The Sensual Revolution (6 page)

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Authors: Kayler Holmes

BOOK: The Sensual Revolution
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I thought I was going to explode, keeping my orgasm down while doing this to this incredibly sexy lady was literally driving me insane. I carefully got of her and using the slack in the ties to the bed flipped her over onto her belly. Then I spanked her arse soundly with one of my hands while the other was pressing up into her pussy. I lifted her hips up towards me so that I could get better access and then really started on her lovely slick pussy. I started with two fingers, only pausing now and then to deliver another slap to her now quite red arse cheeks. Three fingers, then four, her screaming again and finally my whole hand and then I took it out, made a fist of it and thrust it back in again. Yeah my fist got very damp them as she came once again.

I was tempted to try some anal exploration, she had a very cute, tight arse, but I knew for sure I wasn’t going to last much longer. I took my dripping hand out of her pussy and wiped her juices all over my cock making it nice and damp. Normally I would ask a girl to suck it again to moisten it off but I had plenty of moisture to hand so to speak and I totally knew I was going to spill my load soon and I wanted to fuck her properly first.

So lifting her up a little more so she was just about balancing on her head and elbow I slid my very hard extremely happy cock straight into her gaping pussy. Immediately she moaned, but rather than getting more excited or screaming or anything she seemed to relax into the fuck, her moans becoming softer and even throatier than they had been before.

None the less I was hot, hard and horny as hell and so I kept up the pace as I trust hard into her. I looked down and watched my cock slide in and out, grunting with the effort to thrust harder and harder, excited by the look of it as it slipped out all wet with her juices. The inevitable conclusion, I came a little bit before her and this had me slightly worried but before I had finished coming I felt my cock being flooded with her juices. I had never known such a sexually responsive little hellcat and certainly I had never made a girl gush several times in one shag! I mean I had made them come more than once before, sure, I knew my way around a woman’s body and prided myself on my ability to satisfy them before I was done but still!

When we had finished she just kind of slumped down onto the bed and for a few moments I thought she had gone to sleep. I carefully withdrew and cupping my cock so I wouldn’t mess anywhere I got off the bed and trotted to the bathroom. When I was clean I bought a warm, damp flannel back and cleaned her pussy and thighs before untying the restraints and carefully rolling her onto her back so that I could look at her.

I noticed the state of her body before anything else, covered in bites and bruises and sore patches where my evening stubble had rubbed. I was horrified and my eyes flew up to her face to see how she was, if she was okay.

She was looking down at me with a sexy smile curving her mouth up and her eyes full of mischief.

“Wow I need to take you clubbing with me, you will be the cream of the crop at any party. It might wear you out a little though!”

I was confused until she laughed with obvious delight at the brainless expression on my face. This was how I first came to hear about The Sensual Revolution taking place in our little town and gradually spreading into the world. She told me about sex parties, dungeons,
S&M clubs - the lot. I was more than a little surprised you know? All this hot, sexy action going on all around me and I had no idea! I mean I had been clueless to the fact that Lauren was anything less than a virgin; she looked so young and innocent. Actually it was me who was the innocent one around here clearly.

Over time she took me to some of the parties and I started to find out about more myself. With the Big Man now dead the whole group had scattered which made my decision to back away from the scene and start thinking about carving out a successful life for myself. I decided that I would have weed as my drug of choice, beer to drink and lots and lots of hot kinky sex to satisfy my lust for being bad.

Over time as my business grew more and more successful and I started working in places like Lanzarote I had less and less time for even drinking beer and smoking weed although I did like a nice fat joint before bed if I could manage it! The sex kind of drifted away a little as well, don’t get me wrong, I still went to some of the tamer parties, when I was around, but building up my business was more important. All the random shagging all over the place started to feel superficial and more effort than it was worth.

