The Santa Society (31 page)

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Authors: Kristine McCord

Tags: #holiday inspiration, #Christmas love story, #secret societies, #Christmas stories, #dog stories, #holiday romance, #Christmas romance, #santa claus

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“List? What do you mean?”

“My first ‘honey do’ list.” He gives me a sideways glance.

I cross my arms, feigning insult. “Maybe.”

He laughs and takes me in his arms, and I can’t help but bury my face in the soft fur of his collar and breathe in the smell of pine and rich, smoky spice. His lips graze my ear as he pulls me close. “I could bring back a baby elephant. Or how about a wolf cub?”

“No, Klaus might be jealous.” I could stay here in his arms forever, but I know time is short. “Maybe something small, like a sprig of holly from...wherever holly grows. Deal?”


I kiss his neck and step back so I can see his face. “Would you do me one more favor?”

He grins. “I sense a list happening.”

I give him an exaggerated eye roll. “When you stop by Callie’s, would you leave a note from me?”

He looks surprised. “Sure.”

I turn and scan the room for something to write with. I don’t yet know where everything is at Reason’s house.

“Here.” He pulls out his small silver case with the business cards inside and heads for the kitchen where he rummages in a drawer. He returns a moment later and places a pen on the table in front of me.

I grab it and print in small neat letters.
Dear Callie, thanks for reminding me about sets and for keeping such good secrets. If angels don’t already get married, I bet you’ll be the first. Love, Erin.

I lay the pen on the table and hand the card to Reason. He slips it in his pocket.

“Ready?” I ask.



“Boss, are you sure you still want to try this? The tunnels are still clear, and the regions are on standby. If you change your mind, we can have things going in less than an hour.” Dex fidgets with the cowboy hat in his hand.

Reason shakes his head and takes the reins. “No. Tell them to stand down. We’ll go traditional next year. Right now, it’s me and the deer. My father said it could be done, and I believe him.”

“Yessir.” Dex puts on his hat and salutes.

The carriage has been transformed. Its wheels are gone and it's been fitted with sleigh boards. The men have made a makeshift runway behind the Sloon, lined with strands of Christmas lights on each side. The deer grow more restless by the second, shifting their weight from hoof to hoof and bumping into each other. There are eight of them in all, each fitted with leather belts and sleigh bells over their chests and mid sections. Their bells jingle with sharp metallic clinks as they shift about.

In the lead, Klaus wears his own specially sized sleigh harness. He does not have a red nose, but he is one smart dog. He’ll still guide the way by the power of his nose—by smell instead of light.

I give him a scratch behind the ear. “You can do this, Klaus. Bring him home safe, okay?”

Klaus gives me a nod—his up and down once-over. His ears are alert as he wags his tail. He’s ready.

I run back to the sleigh and climb up the side step. Reason wears his hood pulled up over his head. I can hardly stand the thought of saying goodbye, even if it’s only for a night. The waning moonlight shines on his face with a luminescent glow, making his eyes glitter like black diamonds. I take his face in my hands and hurriedly kiss his forehead, his eyes, his cheeks, his lips. “I love you, Reason MacCloud.”

He presses his lips hard against mine. “I love you more, Mrs. MacCloud.” I can feel his energy, the rush, and the thrill. It is like electricity crackling in the sky. He gives me one last kiss and looks deep in my eyes. “I’ll be back soon.”

I climb down and back away, wanting to burn his image in my mind before I finally turn and make my way to the edge of the runway. From here, I can only see him in profile as he lifts the reins, but I’m struck by the beauty of this. The enchanting clash of folklore and reality, of strength and grace. My Reason, a man of such size, power, and thunder. I have not seen him as lightning, but tonight he becomes that too.

I stand beside Dex, watching the men scurry across the snow, clearing the way. When the last man has reached the sidelines, a hush falls over everyone. We aren’t sure what will happen next, but we all know we're watching a historic moment. We know it’s been done before, but none of us is sure how. I’m not even sure Reason knows, but he seems to know where to start.

“He’s a stubborn man,” Dex says.

“Yes, he is. Thank goodness,” I whisper.

Reason slowly gets to his feet with the reigns in hand. He braces himself, leaning slightly forward with knees bent. “Dancer, Dasher, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Vixen, Klaus.” It’s roll call. One by one, the deer and the dog each stamp their feet when their name is called, like a wave moving through the entire team. There is a momentary pause and then: “Hike!” Reason snaps the reins.

