The Runaway Cat (Book 2 Cloverleah Pack Series) (16 page)

BOOK: The Runaway Cat (Book 2 Cloverleah Pack Series)
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“Did he always talk to you like he did today?”  Griff was curious as to why Diablo had never laid a complaint about the man before.

Diablo thought about it.  “Nothing quite as bad as today.  Prior to this he has always been sort of snide and sarcastic rather than down right insulting.  I was never in any doubt how he felt about gays.”  He gave a small laugh.  “Made me wonder if he actually fancied me himself.”

“He’d be mad not too.”  Griff pulled Diablo’s face down and kissed him, thoroughly.  Diablo relaxed into the kiss allowing his mate to dominate his mouth and take his mind of their troubles for just a few minutes.  Griff’s kiss was full of sunshine and promise, everything good in life and Diablo wished he could stay in the man’s arms forever.  But all too soon Griff’s phone rattled on the table in front of them and Griff lifted his head with a growl.  Diablo’s eyes were half lidded and his mouth was puffy and bruised.  He looked totally blissed and Griff wanted to keep that look on his mate’s face as long as he could. Griff went to kiss him again but the phone buzzed stridently breaking his concentration.

Diablo went to slip off
Griff’s lap, but Griff held on with one arm, reaching for the phone with the other.  He checked the screen and then hit the speaker button on the phone, and growled out, “Yes Tony.”

“Is Diablo there as well?”  Tony’s voice was
its normal calm tone over his end but for some reason that raised the hairs on the back of Griff’s neck.  Before Griff could answer Diablo answered quietly, “Yes Tony.  What can we do for you?”  He reached up and stroked Griff’s face willing him to calm down. Griff leaned into the touch and rubbed his face against Diablo’s capable hand.

“Er…right well we have a bit of a situation here.  I have listened to the recording you sent through, thank you for that.  Based on that recording, the fact that Corbin threatened your life and your cover and the fact that he knew you were with Angel
when you hadn’t told him, is all enough to pull him off the case immediately.  I have men down there now taking him into custody and I have raised the security access clearance on your case and personal files, Diablo, to my eyes only.”

Diablo looked at Griff and they both shrugged.  It was Griff who asked, “Why’s that Tony?  I thought the only problem in that office was Corbin.”

Tony sighed down the phone.  “Initially we thought so too but when we checked the log for access on Diablo’s case files we found there were three other attempts for access to information apart from my own efforts and yours Griff.  It seems that Corbin was planning to blow your cover Diablo because you were leaving the FBI.  He knew it would make you a target for the rest of your life and anyone who was with you.  We think he had some help from inside his office and we will be tracking them down as well.”

“But why? What the fuck did I do to?”  Diablo went to stand up feeling the need to move, but Griff held him down firmly and started running his fingers through Diablo’s hair, lightly scratching his scalp.  Cliché stuff for a cat but Diablo was a sucker for that sort of
treatment.  He relaxed and let Griff’s fingers work magic. 

“Well…” Tony didn’t seem to know what to say.

“Spit it out Tony.  Diablo deserves to know why he was threatened by his lunatic handler.”

“Corbin had a thing for you, Diablo.
More like an obsession really.  We…er…we ran a diagnostic through Corbin’s computer yesterday and it seems he has a lot of photo’s of you, mostly naked in a shower and some of you in bed.”

growled deep and low but Diablo was more vocal in his anger.

“Are you fucking kidding me?  He planted a camera in my bathroom?  But that
apartment was paid for by Georgio.  How the hell did he even get in there?”

“We are not sure yet but from the date stamps on the pictures it would seem they were taken in the last six months so after Corbin’s deal with Georgio. He must have gotten the key from Georgio.
  Did you ever do a sweep of your place for electronic equipment?”

Diablo sighed.  “No I didn’t bother.  There was nothing there that tied me to the FBI.  I never spoke to Corbin from there and I figured that any bugs I might find would be Georgio’s anyway.  I never thought for one fucking minute that my privacy was being invaded by my own handler.”

“Who has seen those pictures, Tony?”  Griff was still growling.  He hated the thought of anyone but himself seeing his mate naked.

“Just me and two of the guys in IT.” 

“I want them destroyed, Tony.  No one has a right to see those pictures but ME.”

