The Set Up (76 page)

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Authors: Kim Karr

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BOOK: The Set Up
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about secrets . . . they eat you up.

It’s Tuesday now, and I’ve known about my pregnancy for five days and not told a soul. Not told Jasper.

At first it was timing.

Now, I think it’s fear.

Fear of how Jasper will take the news.

What will happen to our relationship when he finds out?

We flew back from Mackinac Island and Jasper, Whitney, and the guys have been hashing out their thoughts in the loft for days.

Nothing makes sense.

The rain is back and it pelts against the windows. I stare out into it. Will just picked up Jasper and they are headed over to see Alex to confront him. I’m alone in the loft and I should be working, but instead I’m trying to figure out the best way to tell Jasper the news.

‘Hey, honey, surprise, I know we haven’t been together that long, but we’re having a baby.’

Or . . .

‘You know how I told you I was on the pill? Well I was, but I missed one or two, and guess what? We’re having a baby.’

Or better still . . .

‘I know you just told me you loved me, and I told you I loved you, well, now we have someone else to love, surprise we’re having a baby.’

The thought that I still haven’t told him makes me sick and I rush to the bathroom.

When I come out, I feel like I need to lie down. Inside the bedroom, I stare at the ceiling, the floor, and my eyes land on the box of my father’s things.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

I can do this.

Unsealing the tape, I remove the lid. There’s an envelope on the top with my name on it. With shaky fingers I unseal it and read it. “My dearest Charlotte, if you’re reading this, I did what had to be done,
for you
. You need a stable environment. A place to call home. I can’t have you displaced again. You may never forgive me, but know you were the best thing that ever happened to me in my life. I will always love you, Dad.”

Tears stream down my cheeks. He did leave me a note. I just never found it. I go to my knees and press my face into my hands.

I grieve.

I grieve for a man I lost long before he died.

I grieve for the life we should have had.

I break and shake and shatter.

I come undone.

And then I clutch the letter to my heart and feel myself healing.

He loved me.

He never forgot me.

He never forgot me.

He never forgot me.

The rush and rise of my breathing begins to settle. I reach into the box, pull out its contents, and one by one look through the pieces of paper, discarding each to the side until I come across a fire inspection report with the word, “ARSON,” stamped on it.

I read it. It clearly states the explosion at the plant was a result of human tampering.

Oh my God, my mother wasn’t lying. Someone covered up what really happened at the plant twenty years ago.

Hank has to be involved.

Jumping to my feet with the document in hand, I know I have to talk to Detective John Hill. He knew something wasn’t right back then, but I bet he had no idea just how deep the corruption went.

This was a huge cover-up—the DA, fire marshal, and police chief.

Having no choice but to take the Storm, I’m pulling out of the garage and into the pouring rain, trying to get the car into the proper gear.

Here I go again.

Shifting from second to third, I finally manage to keep up with the speed of the traffic. My wipers are moving fast and I’m trying to make sure I stay in second gear. The oncoming light turns yellow and I gun it.

The brake lights in front of me burn red. The car stops too quickly and I slam on the brakes. Nothing is happening. I do it again. They feel squishy. I do it again. And again.


I’m not stopping.

I can’t stop.

Oh, my God!

The Storm comes to a screeching halt when it crashes into the car in front of me. My body is jerking. I’m being thrown forward. I can’t see. There’s a smell of burnt chemicals in the air. Something’s biting into my arm. Dust clogs my eyes, my mouth, my nose. I can’t push it away.

It seems like too much trouble.

There’s a pressure against my chest. A high ringing in my ears. I still can’t see. My sight is coated in a dark metallic color.

A vision of Jasper pops into my mind.

And I see a tiny, little baby with his eyes and nose.

No, the baby!

The baby!

Snapping into action, I struggle to get out. I’m pillowed in a giant plastic bubble of some kind. I take a deep breath. It’s the air bag. Knowing this, I try to go under and around to reach the door handle.

Emergency vehicles must be on their way because I can hear the sirens in the distance.

Soon enough, I open my door and somehow manage to grab my purse. When I get out, it’s on shaky legs.

