The Russian's Stubborn Lover (The Fedosov Family Series Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: The Russian's Stubborn Lover (The Fedosov Family Series Book 1)
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Julia spotted her two suitcases and quickly removed them from the carousel. Turning, she noticed a large man standing beside the woman wearing what appeared to be a chauffeur’s hat. When he took her luggage from her without saying a word, Mrs. Rusnik hurried to explain, “That is Sergei. He is Mr. Fedosov’s personal driver. During your stay here in Russia, he will be available to you whenever you need to travel.”

I get my own personal driver? Yeah me!!
“Well, that’s unexpected, but very much appreciated.  I didn’t have time to apply for an international driver’s license…”

“Not to worry my dear. Driving in Russia is an experience I assure you, you can do without.” Mrs. Rusnik started heading towards the exit doors and Julia followed.

The air was brisk as they exited the terminal and Julia glanced around in wonder. Turning to her companion, she asked, “What time is it here?”

“10 o’clock. Why do you ask?”

“But, I thought...,” Julia began, looking around and realizing she had evidently made a mistake in her calculations or reading of her plane ticket.

Mrs. Rusnik read the confusion on the young woman’s face and realized what was causing it, “You are wondering why it is so bright outside, no? You expected to arrive at nighttime?”

When Julia nodded, she continued, “It is 10 p.m., however, we are so very far north, for the next several weeks, it will never get dark.”

“Ever? You mean it will be light like this 24/7?”

“24/7? This term does not mean anything to me,” Mrs. Rusnik informed her.

“Sorry,” Julia laughed.
She would have to remember to say exactly what she meant. American slang and abbreviated speech would most likely get her nowhere while in Russia!
“24/7 refers to the 24 hours in a day and 7 days a week.”

Mrs. Rusnik smiled in understanding, “Oh, yes. It will be light 24/7.” She was grinning as she used the American term and Julia couldn’t help but smile back. “It’s called
Beliye Nochi
. White Nights.”

Julia attempted to repeat the Russian term and by the look upon Mrs. Rusnik’s face, failed miserably.

Patting her shoulder, she was told, “Never mind. Russian is a hard language and takes practice for you westerners.”

Julia soon realized how true that statement was. As they travelled to the outskirts of the city, Mrs. Rusnik was very accommodating in naming the various buildings and monuments they passed. All in Russian, of course, and most of which Julia didn’t have a chance of remembering.

When the car pulled up in front of a large residence, Julia looked at her questioning. She had expected to spend the next year living in a hotel, and after hearing the horror stories from some of the visitors to Russia during the Winter Olympics, she had been prepared for less than stellar accommodations.

The large residence, almost mansion-like in size, was stunning. With the stone facades and statues gracing the entrance to the building, Julia felt like she had been transported to another era. Looking around, as she stepped from the car, she saw enormous gardens that were meticulously maintained, as well as several terraces that appeared to be groomed similarly.

“Where is this place?” she asked her escort.

“This is the family home of Mr. Fedosov. You will be staying here while in Russia.”

Julia was shocked, “Here? I expected to stay in a hotel, or maybe even a small apartment.”

Mrs. Rusnik shook her head, “No. That would not be proper for a young woman such as yourself. Mr. Fedosov has decreed that you will stay here. The only other full-time occupants, other than the help, are Mrs. Fedosov. Since the passing of her husband, may God rest his soul, she has become a recluse. It is good for her to have someone else living under the same roof once again.”

Julia looked up at the massive house before asking, “All of this for one person?”

“Mr. Fedosov and his brother often visit, and you will find them staying here for short periods of time, but they both have apartments in the city. Now, Sergei will take your luggage up to your rooms. Come, I will see if Mrs. Fedosov is still awake and up for a visitor.”

Julia followed the woman inside, looking up in amazement at the high ceiling and massive balcony, which looked down from the second story. The only buildings she had ever been in that she could compare the house to were government buildings, courthouses and federal buildings.

Looking around, she realized the house should feel cold and sterile, but it did not. It felt very comfortable, lavish, but comfortable. It would definitely take a little getting used to.