“Look Griff, you know I can’t do that.  The pictures are evidence of Corbin’s fixation on Diablo.  I’ll need them
for the disciplinary hearing.  It’s the only way to put this guy away…”

“NO!”  Griff roared.  He was so angry his wolf was threatening to come out and tear something to bits. 
He felt Diablo’s hands cup his face and turn him so that he was staring straight into Diablo’s eyes.  His mate was angry too but there was also a lot of concern there.  Concern for him.

Calm down lover.  They are only pictures.
The calmness in Diablo’s voice echoed through the anger in Griff’s head.

I don’t want anyone to see you like that.

I know Griff sweetie and I hate the idea too.  But I want Corbin put away - don’t you?

You know I do.  But…

They’re just pictures.  Pictures a pathetic man used to get off on.  You have me, body and soul. Focus on that. Focus on me being here with you, always.

Griff took a deep breath and willed his anger under control. Diablo brushed his lips over Griff’s with a fleeting promise and then turned his head back to the phone.

“Its okay, Tony.  We don’t like it, at all.
” Diablo’s voice was low and firm. “But we do want this guy put away for what he has done.  With me out of the FBI he could have just picked on someone else less capable of handling the situation in the future and that would be worse.”

“Thank you for understanding, both of you.  I will censer the pictures
, we will only need a couple of them and ensure that your face isn’t evident on any of them.  You…er…don’t appear to have any distinguishing marks or tattoos so you should be able to remain reasonably anonymous in this.” Tony’s voice seemed to have regained some of the man’s innate confidence.

Griff laughed.  There was no humor in it, but it was a
short laugh all the same.  “You’ve seen the pictures Tony and you are telling me my mate can remain anonymous with a body as perfect as his? Anyone who has ever seen him without a shirt on before will know who he is.”

Tony was quiet on his end of the phone for a moment as if he didn’t quite know what to say.  “Yes, well it is obvious that you do…er…have a stunning physique…er…Diablo
but I can assure you that the trial, for the want of a better word, will be a private matter, within the FBI and none of the pictures will be made available to anyone but the prosecutor and disciplinary committee in DC.”

“Well that’s great,” Diablo laughed. “I am absolutely sure
none of them have seen me naked,” He caught Griff’s possessive look, “And they never will,” He added quickly and quietly.  Griff’s arm’s tightened around him and he pulled Diablo back down to his chest and buried his nose in Diablo’s hair.  Diablo let out a small sigh and then turned back to the phone.

“So what happens now, Tony?”  He asked.

“Well as you know, I was going to ask you to go back to Georgio on Friday so that I could get enough intel on Corbin to put him away.  But,” he drew the word out, “given that we already have enough I figure you can officially take three days vacation time to work out your resignation.”

Griff and Diablo shared a look, daring to hope just a little bit.  But then Diablo said, “But what about my case on Georgio and the others.  Is that going to be dropped now or what?”

“No, no of course not Diablo,” Tony’s voice was warm now, his relief at the embarrassing part of the conversation being over evident. “No, we will execute the warrants on Friday because we know that Georgio will be at the club waiting for you and Angel but I don’t see the need for you to be there, especially given Corbin’s veiled threats about Georgio’s future plans for you.  We can take care of it from here.”

“But what about Angel’s cover? Won’t that be compromised if he doesn’t take me back to Georgio?”

Tony laughed.  “Shit no, this is where your good looks are in your favor Diablo.  We’ll just drop it around a few places that Angel was so taken with you that he flew back to home base with you the night you met and hasn’t been seen since. It ties in with the fact that no one has seen you two in Baton Rouge since you left the club and it’s in keeping with Angel’s rather dominating and impulsive behavior.”

“You’ve got that right,” Griff growled in Diablo’s hair.

“So that’s it?”  Now the hope was evident in Diablo’s deep voice.

“Yes Diablo, that is it.  Technically you are still on the payroll until 5 PM Friday, but as you are on vacation I can’t see anything being a problem between now and then.  I may have to call you a few times if there are any details about the case that need clarification - with either case actually.  But I will contact you on Griff’s phone.  You can throw yours away

Tony was still talking about debriefing and stuff like that but Diablo was looking at Griff with a huge smile on his face. 

“I’m free.”  He said softly.

