The Runaway Cat (Book 2 Cloverleah Pack Series) (29 page)

BOOK: The Runaway Cat (Book 2 Cloverleah Pack Series)
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On and on the fight went.  The wolf intent on drawing blood and lunging and snapping wherever he could.  Diablo intent on staying bite free and just toying with the wolf, getting in thuds and knocks where he could - simply winding the wolf without hurting him too much.  Inside Diablo was grinning.  His cat hadn’t had the chance to play in a long time and driving this wolf to insanity was more fun than he had had in a long time.  Even though the wolf was tiring, Diablo did nothing to bring the fight to an end.  He was having far too much fun.

“Come on Diablo, stop playing with your food.  Finish this already.”  Griff’s snarls came across the crowd and caused Diablo to stop for a second.  He eyed the wolf who was circling him slowly.  The wolf’s chest was heaving and he was panting, his long tongue falling from his mouth.  The fact that the wolf was still standing was testament to how strong he must have been but after playing with Diablo’s cat for more than twenty minutes the wolf’s strength was gone.
  Diablo shrugged and leapt, landing on the wolf’s back pushing them both to the ground.  Although the wolf tried to turn his head and snap at Diablo, Diablo opened his mouth wide and pushed it over the wolf’s neck, gently piercing the skin with his huge teeth.

With Diablo’s teeth in his neck, his weight on his back and Diablo’s huge paws holding his head firm the wolf had no choice but to submit.  He whined and then Diablo felt the tell tale shimmer of the wolf shifting beneath him, Diablo’s teeth still in his neck.

“I submit,” he called out weakly, dropping his head to the ground as Diablo released his neck.  Pushing himself up Diablo padded over to the edge of the circle and allowed himself to be surrounded by his pack members.  Once hidden from the crowd’s eyes, Diablo shifted and pulled on the jeans that Griff held out to him.  Before the button was closed Griff had pulled him into a strong embrace. Inhaling sharply Diablo purred as he felt Griff’s scent wash away any of his remaining tension and when Griff’s lips sought his, he opened readily drinking in the man who was his in every way, kissing him back with as much passion as he could muster.  Only when the men needed to breathe did they pull apart.

“You are amazing, my lover,” Griff snarled quietly.

“No more than you,” Diablo said simply. He looked up and looked at the rest of the pack, his pack.  “Thank you guys not only for fighting for me today, but for allowing me the chance to show you I can be an asset to this pack rather than a weakness.  I appreciate that.”

Kane grinned and nodded and then indicated that the Shaman was waiting for them in the centre of the ring. Griff and Diablo went to stand before the man, their pack surrounding them on all sides.

“Griff, Diablo and the Cloverleah pack.  You have all fought well today and managed to vanquish more than sixty contenders for the right to keep Diablo in your pack.  You are to be commended.  This Mating Ritual will go down in wolf pack folklore not only due to the high number of contenders but also because it is the first time in wolf pack history that a non-wolf shifter has fought for his wolf mate.  That type of loyalty can’t be bought,” the Shaman said firmly.

“So tomorrow,” the Shaman continued, “we will conduct the Mating Ritual ceremony
at noon, and no-one will be allowed to question the validity of this union.”  He scowled as he looked over the gathered wolves.  “No one will be allowed to issue challenge to this union and no challenge will be accepted.  Is that clear?”

A few of the wolves muttered and looked at their feet but eventually all of the gathered shifters nodded their acceptance.  The Shaman smiled and nodded the Kane.

“I think for now the party is all yours, Alpha of the Cloverleah pack.  I will see you tomorrow,” and with that the Shaman left the circle and went to talk to Cheryl and Arthur.

Kane looked around at the wolves that stood on his land.  In all of his time of living in the area he had never entertained as many wolves in the one place
, but he was proud to do so.  The links formed with other gay wolf shifters only strengthened his own beliefs.  Something he would never had thought possible when he and Griff were booted out from their home pack all those years before.

Standing tall, every inch the Alpha that he was, Kane called for attention.

“Welcome to Cloverleah pack land.  You are all welcome to stay for the ceremony tomorrow.  Food and drink has been provided and you can pitch a tent anywhere within this enclave.  The forest areas,” Kane indicated the trees beyond the clearing “are all predator and hunter free.  We have over 1000 acres here so you are free to run, hunt or whatever.”

The crowd roared.

“However,” Kane said firmly, “there will be no more fighting on this land today either with this pack or between yourselves.  The challenge is over and now is the time to celebrate the union between Griff and Diablo.  Any questions?”

“Yeah,” came a voice from the crowd.  “How the hell can you let a big
assd cat shifter in your pack?  Aren’t you worried about him trying to take over your territory?”

