The Runaway Cat (Book 2 Cloverleah Pack Series) (8 page)

BOOK: The Runaway Cat (Book 2 Cloverleah Pack Series)
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Griff was far more interested in watching Diablo out of the corner of his eye.  The man’s fluid motions were sensual without being overt.  His feet, legs and hips kept perfect time to the beat, shifting with each different song.  Diablo’s half closed eyes and his slightly upturned face gave him a look of isolated beauty
. His long blond hair cascaded down his back like a veil of silk.  The sight was truly beautiful and not for the first time Griff regretted being so drunk when he first met the man. Diablo was a man who didn’t dance to impress anyone.  A cat that was graceful with every move he made.  The only thing Griff would change is that Diablo’s arms currently hanging by his sides would be wrapped around him and their eyes would be locked together as they moved together.  As his cock strained against his zipper Griff forced himself to pay attention to Georgio.  It really was time to get Diablo out of here.

“…level of business were you hoping to put through?”  Georgio’s voice all eager
.  Griff hated this sort of mark.  Someone who thought they were their own version of the Godfather in their little hick town areas.  Georgio was just a thug in a suit.  A greedy thug though and that could work to Griff’s advantage.

“Not too much at first.  Probably a couple of mill a time for the first half a dozen times to see how it goes.”  The boredom in Griff’s voice was a direct contrast to Georgio’s sales pitch.  Griff noted the bright gleam in Georgio’s eyes.  Yes you little shit a couple of million dollars worth of product just going through this area once would set
you up for life.

“We can cater to anything you need, Angel.  Anything at all.”  Damn the man was positively rubbing his hands together with glee.

“Hmmm,” Griff kept his voice bored as he openly looked at Diablo who was still dancing.  “I can do business anywhere as you well know.  What sort of incentive can you give me to bring my business to you specifically?” He flicked a glance back at Georgio. “How can I know I can trust you implicitly?” He raised his eyebrows at the human and went back to openly watching Diablo.  Fuck he would love to see that man dancing naked - it would be a porn dream come true. Although those leather pants didn’t leave much to the imagination either. Griff smiled to himself as he saw the evidence of Diablo’s erection in the plastered on pants.  His mate might be angry but he wasn’t unaffected by Griff’s presence.

Griff sat patiently waiting for Georgio to make the connection.
In his peripheral vision he could see Georgio looking between Griff and Diablo.  Backwards and forwards obviously waging some inner battles of his own.  Did he really want to take Diablo’s ass at the risk of losing the amount of business a man like Angel could put through his area? Griff knew that greed had won out when Georgio sat back.  His decision apparently made.

“Tell me Angel, how long are you going to be in the area?”

“Till Friday if I find something interesting enough to keep me here that long.”  Forcing himself to look away from Diablo’s rhythmic ass, Griff sat back in his chair, steepling his fingers in front of him and quietly watching Georgio waiting for him to make his move.

“Wanna borrow my boy for your stay?” Griff raised his eyebrows at Georgio inviting him to elaborate.

“He…er…I…er…have plans for him at the end of the week.  Friday.  But you can take him for your personal use until then if that will help sweeten our deal?”

“I did bring a boy of my own on this trip Georgio.  I’m not interested in threesomes so what do you propose I do about him?”  Both men looked down at Ramon who was currently bumping and grinding with two different men in a blatant display of pure sex.  Griff could smell Georgio’s arousal
- Diablo was right.  The man stunk to a shifter at least.

“Well if you could consider trusting me, I could take care of him for you.”

Griff pretended to consider it.  Georgio didn’t know that Ramon was a high class hooker and had been paid plenty of money to do his part in this deal.  Ramon was also well trained in self-defense and could quite easily take care of himself if Georgio got a bit out of hand.  That is why Griff bought him on this trip.

“Your boy has bruises.  Mine doesn’t.  I would want it to stay that way.
  I will take any damages out of your hide personally.  Do we understand each other?”

“You have my word Angel, I won’t harm him in any way and he is free to go whenever he pleases.  I can’t be fairer than that can I Angel? After all you get my boy till Friday

“Very well.”  Griff stood up and buttoned his jacket.  “Consider it a deal.  We will discuss the first lot of merchandize to come through your system when I return your boy on Friday.”  He reached down and shook Georgio’s hand.  Ramon and Diablo came back to the table as soon as Griff stood up. 

Georgio looked at Diablo with a cold look.

“You are to go with Mr. Bandures here.  He will return you to me
here at the club on Friday.  Do as you are told boy as you know what will happen to you if you don’t.” 

Diablo looked up in shock as Griff took his own leash and clipped it into the D ring on Diablo’s collar tugging him to come forward a bit.  Ramon came forward too looking at Griff as if awaiting his orders.  Griff stroked the younger man’s cheek again and said softly.