I worked my arse up building this business and I am so glad I did as I have been able to build us a beautiful house in Rosemont. When Rose was injured so badly and in hospital I was able to make significant changes to the house, to help her recover as quickly as possible, even up to converting the basement into a health spa for her! It’s not quite as expensive if you are in the trade you know? Now I am happy to think about the future and keep all my sexual experiences at home.

From bruiser to businessman, playboy to professional I did it all, tried everything and nothing ever seemed to calm the aching restlessness in me that had been in me since I was a child.

One evening I was working in the bar, covering for my cousin Danny whose wife had just gone into labour. I looked up to see this absolutely stunning redhead checking me out. She left not long after and I had no idea that seeing that girl would change my life so dramatically.  Well the rest as they say is history, life is definitely coming up Roses for me now.






I didn’t join the Sensual Revolution until much later in life than a lot of the others in Rosemont. Frankly I didn’t even know there was a Sensual Revolution until I was about 23, so not joining was through ignorance rather than any lack of desire.


Well technically that isn’t true either, I didn’t have any desire then at all, well at least not sexually, I had the normal desires that people have; to be happy, to have a nice home and a good job, but sex was something I never even thought about anymore. I used to think about it a
ll the time but I was a big girl even as a teen and was permanently picked because of my size. It’s a common enough story I guess, most kids are picked on for something or another at least once in their lives and gone on to live happy normal lives. I didn’t cope with it all too well though and instead of just holding my head up high and living how I chose to I buried my head in... well not sand for sure, in biscuits, sweets, chocolate, crisps, chocolate, take away and chocolate. You get the picture of course!


It didn’t help that the rest of my situation was pretty grim as well, I was from the poorer side of town and me and my Dad lived in a tiny little, well cottage I suppose you could call it. Don’t be imagining roses round the door and quaint gardens or anything like that. The only way our house resembled a cottage was that it was small, other than that it mostly resembled a trailer!

My Dad was another social stigma, gods looking back my entire life royally sucked when I was a teenager. My Dad used to be an incredible man, I remember when I was little and my Mum was still alive. He seemed so tall and confident then, always with a ready smile and lots of fun. When I was 9 tragedy struck our little family. Before then although we lived in the same place, the house really was a quaint cottage and we were very happy. I don’t really know much of what happened, but Mum was a teacher at the Rosemont academy and one day an ex pupil went bonkers and created one of those massacres that you hear about on the news so often. Of course this kind of thing was nowhere nearly as well known then as it is today. Horror rocked our little community when the news came out about it along with many stories of horror or bravery. What I mostly remember is screaming for about 2 months. They told me that she had been really brave, that she had saved the lives of the entire reception year by trying to tackle the man with the gun before he shot them. He shot her instead.

Things changed phenomenally after that. My Dad seemed to change overnight from the tall, hearty, happy man I knew and loved to a stooped, depressed and alcoholic one overnight - as if everything that had been good and right about our family died when my Mum did. I couldn’t go back to school for about six months after Mum died. I did try, a couple of times, but every time I got to the school gates I just froze, totally unable to go into the place where my much loved Mum should be and wasn’t.

I ended up being sent away to boarding school during term times and that started out as a living nightmare. Unlike Rosemont where more or less everyone looks out for each other, the boarding school was full of strange kids who didn’t know me at all. They just saw a fat girl who had no Mum and who had funny attacks frequently (panic attacks, I really was not comfortable being in a school environment anymore, they are supposed to be safe places but I knew for a fact that wasn’t true.)

So of course the bullying started and I just withdrew into myself taking comfort in food all the time, getting fatter and fatter and more and more depressed. If that wasn’t bad enough going home for the holidays promised to be a total nightmare at first. When I arrived home for the first holiday in the car of one of the social support team member’s car, the house was a disgusting stinking mess. My Dad had stopped working and was living on social security and benefits. Most of what he got he drank, saving enough to pay the basic bills. There wasn’t anything to eat in the house, plenty to drink if you liked that kind of thing, but I hated it. The house smelled funny as well and gradually fell into a state of such disrepair that some of the adults at the school were really reluctant to send me home. I didn’t have anywhere else to go, so each time they would send me home with food and cleaning equipment and I would spend my holidays cleaning and trying to persuade my dad to give me money for food.

