The Scarlet Fig: Or, Slowly Through a Land of Stone, Book Three of the Vergil Magus Series (39 page)

BOOK: The Scarlet Fig: Or, Slowly Through a Land of Stone, Book Three of the Vergil Magus Series
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And after that, a space, and after that the dog … a dog who seemingly lived on little more than nothing, for few were the scraps which came his way at fooding times … brought along largely because he would sometimes start up a quail lost from its flock-of-passage: at what time see how swift the slings and stones appeared. Or sometimes he might bark or bell and give notice of strangers.

And after the dog, although sometimes alongside the dog, was a man with an ass —
to be sacrificed to Apollo — panniers on the ass, and in the man’s hands a sort of shovel or spade or scoop: to gather up such dried dung as he might find. And did the dung of this caravan, in this intense and fearful heat (though at night: frightful cold), dry fast enow to be used for the same day’s fire? no it did not, what the man chiefly gathered up was the dung of the caravan which had passed last before … did the cur eat of it first, e’en the hungriest cur might not eat it all: how plentifully the camel-beast, with ever-arrogant face lifting up his tail, might plash the place with its abundant scat and skiting; also the horses and the mules. The experienced carvaneer could easily read these droppings, moist or sere: and the tale of the apt Athenian who had deduced that “there had passed by a caravan of such and such a number of beasts and of such and such a sort … as follows … inclusive a gravid she-camel laded with barley and oil of sinsamin,
et cœtera,
” … lo, this tale was known even to the very boys not yet old enough to pay the wee fee of two stivers at the baths.

But even so, passing by and through these pits and piles and mounds of stone as bright (as dull) as so much molten wax coagulated into odd, grotesque, and phantastic shape, the man with the, as it might be, spade, was at some pains to gather up some, at least, fresh droppings: for dried dung made a smokeless fire, fairly smokeless, and, although one might not have thought so, this was not always desired. Sometimes, as of these times, what was wanted was a smoke and a bitter smoke, and a rank one, curling low. It kept the flies away (
in the stony desert?
Oh yes!,
large and small and black or greeny-gold); and, it was believed (so why should it be doubted?), also it kept off and away things which might come a-prowl, at least until the time of the glimmering false dawn, who knows and who might count or reckon the ephrits or ghouls or the larvæ of the unsettled and indignant dead, such as shadows of those who might have died in the desert, and no caffile stopped for to aid them, or even to cast a few handsful of dust upon their corses as a sort of pro forma or pseudo-burial.

Not enough smoke
. Benninaly commonly signed and gestured at the nighttime halt. “This is the land of the basilisk and the cockatrisk; more smoke, there, you. More smoke.” Even though the dog growled not (save, a-times, a grumble and a mumble in his sleep) and the capon they had brought along with them to smell out such things seemed to notice nought:
More smoke there, you. More smoke.

Life had taught Vergil many things, some of them of easy acquisition, some recondite or arcane, even occulted, occluded; some of them scarcely to be capable of description. Some, however, were plain enough so that when Vergil asked a second time,
What is ‘The Rough Place,’ Benninaly,
his lips did not move, nor his throat, merely he had asked it in his heart. And, after a long pause, Benninaly, nothing showing of his face but his unmuffled eyes, reddled with the dust, had said, “We take to the left by the next great rock.” He did not add the word
for it was mostly only a road by rhetorical device, as the Parthians saying
robber of wheat-straw
when they meant
, or as the Northismen said
for the
muckle sea
in which, twas said, the great sea-orme splashed and spouted, ere it crushed the coracles atween its fangs. Yet twas not in its entirety a device rhetorical to call it a
Though underneath the thin dust seemed to lie now one immensity of solid stone, yet upon that stony surface lay a sort of a faint line, not quite a track: but certainly a trace. And though he could not perceive it now beneath, as he was riding over it, yet, given a rise for them to pass across, he could see it both before and behind, though very faint; reminding him faintly of a stretch-mark upon the body of a woman who has born child.

One day in the Principality of Poyle (some called it Apulia) an older man had taken him upon a certain mountain and pointed out to him far-off lines, faint to be sure, and only to be seen when the light was at the proper angle. “Them be the rows where the Oldern People cultivetted their crop, young scholard,” said he.

“The lines of their plowing?”

And the older man had repeated, “… plowing …” in a certain tone a bit sardonic; then said he, “The yearth be like a woman, for once man have had she, she be never the same again no more.” Adding, after a moment, that he wasn’t sure that “the Oldern People” had
plows. And afterwards, the slow trip down, he had told Vergil to take abundance of thistle for a sign that men had once builded there. And he showed him the fairly rare plant called virginsbreath as sign that men had never builded there, nor so much as delved the ground with digging-tool. And a few things more had he told him about plants and about stones — addlewort, a sure cure for scattered wits, and bloodstone, which would stanch a bleeding wound; and of trees never to be strick by lightning, and weather-signs and things safe to do and things not safe to do, and how to do them and how to do them not. And when, as regards times and seasons and hours. Almost, Vergil had expected to hear him mutter, that Lord Saturn was e’er a malign stellation.

But he did not.

There was, however, save for that sole and faintly suggestive line, no sign that man had ever digged, delved, or builded here; or that even it had ever been a place of verdant virgin loveliness.