“I have arranged for you to spend some time with Mr. Sheraton here.  He has promised he will not harm you and you have my permission to leave him whenever you want.  Call Bruno for a pickup when you are ready.  Is that okay with you Ramon?”

The perfect submissive Ramon nodded and went to stand by Georgio tilting his head to allow Georgio to clip his leash into his own collar.
Georgio immediately grabbed the smaller man and started groping his ass.  Ramon arched into the touch and whispered “more,” his small hands darting out to rub Georgio’s lower belly.  Eyes glazed with lust Georgio barely noticed when Griff led Diablo out of the room.

Once outside Diablo turned on Griff, his eyes blazing.  “What the…”  Griff put a finger over his lips and said quietly, “Trust me.  We are not out of this yet. Give me ten minutes then you can yell all you like.”  Diablo nodded, his pursed lips and flashing eyes betraying his agitation.  But he allowed Griff to put his arm across his shoulders and lead him to a large black limousine that was double parked right outside the club.
Griff opened the back door and guided Diablo inside.  Once seated the big car started moving immediately, the two men in the back sitting silently. 

Five minutes later the car pulled into a hotel’s underground car park and parked. 
The driver got out and went around to the boot pulling out two black bags which he handed to Griff.

“Bruno I am meant to be at this hotel until Friday.  You know what to do.  I am not to be disturbed for any reason.  Check on Ramon every
twelve hours and expect his call when he is ready to leave anytime.  If you can’t get in touch with him by phone at any of the check in times then go in and get him.  Use force if necessary.  I will be in touch Friday, if not before.”  The big man nodded and walked off into the hotel. Griff looked around the deserted car park as he pulled out his phone hitting number #2 on the speed dial.

“You got him?” 
The voice sounded vaguely familiar to Diablo.  Griff tightened his grip around Diablo holding him close to his chest.

“Yep, you got us?”

“Yes, hold on.”

Seconds later Diablo felt a charge of electricity in the air and then a whoosh of air that made him close his eyes.  Less than a minute later he opened them again…to find himself in a large
living room of what was obviously Griff’s home. He quickly took in the big windows, cream walls and wooden floors.  The couches and chairs were all brightly colored and looked like they were made for sitting on rather than looking at.  There were a couple of art prints of classic bikes on the walls and books stacked on the coffee table and in a large bookcase that ran under the windows.  Another large entertainment center held a huge widescreen television and stereo unit.  There were a couple of doors off the room to one side and the living room flowed into a dining and kitchen area on the other.  The whole place looked lived in and loved and Diablo felt immediately safe.  This was a home.

“So how much shit are you in Griff?”  The voice on the phone was laughing now.

“Enough that it wouldn’t pay to visit for a bit.  Things could get violent.”  Griff was looking at Diablo with a huge grin on his face.

“Come round Monday night for dinner.  He can meet the rest of us.”

“Yeah, we’ll see. Hopefully it will be okay by then. Thank Shawn for me man, I owe him one.”

“No probs Griff.  Have fun.”  The phone clicked off and Griff tossed it on the coffee table.

Diablo looked at Griff.  “So this is travel Shawn style, ha?”

“Yep.  Never done it before but have to say it’s faster than flying.”  Griff pulled Diablo even closer his big hands running through Diablo’s hair.  Diablo wrapped his arms around Griff’s waist and leant in for one long minute.  Griff felt so good and Diablo was so tired.  The whole time he had been away from Griff had been a battle.  Then he
registered the clean lines of the suit Griff was wearing and he pushed back, creating some distance between them.

“You have got some serious explaining to do, Griff.  Or should I call you Angel?”

Griff ran his hand over his face.  “Yes I know.  And it’s Griff.  But first why don’t you take a shower and I will get us something to eat.”  Diablo went to speak again but Griff put his hand up.  “I know and I will tell you anything you want to know but please can we get the stink of that club off us first and get that bloody collar off your neck.”

Griff handed Diablo one of the black bags.  “There are clothes for you in there.” He pointed to a door off the
living room. “The guest bedroom is through there and you will find the shower with everything you need.  I will go and shower in the other room, okay.  We will meet up back out here when you are done.”

Diablo looked like he was going to say more but then he saw the lines of worry on Griff’s face.  This hadn’t been an easy week for his mate either.  Nodding he headed off to the bedroom.

Chapter Eight

Stripping off his clothes Diablo looked around Griff’s guest bedroom.  Decked out like the
living room the room was smart, comfortable and contained a large bed, a couple of side dressers and a large dressing table with a mirror sitting over the top of it.  Naked Diablo stood in front of the mirror while he fiddled with the clasp of the collar.  As soon as the lock came free he dropped the thing onto the dressing table and felt heaps better.   He studied the bruises on his face.  Hmmm, a quick shift would take care of those and the ones he still had on his ribs. 

