The Rock Star And The Girl From The Coffee Shop (10 page)

BOOK: The Rock Star And The Girl From The Coffee Shop
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"Does that happen a lot. Them leaving you with the fans?"

Bo shrugged. "Sometimes. Depends."

She took his hand and stood, the skirt of her peach coloured sun dress swayed with the motion, falling to mid thigh.

"Ready to eat?"

She nodded. "I'm famished."

"Good, because I have reservations at
The View
. The View was a fine dining restaurant in Manhattan that easily had the best food in the world. The price tags associated with the meals would make most people cringe and walk out. But as far as Bo was concerned, the price was well worth it.

A wide smile crossed her lips and an excited gleam lit up in her eyes. "Really?"

"You betcha babes."

Chapter 9

"I think I'm a little underdressed," Hanna whispered to Bo as they were lead through the restaurant, which contained the richest of the rich in New York. Men wearing finely tailored suits and women in elegant gowns. Everything about the people they passed screamed money and class. Looking down at her peach sundress, which she purchased at the mall on sale for twenty bucks, made her feel severely self-conscious.

Bo grinned down at her, putting her at ease and gave her hand a squeeze. "Baby, I'm wearing torn jeans and a t-shirt. You don't see me sweating it. Besides you put the rest of these women to shame."

"You're a celebrity. That's different."

"Well, you're the girl of a celebrity which makes you just as different."

With a shake of her head, Hanna laughed, giving in. "Fine."

"Besides, we have a special table set up."


"Your booth, Sir." The waiter opened a door made of mirror that Hanna wouldn't have even noticed was there had he not opened it. Releasing her hand, Bo placed his hand at the small of her back and urged her into the dimly lit room.

"Wow!" Hanna looked around them. The mirror was actually a one way mirror, where she could see the restaurant, but they couldn't see in. "Too cool." While two walls contained the mirrors the other two were windows, giving her the most spectacular view of the New York skyline. Hanna rushed to the floor to ceiling window and peered out, the sparkling lights below were so beautiful it was mesmerizing to her.

"If you need anything, please let me know Mr Savage."

"Thank you."

At the sound of the waiter's voice, Hanna spun around to watch the waiter spin on his heel and leave, closing the door behind him. Turning back to the window, she looked out. "This is really amazing Bo. I can't believe your life revolves around eating in places like this."

"It's not all fun, but I plan on relishing in every part of this life for as long as it lasts."

Bo came up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her back against him, brushed her hair to one side and nuzzled her neck. She moaned softly and let her head fall back against his shoulder, closing her eyes. He felt good. So good. And for a moment she forgot about the craziness that came with being with him and basked in the moment.

"I can get used to this." Her body froze when she realized she'd said it out load. "I ummm. I mean..."

"I'm glad. Cause I have no intention of letting you go."

What did that mean? Was it just something he said in the moment, or was there a deeper meaning to it? Hanna caught his eyes in the window reflection, not sure what to say. Nothing came to her - funny, sweet or otherwise. A knock at the door, broke the moment and she released the breath she hadn't even realized she'd been holding.

"Come in." Bo stepped away from her, and directed her to the two person table as the waiter came in with a silver ice bucket with a bottle of white wine in it.

Bo pulled out her chair and motioned for her to take a seat. Sitting, she watched as Bo took a seat across from her and the waiter poured them both a glass of wine, without asking.

"The food will be here shortly."

"You look beautiful Hanna. I don't think I had a chance to tell you earlier."

Hanna rolled her eyes at him. "I look like a bum compared to the women out there." She nodded towards the dining room on the other side of the mirror.

Bo leaned over the table and took her hand. Flipping her hand over he caressed her inner wrist and palm with his thumb. "They have to dress that way because they know they're not beautiful enough to go without the excessive make-up and expensive clothing. There's not many women that can look beautiful no matter what they wear. You've got the nineteen fifties pin-up sexiness and quite frankly I’m surprised you don't seem to know that."

The way that he was looking at her made her blush so deeply that the colour of her cheeks rivalled that of her hair.

"Come here." He pushed his chair back and gave her hand a tug.

Standing, she hesitantly walked around the table to him. "Okay." When she was standing in front of him, he reached past her, cleared the table in front of him, picked her up and set her onto the table.

"Ummm, Bo. She looked around nervously and squirmed to get back down. He stopped her. Grabbing her knees, he spread her legs and stepped between them. Her skirt hiked up to her hips, another inch and her red lace panties would be visible to him.

Even though she knew the people in the dining room couldn't see them, just being able to look out made her nervous. But the nervousness was mixed with an excitement. Her stomach knotted and her pussy dampened at the thought of being naughty while dozens of conservative, uptight people were having dinner on the other side of the glass.

"I'm starving Hanna."

"Wh-what?" She tore her eyes away from the diners to meet his gaze. The hunger in his eyes flared up, and he grabbed her hips and pulled the apex between her legs tight to his groin. His cock began to thicken against her wet, covered pussy and she wiggled against him.

Slipping a hand into her hair, he grasped the back of her head and lowered his lips to hers. She sighed against his mouth, her hands fisting the front of his t-shirt and pulling him tighter. His kiss which started off sweet and tender, quickly turned demanding. His tongue demanded entrance past her lips and she happily surrendered to him. As their tongues touched, it was like a bolt of lightening rushing down her spine, to explode between her legs. Her need for him, to feel him fucking her became a matter of urgency.

"Bo!" she gasped, as his lips left hers and began to work their way down the side of her neck. She glanced over at the other patrons, and another rush of forbidden excitement ran through her. His tongue flicked at the sensitive skin while his teeth nipped. It was a delicious combination of pleasure and light pain.

