Read The Second World War Online

Authors: Antony Beevor

Tags: #History, #Military, #World War II

The Second World War (166 page)

BOOK: The Second World War
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Hans Frank of the Generalgouvernement and Polish clergy

German paratroopers, Crete

The crew of a British Bren gun carrier in Syria, June 1941

A Ukrainian village ablaze in July 1941

Soviet troops counter-attack near Moscow, December 1941

Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941

Hitler declares war on the United States, 11 December 1941

The Soviet counter-offensive near Moscow

German supply services December 1941

A Soviet medical orderly

The effects of starvation: three identity photos of Nina Petrova in Leningrad, May 1941, May 1942, October 1942

Evacuees from Leningrad on the ‘Ice Road’ across Lake Ladoga

Rommel in North Africa

The Japanese advance in Burma, with soldiers acting as bridge supports

BOOK: The Second World War
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