Diablo thought of his cat form in his minds eye and seconds later a rumble went through his furry chest.  He flexed his four long legs out as far as they would go and arched his back.  God his cat needed to have a run but that would have to wait.  His human side needed to find out about the man he had mated and he desperately wanted a shower before that little talk.  Shifting back he found the surprisingly large shower with multiple heads.  Turning the water onto full hot he stood for a while under the streams of water letting his stresses fall off him with the dirty water.

Tipping his head back Diablo allowed the water to pour over his face and hair. God it was amazing how something as simple as high water pressure could just melt away the kinks he had in his neck and his back.  Taking a deep breath Diablo relaxed fully for the first time since he had claimed his mate and with his relaxation his mind barriers came tumbling down. He reached for the soap and started to run it over his body.  Diablo could feel Griff in the next room through their mind connection his emotions a mixture of anger, frustration and arousal.  Diablo made sure he himself didn’t project anything as he tried to get a handle on the enigma that was his mate.

Griff wasn’t projecting anything specific.  He was obviously just letting his mind run over the evening events.  Diablo could see how angry Griff was with Georgio when he saw the bruises on Diablo’
s face. The guy might have looked like the epitome of control but if the situation had been any different Diablo knew that Georgio would have been a dead man.  But there was more to Griff than his anger. The big man was hurting because of him.  It had torn at Griff’s soul to see Diablo with Georgio.  Diablo grunted to himself.  The man definitely had better outward self control than Diablo had.  Diablo had wanted to kill Ramon for touching his mate’s shoulders.  Griff had seen Diablo humiliated by a human thug complete with collar and bruises and yet he sat there and just dealt with it calmly so that he could get Diablo out of his situation.  That was pretty amazing for a wolf shifter who had yet to claim his mate. Diablo felt his admiration for this man he really didn’t know grow with everything he did.

Diablo grabbed some shampoo from the shower shelf and rubbed it through his hair.  It smelt like coconuts and vanilla.  As he started to wash the soap from his hair Diablo could feel Griff’s mind shift.  Pictures flashing through Griff’s mind were of Diablo dancing and Diablo could sense even without the mind link that Griff was highly aroused by what he remembered.

Fuck. His mate was naked in the shower dreaming of him and highly aroused by the process and Diablo was doing what?  Nothing.  He looked at his own cock that was red, full and rigid.  Talking could wait.  Diablo couldn’t do much about the other things that Griff was feeling but he sure knew how to please his mate.  He shut off the water and snatching a towel from a pile on a stool he wrapped it around his waist long enough to walk down the short hallway to the master bedroom.

Stalking through the large room towards the ensuite Diablo barely registered the huge bed that dominated the room.  His quarry was in the shower, naked and wet.  Padding silently into the bathroom he stopped short at the sight of Griff’s huge body stretched out against the shower wall.  Griff’s eyes were closed as he was focused on the pictures in his mind. His
jaw tightly clenched so as to silence any undue moaning. Griff’s hand moved languidly over his huge cock and he was so engrossed he didn’t notice Diablo until the man had plastered himself along Griff’s body his mouth urgently seeking a kiss.

Griff’s eyes flew open and he tried to pull back.  But as he was already lodged against the tile wall there wasn’t anywhere he could go. 
Diablo fisted his hands in Griff’s hair and pulled the man’s mouth closer to his own.  “Talk later,” he growled before fastening his lips on Griff’s in a hard kiss.  Griff groaned and as his mouth opened Diablo plunged his tongue in exploring every facet of his mate’s sweet taste.  Griff took it and more.  His own tongue flicked along Diablo’s chasing back into Diablo’s mouth and then back out again. Griff’s body was writhing against him frantically trying to touch Diablo everywhere at once.  Diablo knew if he kept kissing his mate like that he was going to come in about ten seconds flat.   He pulled back from Griff’s mouth and ran his hands down Griff’s hard chest, pinching Griff’s nipples as he went. 

Griff whimpered and pleaded, “More Diablo, please mate,
give me something.”

Diablo grinned and dropped to his knees.  Opening his mouth wide he slid Griff’s cock straight in and down his throat. Slipping his hands around to Griff’s tight
ass Diablo used the fingers on one hand to hold Griff’s cheeks aside while with the other he fluttered his fingers over Griff’s tightly clenched hole. Griff moaned and rocked his hips back chasing Diablo’s fingers and pulling his cock partially out of Diablo’s mouth. Diablo sucked the cock back in and pressed his fingers harder over Griff’s hole.  Griff rocked again, chasing the fingers one minute and pushing his cock into Diablo’s mouth the next.