In some ways that was the worst time of my life and if it hadn’t been for
Jamie I might not even be here today telling the tale. At school in Rosemont he had been one of the people picking on me for being fat before I went to boarding school. The first time I came home for the holidays though, he came round to see me almost as soon as I got back. I was confused why he was over; convinced he had called to add to my misery. I couldn’t have been more wrong though. He had found out when I would be home specifically to be there when I got back because he wanted to apologise for how he had treated me.

His little sister had been in the reception class that my Mum saved and when he heard what had happened he started feeling really guilty for how mean he had been. I didn’t know but he had tried to visit a few times before I left for boarding school but I was in too much of a state to see anyone. When he realised I was not going back to the school he felt even worse, wondering if it was him and his friends that had driven me away.

I was completely gobsmacked when he said that and then completely blown away when he asked what I had planned for the holiday. I found myself telling him everything, about my dad, boarding school, the lot. He was a couple of years older than me and seemed to have grown up considerably. He didn’t say anything at first but then he told me he would come over each day and help sort the house out. He said that he could do the handyman stuff while I did the “little lady” stuff! Of course I was horrified about that idea, I had never met a person so insensitive and clueless, so I stiffened up a little, until I looked closely at him and saw the twinkle in his eye and his monumental battle to keep a straight face. I have no idea why, but I threw a mock punch at his arm and he rolled off the end of my sofa and onto the floor, sides shaking with laughter.

After that we were pretty inseparable every holiday and the odd weekend when I was allowed to go home and check on my Dad, or I had to go home to get my Dad out of trouble again.
Jamie would do what he could while I was away but my Dad was very stubborn and angry, he really didn’t want helping, I think he just wanted to die to be with Mum. Jamie even came to the boarding school on visiting days from time to time when he was able to. That helped a lot because by the time I was about 14 he had grown into this tall, blonde, 16 year old hunk and had even punched the ringleader of the bullies to try to get them to leave me alone. It didn’t work in terms of the bigger bullies, but suddenly people who had stood on the sides, not helping me but not hurting me either started to talk to me about Jamie. I didn’t say much at first, convinced that they only were doing it to lull me into a false sense of security before jumping on me with hobnailed boots.

It didn’t work like that though fortunately, some of the people just stopped trying to get me to talk about him but a couple of girls instead started inviting me to their rooms for
movie nights and stuff and I made two really close friends. The bullying did carry on but it was much easy to deal with now that I didn’t feel so alone. My two girlfriends Kellie and Marie even stood up to the bullies from time to time, when they could. If they couldn’t they would stand near me and talk loudly about Jamie, discussing how tall and strong he was, that he worked out two hours a day (I never saw him lift more than a beer glass personally!), that he was really fond of me and also that they couldn’t wait to see what he would do to anyone trying to hurt me next time he came to visit. Some of the stories were so outlandish that it was all I could do to keep a straight face and some sounded biologically impossible. I think my favourite was when they started talking about him plucking out the victim’s body hair all over and then reinserting it with a blunt needle.

I was immensely grateful to those
girls, they made things much more bearable the entire time I stayed at that school.

was more of a help at home though than in the school. He would go round to my Dad’s house and do jobs when he was out or passed out. Dad never mentioned it to me so I am not sure if he was aware and just didn’t care or had never even noticed. It was nice coming back for holidays then even if there wasn’t any food in the house when I got home. He would always be there to meet me and we would usually have a picnic with the food from school, at least until I had wrangled enough money from Dad to do a proper grocery shop. If Dad was particularly out of it, I thought that I had to make the food from school stretch for several days. The first time that happened though Jamie took me back to his house to meet his Mum, Jenny. She was so thrilled to see me, hugging me and even crying a little that it was almost embarrassing until Jamie told her to knock it off. I understood though, I had lost my Mum so that she could keep her daughter and while she was overjoyed to still have little Casey she was also distraught that I was now motherless, especially as everyone was becoming more and more aware of how neglected I was at home and everything.

