The Sensual Revolution (8 page)

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Authors: Kayler Holmes

BOOK: The Sensual Revolution
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I still didn’t really believe him, but I didn’t have much time to think about it anymore because he once again, leaned in and covered my mouth with his. This time I opened it up readily and daringly darted my tongue inside his mouth. He groaned and I quickly withdrew it afraid I had done something wrong. As I went to pull away though, he cupped the back of my head with his hand and pulled me even closer. His lips left mine just long enough to say;

“Don’t fight it love, you are perfect, just do whatever comes natural to you.
Don’t worry I won’t let you be hurt.”

He swooped back in and I just gave myself up to it completely. Okay so I could get really hurt here, okay so I was putting myself in a very vulnerable position and acting in a way I never had before. I just didn’t care, for a short while at least I wanted to forget everything, be lost in the sensation of his hands, his lips, his tongue. As we continued kissing I found myself feeling some things I had never felt before. I was literally trembling but I wasn’t afraid, and my body felt all tingly as if it were extra sensitive all of a sudden. My breasts started feeling hot but also heavy as if they had suddenly grown even bigger. I was completely unsure if I could stand up as my legs felt all weak and between them was a deep hot pressure as if I was going to explode.

Lowering me to the bed so that I was lying on my back he slid a hand up my top and started stroking my skin. His hand rose higher and higher as he pushed my scruffy tee-shirt up until he found what he was looking for, my breasts. Unfortunately I had on a very practical bra, more of an over shoulder boulder holder than any kind of sexy lingerie and his questing hand was thwarted by the heavy under wiring. Eventually he grunted and gave up, taking his hand away from my skin and looking up at my face. I was once again blushing in mortification, even if I wanted to do this, to experience all he had to offer, everything about me seemed designed to slam on the brakes.

On the other hand he didn’t seem to be experiencing the same issues. He sat up properly and pulled his top off revealing the most incredible set of chest muscles I had ever seen in real life. I mean I wasn’t blind; I had seen topless guys in magazines and stuff but never up close and personal like this. His skin was the colour of honey and his nipples were dark brown buds, much darker than my own. I was amazed at how different men seemed compared to women, although as you no doubt know, the differences were to get even more obvious as the day progressed!

He then started to pull my t-shirt up to gain access to my breasts, but I kind of froze. Did I really want this gorgeous hunk of masculinity to see all the horrible lumps and bumps that my t-shirt concealed?

He must have sensed my reluctance because he started gently stroking my arm and kissing me. As he kissed he started to ease my t-shirt up but every time he felt me react at all he stopped and just concentrated on melting my brain with his kisses. Obviously he got to a stage where we couldn’t continue to kiss if the t-shirt was to get any higher so he gently broke the kiss and looked at me seriously.

“I guess this is kind of decision time. Do you want to carry on, or do we stop here? I know you are worried about your body, but I think it is beautiful. I want to worship at it; will you let me worship at it? He whispered. “Will you trust me?”

I don’t know why but I decided to throw caution to the winds. If the things that were going to happen were anything as good as the things that had already, I was a little worried that I may die of pleasure. Suddenly I realised how stuck I had become, how stuck in a limbo. I had invented myself as a fat woman that had a nice personality. I saw myself as someone that the guys could be friends with but who they would never contemplate even kissing. But under all of that I was suddenly aware that there was a fierce sexual animal who wanted the rights that everybody else had. I wanted to be loved, have sex and do spectacular things with myself. I wanted to go out and grab life instead of placidly sitting and watching it drift past.

I took the bottom of my t-shirt and slowly lifted it over my head.

“That’s my brave girl.” He whispered encouragingly.

But I hadn’t finished; I also reached behind my back and slowly took my bra off firmly resolving to burn it when I had a spare minute!

The gorgeous hunk in front of me was staring at my breasts and already on his way towards touching them. I couldn’t mistake the look of lust in his eyes and I suddenly realised that far from being a submissive partner in this that I was actually having the same effect on him as he was having on me.