I try to look around, but the rain mutes my vision. All I can see is that the entire front-end of the Storm is wrinkled like an accordion.

I walk, but slowly, my feet numb. Everything feels hazy, like I’m moving in slow motion. Thunder rattles the ground. Lightning strikes at a distance. Though I’m getting wetter and wetter by the second, heat seems to be all around me.

People come rushing over. “Are you okay? Sit down. You’ve been in an accident.” The voices all blend.

Umbrellas pop open.

Someone hands me one.

I sit down on the curb.

Still a little dazed.

But I’m fine.

I’m okay.

Relief soothes the edge of my anxiety as I look down at my stomach. It looks fine. I feel the same. My arms. They’re coated in a powdery-like substance, but they are fine. My legs too, they are fine as well.

Trembling, I reach for my phone in my purse and call Jasper.

I don’t expect him to be available.

“Hey,” he answers.

“Jasper,” I cry.

“What is it?” He’s concerned.

The pressure in my lungs is pushing out frantic words. “I need you. We need you . . .” I trail off.

“Where are you?” Now he’s frantic too.

“Miss,” a paramedic calls. “Were you the driver in that car?” he points to the Storm.

I nod.

“We’re going to have to examine you.”

I nod again and hand him my phone; I’m unable to say anything else, but he talks for me.

We need Jasper.

We need him.

We do.

A blur passes. The paramedics examine me. I’m fine. The police question me. I tell them what happened. The rain continues to fall at a punishing pace, slipping down the umbrella I’m holding and to the ground. My ballet flats are soaked. My jeans and top too. Although, I barely feel the uncomfortableness of it all.

Slowly, things are starting to seem less hazy.

Soon enough, I wrap my arms around myself.

My teeth are chattering. I’m wet. None of that matters.

I crashed Jasper’s car.

I’m holding a document that reeks of corruption.

I’m pregnant.

“Charlotte!” I hear his voice.

Quickly, I turn and suddenly my tears mix with the tiny raindrops blowing against my face.




Footsteps are pounding in the puddles of water. Fast. Faster still.

“Jasper,” I whisper.

He’s got my upper arms. “Charlotte! Are you hurt?”

My heart is about to drop in my chest. “No, I’m fine, but I’m so sorry about your car.”

“I don’t give a shit about the car. What happened? You sure you are okay?” His lips are moving. His eyes are wide. The look on his face frantic.

I nod again, answering yes to whatever he just said because it seems like a good answer.

“You need to get out of the rain,” he says and then he’s dragging me to the sidewalk and into an office building with a vast lobby.

I drop the umbrella.

He grasps at my arms again and pulls back to look at me, head to toe, but not in a sexual way. He’s making sure I’m not harmed, protecting me like he always has.

Always will.

Even in the midst of the chaos, the storm taking place outside, the accident I caused, I can’t go another minute without telling him. I stare into his eyes, at his soft lips, his furrowed brow. And then, I take a step forward and lean into his ear, my voice low, and whisper the words I should have five days ago. “Jasper, I’m pregnant. I found out on Friday and haven’t been able to figure out how to tell you. No, that’s not true, I’ve been afraid to tell you.”

He exhales suddenly, shaky, uneven. Swallows hard. His eyes are burning into mine. His pulse is beating so fast I can’t distinguish it from my own.

Fear. Anxiety. They flow through my veins. He’s frozen in front of me. I don’t think he’s breathing. In the state he’s in, I’m not so sure he’s not going to turn around and leave me here. Alone.

His hands relax. His eyes quiet down. He stares at me for so long I start to tremble, and then he blinks as if what I said finally registers. In that moment—his lips form a small smile. “You’re pregnant?”

I nod, wondering if the shock is too much for him.

“As in we’re going to have a baby? You and me?”

I nod again.

His smile grows wider and he lets out a little huff of laughter.

“Why is this funny?”

He shakes his head. Just a bit. Then lifts me off my feet and twirls me around like everything is perfect in our lives. “We’re having a baby!” he shouts, no concern at all for where we are or his completely crushed car just feet away.

