The Secret Life of Houdini (97 page)

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Authors: William Kalush,Larry Sloman

BOOK: The Secret Life of Houdini
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and newspapermen
and rope escapes
and spiritualism

Ritz-Carlton Hotel

early life of
Houdini’s attack on
Houdini’s visit to the grave of
magic of
and second sight
theories and innovations of

Robinson, Fletcher
Robinson, William E.

as Chung Ling Soo
death of
on Hilbert
and model aircraft
possible murder of
Spirit Slate Writing and Kindred
and Zanzic
See also
Soo, Chung Ling

Rogers, Will
Rohan, Andrew

and anarchists
and Houdini
first meeting
and the IACP

Rolfe, B.A.

Rooney, Annie
Roosevelt, Theodore

and anarchists
Houdini reads mind of
on Henry White

Rosebush, Fred
Rosehill Racetrack
Rosenblum, Sigmund
Rosinoff, Barkann
Ross, Betty
Roterberg, August (Gus)
Rudini, Harry
Rush, Florence B.,


Russell, Major J. H.

Rye Playland

safe opening micrometer
Saint, Edward
San Kitchi Akimoti
Sandow, Eugene
Santos-Dumont, Alberto
Sawyer, Julia
Schrenck-Notzing, Freiherr von
Schwerin, Count von
Scientific American,

Scotland Yard
Scott, Commander Charles
Sea Wolf, The
Secret Service, United States,
U.S. Secret Service
Seen, Suee
Sergius, Grand Duke
Sharp, C. R.

Shaw, Robert Gould
Sigsbee, Charles
Silverman, Kenneth
Silverman, Sime
Sinclair, Upton
Sing Sing prison
Slade, Dr. Henry
Slater, C. Dundas
Slater, John
Smiley, Sam (Samuel Smilovitz)
Society for Psychical Research
Society of American Magicians (SAM)

in conflict with Houdini

Soo, Chung Ling,.
See also
Robinson, William E.

Spanish American War
Sphinx, The,

Spiegel, Louis
spirit photography
Spirit Slate Writing and Kindred Phenomena
Spiritualists and Spiritualism

and Doyle
and Congress
and Houdini on the
and prostitution
Bess and
exposers of
Houdini believed to be a
Houdini disappointed by
Houdini learns tactics from
Houdini renounces
Houdini’s campaign against
Houdini’s death and
Houdini’s early interest in
Houdini’s early practice of
Houdini’s investigation of
Margery and

Stafford, Dorothy
Stafford, John
Stead, W. T.

Steens (Charles-Louis-Fernand Brisbarre)
Steeves, Dr.

Stevenson, Donald
Stinson, Walter
Stoll, Oswald
Stolypin, Peter
Stone, “Raymeen” (Raymond V. Stone),
Stone, Dr. William
Strack, Rev. H. P.

Stuart, Lillian
Swanson, Gloria
Sydney Daily Telegraph,

Sylvester, Major Richard

Tanguay, Eva
Tanka, Waka
Tardo, Evatima
Taylor, George
Teale, Oscar
Terror Island,

Tesla, Nicola
Thomas, Frank
Thomas, Sidney
Thompson, Harry S.

Thurston, Howard
Tietze, Thomas
Tillyard, Dr. Robin
Times Square Theatre
Timmins, Sadie
Tintner, Rabbi B. A.

Toch, Dr. Maximillian
Tony Pastor’s Theatre
Toronto World,

Train, Arthur
Tripp, Charles K.

Tucker, Sophie
Tussaud’s, John, Chamber

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,

U.S. Bureau of Investigation
U.S. Bureau of Mines
U.S. Civil War
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Naval Intelligence
U.S. Secret Service

and counterfeiting
Crandon investigation of
in film
and Houdini
magicians and
techniques of
and Wilkie
U.S. Secret Service

A Chronicle, The
(Bowen and Neal)
Under the Iron Heel,
Undina, Miss
Unmasking of Robert-Houdin, The


Vacca, Amedeo
Valiantine, George
Vanderlip, Frank

Verne, Jules
Vickery, Jim
Vidal, Gore
Villa, Pancho
Vital Message, The
Vladimir, Grand Duke
Vories, L. A.


W. T. Snead Memorial Center
Washington Times,

Waitt, Dr. Joseph E.

challenges Houdini
Houdini’s correspondence with

Waldron, Segeant
Walker, H. M.

War games, German
War Industries Board
Waring, A. G.

Washington Post,

Watson, Senator James
Watts, Inspector William
Weed Tire Company
Weiss, Carrie Gladys (sister)
Weiss, Cecilia (mother)

attempts to contact after death
death of
Houdini’s response to
relationship with Houdini

Weiss, Feri Felix
Weiss, Herman (half brother)
Weiss, Dr. Leopold (brother)
Weiss, Dr. Leopold (brother)

attempted murder of
birth of
death of
and family tragedy
and medical school
and Sadie Weiss
X-ray innovation by

Weiss, Mayer Samuel (father)

death of

Weiss, Nathan (brother)
Weiss, Sadie
Weiss, Theodore “Dash” (Dezso)(brother),
See also
Weiss, William (brother)
Weiss family

arrival in U.S.
moves to Milwaukee

Weitzman, Jean
Welsh, John
Welsh, Mike
Welsh Brothers Circus
West Hill Sanitarium
Weyer, Alexander
White Rats
White Star Line,

White, Daisy
White, Henry
Whitehead, Joscelyn Gordon
Whitney, Mrs. Harry Payne
Who’s Who,

Wholly, Dr.

Wilhelm, Kaiser I
Wilhelm, Kaiser II
Wilkie, Franc
Wilkie, John E.

becomes chief of the secret service
and counterfeiting
and DeWyckoff
and IACP
is a magician
uses magicians

Willard, Jess
Williams, Charles
Williams, Minnie
Williamson, George
Williamson, J. Ernest
Williamson Brothers
Wilson, Dr. A. M.

Wilson, President Woodrow
Winslow, John
Wireless Institute of Australia
Wisser, Col. John P.

Wood, Alice A.

Wood, Major General Leonard S.

Wood, Montraville, M.

and aircraft
and Houdini’s Milk Can
and inventions

World War I
Wright, Abby
Wright, Orville
Wright Brothers’ airplane

Yale Lock Factory
Yar, the Primeval Man,

Yeats, William Butler
Young, Dorothy
Yusupov, Prince Felix

Zander, Harry
Zeph’s Saloon
Zolotow, Maurice

About the Authors

has been a dedicated student of the art of magic for more than twenty-five years. Founder of the Conjuring Arts Research Center and publisher of
, an esteemed magic history journal, he has helped create several world-famous magic stunts and prime-time network television specials.


is an award-winning author best known for his collaborations with radio personality Howard Stern on
Private Parts
Miss America
. He became interested in magic history after working with David Blaine on his best-selling memoir
Mysterious Stranger

Every fact in this book has been substantiated, but the notes are so extensive, that we have decided to publish them online instead, at

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