Kane grinned as he looked at Diablo who had his arm wrapped around Griff’s waist, the bigger guy’s arm firmly across his shoulder. He knew that the cat shifter was thinking of their first meeting when Kane had indeed questioned the same thing himself.

“Why should I be worried?  Diablo is a good man - loyal to his mate and thereby to his pack.  He is intelligent, strong and he has proven today that he can fight when he has too.  As a pack we are really proud to have him.”  Kane stopped and pulled Shawn closer and smiled again at the crowd.

s I have a Shifter Guardian as my mate so while Diablo is formidable in his own right and Griff and he together make an unbeatable team, I have no doubt my own mate will protect the best interests of the pack.”  Looking over the crowd Kane’s voice was firm as he rolled out his Alpha power.

“Make no mistake.  The Cloverleah pack is very small but it is growing and will continue to grow especially as more gay shifters look to find a place where they can be who they are without reprisals from their pack and our own members find their mates.  This is a gay shifter pack and will remain so and we will never turn away anyone that is different in any way.  Those of you that have a problem with that are welcome to leave at any time.  I don’t have a problem with your own beliefs
provided you keep them to yourself, but your issues are not mine and it is my beliefs that count on Cloverleah pack land. While you are on this land you will respect that.”

Kane looked around the crowd, staring them all in the eye individually
, his pack members tense and ready to fight at his side.  When he caught his father’s eye he saw the older man nod at him approvingly. It was nice to see his father proud of him. Only when he had finished and was satisfied that there would be no challenge from anyone in the crowd did he smile.

“Now, as I have said, there is food and drink available.  It has been a long day and I am sure you are all ready to relax and have some fun.”  A cheer went up as Kane and his pack headed back into the house.  In front of the porch large trestle tables had been set up, all of them loaded with food, plates and silverware.
  A bar was set up to the side of the porch and Kane could see Xander and another man from his Dad’s pack serving the drinks.

Cheryl had set up a separate table for his pack on the porch and for a while the men sat around eating and drinking, reliving some of the more entertaining points of the challenges through the day.
Griff noticed that Diablo was quiet but as his little slip of the tongue at the challenge hadn’t been addressed yet, he felt it was probably best for him to not pursue the matter.

Griff had absolutely no idea why it was he thought he
could forbid his mate to do anything.  Then again that wasn’t true either.  Griff knew he spilled those fateful words simply because he didn’t want to see Diablo fighting with other wolves.  In his heart of hearts Griff had always been an old fashioned kind of wolf and despite the fact that he was gay and he knew he would end up with a male partner he always believed that he would be the one that would protect his mate from all others.

The Fates however had other ideas obviously.  They had sent him a mate who was more powerful than he was
, at least in animal form.  The fact that Diablo was also smart and a canny fighter as Griff had witnessed today proved that in a lot of ways Diablo didn’t need Griff - definitely not to protect him.  But the more Griff thought about it, the more he realized that he really didn’t care.  Diablo was his and he belonged to Diablo and even though he knew he had some form of punishment coming for his lapse in judgment, he knew his mate loved him and that was worth everything.

Smiling to himself Griff was about to get another drink when he felt Diablo in his head.

You have had enough to drink my lover.

Griff looked at Diablo who was sprawled back in his chair, one leg casually crooked over the other apparently watching two wolves mock wrestling on the lawn below them.
He had his FBI face on and the disinterested look on his face combined with the lethality that only Diablo in black jeans and a muscle shirt could create had Griff’s cock rock hard in seconds.

You know I would need a lot more than this to be drunk my angel.

Diablo sniffed and Griff knew that his mate could smell his arousal.  Shit half the wolves on the property probably could.

You’ve had enough.  Get up.  Go upstairs.  Strip naked and be on the bed waiting for me when I get there.

Griff took a deep breath and tried to will down the pressure in his cock.  But when he breathed in all he could smell was the intoxicating smell of his mate and his cock started to throb violently in his jeans. He looked over at Diablo who was still watching the fights on the lawn. If it wasn’t for the significant bulge in the man’s jeans Griff would have thought the man totally unaffected.

Move it Griff. And make sure you prepare yourself for me.  We have
ten hours until the ceremony tomorrow and I plan on fucking you through the mattress for at least half of that time.  Probably more. Go now!

Stumbling to his feet, not even trying to hide his erection, Griff muttered a hurried “good night” to the guys at the table and
literally ran inside. Diablo leaned forward and picked up his own drink, still half full.  As he sat back Scott leaned over to his ear.

“Playing with that sexy mind link again, ha Diablo?”