The animals lunge forward, slow at first then picking up speed. I hear the thick crunch of the snow and the crisp drag of the sleigh as it glides across the snow. He makes a loud kissing sound. Klaus’s muscles ripple through his body. He looks like a dog from myth or legend. If such a thing ever existed, I don’t know, but he moves like a force of nature over the snow, faster and faster with the reindeer following behind. As they near the end of the runway, I suck in my breath and hold it. Beside me, I hear Dex do the same. I instinctively want to close my eyes, but I force myself to keep watching.

At first I can’t tell if Klaus’ feet have left the ground at all, but then he rises slightly higher than the deer, and I know. He’s really flying. The deer and the sleigh follow behind, lifting off into the air in a beautiful ascent. I watch as they climb higher and higher, their silhouettes growing smaller as the distance between us increases. Soon they are only tiny specks in the sky.

A sudden flash of light cuts across the night. It looks like glass breaking, a silent fracture that moves over the horizon in a sweeping flash from left to right. Then it explodes in one tremendous flash so bright, we are forced to shield our eyes.

When I look again, they are gone. Then a thunderous roar fills my ears as the men begin to shout. They throw their hats in the sky, and all around me they stomp, cheer, and clap.

Then, gradually, a reverent silence falls around us all. We just stand here gazing at the sky, lit now by only a sliver of moon and a single spectacular star.

“Godspeed,” I whisper.


Chapter 34


WE WALK TOGETHER down the sidewalk, Klaus trotting beside us. The Florida dawn burns pink and orange across the sky.

The resort is a Society secret. It’s filled mostly with retirees: aging Santas, elves, and other members who come to live out their remaining days here in the land of oranges, beaches, and golf courses. For us, it is the perfect place for a honeymoon.

We walk hand in hand together, breathing in the cool moist air.

As we cross the boardwalk, I see the coffee shop lights are already on. The sign in the window says “open.”

I have learned so many things since the morning I ventured out alone for a hot cup of coffee in the dark before dawn. I was a ghost then—the ghost of Erin Sinclair.

Now, I am Mrs. Claus, and I am not a folktale. I am real.

Reason wraps the dog leash loosely around a light-post. He straightens and smiles at me.

As I look in his sweet face, I know there is truth in fiction, and magic in miracles.

“Shall we?” He holds out his arm toward a sign painted in the window. There is a large picture of a steaming cup of coffee with the words: Early Birds Get Half Price.

“Absolutely. I can’t turn down half-priced coffee.”

He pulls the door open and the string of bells jingles. The lush aroma of coffee spills out. As I step toward the door, I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the glass, and I pause to adjust the small sprig of holly that is tucked behind my ear.

Whoever says Santa doesn’t exist should keep an eye out for early bird coffee specials. You just might find us there.



About the Author



Kristine McCord was born and raised in Georgia. She earned a BA in religion and pursued graduate studies in marriage and family therapy. Kristine now lives in Idaho with her family and Sphynx cat. She adores soul-food, the sound of bagpipes, peach rings, and key lime pie.


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Novels are like children. They drag you far beyond the ragged edges of exhaustion and frustration then charm their way right back into your good graces. And they require lots of patient helpers. My biggest thanks goes to the Giver. Without him, I’d have nothing.


Mama, thank you for raising me to be a person who was weird enough to write and comfortable enough with that to like it. Not only that, your feedback is always spot-on. I am blessed


Becky, Heather, Hilarey, and Lisa, you all inspire me to the page again and again. It was in our group that this little story of mine breathed it’s first real breath—creative midwifery at its finest. And Lindsey, I am so glad I found you. Thanks again for what you bring, both to my words and to my family.


And to my husband and children, you deserve a very special “thank you” for all the patience, encouragement, and understanding you have given to me and my writing. I love you guys.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1. 5

Chapter 2. 3

Chapter 3. 6

Chapter 4. 8

Chapter 5. 10

Chapter 6. 12

Chapter 7. 14

Chapter 8. 16

Chapter 9. 18

Chapter 10. 20

Chapter 11. 23

Chapter 12. 25

Chapter 13. 28

Chapter 14. 31

Chapter 15. 34

Chapter 16. 36

Chapter 17. 38

Chapter 18. 40

Chapter 19. 44

Chapter 20. 47

Chapter 21. 49

Chapter 22. 51

Chapter 23. 53

Chapter 24. 55

Chapter 25. 59

Chapter 26. 60

Chapter 27. 62

Chapter 28. 64

Chapter 29. 66

Chapter 30. 68

Chapter 31. 70

Chapter 32. 73

Chapter 33. 76

Chapter 34. 78

About the Author 78

Acknowledgements 2

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