Read The Second World War Online

Authors: Antony Beevor

Tags: #History, #Military, #World War II

The Second World War (164 page)

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Where the hell
’: E. B. Sledge,
With the Old Breed
, London, 2010, p. 195

When a kamikaze hits
’: Keith Wheeler,
The Road to Tokyo
, Alexandria, Va, 1979, p. 187

tossing grenades as fast
’: Ellis,
The Sharp End
, p. 83

So what
?’: Sledge,
With the Old Breed
, p. 226

The sewage of course was appalling
’: William Manchester,
Goodbye Darkness: A Memoir of the Pacific War
, New York, 1980, p. 359

46: Yalta, Dresden, Königsberg

the weakness of the democracies
’: Beria,
Beria, my Father
, p. 105

On Poland Iosef Vissarionovich
, p. 106

The Americans are profoundly ignorant
’: Lord Moran,
Churchill at War, 1940–45
, London, 2002, p. 268, quoted S. M. Plokhy,
Yalta: The Price of Peace
, New York, 2010, p. 153

We shall allow
’: Beria,
Beria, my Father
, p. 106

committed many sins against
’, ‘mighty, free and independent’:
Tegeran. Yalta. Potsdam. Sbornik dokumentov
, Moscow, 1970, p. 22

so elastic that the Russians
’: William D. Leahy,
I Was There
, Stratford, NH, 1979, pp. 315–16, quoted Plokhy,
, p. 251

Stalin and death of Roosevelt
: Beria,
Beria, my Father
, p. 113

the direct outcome
’: Plokhy,
, p. 208

On Dresden
, see Frederick Taylor,
, London, 2004; Sir Charles Webster and Noble Frankland,
The Strategic Air Offensive against Germany, 1939–1945
, 4 vols, London, 1961, vol. iii; Biddle,
Rhetoric and Reality in Air Warfare
, pp. 232–61; Miller,
Eighth Air Force
, pp. 427–41; Friedrich,
Der Brand
, pp. 358–63

Berlin, Leipzig and Dresden
’: Biddle,
Rhetoric and Reality in Air Warfare
, p. 254

Are we now to abandon
, vol. iii, p. 112

Dresden was just another
’: Bishop,
Bomber Boys
, p. 342

the destruction of Dresden remains
, vol. iii, p. 112

US Eighth Air Force casualties
: Miller,
The Eighth Air Force
, p. 7

around 18,000 and definitely
’: Frederick Taylor in
Der Spiegel
, 10.2.08.

Kraft durch Furcht
, vol. ix/1, p. 23

Victory or Siberia
’: TNA PREM 3 193/2, quoted

The misery that would follow
’: quoted Vogel, ‘Der Deutsche Kriegsalltag im Spiegel von Feldpostbriefen’, in Vogel and Wette,
Andere Helme–Andere Menschen?
, p. 45

The number of extraordinary
’: report of 12.4.45, TsAMO 372/6570/88, pp. 17–20

Stutthof concentration camp
: RGVA 32904/1/19

‘The examination of the premises
’: Shvernik to Molotov, GARF 9401/2/96, pp. 255–61

’: Yefim Abelevich Golbraikh in Drabkin (ed.),
Svyashchennaya voina
, p. 107

I’ve only been at war
’: Vladimir Tsoglin to his mother, 14.2.45, in Altman (ed.),
Sokhrani moi pisma
, pp. 260–75

When we reached the shore
’: Rabichev,
Voina vsyo spishet, vospominaniya ofitsera-svyazista
, p. 166

The port of Rosenberg
’: Vladimir Tsoglin in Altman (ed.),
Sokhrani moi pisma
, pp. 260–75

But there was no question of that
’: Karl-Heinz Schulze, ‘Der Verlorene Haufen’, BA-MA MSg2 242

Morale is low
’: RGALI 1710/3/47, p. 25

47: Americans on the Elbe

The Germans just don’t seem to understand
’: GBP, 2/4/45

It is the fear of Russia
’: Blumenson (ed.),
The Patton Papers
, vol. ii, p.22.11.44, p. 580

Go to the Stavka
’, ‘into account’: Georgii Zhukov,
Vospominaniya i razmyshleniya
, Moscow, 2002, vol. iv, p. 216

not the logical
’: Eisenhower,
Crusade in Europe
, p. 433

minimize the general Soviet problem
’: TNA PREM 3/356/6

Have a go, Joe
’: quoted by David Clay Large, ‘Funeral in Berlin: The Cold War Turns Hot’, in Robert Cowley (ed.),
What If?
, New York, 1999, p. 355

Stalin’s meeting with Harriman and Clark Kerr
: NA II RG334/Entry 309/Box 2

Are you aware
’: I. S. Konev,
Year of Victory
, Moscow, 1984, p. 79; Zhukov,
Vospominania i Razmyshlenia
, vol. iv, p. 226

completely coincided
, vol. iii, p. 269

much impressed

American tankists
Krasnaya Zvezda
, 11.4.45

conquering with cameras
’: NA II 740.0011 EW/4-1345

In the last few days
’: Fritz Hockenjos, BA-MA MSg2 4038, p. 16

We have gone through small towns
’: GBP, 16/4/45

One passes through
’: Stephen Spender,
European Witness
, London, 1946, quoted Swift,
Bomber County
, p. 164

Roads are still thronged
’: GBP, 2/4/45

Gardelegen massacre
: GBP, 16/4/45

Alex, where are you going next
?’: Bolling, quoted Cornelius Ryan,
The Last Battle
, New York, 1995, p. 229