“And we
’re together and safe and...”  Griff’s voice was just as quiet and the shift in his eyes went from happiness to lust in two seconds flat.  He spoke into the phone in a slightly louder voice, “yep we got that Tony, bye for now,” and clicked the END button, dropping the phone on the floor.

you’re mine,” he continued softly, his focus now totally on Diablo.   Diablo grinned, his eyes on Griff’s lips.

I’m yours,” he agreed just as quietly, still looking at Griff’s lips.  “Gonna kiss me?”

Chapter Seventeen

Griff leaned in and kissed him, soft at first and then harder as he felt Diablo respond.  He ran his tongue over Diablo’s mouth and thrust his tongue in as Diablo’s lips opened, savoring the taste of his mate.  He didn’t think the novelty of having this man, this perfect man as his would ever wear off.  Griff could never have dreamed of anyone as wonderful as Diablo.  It wasn’t only his looks or the fact that he was as sexy as hell.  Diablo was also a hell of a man.  Strong, decent, intelligent and honest he made for one amazing package as a mate.

A mate that was in the process of rubbing
his own impressive chest all over Griff’s, his hard erection butting against Griff’s as he straddled him on the couch. Griff cupped his hands under Diablo’s ass and then stood up clasping his mate closely. Diablo wrapped his long legs around Griff’s hips and hung on. Quickly walking through to the master bedroom Griff sat down on the bed and scooted backwards, bring a willing Diablo with him.  As Diablo stretched out over his body, Griff pushed his hand between them and undid both of their pants, pulling his and Diablo’s cock’s free of the denim.  He felt Diablo moan and push against him as Griff circled both of the cocks with his big hand, sliding up to the heads to gather the pre-come already there and then using it to slick down both of the solid shafts.  The two men rutted against each other and into the hand, their pace picking up as both men pushed each other towards the inevitable orgasm.

As Griff felt the tingle in his spine and the rush that always signaled his own release he leant forward and bit Diablo’s ear, growling, “Come with me,” as he felt the spurt of his own come against his hand. As the sensation of sticky wetness hit Diablo’s cock he too spurted his body curled over Griff’s as his climax thundered through his body.
“Fuck Griff, you always make me feel so so so good,” Diablo whispered against Griff’s neck.  He felt Griff chuckle as the man said, “The feelings mutual my mate.  Definitely mutual and I’m not finished yet.”

Diablo onto his back Griff knelt up to remove Diablo’s jeans before shucking off his own. He deliberately ran both hands from the top of Diablo’s shoulders, down over his chest and abs and down the full length of both legs feeling Diablo respond to his touch.  Griff did it again simply to watch the play of Diablo’s muscles as the man gently moved beneath him, seeking the touch and prolonging the pleasure for them both.

“Mmm you are such a sensual cat my mate.  So responsive.”

“Only with you, believe me, only with you.” Diablo’s voice was a soft purr and already tinged with lust. 

Griff bent down and ran his tongue down the left side of Diablo’s body, following the path laid by his hands. His tongue picked up the faintest tremors in Diablo’s body
and he stopped to pay special attention to those areas proving most sensitive.  Diablo moaned and squirmed beneath his tongue his cock already hard again and leaking.  Diablo reached down to try and pull Griff back up but Griff grabbed his hands and held them down with his own, his tongue resuming its assault.

“Griff, come on now, you’re teasing me,” Diablo’s voice was a husky mix of frustration and purr.

“Uh huh,” Griff agreed, “But I have promising intent.”  He bent back to his task although it really wasn’t a chore at all.  Diablo’s skin pebbled and twitched under his tongue, his muscles straining for more touch.  Griff loved the texture of Diablo’s skin.  It was smooth and silky soft and belied the hard muscles underneath.  As Griff got closer to Diablo’s cock that twitched as it rose up against his abdomen he added nips to his repertoire.  He grinned wickedly as Diablo arched off the bed gasping in frustration.

“Please Griff, let me touch you…touch me…do something.”

