The Rub Down (15 page)

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Authors: Gina Sheldon

BOOK: The Rub Down
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Chapter Eighteen



Running before everyone was awake felt powerful and surreal. The streets that are usually crowded with cars, and sidewalks packed with hurried footsteps, were empty and calm. Boston was a great city. I loved living here. There was no other place I’d rather be. The mountains for skiing were only a few hours away, beaches a mere thirty minutes, Cape Cod, where my parents lived, just an hour and a half east. The culture rivaled New York City, the theatre not as spectacular, but still great. The restaurants, divine.

As I ran eighteen miles with Jeff beside me, my mind not only reflected on our miraculous city, but on my conversation with Luke the night before. It was a fantastic night that went from the highest high to the lowest low, and then rocketed to the moon. Admitting my deepest fears to Luke was hard. I knew they weren’t unwarranted, that my struggle at Heartbreak Hill probably saved me from the bombing, and I was lucky I didn’t have to bear witness to the horrific scene that ensued.

“Where were you last year when the bombs went off?” I asked.

Jeff and I never discussed the bombings. I knew he competed and finished before the mayhem started.

“I was back home in Southie already, at a pub with my friends, when we saw it all unfold on television,” Jeff said.

“I was stopped at Mass Ave.” I wasn’t sure why I was dredging all this up twice in twenty-four hours, but it was unavoidable with the anniversary days away.

“Fuck, Alexa, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were that close.” Jeff looked over at me, remorse written all over his face.

“Luke and I talked about it last night, and it brought all my fears back to the surface.”

“And? What did the wise Luke say?” Humor laced his words.

“He told me I needed to draw strength from my feelings. And not let those sons of bitches win by keeping me scared.” I glanced over and saw Jeff laughing at his friend’s words.

“Luke’s wicked smart. I take it you guys are getting along?”

“I’m not discussing this with you. All I’ll say is Luke is a professional and amazing at his craft.” I tried to keep my voice unbiased, but I probably sounded like a lovesick teenager.

As much as it physically and emotionally pained me when Luke slammed the brakes on our major make out session, I never wanted to push him to do something that would compromise his integrity. The draw between us was too strong to ignore, and I was grateful we didn’t need to avoid it.

“I see that stupid ass, happy grin on your face. Just so you know, I expect an invite to the wedding.” Jeff interrupted my thoughts.

“I wouldn’t go that far, but yes, thank you for introducing us. He’s a remarkable guy, and I’m happy to have him in my corner.”

When we finished the run, my body felt great, and I knew I could physically handle next week’s big run. I needed to spend the rest of the week ignoring the news, and finding my happy place so I could tackle the mental part as well.


“How was the date last night?” Addison greeted me at the door while I peeled off some of my running gear. “You got home awfully late. Do I need to have a talk with young Luke about your curfew?”

“No, mom, my virtue is sadly still intact,” I grunted out.

“That doesn’t sound good. Spill it.”

I flopped down on my back with my legs dangling over the arm of the couch.

“Dinner was delicious. Conversation even better. His lips are like heaven. His touch felt more amazing on my skin when we are on his couch than on the massage table.” I groaned and beat my fists on the cushion. “But… he stopped us at second base.” Frustration oozed in my voice.

“What? Why?” Disbelief dripped from her words.

“He and Danny made an agreement that they would never date a client. Supposedly, I’m the first. So until the marathon is over, we can’t have sex.”

“Well, shit. That sucks, babe. I’m sorry.” Addison honestly looked like she felt my pain.

After last night, if blue balls had a female equivalent, I had them.

“I just hope that’s the only reason he keeps throwing on the brakes. What if he doesn’t
to have sex with me?” When we were in the moment, I didn’t feel this way, but in the daylight, uncertainty crept in.

“I really doubt that, babe. He’s crazy about you. I saw the lust in his eyes when he saw you last night. That man wants you hard.”

I prayed Addison was right.

“We will see in about a week, when he can’t use the marathon as an excuse. I should be able to control myself until then. I just don’t wanna,” I said in the whiniest voice possible. I might as well have stomped my foot like a petulant child wanting a toy at the store.

“Want to see the dress I designed for you for the gala on Saturday?” She practically jumped out of her skin. “While you were making out like horndogs, I was home designing you a dress that will make Luke kick his own ass for his stupid rule.”

“You designed me a dress?”

Addison ran over to the worktable and grabbed her sketchbook. “Now, you’re under absolutely no obligation to like this, but since you’re my best friend, you better!” She winked.

She flipped the pad over, and what I saw blew me away. The dress was a classic boat neck with cap sleeves. A slit rode high on one thigh, which would emphasize my long, toned legs. But when she turned the page over to show me the back, I knew I needed her to make this evening gown for me. Luke would go nuts when he saw it, and I would hopefully reap the benefits all night long.

“Addison, this is perfection. You sure know how to dress my body. I love it, and will take on any clients I need to, so you can make this creation come to life in the next seven days.”

“I’m so happy you love it because I think it’s perfect for you. Let’s discuss color. My thought was the cornflower blue being used for this year’s warm up jacket.” Every registered runner received loads of swag, including a jacket. “It would match your eyes perfectly.”

“Genius as always. What do you think about Luke wearing an orange tie?” I suggested, since the warm up jackets were blue and orange.

“I think it’s a tad cheeky, but as long as he wore a vest, it wouldn’t be too much.”

“I’m so lucky to have you! You’re so talented. I can’t wait to see the final product.” I reached over and gave her a huge hug. “I’m going to run upstairs and shower, and then can we veg out and watch movies all afternoon?”

