The Russian's Stubborn Lover (The Fedosov Family Series Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: The Russian's Stubborn Lover (The Fedosov Family Series Book 1)
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“Well, you see… Gosh, I don’t even know how to start this. Promise me that you’ll hear everything I have to say before you get mad.”

This was interesting! What could she possibly have to tell me that would anger me?
Nodding his head, “I agree. I’m curious as to why you think I might get mad.”

Julia looked at him, taking in his gorgeous gray eyes and wondering if the chemistry that had clouded her brain back in the states was actually real. Gathering her courage, she began, “We’ve met before. I realize that you didn’t recognize me, but I recognized you at the art exhibit.”

Just saying the words brought to mind the erotic paintings that had been displayed and Julia felt the heat rush into her cheeks. Taking another breath, she dropped her eyes, unable to maintain eye contact in case he became angry and she lost her nerve.

“We met at a nightclub the same night I found out I had been chosen to come over here.”

When he didn’t say anything, she looked up to see a frown upon his face and the beginnings of anger gathering in his dark eyes. She hurried on, “I know that when I left you were pretty upset, and at the time, I didn’t actually realize why. After speaking with Antonia last night, she made me see why I had acted the way I did and she suggested I try to explain myself.”

When Dmitry nodded, Julia went on to explain about her lack luster forays into physical relations with a college boyfriend and that she had become very leery of taking that step again. She had a hard time looking into Dmitry’s face, but as she finished, she looked up to see compassion and caring on his face.

“Why did you not tell me this then?” he asked.

“Because I guess I didn’t even realize that’s what I was doing. The chemistry I felt with you was so much more than I’d ever felt before, it scared me.”

Dmitry thought for a moment, glad that she had told him herself, and he hadn’t had to confront her with the pictures from the background check. Standing up, he pulled her from the chair and tugged her along behind himself.

Julia scrambled to keep up with him, “Dmitry, where are we going?”

“Outside. I wish to show you the grounds. I have been told that you were inquiring about taking a walk, so a walk we will take.”

Julia hurried to keep up with his long stride. He had to be at least 6’6” tall and compares to her 5’5”, and her short legs, she was practically running to keep by his side.

“Dmitry, please…”

Dmitry stopped at hearing her plea and the fact that she sounded out of breath. Turning he looked at her stunned to see her face flushed and the breath sawing in and out of her chest. “What is wrong?” he demanded.

Julia waved his concern away, “Nothing. But could you walk a little slower. I’m having to run to keep up.”

Dmitry blushed at his thoughtlessness. “
Milaya moya
. I am sorry. I will of course walk slower.”

“What does that mean?” she asked.

“I guess it would roughly translate to your American words for sweetheart.” Dmitry didn’t want to give an explanation for why he had chosen to use that term and he quickly opened the double doors and pulled her outside with him, pulling a pair of sunglasses from his pocket.

Julia squinted into the morning light, wishing she had thought to bring her own sunglasses down. Suddenly, a pair of glasses was dropped over her nose and she looked up to see Dmitry smiling at her.

He pulled her down the stairs, keeping hold of her hand the entire time. As they began to walk in silence, his thumb began to rub back and forth across the top of her hand. That simple touch ignited a fire in her stomach that grew with each passing minute.

When they reached a large tree with a bench underneath, Dmitry sat down and then pulled her onto his lap. Julia struggled to remove herself, only to find Dmitry’s arms wrapped tightly around herself. When she felt the evidence of his desire under her hip, she stopped moving altogether.


“Shush. I understand why you pulled away and stopped me that night outside the club. But, there is no reason to deny yourself of the pleasures to be found in my bed.”

“I can’t. I’m not like Antonia, I can’t just hop into bed with every guy I meet.”

“I am pleased to hear that,
milaya moya.
However, this chemistry between us will not just go away. I have a proposition for you.”

Julia wasn’t sure she liked the sound of that, but she nodded her head anyway.