“Maybe,” Diablo grinned. He took another sip of his drink and sat back to watch as another two wolves were rolling around on the lawn together.  It was hard to tell from where he was sitting if the two men were actually wrestling or making out.

“What, you’re just going to leave the man hanging upstairs?”  Scott whispered appalled.

“Only for another five minutes, he’ll wait” Diablo said smoothly.

Damn you are a mean bastard,” Scott said with a grin. “But I like it.  Are you really that good?”

Diablo finished his drink and put the empty glass on the table.  He leant close to Scott and put his mouth close to Scott’s ear.

“Yes, I am,” he said softly, grinning as he felt Scott shudder as his breath skated across Scott’s neck.  “I promise you though my friend, when you find your mate he will be a lot better for you than I could ever be.”

Standing up, Diablo adjusted his jeans slightly and winked at Scott as he said his good nights.  Then, with the casual elegance that was all cat shifter he nonchalantly strolled across the porch and into the house.

Scott sat back and willed his own erection to go down.  He knew Claude was in the crowd but Scott had broken off with him for a reason.  He wanted to find a mate of his own and Claude just wasn’t it.  While he didn’t doubt the older man cared about him, probably more than just for sex, Scott knew he didn’t feel the same way.  Fuck, he thought, I sure hope my mate comes along soon or I am going to just plain die from blue balls.

Swigging his own drink Scott decided to go and find his twin, Troy.  That man hadn’t even met his
intended mate yet and he was half in love with him. Their relationship so far had consisted of infrequent emails and chat sessions. All Scott hoped was that when he did meet his own mate that he would be the kind and gentle soul that he had longed to find.  After all life wasn’t just about sex although the way his balls were hardened in his jeans, a bit of sex right now wouldn’t go amiss.  Damn Diablo.  Hell what was he doing?  There were at least sixty odd gay wolves on the property right now, who weren’t Claude.  He might not find his mate but he could find some satisfaction for his dick at least and if his heart did ache when it was over and all he felt was crashing loneliness, well he would ignore it.  Just like he always did.  Hips swinging, Scott left the porch and headed into the crowd.


Chapter Twenty Seven

The sun shone directly overhead as Diablo and Griff stood, once again, in the pack circle.
Together this time. Diablo was looking cool and impossibly sexy in his tailored black suit with his long blond hair flowing down his back.  Griff on the other hand looked wickedly debauched from the night before, his lips still swollen, the bite marks on his neck evident despite his collared shirt and the dark grey suit he had worn for the occasion.  Diablo smirked as he flashed a picture into Griff’s head.  Of Griff bound to the bed hand and foot, ass high as Diablo prowled towards him, his cock hard enough to pound concrete.  Yep, it had been one hell of a night.

As Griff let out a small moan he wobbled a bit on his feet and only Diablo’s reassuring arm at his elbow stabilized him.
The tantalizing scent of Griff’s arousal wafted past Diablo’s nose and he idly wondered how long this ceremony was going to last.  Although his own prick was still sensitive thanks to the marathon session he and his mate had enjoyed the thought of Griff’s soothing mouth on his hardening appendage had him looking for the nearest tree or wall to lean on.

“Gentlemen, we are ready to start,” the Shaman’s voice cut through Diablo’s lecherous thoughts.  The Shaman was an older man from Arthur and Cheryl’s pack.  It was the same one who had tried to break the mating bond between Kane and Shawn and the same one who later performed the Alpha Mating Ritual between Kane and Shawn once he had verified that indeed gay wolves could find their true mates.  The twinkle in the man’s eyes suggested to Diablo
that the Shaman knew exactly where Diablo’s thoughts had been going and he blushed a little under the knowing gaze.

Griff shook his head to clear his own nefarious thoughts and focused on the ceremony.  While his
ass might hurt and his muscles ached his heart was full and his mind was clear.  At last he was going to be mated with the man of his dreams.  His delicious cat shifter.  Any doubts Griff might have had in the past about the cat’s ability or desire to stay with him were firmly pounded away not only thanks to Diablo’s sexual prowess but also the loyalty and strength he had shown since he and Diablo had hooked up just over a month before.  Even the fact that he, Griff, was the envy of at least sixty odd shifters who stood witness to the ceremony couldn’t win out over the absolute peace in his heart that stemmed from the man stood next to him - Diablo was his - absolutely and permanently and he was owned just as completely.

The Shaman indicated that Diablo and Griff should face each other and then he started to speak.  “We have come together today to witness the Mating Ritual ceremony between Griff second in command of the Cloverleah pack, Alpha in his own right and son of Margaret of the Denver Colorado pack and Diablo, Alpha cat shifter and son of Hannah.”

