The Rub Down (23 page)

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Authors: Gina Sheldon

BOOK: The Rub Down
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I feel like thanking the many people who have helped make this book may be harder than writing the story. The Oscar music is going to start to play and I won’t have any more time to tell you all who in my life is amazing! But I will l give this a go.

First and foremost, thank you to the guy who gave me the most incredible massage last year who inspired Luke and Alexa’s story. He was not even close to being hot like Luke but his hands were magical.

I’d also like to thank my husband Jeff for supporting me and this project. He was a constant cheerleader, giving me time to write and taking care of the kids so I could do so in peace. Writing sexy time with two five year olds did not work.

I had the best betas a girl could ever ask for! Elle, Jessica, Lara, Jennie, Stacey, Julie, Barbara, Dina, and Lisa- this book would NOT be what it is today without you. Every single one of you gave me exactly what I needed to craft this love story. Your constant support and wanting what is best for my characters and myself is more appreciated than words could possibly express. You all own a special place in my heart. I hope you will hang with me for the next ride.

To Elle- I love you to the moon and back!!!

To Tamlyn- you knew two years ago that I should write a book. I told you were crazy and that I would never do it. Well, looks like you were right. Love you girl for all your confidence you have for me.

To Hot Shit Nikki- Thank you for being well… a hot shit!!! I think I see a lot of you in Addison!

And to my editor- I am not sure this book would have ever seen the light of day if it wasn’t for you. You brought me deep into this world of indie authors three years ago when I started beta reading. My day is not complete without my morning phone call. Your friendship means more to me that I could possible tell you. Besides the fact that you turned my horrible grammar into this gorgeous book, you held my hand during the whole process.

Thank you Melissa Gill from MGcoverdesigns. I absolute LOVE the cover you made for me. It’s perfect.

Dina and Kim- you gave me my final push to finish this book. Every day you pushed me to be better and get the story out there for the world! I’m glad I found you.

I want to thank all the bloggers and friends for helping me spread the word. And last but certainly not least, you, the readers!!! I love you all and hope that you enjoyed The Rub Down.


About the Author


Gina Sheldon is a devoted wife, busy mom of twin girls, and the proud owner of a small business. She often travels the very streets of Boston she writes about in her debut novel, “The Rub Down.” One thing she refuses to leave home without is her Kindle. Their relationship borders on obsessive. As a beta reader and blogger, Gina shares her love of books with others, and her love of words has now carried her into the field of self-publishing. When she’s not reading or writing, she can be found surrounded by family and friends, enjoying a glass of wine, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, or both.



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