Griff nibbled along the skin beside Diablo’s cock, up one side and down the other not quite touching the twitching organ but close enough to suggest he might.  Diablo growled and he fought Griff’s hands that were still holding his firmly.  Griff tightened his hold and continued his nibbling, down into the V at the top of Diablo’s thigh, on one side and then the other.  Diablo cursed and pleaded especially as Griff’s nose nudged at his balls. Griff used his head to nudge Diablo’s hips open and his tongue went down further, under Diablo’s balls to the hole below.  As he ran his tongue around Diablo’s hole the man moaned long and loud beneath him, spreading his thighs wider and Griff doubled his efforts working Diablo’s hole until he could get the spear of his tongue inside.  He could feel the man come apart under his tongue. Finally Griff raised his eyes to Diablo’s face that was flushed with need. “I want to be inside of you when you come.  Will you let me little cat?”

“Just do it, Griff…please.” Griff smirked and nodded and he released Diablo’s hands, grabbing for the lube.
Once slicked up he knelt between Diablo’s open thighs and pushed his cock deep inside the man. This time they both moaned and Griff rested over Diablo’s body, supporting his weight on his elbows.  Diablo gripped Griff’s face and kissed him as he thrust his hips up to meet Griff’s push.  Then Diablo pulled back and looked into Griff’s sparkling green eyes.

“I love you Griff.  I always will,” he said simply and with pure honesty.
Griff searched Diablo’s own dark chocolate eyes and then a huge smile spread across his face, his cock still buried deep inside his mate.

“I love you too, my mate, for always.”
  The two men stared at each other for the longest moment promising a love that would last forever. Something they both could share. Then Diablo pushed up his hips and rocked against Griff who was still hard and still inside Diablo’s hole.

uck me into the mattress,” he purred.

Griff raised an eyebrow and grinned at his mate as he flexed his hips and thrust deep.  “I can do that,” he rumbled quietly.  Diablo grinned back and then gasped as Griff pulled out and slammed into him.  Putting his hands on Griff’s hips to leverage himself Diablo quite literally hung on as Griff pounded into him again and again, his own hips rising with each thrust forward. Griff pushed himself up onto his hands and used the power of his back and hips to keep up his punishing rhythm
feeling his mate meeting his challenge.

Finally Griff could hold out no more.  He lowered his abs to brush against Diablo’s cock that was wet and pulsating in its desire to come.  Diablo cried out as the friction finally gave him what he needed and he came, his
semen spurting up between them, even hitting Diablo on the chin.  When his butt muscles squeezed Griff’s cock he came too, his come pulsing in thick waves deep inside his mate. As they rode out the afterglow Griff could hear his mate in his mind whispering words of love, forever and togetherness and in that moment Griff knew he was the happiest he had ever been in his life.

The two men lay sprawled out together
both regaining their breath and their strength.  Diablo was lazily tracing the tattoos on Griff’s arm with one hand and Griff had his big hand entwined in Diablo’s hair.   Griff grumbled, “You know we are going to have to shower soon.  Kane and Shawn will be here shortly.”

“Hmm, they’re bringing food.  I
’ve certainly worked up an appetite,” Diablo agreed quietly. He shifted away from Griff slightly but Griff’s hand in his hair stopped him going anywhere.  Diablo looked at him in askance.  Griff was smirking at him.

“What, again?”  Diablo laughed.

“Kiss me first and then we shower together.”

“Well if you insist,” the slighter man purred as he leant down and brushed his lips against Griff’s.
  Griff’s hand slipped from Diablo’s hair and ran down his back.  Diablo kissed him for just a few minutes and then quickly slithered out of the bigger mans grasp and off of side of the bed.  Standing there he grinned at Griff’s stunned expression.

“I’m hungry,” he said with a saucy grin as he headed to the shower.  He could hear Griff bouncing off the bed to follow him.  Yep, shower sex was a lot of fun.












Chapter Eighteen

The fact that shower sex is so much fun should have alerted the men to the fact it was also time consuming and Diablo and Griff were both still wet and engrossed in each other when they heard the rumble of Kane and Shawn’s bikes in the driveway.

“Crap,” said Diablo as he shimmied off Griff’s cock and washed himself down hurriedly. 

Griff just groaned, “Come on mate you can’t leave me like this. That’s cruel and unusual punishment.”

“Tough shit,
,” Diablo smiled fondly at his lover as he jumped out of the shower and started drying himself off.  He patted Griff’s face, “You were the one who wouldn’t get a wriggle on.” 

