘But it could have been pure coincidence, Mac. Don't you think you're drawing a long bow, linking Carmichael to what happened to me? I mean, it doesn't seem feasible that a business tycoon like Alan would try to harm me.'

‘That's not all, Chris. Once I'd remembered that case, I did a bit more research. And guess what? I found another similar story. This time it was a journalist from Adelaide and it only happened a couple of years ago. Evidently he was looking at a questionable rezoning application for another of Carmichael's projects in one of the suburbs when he was killed. The brakes on his car mysteriously failed and he ran into a telegraph pole.'

Chris said nothing as his blood ran cold. Two journalists who'd been investigating Carmichael's activities, both killed in road accidents.

‘I think that Carmichael is bad news, Chris,' said Mac emphatically.

‘But Mac, it could still all be a coincidence,' said Chris, though he wasn't sure he believed this himself.

‘You know what they say, once is an accident, twice is coincidence, and three times is a pattern. I reckon that this is definitely part of a pattern. Two deaths that we know of and the attempt on your life, and the connection between all three is Alan Carmichael,' said Mac seriously.

‘There's another death connected to him as well,' said Chris. ‘The murder of my mother's friend Jimmy Anderson in Indonesia all those years ago. Carmichael has to bear a lot of the responsibility for that, too.'

‘Well, the way I see it, Carmichael doesn't like people nosing around his operations, so someone doing a book that rakes over his past is not going to be welcome.'

‘You know, when I spoke to him first for the magazine article, he was polite and in no way threatening.'

‘Changed, though, when he found out that you were going to write a book, didn't he? Got his lawyer on to you, and then you made it clear that you weren't going to be warned off. I can't help but think that Carmichael has it in for you.'

‘If you're right, Mac, then what am I going to do?'

‘Up to you, Chris. Do you call his bluff and ignore what's been going on? Or do you let Carmichael know right away that you're dropping him from the book?'

‘What a mess. Maybe I shouldn't have been so bull-headed and told his solicitor I was going ahead with the book with or without Alan's agreement. I wonder if I should talk to Evan or Mark as well as David.'

‘And what are they going to say? They might be horrified by what Carmichael is doing, or at least what we think he's doing, but all they can say is that you either take a chance and press on, or back off.'

Chris's heart sank as he realised there was really only one path he could take. ‘I suppose you're right. Mac, if I was working on my own, I'd keep going, but here with Megan and Mum . . . I can't take that chance.'

‘Do you think you should talk things over with Georgie before you make a decision?'

‘Of course I'll speak with her about my decision and what that will mean for my book, but the bottom line is that I can't risk my family's safety. I'll notify Carmichael's solicitor right away and tell him that I'm backing off from including him in the book in any way.'

Mac was quiet a moment. ‘I think that it's probably for the best, Chris.'

Chris rang off and then dropped his head into his hands. His life seemed to have become a pattern of one step forward and three back. He picked up his phone and called Georgia to tell her what Mac had found out and what he had decided as a result.

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