“I propose you spend the rest of today and tomorrow with me. We will get to know each other and explore this chemistry between us and see where it goes. When Monday comes, we will go back to being boss and employee and save our personal relationship for the weekends.”

Julia didn’t say anything for the longest time. What he was suggesting sounded like he wanted to keep their relationship a secret.
She was no man’s secret – dirty or otherwise!
When she finally found her voice, she told him, “I don’t think so, but thank you for the offer. I believe I will stand by my original answer of ‘No’ and I’ll be able to look myself in the mirror come Monday morning.”

Dmitry was surprised to hear the veiled anger in her voice. What he had suggested was perfectly reasonable and solved many of their problems. He could have an ongoing relationship with her. First he had the company to think about and then he had the boards of directors to consider. Both took preference over a blonde bombshell of a woman that had his blood racing and other parts of him yearning to see some action.

Julia pushed herself off his lap and headed back towards the house.

“Julia, come back here. We are not finished having our discussion.”

Julia didn’t even turn around. She flipped her middle finger at him and hollered back over her shoulder, “Screw you! Your proposition stinks! See you in the office on Monday!”

Dmitry watched her walk back confused as to what he had said that had angered her so quickly. He had suggested a perfect answer to both their physical chemistry and the needs of the company. He had done nothing wrong!

He continued to sit beneath the tree, letting the different options before him play out in his mind. Finally, he stood, deciding that Julia’s refusal of his proposal was most likely for the best. He needed to concentrate fully on the business at hand, and she would only be a distraction he would come to resent. No, she had been right in refusing him. He would return to his city apartment tomorrow and then keep his interaction with her to business only.


Chapter 12


Julia went directly to the kitchens and spent the rest of the morning with Mrs. Padrov, learning more Russian phrases and how to cook several Russian pastries.

When lunchtime rolled around, she ate I the kitchen with Mrs. Padrov, despite her insistence that she join Dmitry in the dining room.

After lunch she retired to her rooms for a nap, calling down for a sandwich to be brought to her for dinner as she was not feeling well enough to eat downstairs.

Mrs. Padrov had personally brought up the sandwich and given her a very suspicious glance when she neither looked sick, nor was running a fever.

“Why are you hiding from Dmitry?” she asked, getting right to the point.

“I’m not hiding from anyone. I’m simply trying to rest up, and I wasn’t feeling very well earlier. Thank you so much for bringing me a light dinner up.”

Mrs. Padrov muttered in Russian and then nodded and left the room.

Julia spent the remainder of the evening answering emails and sending new ones to her friends back home.

There was another insidious email from David Jenkins, but she scanned it an then sent it to the trash bin. Once again, he was insinuating that he had discovered a gross miscalculation on her part and would be taking his findings to the bosses.
Would the man never stop?

She answered several other emails from her bosses at work, including the one asking for the recent report she had filed. The companies were doing a joint venture on a property down in South Africa, and part of the report she had put together had the initial investment and return data she had calculated.

She had made several suggestions for ways to mitigate any losses and still retain high profits after taxes. She was hoping that at least some of her suggestions would be taken to heart, and she had included a paper on several technological advancements that she had run across on the internet.

None of the strategies were currently being employed by either company, so there would be an initial expense to set up the system, but then it would all be gravy.

She finally turned off the light and went to bed, dreaming about a gray eyed man with black hair and fingers that knew just where to touch her to garner a response.


Dmitry knew exactly what Julia was doing when she failed to show for lunch or dinner. Asking Mrs. Padrov, he discovered that she had eaten, just not with him. “Tomorrow she eats here with me, or she doesn’t eat. See that my wishes are carried out.”

Mrs. Padrov nodded, grinning as she exited the dining room. Julia and Dmitry were circling each other like two dogs in a fight. She looked forward to seeing the outcome unfold before her eyes. She had known Dmitry and his brother since they were small boys, and Dmitry had always been the more serious child.

Now that he had assumed the reins of the company, any spontaneous or fun-loving part of him had been closeted away. The young American was the first sign of life beyond the company anyone had seen from him in almost a month.

