The Silver Box (8 page)

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Authors: John Galsworthy

BOOK: The Silver Box
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SNOW. Yes, Sir.


CLERK. Is that the box?


Snow. [Fingering the box.] Yes, Sir.


CLERK. And did you thereupon take possession of it, and charge the female prisoner with theft of the box from 6, Rockingham Gate? And did she deny the same?


SNOW. Yes, Sir.


CLERK. Did you take her into custody?


Snow. Yes, Sir.


MAGISTRATE. What was her behaviour?


SNOW. Perfectly quiet, your Worship. She persisted in the denial. That's all.


MAGISTRATE. DO you know her?


SNOW. No, your Worship.


MAGISTRATE. Is she known here?


BALD CONSTABLE. No, your Worship, they're neither of them known, we've nothing against them at all.


CLERK. [To MRS. JONES.] Have you anything to ask the officer?


MRS. JONES. No, sir, thank you, I've nothing to ask him.


MAGISTRATE. Very well then—go on.


CLERK. [Reading from his papers.] And while you were taking the female prisoner did the male prisoner interpose, and endeavour to hinder you in the execution of your duty, and did he strike you a blow?


SNOW. Yes, Sir.


CLERK. And did he say, "You, let her go, I took the box myself"?


SNOW. He did.


CLERK. And did you blow your whistle and obtain the assistance of another constable, and take him into custody?


SNOW. I did.


CLERK. Was he violent on the way to the station, and did he use bad language, and did he several times repeat that he had taken the box himself?


[Snow nods.]


Did you thereupon ask him in what manner he had stolen the box? And did you understand him to say he had entered the house at the invitation of young Mr. BARTHWICK


[BARTHWICK, turning in his seat, frowns at ROPER.]


after midnight on Easter Monday, and partaken of whisky, and that under the influence of the whisky he had taken the box?


SNOW. I did, sir.


CLERK. And was his demeanour throughout very violent?


SNOW. It was very violent.


JONES. [Breaking in.] Violent—of course it was! You put your 'ands on my wife when I kept tellin' you I took the thing myself.


MAGISTRATE. [Hissing, with protruded neck.] Now—you will have your chance of saying what you want to say presently. Have you anything to ask the officer?


JONES. [Sullenly.] No.


MAGISTRATE. Very well then. Now let us hear what the female prisoner has to say first.


MRS. JONES. Well, your Worship, of course I can only say what I've said all along, that I didn't take the box.


MAGISTRATE. Yes, but did you know that it was taken?


MRS. JONES. No, your Worship. And, of course, to what my husband says, your Worship, I can't speak of my own knowledge. Of course, I know that he came home very late on the Monday night. It was past one o'clock when he came in, and he was not himself at all.


MAGISTRATE. Had he been drinking?


MRS. JONES. Yes, your Worship.


MAGISTRATE. And was he drunk?


MRS. JONES. Yes, your Worship, he was almost quite drunk.


MAGISTRATE. And did he say anything to you?


MRS. JONES. No, your Worship, only to call me names. And of course in the morning when I got up and went to work he was asleep. And I don't know anything more about it until I came home again. Except that Mr. BARTHWICK—that 's my employer, your Worship—told me the box was missing.




MRS. JONES. But of course when I was shaking out my husband's coat the cigarette-box fell out and all the cigarettes were scattered on the bed.


MAGISTRATE. You say all the cigarettes were scattered on the bed? [To SNOW.] Did you see the cigarettes scattered on the bed?


SNOW. No, your Worship, I did not.


MAGISTRATE. You see he says he didn't see them.


JONES. Well, they were there for all that.


SNOW. I can't say, your Worship, that I had the opportunity of going round the room; I had all my work cut out with the male prisoner.


MAGISTRATE. [To MRS. JONES.] Well, what more have you to say?