Where in hell did you get this
?’: quoted
, p. 261

should shake hands
’: NAII 7400011 EW/4-2345

My Führer, I congratulate you
!’: Hugh Trevor-Roper,
The Last Days of Hitler
, London, 1995, pp. 89–90

take a whole world
’: Below,
Als Hitlers Adjutant
, p. 398

empty phrases and promises
’: report of 28.3.45, quoted Evans,
The Third Reich at War
, p. 714

Hitler became paler
’: conversation with Generalleutnant a.D. Bernd Freiherr Freytag von Loringhoven, 4.10.99

‘a mixture of nervous energy
’: conversation with Generalinspekteur a.D. Ulrich de Maizière, 9.10.99

Eighth Army offensive in Italy
: Churchill Papers 20/215, quoted Martin Gilbert,
Road to Victory: Winston S. Churchill, 1941–1945
, London, 1986, pp. 1288–9

Order of the Day
: BA-MA RH19/XV/9b, p. 34

To accustom you to death
!’, ‘
See you in the mass grave
!’: Helmut Altner,
Berlin Dance of Death
, Staplehurst, Kent, 2002, pp. 41 and 17

48: The Berlin Operation

There will be no pity
’: TsAMO 233/2374/92, p. 240

Comrade Ehrenburg Oversimplifies
, 14.4.45

morally and politically unstable
’: TsAMO 233/2374/93, p. 454

unhealthy moods developed
’: Serov to Beria, 19.4.45, GARF 9401/2/95, pp. 31–5, 91

Tell me, are you also
’: conversation with General a.D. Wust, 10.10.99

Refugees hurry by
’: Altner,
Berlin Dance of Death
, p. 54

So, you’ve underestimated
’: Zhukov,
Vospominania i Razmyshlenia
, vol. iii, p. 245

Zhukov is not getting on very well
’: TsAMO TsGV/70500/2, pp. 145–9

undertaking a large-scale reconnaissance
’: NA II RG 334/Entry 309/BOX 2

the sacrifice of children
’: BA-MA MSg2/1096, p. 6

The farmers stand at their garden fences
’: Altner,
Berlin Dance of Death
, p. 69

Due to the slowness
’: TsAMO 233/2374/92, pp. 359–60

In the dining room
’: Theo Findahl,
Letzter Akt: Berlin, 1939–1945
, Hamburg, 1946, p. 146

It’s all over, my child
’: Moorhouse,
Berlin at War
, p. 360

For suicides in Germany at the end of the war, see Christian Goeschel,
Suicide in Nazi Germany
, Oxford, 2009

You will see, the Russians
’: quoted Gilbert,
The Second World War
, p. 670

mental sickness consisted
’: conversation with Generalinspekteur a.D. Ulrich de Maizière, 9.10.99

Because the fascist clique
’: TsAMO 233/2374/93, p. 414

’: BA-MA MSg1/976, p. 22

Do you really believe
’: Fritz Hockenjos, BA-MA MSg 2 4038, p. 24

are very amiable–so far
’: Rabe,
The Good German of Nanking
, pp. 218–20

Frau ist Frau
’: conversation with Magda Wieland, 11.7.00

Rape estimates and deaths from rape and suicide
: Dr Gerhard Reichling, in Helke Sander and Barbara Johr,
Befreier und Befreite. Krieg, Vergewaltigungen, Kinder
, Munich, 1992, pp. 54, 59

The Führer in Berlin
’: NA II RG 338 R-79, pp. 37–8

Now he’s had it
’: Zhukov,
Vospominania i Razmyshlenia
, vol. iv, pp. 269–70

at the head of his troops
’: Trevor-Roper,
The Last Days of Hitler
, p. 188

49: Cities of the Dead

I am unable
’: Efraim Genkin in Altman (ed.),
Sokhrani moi pisma
, p. 282

Victors are not judged
’: Ehrenburg,
Men, Years–Life
, vol. v, p. 37

‘People were living with their fate
’: conversation with Lothar Loewe, 9.10.2001

The people were not to blame
’: Fritz Hockenjos, BA-MA MSg 2 4038, p. 25

traitor of the Motherland General Vlasov
’: GLAVPURKKA, RGASPI 17/125/310

A merciless fight
’: TsAMO 372/6570/78, pp. 30–2

systematic anti-Soviet talk
’: RGVA 38686/1/26, p. 36

counter-revolutionary crimes
’: GARF 9401/1a/165, pp. 181–3

On the roads of Germany today
’: GBP, 19/4/45

An old woman traveller
’: RGALI 1710/3/51

Some American prisoners
’: GBP, 19/4/45

Those identified as murderers
’: Kenneally,
The Honour and the Shame
, pp. 205–6 Operation Unthinkable: TNA CAB 120/691; see also Hastings,
Finest Years
, pp. 571–7

The idea is of course
’: Alanbrooke,
War Diaries
, 24.5.45, pp. 693–4

again discussed the
, p. 695

a new Yalta
’: Plokhy,
, p. 383

In a few days
’: Alanbrooke,
War Diaries
, 2.7.45, 3.7.45, p. 701

Stalin’s security for Potsdam
: Montefiore,
Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar
, pp. 439–40

completely shattered
’: Alanbrooke,
War Diaries
, p. 709

It must be very pleasant for you
’: Berezhkov,
History in the Making
, p. 168

a landing in Norway
’: Beria,
Beria, my Father
, pp. 112–13

Churchill was standing by the door
, p. 118

Well, prime minister, I know
’: quoted Hastings,
Finest Years
, p. 578

Socialist, sir
’: the late A. H. Brodhurst to the author

On Titoist massacres in Slovenia, I am grateful to Keith Miles and Jože Dežman for documents on the subject; also papers from the symposium at Teinach, Austria, 30.6.95

Czech expulsions
: Snyder,
, p. 320

Murder became ordinary
’: Czes
aw Mi
The Captive Mind
, London, 2001, pp. 26–9

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