The Runaway Cat (Book 2 Cloverleah Pack Series) (31 page)

BOOK: The Runaway Cat (Book 2 Cloverleah Pack Series)
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“Shit no.”  Damien was emphatic on that score.  He had known his enforcers for years
and had never felt anything for any of them.  “Besides,” he said, “if it was one of my men I would have felt something like this before, and honestly this is the first time ever that I have felt this combination of lust and angst.  Like, standing out here I can barely smell it and that is making me more edgy than ever.  I don’t know what is happening to me.”

“Well what is happening, my
friend is that you are scenting your mate. The question is who it is.”  Shawn looked thoughtful for a minute and then shook his head and laughed.

Stuff you, Shawn this isn’t a laughing matter.  I haven’t got the time to go searching for a mate.  I am trying to catch a bear shifter.”

Shawn toned down his laughter at Damien’s words but his grin split his usually solemn face.
“It’s obvious Damien.  If you  have felt this way since coming into our pack house then the chap you are looking for has to be part of our pack.  Given that our pack is so small it can only be one of two guys - Scott or Dean and it can’t be Dean because you would have smelt it if your mate was an Omega.  So that only leaves one option in this house - Scott.”

“So where is he, this Scott person?  Why haven’t I met him yet?”

“He’s was out on patrol before you guys arrived - him and his twin, Troy and Dean our Omega.  They have been out checking for new scents in the area since first light.”

Damien growled fiercely.  “He’s out there and you haven’t seen him since this morning?  What if they come across Bruce and his friends?  What if something has happened to him?

Suddenly all Damien wanted to do was shift and find this man with the tantalizing smell.  Every protective urge he had ever had rushed to the surface of his brain and he was desperate to hunt the man down and make sure that he was all right before he fucked him into the ground.  He tugged his muscle shirt off his
chest intent on doing just that.

“Damien, stop it.”  Shawn’s voice was still quiet but it was laced with power.  “Scott is just fine. The three men in our pack met up with your enforcers an hour ago and have paired off and are making their way back.  Scott
is with…” he tapped his head and looked up at the sky and then said, “Levi and Drake.  He’s fine.  They haven’t scented anything unusual.”

“Levi and Drake?  Oh fuck no. That’s worse. They are a pair of horn dogs that will fuck anything that moves. Why didn’t he go with Lucius and Vincent?”

“Because Lucius and Vincent know how important Dean is to us and he needed the most protection if they come across the bear,” Kane’s deep voice sounded behind Damien.  “Now do you want to tell me why you as a visiting Alpha sees fit to not only insult me and the way I run things, but then presume to tell me who of your enforcers is fit to be paired with my men?”

Damien was struggling with his control and his wolf.  The thought of his potential mate running around the forest with two of his enforcers, who were known for their promiscuous ways was enough to drive him over the edge.  He had never felt such an urgency to get to another person in his entire life but
he didn’t doubt for one second that this Scott must be his mate.

Older than the shifters in Kane’s pack, Damien had waited for more than a hundred and sixty years to be mated with someone although he still looked like he was in his early thirties.  It was his age combined with his finely honed control that allowed him to be the Alpha of the San Antonio pack despite constant challenges.  But for all of his wealth, his power and his
position, Damien had never had anyone in his life that was solely there for him.  Now that the possibility was within his grasp he wanted to grab it, grab the man tight with both arms and never ever let him go.

Bending down to remove his boots, Damien ignored Kane and focused on getting shifted and finding Scott.  As he bent down he could hear the sound of wolves coming out from the forest into the clearing and he quickly stood up, scanning the tree line.  His mate was near, he could
just catch a hint of that delicious scent coming from the tree line.

Lucius and Vincent in wolf form broke the tree line first escorting a smaller wolf, Dean.  Lucius noted the men standing on the porch and headed straight towards Damien, obviously to give his report.  As they reached the
porch steps Dean broke off and ran straight into the house, still with four feet.  Kane and Shawn didn’t seem to be surprised so Damien ignored it too.

Max and Isaac came running up from the outer edge of the forest.  They had a dark brown wolf with them.  This must be Troy, Damien thought to himself, the twin.  He watched as Troy and the other’s shifted and was surprised to see a tallish, well built blond man emerge from the dark wolf.  Troy had a keen intelligent face, wide blue eyes, a straight nose and a full pink mouth.  His sun kissed blond hair hung at shoulder length
and just grazed the broad tanned shoulders that tapered to a solid six pack and strong legs.  The man wasn’t pretty by anyone’s standards, but he was strong and handsome and Damien caught himself hoping that the twins were identical before he tore his eyes away and spoke to Lucius.