MRS. JONES. Of course when I saw the box, your Worship, I was dreadfully upset, and I couldn't think why he had done such a thing; when the officer came we were having words about it, because it is ruin to me, your Worship, in my profession, and I have three little children dependent on me.


MAGISTRATE. [Protruding his neck]. Yes—yes—but what did he say to you?


MRS. JONES. I asked him whatever came over him to do such a thing —and he said it was the drink. He said he had had too much to drink, and something came over him. And of course, your Worship, he had had very little to eat all day, and the drink does go to the head when you have not had enough to eat. Your Worship may not know, but it is the truth. And I would like to say that all through his married life, I have never known him to do such a thing before, though we have passed through great hardships and [speaking with soft emphasis] I am quite sure he would not have done it if he had been himself at the time.


MAGISTRATE. Yes, yes. But don't you know that that is no excuse?


MRS. JONES. Yes, your Worship. I know that it is no excuse.


[The MAGISTRATE leans over and parleys with his CLERK.]


JACK. [Leaning over from his seat behind.] I say, Dad—


BARTHWICK. Tsst! [Sheltering his mouth he speaks to ROPER.] Roper, you had better get up now and say that considering the circumstances and the poverty of the prisoners, we have no wish to proceed any further, and if the magistrate would deal with the case as one of disorder only on the part of—




[ROPER shakes his head.]


MAGISTRATE. Now, supposing what you say and what your husband says is true, what I have to consider is—how did he obtain access to this house, and were you in any way a party to his obtaining access? You are the charwoman employed at the house?


MRS. JONES. Yes, your Worship, and of course if I had let him into the house it would have been very wrong of me; and I have never done such a thing in any of the houses where I have been employed.


MAGISTRATE. Well—so you say. Now let us hear what story the male prisoner makes of it.


JONES. [Who leans with his arms on the dock behind, speaks in a slow, sullen voice.] Wot I say is wot my wife says. I've never been 'ad up in a police court before, an' I can prove I took it when in liquor. I told her, and she can tell you the same, that I was goin' to throw the thing into the water sooner then 'ave it on my mind.


MAGISTRATE. But how did you get into the HOUSE?


JONES. I was passin'. I was goin' 'ome from the "Goat and Bells."


MAGISTRATE. The "Goat and Bells,"—what is that? A public-house?


JONES. Yes, at the corner. It was Bank 'oliday, an' I'd 'ad a drop to drink. I see this young Mr. BARTHWICK tryin' to find the keyhole on the wrong side of the door.




JONES. [Slowly and with many pauses.] Well—I 'elped 'im to find it—drunk as a lord 'e was. He goes on, an' comes back again, and says, I've got nothin' for you, 'e says, but come in an' 'ave a drink. So I went in just as you might 'ave done yourself. We 'ad a drink o' whisky just as you might have 'ad, 'nd young Mr. BARTHWICK says to me, "Take a drink 'nd a smoke. Take anything you like, 'e says." And then he went to sleep on the sofa. I 'ad some more whisky—an' I 'ad a smoke—and I 'ad some more whisky—an' I carn't tell yer what 'appened after that.


MAGISTRATE. Do you mean to say that you were so drunk that you can remember nothing?


JACK. [Softly to his father.] I say, that's exactly what—




JONES. That's what I do mean.


MAGISTRATE. And yet you say you stole the box?


JONES. I never stole the box. I took it.


MAGISTRATE. [Hissing with protruded neck.] You did not steal it— you took it. Did it belong to you—what is that but stealing?


JONES. I took it.


MAGISTRATE. You took it—you took it away from their house and you took it to your house—


JONES. [Sullenly breaking in.] I ain't got a house.


MAGISTRATE. Very well, let us hear what this young man Mr.—Mr. BARTHWICK has to say to your story.


[SNOW leaves the witness-box. The BALD CONSTABLE beckons JACK, who, clutching his hat, goes into the witness-box. ROPER moves to the table set apart for his profession.]


SWEARING CLERK. The evidence you give to the court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God. Kiss the book.