Mrs. Padrov stopped by the sitting room where Mrs. Fedosov was currently finishing up her correspondence. After a brief conversation, a plan was put into action. Both women would enjoy orchestrating Dmitry’s downfall into fun once again. Julia would also benefit in that she would no longer sit around the estate on the weekends by herself, holed up in her rooms with just her computer and a book.

As Mrs. Padrov returned to the kitchens, she began planning tomorrow’s meal, knowing that there would most likely be some push back from one, or both, of the unwilling participants in the drama about to unfold.


Julia woke bright and early and headed downstairs in search of breakfast, hoping to do so before Dmitry awoke.

Mrs. Padrov was alerted to her presence and rubbed her hands together in anticipation of what was about to take place. “Julia, I am so sorry. I had a rather bad night and overslept. Please forgive me, but I have not yet started breakfast. I will get right on it.”

Julia smiled at the woman, “No bother. I’ll just join you in the kitchen for a bit.”

Mrs. Padrov managed to look suitably shaken up and began to wring her hands. Julia was concerned and asked for an explanation, “What’s wrong?”

“Well, it’s just…I’ve been asked to keep the guests out of the kitchen. I’m sorry, but I’m not allowed to let you eat in there anymore.”

Julia firmed her mouth, “Dmitry?” she asked, wondering what other surprises were in store for her.

Mrs. Padrov looked shocked and then shook her head, “No. Dmitry had nothing to do with it. Mrs. Fedosov made the request herself. She accused me of stealing your company for myself when she rather enjoys having you at the table with her.”

Julia’s face lightened up and she smiled, “Well, I would hate to do anything to upset her. She’s been so kind to me, allowing me to stay here and all. Of course, I would be happy to take my meals with her from now on.”
Never mind the overbearing man who was currently in residence. She would focus on Mrs. Fedosov and ignore him!

“It will only be a few minutes. Coffee is ready, though.”

Julia grinned, “Thank you. I’ll just have a cup while I wait.”

“I was thinking of making you something special this morning. Do you like strawberries?”

“Love them. And, Mrs. Padrov, whatever you make is fine. You are a wonderful cook and I’m sure whatever you choose to feed me will be great.”

“I couldn’t agree more. One of the reasons I keep returning home to visit is for the food,” a deep voice said behind her.

Julia whirled around to see Dmitry standing there in nothing but a pair of jeans and a light button up shirt. His feet were bare this morning and the incongruity of him not being fully dressed struck her as odd. She stared at his bare feet long enough, he cleared his throat to bring her eyes back up to his.

“I trust you are feeling better this morning? You were missed at lunch and dinner yesterday.”

Julia took the comment as it was intended. “I’m feeling much better. In fact, I believe I’ll do some sightseeing today. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll go find Sergei.”

Julia turned to leave, stopping when his voice called her back, “Wait.”

Closing her eyes for a brief moment, she turned, “Yes?”

“I will be your tour guide today.”

“No, really, I wouldn’t want to bore you. Mrs. Rusnik provided me with a list of places to visit and I’ll be fine with Sergei chauffeuring me around.”  Julia didn’t want to spend the day with him, being tempted to ignore her decision to stay away from him.

“And if I insist?” Dmitry wondered aloud.

Julia looked at him and then replied softly, “Don’t. Please, just leave me alone.”

“I don’t know that I can. I know you feel it too.” Dmitry knew he should take her advice and leave well enough alone, but this morning he had hurried out of his rooms, not even stopping for shoes and socks. He wanted to see her and that went against everything he had decided beneath the tree the day before.
She had him going in circles!

“Julia…fine. I will speak to Sergei for you. I do not like the thought of you wandering around the city by yourself. If you go sightseeing, Sergei will accompany you.”

Julia inclined her head, “Thank you.” She turned and wandered over to the coffee service, pouring herself a cup and deciding that she could handle being in the same room with him. She just needed to get her head on straight.

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