“Did you find anything?  Where are the others?”

Lucius looked around to see who was missing before answering.

“Nothing to report, Damien.  We didn’t find any suspicious scents in the area and we covered a five mile area.  If Bruce is coming through the forest area he hasn’t gotten close enough for us to scent him yet.”

“And Levi and Drake?  Why aren’t they back yet?”

Lucius shrugged as he wrapped an arm around his own mate Vincent, who was also Kane’s brother.  They were both wearing jeans supplied by Shawn, who was in the process of passing out similar clothes to the other naked shifters on the porch.

“We heard them as we were coming through the trees. I…er…think that Levi and Drake were hoping to convince Scott to shift before they got back to the house.  They were already shifted when I heard them, but Scott…”

“WHAT?” Damien yelled.  Turning to face the trees Damien roared, his Alpha power zinging across the grass. “
Levi, Drake, get back here now, I command it.

Seconds later two large wolves came running out from the tree line and straight to the porch.  Troy, noticing that Scott wasn’t with them, murmured to Kane and then after receiving a nod in return, shifted and took off back towards the trees.

Damien looked at the two men who were now naked and kneeling on the grass in front of the porch, their necks turned submissively to the side.  Both men were big, ugly brutes.  Perfect enforcer material but known for being rough and uncaring when they were looking for sex. 

As Damien took in the Levi’s split lip and the swelling across Drake’s eye the rage he had been keeping in check rose up and without warning he leapt over the porch rail to stand in front of the two men.  Now closer to them he could smell the same enticing scent that had been bugging him for more than an hour and he felt sick to his stomach about what his two enforcers might have done to his potential mate.

“Where’s Scott?”  He growled.

Both men looked at each other and then back at the ground.  Still growling Damien leant forward and grabbed Levi by his hair, raising him up off the ground until Levi’s feet were swinging in the air.

“Where’s Scott?” He said again, the menace evident in his voice.

“In the trees…we left him in the trees when you called.  We didn’t do anything to him honest…we just wanted to play with him a little bit.”

Damien raised his fist as if to strike the enforcer but just then a single low howl filled the air.

That’s Troy,” Kane growled as he and Shawn raced for the trees.  Damien flung Levi to the ground and then nodded to Max and Isaac and said, “Don’t let them move.”  Swinging around to Lucius and Vincent, Damien snapped out, “You two are with me,” as he too took off for the trees.  He just knew something had happened to his mate; he could feel it in his gut.


Due Out 14th April 2014

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Don’t miss it

Did you read Book One of the Cloverleah Pack series?

The Reluctant Wolf

Kane Matthews, Alpha of his small wolf pack in Cloverleah has been raised to believe that mates are not possible for gay men and has lived his life accordingly.  Kicked out of his home pack years before because of his sexual orientation Kane has built a solid and comfortable life for himself in the small town of Cloverleah. 

Imagine his surprise when an unscheduled visit to the small town's diner unleashes a flood of emotions in the man he didn't think possible - not least of all, lust. But finding out it is possible for wolf shifters to have gay mates is just one of the things that Kane has to overcome if he is to have the forever future he has been hoping for.

Shawn Bailey never expected to find his mate. He is just too different - an "Other" who has the power to instill fear in any other shifter. After spending ten years on the run from his Alpha father he spends most days just trying to stay alive.  When a chance encounter brings him face to face with his mate Shawn has to decide if the man in front of him is worth staying for. 

But with hunters, Alpha challenges, Kane's parents and a smitten Alpha from another pack all interfering in Kane and Shawn's budding romance, not to mention some surprising answers about Shawn's own unique talents can these two true mates find the happily ever after they are looking for?


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About the Author


Lisa Oliver had been writing non-fiction books for years when visions of half dressed, buff men started invading her dreams.  Unable to resist the lure of her stories Lisa decided to switch to fiction books and now stories about her men clamor to get out from under her fingertips. 


When Lisa is not writing she is usually reading with a cup of tea always at hand.  Her grown children and grandchildren sometimes try and pry her away from the computer and have found that the best way to do it is to promise her chocolate.  Lisa will do anything for chocolate.


Lisa loves to hear from her readers and other writers.  You can friend her on
Facebook here
, or email her directly at
[email protected]
.  If you are keen on getting some help writing your own novel you can go to
Writing With Lisa
to see what services she offers there.




BOOK: The Runaway Cat (Book 2 Cloverleah Pack Series)
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