“So good Diablo.  Love your mouth around my cock. Please Diablo, more.” 
The man was positively babbling now.

Diablo stepped up the pace with his mouth.  He
wouldn’t breach Griff’s hole without some lube, the man was just too tight but he tapped and rubbed and pushed against the hole, sucking deep all the while, swirling his tongue up Griff’s shaft on the up strokes and sucking deeply on the way down.

“Fuck…Diablo…fuck…I need…”

“What do you need my mate?”  Diablo growled looking up at Griff with the man’s cock still deep in his mouth.  Griff looked so beautiful with his chest heaving and his whole body quivering with lust.

“Need you in me…Diablo please fuck me…please.”  Griff was begging.

Diablo slurped off Griff’s cock and reached behind himself to shut the water off.  Standing up he tugged Griff out of the shower and into the bedroom where he pushed Griff down onto the bed face up uncaring about the fact that both of them were still dripping wet. Grabbing a bottle of lube off of the side table Diablo climbed back onto the bed settling between Griff’s thighs.  Griff grabbed his legs and pulled them up exposing himself his cock thick heavy and leaking steadily between them.

“God do you have any idea how beautiful you look spread out for me like this,” Diablo growled before he took Griff’s cock in his mouth again, his long blond hair falling like a shroud about them
.  He felt Griff release one of his legs long enough to tuck the hair behind his ear and he grinned around the cock.  His mate liked to watch.

Using his fingers Diablo quickly prepared Griff to receive
him.  One, two, three and then four fingers pushing in that tight hole, edging in deeper with each thrust. Griff flexing his hips off the bed as the pleasure/pain cycle increased.

“Damn Diablo…need you.  In me.  Now.”

Coating his cock with lube Diablo removed his fingers and mouth at the same time, causing Griff to groan.  But before his mate could mourn the loss Diablo lined himself up and thrust with one solid thrust.  Using his toes to leverage himself on the bed he pushed and pushed until he was deep inside his mate.  Only when his balls were slapping against Griff’s ass did he stop.  Griff writhed and moaned and bore down on him pushing him deeper.  Diablo stilled to allow the burn to wash away.

When he felt Griff grab his hips Diablo bent over his man

“Open your eyes and look at me.” Diablo said softly. He watched Griff’s eyes flutter open and fix on his.

“I am going to claim you now. I should have asked before and I didn’t.  But I am asking you now. Do you want this?”  He rocked his hips into Griff pushing his cock that little bit deeper.

growled.  “Yes.  I want you damn it…I want you to fuck me…I want you to claim me hard…I need you Diablo.  Need you so much. Take me as yours.”

That was all Diablo
wanted to hear.  Supporting his weight on his hands he flexed his hips backwards and forwards, working his cock in and out in punishing thrusts and pulls.  Griff used his leverage on Diablo’s hips to match Diablo’s rhythm, their lower bodies thumping together with each inward thrust. Soon they were both moaning and gasping, grunting with every movement their skin slapping together faster and harder as their need for each other increased.

When Diablo felt the tingles in his spine signaling his impending release he lowered his head, finding the spot where he had claimed his mate just over a week before. 
He licked over the scar that remained, his body tingling further at the taste of his mate’s skin.

“Gonna claim you now mate.  Gonna mark you inside and out.  Gonna fill you with my spunk and gonna make you mine.” 

Diablo had to stop talking as he felt his eye teeth drop down in his gums.  He felt Griff moan and writhe beneath him in acquiescence and that was enough to send him tumbling over the edge.  As his come spurted deep into his mate he dropped his mouth, biting hard over Griff’s scarred mating mark.  He felt Griff scream loudly as the sticky dampness soaking over their joined abdomen and chest signaled his own release.

Being careful to pull out his curved canines slowly from his mates shoulder, Diablo licked and licked over the bite, causing Griff to moan softly with pleasure.  Only when the blood had stopped flowing did Diablo raise his head up to look at his dazed mate.

“You’re mine Griff.  Mine in every way.” He growled softly.

“Yours, only yours Di
ablo.” Griff moaned in pleasure his breaths still coming out in short pants.

Diablo carefully eased himself out of his mate and padded over to the bathroom for a wash cloth.  Griff was still awake when he went back in and started washing him down.  Diablo threw the wash cloth in the general direction of the bathroom and settled down beside the man he would spend the rest of his life with. 

Griff immediately gathered him up in his big strong arms and whispered “Sleep now little kitty cat.  I will tell you all in the morning.” 

That was good enough for Diablo.  He slept feeling safer than he had for more than ten years.

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