The Secret Life of Houdini (96 page)

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Authors: William Kalush,Larry Sloman

BOOK: The Secret Life of Houdini
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assists in escape from carette
exposes Houdini imitators
honored by Houdini
provided for in Houdini’s will
receives cable reporting death of
Houdini’s mother
rescues Houdini during chain
rings Kremlin bells
at Queen’s Bridge in Melbourne
timekeeper for Milk Can escape
wields ax during Water Torture cell


Langdon, Professor Hudson
Lankester, Edwin Ray
Laufer, Nathan
Leaf, Horace
Lebedoeff, Chief
Leckie, Jean,
Doyle, Lady
Lee, Lila
Leeds, Herbert
Leigh, Janet
Lefebvre, Eugene
LeFevre, Dr. George
Leffler, Mrs.

Leon, Louis S.

Leonard, Benny
LeRoy, Servais
LeRoy, W. D.

LeVeyne, Armstrong
Lily Dale, New York
Lincoln, Abraham
Lippmann, Walter
Literary Society for the Young Men’s

Hebrew Association

Litt Museum
Locklear, Ormer
Lily,Lodge, Sir Oliver
Lodge, Raymond
Logue, Charles
Lombroso, Cesare
London Alhambra Theatre
London Daily Illustrated Mirror,

Evening Sun,

London Hippodrome
London Morning Herald,

London Sunday Express,

London Telegraph,

London Weekly Dispatch,

London, Charmian

inspires film character
Houdini’s affair with
meets Houdini

London, Jack
Los Angeles Call,

Los Angeles Orpheum Theatre
Los Angeles Times,

Lost World, The,

Louis-Philippe, King of France
Lovecraft, H. P.

Lovell, John, Arms Company
Lutes, A.

Lynn, Dr. (Hugh Simmons)

MacDonald, Ramsey
Macfadden, Bernarr
Machpelah Cemetery
Mackenberg, Rose
Magic Circle
Magic Made Easy

Ashes on the Arm
Bullet Catch
cardsharping techniques
Crystal Cash Box
Hindoo Needle Trick
with the needles pushed into the
Indian Rope Trick
leverage techniques
Levitated Fakir
Mene Tekel
Second Sight
Vanishing Elephant
Walking Through a Brick Wall

Magician Among the Spirits, A



Malini, Max
Man From Beyond, The,


Marcia, Madame Grace
Dooley, Edward J.

Maria Pavlovna, Grand Duchess
Margery (Mina Crandon),

alcoholism of
bell box of
Bird’s confession about
called “Psyche,”
death of
dentist’s fingerprints
ectoplasm and,
great-granddaughter of
Houdini séances with
and Houdini’s box
linking rings
megaphone use by
possible surgery on
residence at 10 Lime Street
Scientific American
verdict on
solus sittings of
suicide attempt
Margery, Harvard, Veritas
Marler, Sir Herbert

Marler, Lady
Martin, Alexander
Martinka, Francis
Martinka’s Magic Shop
Marvelous Adventures of Houdini: The

Justly Celebrated Elusive

Maskelyne & Cooke’s Egyptian Hall
Mason, Ruth
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts State Association of


Master Mystery, The,

Matthews, William
Maurer, Otto
McAdoo, William
McCormick Reaper Works
McDougall, Dr. William,
McGill University
McKeon, H. J. J.

McKinley, President William,
McLeod, Rep. Clarence
McVickers, Mary Fairfield
Melton, F. R.

Melville, William

diary of
early career of
fights with Meunier
meets Houdini
and MI-5
and Russia
and Wilkie

Memoirs of Robert-Houdin,

“Men Who Made Magic” (Goldston)
Mendelsohn, Dr. Charles
Metcalfe, Mrs.



Michigan Department of Health
Milner, Richard
Minerva (Margaretha Gertz Van Dorn)
Miracle Mongers and Their Methods



MI5’s First Spymaster
Moisant, John
Mokana (James Meyer Goldston)
Monahan, Patrick J.

Montreal Gazette,

Mooser, George
Mooser, Hattie
Mooser, Leon
Mooser, Minnie
Morat, Professor,
Houdini, Harry
Morris, Helen
Morritt, Charles
Mount Royal Hotel
Mourdini, Harry
Moy, Superintendent
Munn, O. D.

Murray, Gilbert
Myers, Charles David,


Mystery of the Jewel, The,

Mysto, Carl (Samuel Sterns)

Naldi, Nita
National Bureau of Identification
National Detective Agency
National Detective Police Review
National Independent Spiritualist


National Spiritualist Alliance
Neal, Harry
New York, N.Y.

Coney Island

New York Police Academy
New York American,

New York Daily News,

New York Dramatic Mirror,

New York Evening Graphic,

New York Evening Journal,

New York Evening Mail,

New York General Assembly of


New York Herald,

New York Herald Tribune,

New York Hippodrome
New York Life Assurance Co.

New York Police Academy
New York Sun,

New York Telegram,

New York Telegraph,

New York Times,

New York World,

New York, Coney Island
New York, Hammerstein’s,
Newman, Henry
Newton, Horace
Newton, Iris
Nicholas, Czar
Northcliffe, Lord

See also
Harmsworth, Alfred William


O’Malley, Hubert
Oakland Tribune,

Okhrana, Russian secret service
Olsen and Johnson
Omaha Daily News,

Osgood, Whitman
Our Rival the Rascal
Oursler, Fulton
Oxford English Dictionary,


Palace Kleinmichel
Palladino, Eusapia
Palmer, Spencer
Paul, J. R.

Pearce, George
Pecoraro, Nino
Peers, A. J.

Perils of Pauline, The,


first appearance of
and Houdini’s doom
and Lady Doyle’s complicity
predicts the end of the world
problems with Conan Doyle
See also
Doyle, Lady Jean

Philipp, M.

Pickelman, Gerald
Pickering, Edward A.

Pierce, Theron
Pierce, William H.

Piltdown hoax
Pittsburgh Leader,

Player, The,

Plummer, William
Podmore, Frank
Pollak, Carl
Powell, Dr. Ellis
Powell, Evan
Powell, Frederick Eugene
Pratt, Dr.

Preussen, Prince Friedrich Leopold von
Price, Harry
Price, Jacques
Price, Mattie Lee
Prince, Dr. Walter Franklin
Projea the Wild Man of Mexico
Providence Sunday Journal,

Psychic Mafia, The
Psychic News, The,

Pulitzer, Ralph


Rachkovskii, Piotr
Rahner, Gebhardt
Rahner, Wilhemina Beatrice,

Houdini, Wilhemina Beatrice

Rand, Earl
Rasputin, Grigori
Raud, Rev. Francis,


Rauscher, William
Reeve, Arthur
Rembrandt Theater
Renner, George
Republican National Committee
Restaurant Yar
Revelations of a Spirit Medium,

Rheinische Zeitung,

Rhine, Dr. J.B.

Rhine, Dr. Louisa
Richardson, Mark
Richet, Charles
Richter’s Necktie Company
Richthofen, Manfred von
Right Way to Do Wrong, The
Rinn, Joseph

carries a gun

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