I nervously cupped my own breasts and held them towards him. His broad grin was electrifying as first covered my hands with his own and then cupped my breasts alone as I slowly drew my hands away.

“Your tits are magnificent.” He growled as he moved towards me for another kiss.

I thought I would dissolve completely, the feeling of his hand on my breasts, fingers gently teasing my nipples as his tongue fought for dominancy over mine. My whole body felt like it no longer belonged to me, that I no longer had control over what it did. It was like floating above my body, lost in a cloud of sensation, while this hunky man played my body like a musical instrument each touch producing a different vibration, making a different moan come from one or the other of us.

Just as I thought I was going to float away, his lips left mine and started trailing hot, wet kisses down my neck. He even put his tongue into my ear and started licking it and nibbling on the lobes and that made me feel like I was exploding. He was licking my ear for goodness sake but it felt so very good. Moving down my neck again, pausing to suck and nibble on my skin he eventually reached first my breast and then my nipple. I forgot to breathe for a while as his mouth closed around it and he began sucking it really slowly and gently.

He lifted his head up to look at me, grinned again and growled “This is what I have been waiting for since you opened the door to me. I love tits, tits of all sizes and shape but yours are the most perfect I have ever seen. So pearly and soft, so delicious, I love feeling your nipple get harder and harder in my mouth”.

He returned his head to my nipple and brought his other hand up to cup the other breast and began massaging it slowly. As simple as that my world came apart. I arched my back so I was pressed against him and then gasped as ripple after ripple passed over my body. I could feel wetness pouring from my pussy, which almost worried me for a second before I was too lost in feeling to mind much. It seemed to last forever but was over much too soon. As the ripples subsided he gradually slowed down his sucking and lifted his head up to look at her with a surprised expression on his face.

Instantly I began to colour and he started reassuring me desperately. “No don’t be upset, please, I beg you. That was incredible! I sensed you were a deeply passionate woman and I was right. I loved feeling your body spasm beneath me as you came.”

“That was what it was? I came? Wow! But why did you look so surprised?” I questioned warily. “I thought I had done something wrong or that I wasn’t supposed to do that then?”

“Seriously? You didn’t even know what it was? Oh my precious one, I am so sorry. I know you said you were inexperienced but I had no idea how much so. I am sorry to say that lots of girls pretend to be innocent to turn a guy on,” he continued darkly, “but no, you did nothing wrong, nothing at all. The reason I was surprised is that I don’t think I have ever made a woman orgasm with just her tits!” The familiar cocky grin was back, this man seemed to like smiling!

“Is that not normal then?” I began fearfully and again he laughed. “No my sweetheart, it’s not normal, but it’s not wrong either. As I said it just confirms my suspicion that you are a femme fatale in hiding!”

Femme fatale… me? Once again I wasn’t sure if he was joking but his eyes seemed only full of gentle amusement not mocking scorn. I knew the latter expression well, I had been seeing it most of my life. This expression was unfamiliar though and I stared back into his eyes with wonder.

“Okay here is what we do next. We get undressed, lie down and explore each other’s bodies. Anything you don’t want to do is fine, anything that scares you we will stop. Then I will proceed to show you several other ways you can orgasm!”

“Getting naked in front of you scares me.” I muttered under my breath. He must have heard though because he laughed and replied,

“Well anything apart from that. You have nothing to be afraid of, either in what you will see on my body, or anything I will see on yours.”

And to prove the point he stood up, slipped his shoes off and opened the belt of his jeans. He either drew them down with his boxer shorts inside or was never wearing any because as the jeans went down a huge cock sprung up and stopped, vibrating gently against his stomach. My eyes felt so wide open at this point and so focussed on his cock that I barely registered when he bent over to remove the trousers and his socks except to growl because I could no longer see it.

Okay so now that he was naked in front of me I realised that I had to stop gawping at him and do the same. I don’t know where they had been hiding before but suddenly my stomach was a mass of butterflies. Trying to settle then down I reached nervously down to my own jeans and started to undo them.