“Absolutely, I need a chill out day. We’ll need to review the schedule for the week, but we can do that over Chinese food. Go shower, you stink.” Addison pushed me toward the stairs.


Half way through Pretty Woman, a movie Addison and I watched at least once a month, Luke texted me. Just seeing his name pop up on my phone made me giddy. It was sickly sweet.


Magic Hands: What ya doin?

Me: Laundry and cuddling on the couch

Magic Hands: Who should I be jealous of cuddling with you?


One of the many things that attracted me to Luke was his honesty. Every time we saw each other, his words got sweeter. When he walked me to my door last night, he whispered in my ear, “Your strength and inner beauty dazzle me.” He was the dazzler. I was falling hard, and there was nothing I could do to stop it, not that I wanted to.


Me: Addison and the laundry basket. What are you doing?

Magic Hands: Wishing I was a laundry basket

Me: No really

Magic Hands: Sitting here thinking of a way to see you today


I wanted to see him, too. But if my past relationships taught me anything, it was not to abandon friendships for a man. Chicks before dicks, and all that.


Me: Awww sorry I’m hanging with Addie today

Magic Hands: When can I see you again?

Me: You can run with me Tuesday morning before I see you at TRD

Magic Hands: How many miles?

Me: 10, don’t be a baby and run with me

Magic Hands: Well when you put it so nicely, fine I’ll run with you

Me: YAY! Enjoy your afternoon. Do your own laundry for once and call me later

Magic Hands: If I must.


“You’re blowing up over there. It must be lover boy. You look like Julia Roberts with that big ass smile.”

“Nothing gets by you, Kit. Yes, it was Luke, and he wanted to see me. I told him I was hanging with you today,” I said, still smiling like a hooker with a rich John.

“Thanks, babe. I miss you with all the training, and now dating the stud muffin. Once you two start knockin’ boots, you’ll never be around.”

“Not true.” Addison gave me the stink eye. “Okay, well, maybe for the first week or so. Sex with him is going to be epic. If last night was any indication, I may not leave his bed for awhile.”

“Just don’t forget to eat, and drink lots of water.”

I threw a pair of socks at her head. She fell over laughing at my sad attempt to be mad. But really, her advice was smart and useful.



If I wasn’t careful, I was going to start irritating myself with my moaning and whining. This was not where I wanted to be, laying on the couch like a sad sack in my condo. I wanted to be hanging out with her. The memory of last night, her topless, spread out for me like a feast, here in this very spot, made me restless. I craved her, and my every thought circled back to her. No other woman had ever come close to affecting me this way. Yes, I wanted Alexa in my bed, but more importantly, I wanted to spend all my free time with her, get to know her more, and make her smile.

Over the years, I had had my fair share of girlfriends, but the relationships always revolved around the woman. I gave my all in every one, but never received anything in return. Alexa listened to me. She cared about The Rub Down and its success, and I wanted to be a better person. For her.

My phone dragged me out of my thoughts of Alexa. The name on caller ID made me smile.

“Hey, Mom. What’s going on?” I couldn’t sit still while I talked on the phone, so I got up to start my laundry. Alexa would be proud.

“Can’t your mom just call to see how you are? The girls told me there is someone new in your life.” She cleared her throat. “I want to know why I had to hear it from them, and not my favorite son.”

I was going to kill Jessica and Elle. Ever since I’d popped the heads off their dollies and flushed them down the toilet, they’d ganged up on me and told my mother every little thing I’d done wrong.

“I’m your only son, mom. And way to cut to the chase. I didn’t tell you because it’s very new. In fact, last night was our real first date.”

“Tell me about her. Your sisters made it seem like they were going to take you ring shopping soon.”

I loved my mom. She was by far the most amazing mother a kid could ever want. Kind, funny, loving, and more importantly, a hard ass, she taught me to go after my dreams, and never give up if life got hard along the way.

“Her name’s Alexa. She’s gorgeous inside and out. She owns a fashion consultant company with her best friend. She makes me smile bigger than I ever have before, so I constantly look goofy. Oh, and she’s running the marathon next week, which I think is incredible.” When I talked about her, my body came to life, and I loved the feeling it gave me.

“How did you meet her?”

Did my sisters really keep their mouths shut and leave out that major detail?

“She’s a client,” I mumbled, knowing my mom would be disappointed in me for this small fact. She was a huge fan of Danny and me keeping it in our pants when it came to the spa. Even though my mom was not a career woman, she was very business savvy, having completed a Master of Business before having kids and staying home with us.

“I’m sorry, what was that, son?”

Fuck, she heard me. I knew she did. She just wasn’t going to let me hide it.

“Do you remember Jeff from school? Well, he’s a marathon trainer now. She’s one of his runners, and she was having some muscle problems when she started to tack on the miles, so he recommended her to me.”

“Luke, what happened to not dating clients? You know this could burn you.” Mom’s voice was stern and accusatory.

“Mom, she would never. She knows all about it. We’ve only hung out casually. Last night was our first date.” I hated that I had to justify our relationship. “Danny and I’ve discussed it. He’s okay with it, as long as we behave professionally at the spa. Plus, the marathon is eight days away, and then she won’t need my professional services anymore.”

After a moment of silence while she mulled over what I said, she replied, “Okay, I trust you. Plus, your sisters like her, so she must be great. I just wanted to see where your head is at with this.”

“Wait, so you knew all this before calling me?” I knew my sisters couldn’t keep it from her. Our mom should have been a terrorist negotiator. She could get information out of anyone.

“Of course, dear. You can’t hide anything from me, and neither can the girls. When do I get to meet the woman who put the smile on my darling boy’s face that I can see from here?”

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