[The book is kissed.]


ROPER. [Examining.] What is your name?


JACK. [In a low voice.] John Barthwick, Junior.


[The CLERK writes it down.]


ROPER. Where do you live?


JACK. At 6, Rockingham Gate.


[All his answers are recorded by the Clerk.]


ROPER. You are the son of the owner?


JACK. [In a very low voice.] Yes.


ROPER. Speak up, please. Do you know the prisoners?


JACK. [Looking at the JONESES, in a low voice.] I've seen Mrs. Jones. I [in a loud voice] don't know the man.


JONES. Well, I know you!




ROPER. Now, did you come in late on the night of Easter Monday?


JACK. Yes.


ROPER. And did you by mistake leave your latch key in the door?


JACK. Yes.


MAGISTRATE. Oh! You left your latch-key in the door?


ROPER. And is that all you can remember about your coming in?


JACK. [In a loud voice.] Yes, it is.


MAGISTRATE. Now, you have heard the male prisoner's story, what do you say to that?


JACK. [Turning to the MAGISTRATE, speaks suddenly in a confident, straight-forward voice.] The fact of the matter is, sir, that I'd been out to the theatre that night, and had supper afterwards, and I came in late.


MAGISTRATE. Do you remember this man being outside when you came in?


JACK. No, Sir. [He hesitates.] I don't think I do.


MAGISTRATE. [Somewhat puzzled.] Well, did he help you to open the door, as he says? Did any one help you to open the door?


JACK. No, sir—I don't think so, sir—I don't know.


MAGISTRATE. You don't know? But you must know. It isn't a usual thing for you to have the door opened for you, is it?


JACK. [With a shamefaced smile.] No.


MAGISTRATE. Very well, then—


JACK. [Desperately.] The fact of the matter is, sir, I'm afraid I'd had too much champagne that night.


MAGISTRATE. [Smiling.] Oh! you'd had too much champagne?


JONES. May I ask the gentleman a question?


MAGISTRATE. Yes—yes—you may ask him what questions you like.


JONES. Don't you remember you said you was a Liberal, same as your father, and you asked me wot I was?


JACK. [With his hand against his brow.] I seem to remember—


JONES. And I said to you, "I'm a bloomin' Conservative," I said; an' you said to me, "You look more like one of these 'ere Socialists. Take wotever you like," you said.


JACK. [With sudden resolution.] No, I don't. I don't remember anything of the sort.


JONES. Well, I do, an' my word's as good as yours. I've never been had up in a police court before. Look 'ere, don't you remember you had a sky-blue bag in your 'and [BARTHWICK jumps.]


ROPER. I submit to your worship that these questions are hardly to the point, the prisoner having admitted that he himself does not remember anything. [There is a smile on the face of Justice.] It is a case of the blind leading the blind.


JONES. [Violently.] I've done no more than wot he 'as. I'm a poor man; I've got no money an' no friends—he's a toff—he can do wot I can't.


MAGISTRATE: Now, now? All this won't help you—you must be quiet. You say you took this box? Now, what made you take it? Were you pressed for money?


JONES. I'm always pressed for money.


MAGISTRATE. Was that the reason you took it?




MAGISTRATE. [To SNOW.] Was anything found on him?


SNOW. Yes, your worship. There was six pounds twelve shillin's found on him, and this purse.


[The red silk purse is handed to the MAGISTRATE. BARTHWICK rises his seat, but hastily sits down again.]


MAGISTRATE. [Staring at the purse.] Yes, yes—let me see [There is a silence.] No, no, I've nothing before me as to the purse. How did you come by all that money?


JONES. [After a long pause, suddenly.] I declines to say.


MAGISTRATE. But if you had all that money, what made you take this box?


JONES. I took it out of spite.


MAGISTRATE. [Hissing, with protruded neck.] You took it out of spite? Well now, that's something! But do you imagine you can go about the town taking things out of spite?

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