Her hands released his shirt and began to work their way down his chest and abdominals, until she reached the belt on his jeans. Her fingers began to work the clasp, with urgency. As she undid his pants, she watched as his mouth worked its way across her collarbone and then his mouth dipped further, to the valley between her breasts. Undoing a couple of buttons holding her bodice together, his lips caressing the sides of each of her breasts.

Slipping her hand under his boxers, she grasped his thickening rod and swiped the pre-cum from the tip. He groaned, low and deep, his eyes lifting to meet hers. A rush of anticipation raced through her at the dangerously hungry look in his grey eyes.

"You can take care of me later." He placed a kiss between her breasts and then lifted his head. "Lean back."

Hanna frowned, releasing his dick and looking behind her as she lowered herself, attempting to keep from knocking over the centerpiece and glasses. He moved lower onto her. Grasping her knees, he slowly began to inch up the skirt on her thighs. He began to place kisses on her inner thighs, kissing his way up her leg as the ivory flesh became viable to him.

"Oh Bo!" She nervously glanced over to peer out the window and into the dining room. The thought that perhaps they could see her, had her squirming and attempting to wiggle from him, but he held firm to her legs, keeping her securely in place.

"But what if-"

"They can't baby," he murmured his kisses getting higher, a mere two inches from her throbbing, needy pussy.

Her hands clenched at her sides as she tried to calm herself. He was right. Her fear was irrational, but still... She attempted to squirm again, and again was stopped.

"Keep squirming away from me and I'll strip you naked and fuck you here and now." He lifted his eyes and the mischievous gleam in his eyes told her he'd be more than happy to follow through with his threat.

Taking a ragged breath in, she slowly released it just as he pushed her skirt up around her hips and his lips reached her mound. He kissed her mound over the wet red lace and the warmth of his breath in contrast to her wet heat, sent a jolt of pleasure and anticipation through her.

"Mmmm. So nice." A soft smile touched her lips, her body relaxing slightly as she gave into him.

"Ummmm-hmmmm." He hooked his thumbs unto the waistband of her panties and pulled them down her thighs and off, stuffing them into his pocket. "I'll keep these with me on tour."

"What?" Her head jerked up and her eyes widened. "But-"

He swiped a finger along her soft, moist folds and she groaned, forgetting what she'd objected to seconds prior. Spreading her pussy lips wide, he ran his tongue along her slit, lapping up her juices.

His tongue felt good. Too good. She wiggled against him, but this time attempting to get closer instead of away.


He chuckled. "Please what?" He ran his tongue along the length of her again, and paused at her clit, flicking and teasing it with his tongue.

"Fuck me." She didn't care at this point. She wanted and needed relief from the building tension between her legs and the fluttering in her stomach.

"Oh, not yet baby."

She groaned her frustration, but her groan became a moan as he ran his tongue along the length of her again. Her fists clenched and she lifted her head to watch him. If anyone had told her a few weeks ago that she'd have Bo Savage between her legs, licking her pussy she'd have laughed in their face and called them insane, but here they were.

Spreading her legs wider, Bo pulled one of her pussy lips into his mouth and sucked gently. A wave of pleasure ran through her. He released the first lip and proceeded to suck on the second as he thrust two fingers deep within her and began to stroke her inner wall.

She cried out at the sudden intrusion and then looked towards the other diners. One woman's eyes were examining the mirror. It was apparent she'd heard Hanna's moans, but did she know what was going on behind the glass?

"Oh God. Oh Bo!" Closing her eyes, she let her head fall back again, her loose curls cascading onto the table, as he removed his fingers and replaced them with his tongue. His tongue thrust into her, pumping her pussy as if it was his cock. The waves of pleasure became stronger and rushing rapidly through her.

"You taste so good baby."

She could barely think, and only vaguely caught what he said. "I-"

"How about with some wine?"

"Oh God yeah." She didn't care anymore. All she knew was that she needed release. She was nearly at the brink, and the anticipation was nearly killing her.

Bo's mouth lifted from her pussy and she groaned her protest. "Bo. What?"

She opened her eyes and watched as he spread her pussy lips and poured some of his wine from of his glass over her mound.

She gasped and squirmed as the cool liquid flowed over her and between her lips. The coolness was quickly followed by the warmth of his tongue as he began lapping up the wine, his fingers pinching and rolling her swollen clit between his fingers.

As he thrust his tongue into her again, she couldn't hold herself back if she'd wanted to. It was too good, and she'd hit her breaking point. Completely forgetting the diners on the other side of the mirror, she cried out as a final wave of pleasure rushed through her, making her scream out and writhe against his probing tongue.

He groaned, low and feral as her pussy clenched around his tongue seconds before a stream of her juices greeted him. Her nails tug into her palms as her orgasm flowed over her, but Bo's tongue was relentless, pressing and probing - begging her for more of her sweet nectar.

Her moans became louder, more frantic. She found herself climbing the summit rapidly and less than a minute after her first orgasm she was overcome by a series of short, yet powerful climaxes, that left her spent, her partially exposed chest heaving and laying flat on the table.

"Baby, get up. Hurry!"

"Huh?" Still trying to regain her senses she pushed herself up into a sitting position and looked at Bo who was already standing and doing up his clothing.

He nodded towards the dining area. Close to a dozen people were staring at the mirror, curious expressions on their faces, and their waiter was approaching the room, their meals on a large tray.

Oh shit!

With her heart hammering in her chest, she pushed herself off of the table and adjusted her clothing, while trying to flatten down her wild red curls.

"Do you think they know?" She asked her eyes wild with horror as she looked over at Bo as he adjusted the table its original state.

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