Mrs. Rusnik entered what looked like a sitting room, and then gestured for Julia to join her. She spoke to someone sitting in a chair facing the marble fireplace in Russian, and then waved Julia over.

The woman sitting in the chair was absolutely stunning and Julia barely contained her gasp. She was an older woman, as was evidenced by the lines dancing around her dark blue eyes. Her hair was still a vibrant black and styled up, and secured with glimmering clips at the side of her head.

Her hands were graceful with long elegant fingers adorned by many rings with sparkling jewels and at her neck, she wore a golden rope intertwined with pearls. She was dressed in a dark rose dress that molded to her lithe body and as she rose, Julia realized the woman had to be close to 5’10” tall.  She herself was only 5’4” tall and found herself looking up to meet the woman’s smiling eyes. “Velcome,” she was told, the W having a decidedly V sound to it.

Julia smiled back and her and shook the proffered hand. Mrs. Rusnik made the introductions, first in English for Julia’s benefit, and then in Russian.

Mrs. Rusnik explained, “Mrs. Fedosov speaks very little English. She can understand it better than she can speak it, but since you will not be spending much time here, that should not be a problem. Sergei will almost always be around and he speaks very good English.”

Mrs. Rusnik nodded her head towards the doorway, and Julia was relieved to see Sergei standing there, waiting at attention.

Mrs. Fedosov started speaking in Russian and after a few minutes, Mrs. Rusnik translated for her, “She hopes your travels were not too tiring and has had the Catherine suite prepared for your use.”

“The Catherine suite?” Julia asked, not making the connection.

“Catherine the Great. She once stayed here for a week. The suite was named after her upon her departure. I believe you will find the accommodations pleasant. If you should need anything, there is a phone next to the bed. Simply pick it up and someone will answer immediately. Day or night. The staff does not speak much English, although Mr. Fedosov has provided them an instructor each day for the past month.”

Julia was beginning to feel the effects of her travels and hid a yawn behind her hand, not wanting to seem ungrateful, but yearning for a bed.

Mrs. Rusnik bit her lip as she saw the young woman hide her yawn and visibly wilt before her eyes. The poor dear was exhausted. “Come, Sergei will show you to your rooms. I will have someone bring up a light snack for you before I leave. I will return tomorrow at 10 a.m. and we will go to the office together.”

Julia nodded, fading fast and wondering how she was going to be alert enough to do anything tomorrow. In the last twenty-four hours, she had travelled halfway around the world and the time changes were beginning to catch up to her.

Mrs. Rusnik spoke to Mrs. Fedosov briefly and then took Julia’s arm and led her out of the room and towards the stairs. Sergei led the way and Julia followed him up the stairs.

He took her down a long hallway, and stopped at the end, opening wide a double set of wooden doors to reveal a palatial looking sitting room with two more doors beyond.  “The bedroom is to your left. I asked the staff to unpack for you. I will see you in the morning. Come back down the stairs when you are ready for breakfast and I will show you the way to the dining room.”

Julia nodded, still trying to take in the exquisite furnishings, wall art, and overall atmosphere of the rooms she was to live in for the next year. It was unbelievable, but her exhaustion demanded her attention, and she decided to explore her surroundings more thoroughly on the morrow. She quickly located the bedroom, rinsed her face and brushed her hair out in the adjoining bath, and crawled between the sheets with a long sigh.

She was asleep within moments and didn’t even stir when Mrs. Fedosov entered her room with a small snack tray in her hands. She stood in the doorway and watched the beautiful American girl for several moments before she quietly left, pulling the door shut behind her.

A small smile grew on her face as she tried to imagine her headstrong and very focused son’s reaction to the young American. She was beautiful, and even though she had only met her for a few brief minutes, she could see the fire of adventure and the self-confidence the young woman wore like a shield about her.

Dmitry was not used to having women in his business world unless they were secretaries or the like. It would be very interesting to watch how he handled a woman who valued her opinions as much as he did his. A woman not afraid of new experiences.  One who had willingly given up the comforts of her American home to travel to Russia for a year. That woman would give her son a run for his money and she looked forward to seeing if they could work together.