She decided that if I didn’t have a Mum to look after me, she would step into that place and started cooking almost straight away. She fed me often in the holiday when I was growing up and Casey became a little sister to me. She also sent me food packages to the school overflowing with cakes, sweets, pastries and chocolate, which were lovely and I really enjoyed able to share them with the girls on movies nights. Unfortunately it also meant that I had plenty to snack on when school became tough.

By the time I was 16 years of age I weighed 16 stone and was called Ele by most of the people at school (short for elephant of course). As soon as I was able to leave school I was out of there not even letting the door hit my arse as I walked away. I still kept in touch with my friends Kellie and Marie but being from different towns I didn’t see them so much.

It was weird being
back home during term time while Jamie was at University. I still spent a lot of time with his Mum and sister but when he did come back home he was changed somehow. No don’t get me wrong he was still my best friend but he was full of everything he was experiencing, of his plans for the future and of this girl or that girl. I swallowed my jealousy and pretended an interest in everything he wanted to talk about. I had long since realised that Jamie only saw me as a friend, his best friend maybe but definitely not a girlfriend.


At home life was more or less unchanging for a couple of years. I got a job in the book shop and so had money to buy food and stuff. Perhaps that was not such a good thing though; my Dad knew he didn’t have to worry about finding money for food or bills so he started drinking even more. Not long after my 18th birthday he started turning yellow and lost so much weight that he was like a skeleton surrounded by bags and flaps of skin. Horrible dark blotches started appearing on his skin and he seemed to have trouble breathing at times. He complained of chest pains regularly and I was convinced he was heading for a heart attack. It was liver and kidney failure that killed him though when I was about eighteen and a half. Suddenly I was an orphan and although I hadn’t had a brilliant relationship with my Dad, I still missed him terribly. I started to feel adrift with no idea of what I wanted out of life.

Of course
Jamie took compassionate leave and came home and he and Jenny helped arrange the funeral and everything. It was a simple affair, cheap because I didn’t have much money and next to no one turned up to mourn. The few people that were there came to support me rather than to see my Dad off.

I did have a couple of very big surprises once
I was able to start sorting out the house and all the paperwork. It turned out that the house belonged to my Dad completely, there was no mortgage, it had all been paid off when my mum was alive. They had also both made a will naming me the sole beneficiary of their “estate” such as it was. What it turned out to consist of at this stage was the rundown house, a small car that needed repair and...ten thousand pounds in a bank account I knew nothing about! I also discovered that although my Dad had seemed completely out of it, there were no bills to pay, everything was mine, fair and square and I had a home and the opportunity to carve out a new life on my own.

The first thing I did was have the car taken to a garage to see if it still worked and if not how much it would cost to have it repaired. Again to my surprise it was in really good condition just needing a service and some new tyres. I didn’t know how to drive back then, I rode everywhere on my bike, which served to get me around and helped me keep my weight slightly under control. I got another two thousand pounds from the sale of the car, apparently it was very old an
d worth something to collectors. I’m sorry I really am a bit lost when it comes to cars even though I have been driving one for the last five years! It was a red one and looked really nice, that was about all I knew about it. I probably would have been completely stitched up with it if Jamie had not been at the sales meeting. Still another two grand to add to my nest egg would not go amiss!

Having my own home and money in the bank meant that I could take some time off, sort out the house and decide what I wanted to do with my life, so I handed in my notice at the little bookstore and began looking at college courses and potential careers. I quite liked the idea of hospitality or catering and our local university had lots of courses along those lines. While I was pondering all of this I
set about sorting the house out so that my home would be nice no matter what I decided.

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