“This is not something that is undertaken lightly as this bond is permanent and something that cannot be broken by any other person, shifter, or wolf.  At this time I would normally ask if any person present objects to this union, but given the challenges performed yesterday and my comments afterwards we are going to forego that part of the ceremony.  It would be nice if we can finish this before sunset at least,” he added with a smirk of his own. 

Griff grinned at a few of the groans that rang out among the crowd.  Not only did the Shaman have a sense of humor but it seems at least a couple of the wolves present were hoping for another chance at
claiming Diablo for themselves.

“What if we want to fight Diablo for the right to claim Griff,” a voice called out from the crowd.

The Shaman closed his eyes and pinched the bridge above his nose.  Diablo scanned the crowd looking for the person who spoke. He picked him out because of the rampant smirk the man had on his face.  Not as big as Diablo and probably not as strong in animal form, Diablo prepared himself for yet another fight.

“Not going to happen,” the Shaman’s voice rang out and when Diablo looked at him he could see the resolve in the man’s eyes.  “These two men and their pack fought long and hard yesterday so that these two would have the right to have their
true mate
union blessed with this ceremony.  True mates.  That means no wolf will disrespect this union with yet another challenge without serious consequences both to him and his pack.”  The Shaman let his words ring around the assembled wolves and sink in for a moment.

“Now, if we are all finished with this mucking about, I will continue,” he said smoothly.

“Griff, please explain to the pack and to those others present why it is you chose Diablo above all others.”

“How could I not?”  Griff grinned.  Then his face became serious and he stared deep into Diablo’s eyes.  Although his words were meant for Diablo alone, he knew the rest of the men assembled would hear every one.  For one split second he was nervous.  He had never been much of a public speaker especially about his feelings.  But Diablo’s calm gaze centered him and he knew he would be all right.  This man loved him and he would do him proud before this gathering.

“Diablo is everything to me.  He is the breath in my lungs, the sweat on my skin and the heart that keeps me alive.  I had reason recently to be parted from this man for just twelve hours and in that time I knew quite simply that I could not function without him.  Diablo is loyal, strong, intelligent and he brings skills to this pack that will strengthen us all.  But for me he is much more important than the benefits he brings to the pack.” 

Taking a deep breath, Griff continued.  “I love this man with all that I am and all that I can be. There will never be another for me because honestly there is nothing I want more than the perfection I see before me.  Inside and out Diablo is perfect for me in every way and I thank the Fates that he is my chosen true mate. As I have claimed so I have been claimed and I want nothing more than to stay with this man forever. I ask the pack and all those present to accept Diablo as my true mate.”

As the crowd howled their approval, because honestly how could they do anything else, Griff just focused on Diablo and the love he saw shining in those deep chocolate eyes of his. Now he had said his piece he was calm and content and just wanted the ceremony to be over.

The Shaman called for quiet and then spoke again, this time to Diablo.

“Diablo, now it is your turn.  Please explain to the pack and those present why you chose Griff above all others, and given that you are a cat shifter, why you want to be accepted as a member of the Cloverleah pack.”

Wow, no pressure, Diablo thought to himself as he struggled to gather his thoughts.  How did you explain in simple words the torrent of emotions that buffeted
him every time they were together and the chronic loneliness he felt when they were apart?  How can that type of love be put into words the others would understand?  Well, he had to try and looking at Griff who he knew loved him with all of his heart, body, mind and soul, and who he loved in just the same way, suddenly the words came easily to him and he spoke.

Griff completes me,” Diablo said softly, knowing that the other wolves would hear him, his voice like liquid dark chocolate, smooth and sensual.  “He is the only one who can calm my beast, the only one that can warm my heart and the only one who can soothe my soul. For me he is everything. Griff took my life and turned it on a dime, changing it so completely it took my breath away.  And yet every time I look at the man before me I can only wonder at how I managed to live at all without him by my side.  Griff taught me the value of pack, but more importantly Griff stole my heart and without him I would be nothing. I love this man with all that I am and all that I can be and I want nothing more than to be with Griff forever.  There will be no other.  As I have claimed I have been claimed.  I pledge to the pack my loyalty, my commitment and my skills. To Griff I pledge all that I am. I want to be by Griff’s side in all things, and as such I ask those present to accept me as Griff’s true mate and a part of the Cloverleah pack.”

As the crowd howled their acceptance again the Shaman smiled saying, “not common emotions for a cat shifter?”

“Perhaps not,” Diablo agreed, “but true in every sense for me and that is what counts here.”