“Want me to help?” He enquired with an arched eyebrow.

I nodded nervously and he made his way towards me, looking at my breasts hungrily and licking his lips.

“Mmmm it’s like all my Christmases have come at once and I get to open the best present ever!”

I gulped and just prayed that if he had taken his underwear off with his jeans that he would do me the same courtesy. Bridget Jones doesn’t even begin to describe the knickers I was wearing!

He didn’t but by then I had stopped worrying. As he lowered my jeans to the floor he lowered himself as well, pressing those same hot, sensual kisses to the parts of my body as he uncovered them. When he got to my bare feet, he kissed around my calves and then raised my feet one at a time, pulling the jeans over them and kissing the whole foot, pausing to suck all my toes along the way. I had no idea that my body had so many sexual hot spots because even that felt amazing and he was sucking my toes! I was seriously glad I had taken a bath and washed completely before he turned up!

With both of us now clad in our skin, I was totally unsure of what to do next, but he took me by the hand and guided my back towards the mattress, gently easing me down with a little pressure on my shoulder. As I went down, he followed and we just sat together on top of the duvet, still holding hands and just looking at each other. I got the impression that he was waiting for me to do something, but I just sat there, gazing at him and trembling with a combination of fear and anticipation. After a minute or so, he grinned again with a rueful shake of his head and started touching my skin again. I figure he realised I was so paralysed with emotion that he was going to have to be the guide of this sexual encounter.

First he laid me back onto the pillow with my legs slightly parted in front of me and then he continued with what he had been doing before, kissing me, playing with my breasts, sucking on my nipples and nibbling my ear. When I was getting all hot and fidgety and lost in desire he gently started moving his hand over my body. I stilled a little fearful of his reaction when he felt the horrible lumps and bumps of my belly and hip, but he just kept stroking and then kissing and nibbling and telling me how beautiful I was, how perfect, how much I was making him horny. I felt myself relaxing again as new and unfamiliar feelings started coursing through my body. I was really getting into the whole thing as he worked his way closer and closer to the mound between my legs. As he got down to the small amount of hair, (I always shave, leave a little landing strip but not much else. One of my girlfriends had told me that she always did it for hygiene and it seemed sensible to me) soft and dark and fluffy he seemed very impressed by what he was finding down there, if his noises of appreciation were any indication!

But all of a sudden he stopped and moved back up my body to kiss my mouth. I was confused, didn’t he like my pussy, was it shaved wrong or not clean enough or something? Still kissing his hand resumed a downwards exploration, only this time, rather than stopping at the hair he started to stroke it, his hand going ever downwards. He nudged my thighs more open with his hand, still kissing me, and then gently rubbed his finger across my clit. So of course I start coming again. It’s kind of weird with hindsight; how it felt to be coming, pressing my clit against his finger, body spasming as he chuckled into my mouth while our tongues danced. Well I say our tongues danced, my tongue was too busy feeling what the rest of me was feeling to participate much!

I thought that when the spasms stopped he would back away again; the same as he did last time but instead he continued further still and gently slipped a finger into my pussy. He eased his lips from mine and quite quickly ran them down my body to where his hand was. Then his tongue touched my clit which was bad enough, when he started sucking it in time to the rhythm of his fingers? And then when another finger joined the first and both of them thrust inside me? Well it’s a good job it isn’t possible to actually die from pleasure alone.

When he realised I was rung out and couldn’t take much more he backed away and gently kissed me. He asked if it was okay to smoke and then offered me one when I nodded. We sat there on top of the quilt companionably smoking while my heart rate slowed down to a relatively normal level. He pulled his lemonade glass over and we used that as a temporary ash tray, neither of us able to summon the energy to get the actual one from across the room. It was quite strange, to me at least at how easy and companionable the silence was. I don’t think I had ever felt so relaxed and comfortable in my own skin. I was stunned when I realised that despite all that had happened
, I was still a virgin!

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