Chapter 4


Three weeks later…


“Mrs. Rusnik, have you seen that report that was supposed to have come in from the refinery?” Julia asked.

Three weeks into her yearlong stay in Russia, and she felt things were going rather well. With the exception of Mrs. Rusnik and a few married women who worked two floors down, most of the company was comprised of men, but that didn’t seem to bother Julia too much.

She had settled into a routine whereby she arrived at DAV Mining’s offices each morning around 8 o’clock and returned to the Fedosov estate around 6 o’clock each evening. She rarely saw Mrs. Fedosov, and had begun to make friends with the estate staff.

Sergei had been very helpful in transporting her back and forth and she was hoping to speak with him about doing some sightseeing this weekend. She hadn’t ventured out on her own yet, Mrs. Rusnik having cautioned her about doing so without an escort. Julia had smiled and nodded, not entirely comfortable about being out in a strange city where she didn’t even speak the language.

The cook at the estate, Mrs. Padrov, had taken Julia under her wing and introduced her to her younger sister who was currently a fashion model and living in Moscow. Antonia had been home last weekend and Julia had enjoyed hearing about her world travels and all of the handsome men she dated on a regular basis.

She was planning on returning this weekend and Julia was hopeful that maybe she could convince the Russian beauty to show her around. Julia was ready to get out and about, and staying at the estate each evening, corresponding with her friends back in the states via email and Skype was quickly becoming old. She needed to explore and try some new things!

Mrs. Rusnik called her name again, “Julia, dear are you alright?”

“Sorry, I was woolgathering, I guess.”

“That’s quite alright, my dear. So, tell me how things are going.”

Julia smiled; Mrs. Rusnik had become her surrogate parent and was always checking to make sure everything was okay. “Things are fine. Mrs. Padrov’s sister is supposed to be back in town this weekend and I’m hoping maybe she would hang with me and show me around a bit.”

Mrs. Rusnik turned her mouth down, shaking her head, “I don’t think that would be a wise choice.”

“Really?” Julia questioned, wondering if Mrs. Rusnik knew something about Antonia that made her unsuitable company. ”Why is that?”

“She runs in a very liberal crowd, being in the modelling profession. The type of activities that she might suggest would not be deemed appropriate by most people.”

“Oh, what type of things?” Julia asked, curious to hear the answer.

“Antonia likes the cameras.”

Julia laughed, “I would say that is a good thing given her profession.”

“Yes, but she tends to go for the shock factor. She frequents nightclubs and places that good girls would never set foot in.”

“What’s wrong with nightclubs? I used to visit them frequently with my friends back home. We never drank to excess the way some other people did, but it was nice at the end of the week to relax and just have fun.”

Mrs. Rusnik realized that Julia’s perception of what was appropriate was so far beyond where it should be, she would have to try and find other ways for her to occupy her down time. “Why don’t I put together a list of places that might interest you? I’m sure Sergei would be happy to accompany you.”

Julia was thoughtful for a bit, wondering why Mrs. Rusnik was being so insistent on controlling her actions. Nodding, she did the polite thing, “Thanks. That would be great.” She would look at the list and then decide if she wanted to do those activities for herself.

She took the report and had just sat back down at her desk, when her inbox pinged. She opened up the newest email, cringing when she saw whom it was from. David Jenkins! Even thousands of miles around the world, the man was still being a nuisance.

She read his email with a shake of her head. He was informing her that he was having to go through her entire last weeks’ worth of projections as he thought they were too low. Julia sent him back a reply, wishing she could have told him off instead. He was always second-guessing her work, anxious to find some error or mistake so that he could run to her superiors with it. So far, he had cried wolf many times, but none of his purported findings had stood up upon review.

Julia closed the inbox and started reading through the report. As lunchtime approached, she grabbed the sack lunch Mrs. Padrov had made for her and headed towards the elevator. She enjoyed being in the open air and had taken to eating her lunch while sitting in the sun in the small patio in the rear of the building. It was marked for employees only, but she had yet to encounter anyone besides herself utilizing the space.

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