Griff made to grab Diablo again and pull him back under the water but Diablo evaded his grasp putting his hands up in the universal STOP signal.  “Uh uh, Griff, I am not getting caught by your Alpha and his mate in the bloody shower with you. He doesn’t like me much as it is.”  Diablo looked down at Griff’s cock that was rock hard and dripping pre-come and smirked.  “You…er…can take care of yourself if you
can’t wait until later and I will go let them in.”

Griff got out of the shower and grabbed a towel grumbling as he dried himself.  “It wouldn’t have taken much longer, I was so
damn close.”  He ran the towel up the length of his cock and scowled at Diablo.  Diablo huffed at him and then listened, the men outside were still on their bikes and talking.   Quickly he grabbed some lube off the shelf and coated both his hands.  Stepping to Griff’s side he slid his fingers around Griff’s cock with one hand and pushed his fingers into the man’s hole with the other.  Griff gasped and then moaned deeply. A couple of sharp tugs to get Griff up to speed and Diablo growled in his sexy deep voice, “Come now,” in Griff’s ear, hitting his prostate with his finger and doing a slick slide and twist motion on Griff’s cock with the other hand. Griff’s cock exploded and he saw stars biting back a guttural moan. He leant forward on the bathroom wall to steady himself as he tried to get his breathing under control.

A loud banging noise was heard from the front door.  Diablo grinned and threw Griff a towel. “Come on lover get your act together.  We’ve got your company to entertain,” and he sauntered out to let in their guests.   Back in the bathroom Griff grinned as he fumbled about drying himself off and pouring himself into his jeans.  His mate was something else all right.

At the front door, Diablo took a deep breath and plastered a small smile on his face.  He hadn’t had a chance to talk to Griff about what was said after he left the pack dinner the night before and to be honest he didn’t know why Kane and Shawn were visiting them today.  But Griff seemed happy and that was the most important thing to Diablo so he was prepared to be polite and civil to Griff’s Alpha and his mate, and would just play things by ear.

The first thing that struck him when he opened the door was that both Kane and Shawn were smiling
at him like he was one of their best friends.  Or like they knew what Diablo and Griff had been doing in the shower.  Diablo wasn’t sure which.  He stepped back to let them through the door and waved a hand in the general direction of the bedroom.  “Griff will be right out,” he said as the other two men walked through the living room into the kitchen.

“That’s fine,” Shawn said, still smiling.  “We got caught up at work and I didn’t get a chance to do any actual cooking.  I’ll just get our meal sorted.”  Diablo watched in amazement as Shawn flicked his fingers in the general direction of the oven and suddenly the smell of hot roast venison filled the air.  Another couple of flicks and there were vegetables cooking on the stove and a salad prepared on the kitchen bench.

“That’s some pretty amazing skills, Shawn.  Beats getting take out and faster too,” Diablo said.

“Thanks.  I actually do like cooking for real but since being mated to this one,” Shawn punched Kane’s shoulder playfully, “I don’t get as much time at it as I would like.  He’s a real distraction in the kitchen.”

Diablo didn’t know what to say to that especially as Kane had gathered Shawn up in his arms, leaning over his back with a smug look on his face.  He went and sat down at the dining room table and invited the other two men to do the same.  Griff came striding through the living room and greeted Kane with a clap on the shoulder and a wave to Shawn.  He plopped down on the seat next to Diablo and promptly leant over and licked up Diablo’s neck.  As soon as Diablo smelt Griff’s scent of cedar and pine he relaxed allowing his head to fall back slightly onto the arm that Griff had rested over the back of his chair.   Shawn was looking at Kane and obviously sending him a message of some kind because Kane cleared his throat and said, “Er look Diablo.  I don’t know if Griff told you what went on after you left last night but it seems I do owe you a huge apology.  I am sorry I invited you into my home and then attacked you the way I did.  It was rude and uncalled for and,” he held his hand out over the table to Diablo, “I hope you will forgive me and give us all a chance to get to know each other better.”

Diablo thought for a moment and then leaned forward to shake Kane’s hand firmly before sitting back down again.  “It’s all good now,” he said. “Griff didn’t tell me what happened when I left and I didn’t think it was my place to ask.”
  He looked up at Griff who had a curious look on his face and then forced his gaze back to Kane and Shawn.

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