By and by, pace never slowing, never quickening, they came to a great grey rock a-sticking up above the desert floor like the standing-stone to mark a grant’s grave: a Titan or a Cyclops, perhaps: and here the line turned left. Here the line turned left, but, save for the gant grey rock behind them now and the was it a low mountain rather nearer or a high mountain yet very far away? — save for these two extrusions from the surface of this world of stone, there was no other difference that Vergil could see. A huge large lump of rock as limp and yellow as a pudding was twin to the one he had seen yesterday, and the heap of rock the size of a house like some great coagulated mass of mulberry juice was twin to the one he had seen the day before yesterday. —
it the day before yesterday? or the day before that? He was no longer sure … of that, of anything else … then the way began to sink slowly into some vast declivity, and the great grey rock behind and the hill (was it a
?) before them in the distance shimmering with heat alike went out of sight. Vergil adjusted the length of blue and white checked cloth so that it enclosed most of his face, and slumped yet once more into his saddle. Tingitayne slumbering in the sun, Volu-whatever it was, the thick forests of Corsica, even teeming Naples and the once ever-present in his mind and eagerly longed for elaboratory, Yellow Rome straddling the yellow Tiber, the Land of the Lotus-eaters, and even, even “the Region called Huldah” and the battle on the sea, all seemed to subside into a formless and not so much dull as dulled confusion like some dream in which he was dim aware yet uninvolved; of two things alone was he as well aware as if he were wide awake: one was the clear blue eyes of the Vestal Virgin and the lightening stroke touch of her as he held briefly, so briefly — her arm; and the other was of Huldah herself as he looked down into her face and heard her voice,
I shall build for you a fire
(as though she had not already availed for him a fire from which he got a joyful heat).

I pardon that man!
what? what?

“I pardon that man,” someone was saying next to him, and it was no dream, no dream alone, nor was it either a waking dream: Caniacus was riding alongside of him, and — “I pardon that man,” was saying — “had one man slain my Mother and ravished my sister, and had he later, my rage and my desire to flay him slowly still unachieved, still, had he had to come and live here …
… in this one such place … yet: I pardon that man.”

More than half dazed, the immense fatigue and pain accumulating during this journey having subdued his mind, and that aching sleep or drowse into which he had fallen, still bemusing it, Vergil looked up, but the face of Caniacus was masked as usual so he turned his head and looked whither Caniacus was looking. A vast red eroded rock lay before them, how long had he sat lolling and dozing in his saddle-seat? many cracks and caves were in that hill of solid yet eroded stone: they had come up from that sunken place, that declivity, and a high and wide red rock half as large as some small city, as though its virons had been walled and yet its walls thrown down, as though it were a castello of wide extent slumping from age and from immemorial decay, this lay before him now to see: no dream.

And from the cracks and flaws and fissure and ravines, from the caves and from the holes, down from the shelves and cliphts, streamed slowly a muckle many men; each, as he walked slowly … limped … crawled … hobbled … hopped … climbed … each slowly unwinding from round his head and face a concealing head-cloth: how slow, how reluctant, how without (it seemed) will to object, but yielding to the necessity of their condition, like so many men before the block or platform for auction in a slave market, in some mart of slaves, those who submitted to whatever fate had made them property were stripping off their clothes, surrendering a last pretense to privacy and private status and private will: that the prospective buyers, even the pretensive and pretending public, might see their nakedness, their shame, their once proud forms reduced to something not entirely human … not entirely at all did these strip and expose themselves, only they revealed their faces.

Merely from this heap, this red and eroded rock a habitation, the habitants descended and exposed their red, eroded faces: pitted, cracked, falling and fallen down the features of what must be their faces, for what else could they
? Hoarse his voice and strained with effort to control its trembling, Vergil whispered, “My body and my god! Caniacus! what men are these? what place is this?”

And the Masked Man who needed never unmask and never (never but once) did reveal his own unblemished face, he, Caniacus made answer: “You who saved my life: save it never not from such a destiny and fate as this. These are the men who in order to save their own brother-twins from the preordination that one of each pair must accept leprosy else must each and both contract it: these are the brothers who chose to accept in order to save everyone of them his twin, they have come here to endure their lives as lepers, and their brothers of the salvation send them clothes and victuals and all needed needful things, and sometimes things unneedful; it is we the caravans and cafflemen who bring all such to them. This is called The Rough Place …”

It was not until the next day that he was able to follow Benninaly up a winding flight of steps, each step deeply worn in the center from passing feet and some sort of laithly line a-pressed upon the wall nighest each step, worn place in the step and uncleany line upon the wall of the great rough rock where the habitants pressed with their hands (or what was left of them) to steady them as they clumb and clambered, doubtless often pausing to gasp a breath: the vatic voice it seemed to murmur aside his ear-holes something of what dread hands and what dread feet. Benninaly he had seen lately often times carrying packs and bails and articles padded and wrapped in sacking; it must have been hither, out of sight from the shelf of solid rock and shifting scree, that Benninaly had continued to hump them up, stooping forward but stopping not. And now he had gestured Vergil to follow him on one last such trip, and Vergil followed after him. He did not, his feet being shod, disdain to step into the hollows of the steps, but sooner he should have fallen to his death with raw head and bloodied bones than clutch support from the wallside where appeared unctuous line and smear.

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