The Set Up (74 page)

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Authors: Kim Karr

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“That and then some.” I can hear the hitch in her breath.

“You better stop.”

“Not much you can do about it from there.”

“Oh, baby, you do not want to go there.”

She giggles.

I get serious. “If you want I could meet you up there,” I suggest, thinking that is just the place to make her listen to me.

“It’s five hours. You’re going to be tired and you wouldn’t get there until so late.”

“First, for me it’s four and second, I’d do anything for you.”

There’s silence on the line. “I’d really like that, but we’ll have two cars.”

“Let me worry about that. We’ll stay until Monday. It’s settled.”

“Okay.” I can hear her moving around again.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“Trying to get comfortable in bed. What are you doing?” Her voice sounds seductive.

“Well, I have to share a bedroom with Will, so right now I’m flopped on a lounge chair at a closed pool by myself wishing I was in bed with you.” The huskiness in my voice is unexpected.

“Is it weird that you’ve only been gone a day and I can’t wait to see you?”

I laugh. “No, it’s not weird, but is it me or my cock you miss?”

“Do you really want to know?” Her voice is sexy.

I’m surprised by her response.

“I think you just answered my question. What are you wearing?” It just slips out.

“One of your t-shirts,” she rasps.

“What else?” I keep going.


I nearly stop breathing.

“Are you still there? I said nothing.”

Something’s different about her. She sounds lighter, freer. Maybe getting that cast off was a great relief.

“Jasper,” she breathes again.

The way she says my name makes my cock thicken and my balls tighten. “Yeah, I’m still here. I’m thinking about you lying there. In our big bed. Without me. And trying to figure out how to fix that problem.”

“Sorry, but I think the distance between Detroit to California isn’t a problem that can be fixed.”

“But it is. I’m very resourceful.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Pull your shirt up.”

“Okay,” she breathes without reluctance.

Again, I’m surprised.

“Did you do it?”


I can picture her right now. Her nipples peaked. Her pussy wet for me. Her mouth parted. The tip of her tongue slipping out to wet her lower lip, just the smallest, most unobtrusive bit, but enough to drive me wild. Then her breathing picks up. Her hair is a beautiful mess all around her. I’m practically panting when I speak. “Pretend your hands are mine, and that I’m caressing your beautiful tits and pinching your tiny pink nipples until you moan. Can you do that for me?”



“Yes, oh yes.”

I can feel the blood rushing faster and faster to my cock. “That’s it, baby, moan for me. Let me hear you.”

“Oh Jasper, I want your mouth on my pussy.”

“Jesus Charlotte, you can’t talk that way to me when I’m not near you.”

“I can’t help it. I’m thinking of you and the way you look at me when you push my legs apart.”

My heart stutters at the thought of doing just that. “Well, it’s your lucky day because I’m there. I’m crawling up the bed to get to that sweet little pussy of yours with my mouth and my hands.”

“I can feel you. Your tongue, the slick, hot swipe of it against my flesh.”

I groan, painfully aware that I am out in public and that my straining cock can’t make an appearance, but I can be unselfish and focus on her. “That’s it. My fingers are over your clit now. I can feel that tight knot under my fingertips. Can you feel it?”

“Yes,” she moans.

“Good girl, now my fingers are inside that wet, hot pussy of yours, and they’re moving in and out. In and out.”

“Say it again,” she demands.

I love when she tries to take command.

It makes my lips part and my eyes heavy-lidded. “In and out . . . in and out. Both hands now, one with my finger deep inside you, and the other is lightly pinching your clit. You’re rocking your hips.”

“Oh, God,” she moans.

I’m fully aware of how heavy my balls feel. “That’s it, baby. Rock against my hand. Feel my mouth sucking on your clit, my fingers inside you stroking upward and fucking you. I’m there. I’m on you. Tasting you. Licking you. Sucking you. Feasting on you like you’re my last meal.”

“Oh, God, Jasper. Oh God.” She manages a barely coherent mumble.

I’m coated in sweat. I lick my lips and taste something tangy. I taste her. “That’s it. Come for me, Charlotte. Come for me, baby.”

The series of moans that rip through the line has me wanting to take my throbbing cock in my hand and fuck myself without finesse or grace—just raw, unadulterated animalistic fist fucking.

“Oh my God,” she breathes into the phone.

“Yeah,” I smile and then laugh. “I was that good, huh?”

I hear her suck in a breath.

“Yes,” she answers a little sheepishly and I can picture her cheeks turning pink. “Your turn,” she says, “But you’re going to have to help me out.”

I suck in my own breath. “Fuck. I wish I could. But I’m out in public and really don’t want to be slapped with a public indecency charge. But just know that my boxers are straining right now because my cock is rock hard just thinking about how sexy you must look.”

She lowers her voice. “Do you remember when we used to play in the backyard and you didn’t want to take the time to go into the house and use the bathroom?”

“Yeah,” I laugh, “I’d go stand behind the garage and tell you not to look. You’re not going to tell me you did?”

“No! I was going to suggest you find a private spot, and I could tell you how to touch yourself.”