If I have ever smiled before in my life, it’s never been as big it is right now.

Setting my feet back on the ground, he holds me in place, with his hands and his eyes. The pull between us is so strong I can almost feel his heart beating against my body. I can almost feel his lips breathing against mine. And I can almost taste him on my tongue.


I part my lips. Move my tongue. Talk. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

Jasper leans his forehead against mine. “More than okay.” His voice is dangerously husky and his words tingle on my skin.

His answer makes me dizzy in the most delicious way. Because my body needs his, I allow my hands to clutch his wet shirt. My fingers trace the perfectly sculpted lines of his body. Feel his lean muscle. Rely on his strong frame for support.

As unexpected as his response to the news, is what comes next. He drops to his knees. Kisses my stomach. Holds me. And holds me. And holds me like this.

My body is a stick of butter and I am melting in his embrace.

Slowly rising to his feet, he takes me in his arms, kisses me, and whispers, “I love you, Charlotte Lane, and I want to get married as soon as possible.”

My eyes are filling with tears and I’m blinking them back. “You don’t have to feel obligated to do that, Jasper.”

Softly, he pushes the wet hair from my face. “How many times do I have to tell you I don’t do anything I don’t want to do?” he says, and then he smiles at me with that smile that brings back every moment we’ve ever shared.

I draw in a breath, clear my throat, and push him away. “Well, Jasper Storm, that wasn’t very romantic then.” The smile on my face is all he needs to know I’m teasing him.

He tugs me back to him. “Give a guy a chance, will you? I haven’t asked you yet.”

“Good, because I haven’t said yes.”

His smile fades. “You’re going to? Aren’t you?”

I shrug. “You’ll have to wait and see.”

“Keep it up,” he grins.

And then he kisses me again.

He lets his kiss tell me everything.

How much he loves me.

How much he needs me.

Maybe even that I’m his world.

A throat clearing has me twisting around. Behind me standing are Will, Whitney, Jake, Shannon, Drew, and Mrs. Storm. I turn back to Jasper. “How . . . why . . .” I can’t even get the words out, my throat is so clogged with emotion.

“Everyone was worried about you,” he tells me, and then he tells everyone right here in the lobby of I don’t know where, “We’re getting married, oh, and we’re having a baby too.”

Mrs. Storm slaps her hand to her mouth and rushes for us. And everyone else gathers. Among the well wishes and tears, it’s Will who draws us back to reality. “What happened?” he asks me.

By now we’ve migrated over to a group of chairs in this investment banking building. I tell him what happened.

He and Jasper share a look.

“What is it?” I ask.

“My car has the new front radar sensor that Max designed and installed. It not only senses an object’s closeness and adjusts the braking power, but it monitors the brakes too. What just happened to you couldn’t have possibly happened unless someone disabled the device.”

“Hank or Alex,” Will whispers.

The revelation is astounding. Jasper stands and runs for the door.

I stand up to rush after him.

“Give him a minute.” Jake’s voice stops me.

Shannon stands. “Charlotte, I know you said you are fine, but I really think we should go to the hospital just as a precaution because of the baby.”

I nod, my eyes on Jasper. Outside he raises his hands above his head and paces in the rain.

“I’m going to arrange to have the Storm towed to Craig’s garage so we can take a look at it,” Will informs the group, and then he turns to Whitney. “Can you go with Mrs. Storm to the loft and see if you can get the computer or phone to take a charge?”

I look toward Will in question, but Mrs. Storm answers. “I guess Jasper and Will were on their way to Alex’s office when I called Jasper to tell him I’d found something strange. I was out in the meadow trying to pick the last of my flowers before the storm destroyed them when I noticed the water had deeply eroded a section of dirt. With my pruning shears, I pushed at it, and found a computer and phone buried there.”

“Eve’s computer?”

She shrugs. “I don’t know. It wouldn’t turn on and neither would the phone.”

Jasper comes striding back, slow and unsteady.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

He drops his head. “No, whatever is going on, that accident was meant for me, not you, and because of me you could have almost . . . fuck, I can’t even say it.”

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