The Shaman bought the two men’s right hands together and bound them by the wrist with a slim leather strap.  Speaking softly the Shaman chanted over the bound wrists while Diablo and Griff continued to stare into each other’s eyes.  As the chants grew and the crowd responded both men remained focused on each other until suddenly there was a large flash of light that encompassed both Griff and Diablo.  It pulsed for just two seconds and then dissipated.

“Wow,” said the Shaman, stunned for a minute. “That’s never happened before.”  He looked over to where Shawn was standing on the circle’s edge with Kane.

“Do you have any idea what that was about?”

Shawn stood for a minute with his eyes closed as though channeling some higher thought.  When he opened them he smiled.

“The coming together of Griff and Diablo has significance far beyond this pack.  They will be a shining example of two shifters bound together by love and their desire to help others.  Furthermore they will also give hope to those wolf shifters and packs that don’t believe in pairing with non-wolves and who don’t believe in mates for gay men.  From what I’ve been told,” he pointed vaguely at the heavens, “the Fates just wanted to recognize
their importance with their own little light show.”

Shaking his head the Shaman turned back to Griff and Diablo who were still lost in each other.  He turned their wrists to plant the tattoos mated shifters wore to warn off others and to his astonishment it was already done.  Diablo was sporting a small wolf’s head, that he knew was exactly like Griff’s wolf, while Griff of course was wearing the head of a panther on his inside wrist.  Underneath the tattoos were three small icons that looked a lot like ancient hieroglyphics.

“You have been marked by the Fates themselves,” the Shaman said, his voice quiet and filled with wonder as he undid the leather tie.  Then he shook his head again and said in a louder voice.

“It is done. Let no one come between this wolf and this cat
on the pain of death as decreed by pack law and in this case the Fate’s themselves.  They are now as one.”

Griff moved towards Diablo and took his mouth in a soft and passionate kiss, ignoring the cheers of the crowd and the scores of men who came forward to congratulate them.
  In the commotion the Shaman pulled Shawn aside and spoke to him quietly, the two men looking over to where Griff and Diablo were now hugging their pack members.  After a short while, Shawn nodded to the Shaman and then left to go and stand with Kane.

“What was all that about, my lover,” Kane asked softly.

“The Shaman thinks we should probably try and find out a bit more about who Diablo’s father was.  It seems the cat has more power than anyone here gives him credit for and the Shaman seems to think that it might have something to do with his father being quite high up in cat shifter society.”

“But Diablo said his mother doesn’t even really know who the father is.  Just some cat shifter she released from a circus or something.” Kane was struggling to remember what Griff and Diablo had told them about the man.

“Yes, well, it is not a big deal.  But among cat shifters at least it would seem that Diablo is a big deal even if he doesn’t realize it.  Which he obviously doesn’t.  Griff has said that he hasn’t had any contact with other cat shifters apart from his mother.” 

Shawn was quiet for a moment and then said, “We may have to go visit her at some time, don’t you think?”

Kane nodded. “Yes I think that might be a good idea, but hey let’s not say anything about it today alright.  Today is for Griff and Diablo and their Mating Ritual.  Surely shifter politics and all that other crap can go out of the window for a little while?”

“Of course,” Shawn grinned at his mate.  “But you know I have to wonder about you m
y mate.  First you mate with a Shifter Guardian and now Griff has mated with a high ranking and powerful cat shifter.  It kinda makes you wonder what Anton’s got going for him and who Dean and Scott are going to mate with.  You must be one hell of a strong Alpha to attract all of that power and energy.”

Nuzzling Shawn’s neck, which for Kane was his most favorite place on earth, Kane mumbled something about his mate being biased and Shawn laughed.  Slowly they made their way back up to the house where already food and drinks were being served.  Shawn flicked his fingers and music started pouring out of the house and just like that, a party was started.



It was dark by the time Griff finally got Diablo on the make-shift dance floor, set out on the side of the glade.  They had spent their time eating, drinking and making new friends.  A couple of the guys they had met were interested in joining Kane’s pack and once Griff had determined that their interest wasn’t just another ruse to get closer to Diablo, he talked to them about the types of work they could find in the area and other useful information.

For the first time ever Griff saw Diablo totally relaxed in company.  Although he was always touching Griff in some form or another, he laughed and joked and questioned the men around him depending on the situation.  Now his mate was slightly tipsy
and moving to the music, his head tilted up, his eyes closed and his body pure sex on a stick as he danced.  Unhappy about the amount of attention his mate was getting, even when the man himself was totally oblivious, Griff was pleased when a slow song came on and he had the perfect excuse to pull Diablo snug against his body.

BOOK: The Runaway Cat (Book 2 Cloverleah Pack Series)
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