“Oh, fuck!” I’m so hard it’s making my teeth hurt. I make a shuddering noise of desire and look around. There is another few seconds of silence before I can speak. “Nothing private around here. Looks like it’s going to be me and my hand in the shower.”

“Will you push your hips forward and stroke your cock from the base to just below the head in short, fast strokes?”

I push my fist in my mouth to keep from doing that. “Yes.”

“Will you do it over and over?”

I’m mindless and filled with desire. “Fuck yes.”

“I wish I could watch.”

She’s so naughty.

My voice is low and hoarse. “Well, that might be able to be arranged. I can Facetime you when I get back to the room if you want?”

“Yes, I want, very much.”

Barely able to hold on, I can’t believe this girl is mine.

I want to cry out to the world . . .

Me too.

That and so much more.




go as planned.

And I’ve learned over the years to just roll with it.

Until now.

Everything is different now. It’s not just me. There’s a tiny life living inside me. One that needs so much.


The night air is warm as I cross the grass to the rocks and make my way to the beach-like landing where I sit down. It’s quiet down here. Private. No one knows it’s here. I used to come here all the time when I was younger.


Babies, children, they need things from people.

Finally I can accept that.

Accept that I wasn’t too needy.

I just needed.




And that was okay.

Raising my head, I watch the momentary sonic boom that fills the sky. As it happens, I think about my life and where this new event will lead me.

Will Jasper accept the baby?

Can we make a life together?

It’s with all my heart and soul that I hope we can, but if he can’t, I feel strong enough for the first time in my life that I can do this alone.

I know I can.

Streaks of color cross the sky and I lean back to absorb the sounds of the Labor Day fireworks in the darkness of the beach. I watch the sky come alive with so many vibrant hues, starbursts of color, showers of light. And as ribbons of smoke blur the sky, I can say for the first time in my life . . . I am not broken.

The water laps the rocks and I relax into the sand, letting it wash over me, my dress, my body, my soul.

There’s a crinkle, a tickle, a tease on the back of my neck. I jump to my feet and slowly turn around. More than aware of what’s causing it. Or rather who.

The colors in the sky begin to swirl and dance into flashes and bursts, but it’s my heart that is really exploding.

He’s looking at me with those bedroom eyes.

My pulse pounds at the sight of those long legs striding toward me. Even at a distance, I can’t stop my body from shuddering. Hair the color of milk chocolate lightened by the sun spikes forward over his forehead and feathers against his cheeks in front of his ears. Short and wispy in the back, it sticks up everywhere. He’s wearing jeans and a t-shirt and his boots to the beach.

I laugh.

So Jasper.

And I love that I know that.

He gets a little closer and the light of the moon highlights his gorgeous face. He’s so scruffy and delicious.

His gaze slides over me with a warmth I want to hold on to forever. This might be it for us. Once I tell him about the baby, he might just turn around.

I can’t tell him right now.

Not yet.

I want too much.

Just him.

And me.

And the moment.

Nothing else but the earth and the sky.

“Hey, there you are,” he calls with a grin that melts me.

My feet are moving, running, and I’m jumping into his arms. “How’d you get here so early?”

Jasper twirls me around like I’m as light as a feather and made of air before setting me down. “I took a turbo chopper, but I think the better question is why’d you get here so late?”

I don’t pull away to answer. I just keep my embrace around his neck and hold him tight. “A little setback.”

He laughs long and hard into a spot he’s burrowed his face into at my neck. “I wouldn’t call your engine overheating a little setback.”

“The mechanic told me it wouldn’t be worth fixing.”

His mouth is licking up my neck. “That sucks,” he mocks.

I toss my head back. “Yes, it does,” I say sternly.

“Say it.” He bites at my earlobe.

I shake my head.

“Say it.” His lips are over mine.

I give in. Easier than I should. Because I missed him. “You were right.”


“You were right!” I shout.

When I can’t stop laughing, he covers my mouth with his. Searches it. Explores it. Lips. Teeth. Tongue. His hands anchor my hips to hold me in place and he kisses me hard and harder still.

I want it to always be like this.

Suddenly, he’s emptying his pockets, and then he’s lifting me and tossing me over his shoulder.

“What are you doing?” I squirm.

“Teaching you a lesson, baby.”

Before I can even protest, we’re both underwater and bobbing up in water that is chest deep. I push my hair back. “You did not just do that.”

He raises his brow. “But I did.”

With a frown, I try to playfully shove him to knock him underwater, but he is steady like a rock.

He grabs my wrists, gentle but firm, and yanks me to him. “Come here.”

This close, all I can smell is his cologne and his fresh scent. I feel intoxicated by it. Drunk on him. Us.
What I hope will always be.

His tongue slides over my lips and he kisses me again. Kisses me forever. And then his hands slide up my thighs, and with the hem of my dress floating around me it makes it easy.

“What are you doing?”

His hands move up to the curves of my breasts, as if he can’t touch enough of me fast enough. “What do you think I’m doing?” he whispers around his kiss.

I start to laugh. “Out here?”

The slide of his tongue on mine makes it impossible to think or care where we are.

His hands slide down the wet fabric of my dress and disappear beneath the water to find my panties. He tugs them down and when they stick to my body, he tugs harder until he rips them off me, and then he lets them float away.

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