The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* (110 page)

BOOK: The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*
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I almost felt like I was performing some sort of brain surgery. It was the oddest experience I had ever had before. I closed my eyes, and I could see black threads tightly wound around her entire brain. I slowly worked the elements in and around as carefully as I could. I just knew somehow that one wrong move by me and I could seriously hurt Beatrice.

When the last one finally lifted away, she and I both sighed at the same time. I almost slumped to the ground in exhaustion, but Mathias was there to catch me. He led me over to the couch where I gratefully sat down. I heard a gasp and looked up to see Beatrice jump out of her chair and into Machall’s arms. They held onto each other for so long I felt like a voyeur.

“Get a room Macky,” I muttered. They both came over to the couch and Machall dropped to his knees on the floor

“I owe you my life and then some,” he said

“Yes you do,” I said sleepily. “I take cash, large bills only, please.”

“Fairlian money is acceptable, right?”

“Oh save it,” I smiled. “I will expect you on the front lines when the time comes.”

“That is one fight you couldn’t keep me away from,” he said before leaning and whispering. “I’ll follow you anywhere General Willa.”

“I need to get Willa back to our safe house,” Mathias said as he helped me off the couch

“Willa, I don’t know how to ever thank you,” Beatrice said before she gave me a tight hug

“My pleasure Beatrice and if you ever need anyone to keep him in line, give me a call,” I replied

“She’s very good at breaking noses,” Machall said

“I heard,” Beatrice smiled and they leaned into one another

“When will you get in touch?” Machall asked

“Soon,” I answered. “I have a few things to do before I go to the Isle of Skye.”

“Call me,” Machall said

“Should I use a phone or a crystal ball?” I asked cheekily before turning and giving Lucia a hug

“Lucian, it was nice meeting you,” I said truthfully as he came towards me

“The pleasure was all mine, and I think I speak for the rest of the family when I say this,” he said. “I would be happy to help fight this war with Lord Fonn.”

“Please help my dad,” I said. “That would be the greatest thing you could ever do for me.”

“Mathias already asked me,” he said. “I will go to his island tomorrow and see what I can do to help.”

“Thank you,” I said. “Thank you so much.”

“Like I said, I will help in any way that I can,” he replied. “I will see you both in a few days and from there we will make plans together to win this battle. We will all be in jeopardy of our freedom and lives if Fonn is triumphant.”

I nodded, but I couldn’t tell them that I wasn’t sure if any of them could even get on the island with the new enchantments. I just smiled and began to chant. A portal opened, and Mathias and I stepped thru the waving air. I had waved to everyone before they disappeared. I looked around the meadow before turning to Mathias.

“Well, that was a hell of a night.”









































Chapter Nineteen


We held hands and walked to the cabin in silence. I couldn’t believe how much had happened in just a short amount of time. I rummaged around in the refrigerator because I was suddenly ravenous for food. Mathias just watched me as I scarfed down yogurt, carrots and leftover spaghetti.

“Hungry?” he asked amused

“I’m starving all of a sudden,” I answered with my mouth full of pasta. “That was a lot of magic I used tonight.”

“The whole thing was somewhat difficult to take in all at once,” he remarked as he sat down at the kitchen counter. “I still can’t believe Lucian is Machall’s brother.”

“I can’t believe that my grandfather has some guy named Brutus on his royal guard,” I said

“What are you talking about?”

I quickly told him what Jeremiah and I talked about on the phone. He laughed when I got to the part about Brutus.

“I forgot about Brutus,” he said. “So he carried you around for a bit?”

I asked. “You cannot be jealous over some guy carrying me from one room to another.”

Mathias just stared at me and the pasta I was swallowing got stuck in my throat. I took a sip of water and walked around to where Mathias was sitting. I barely touched his chest when he suddenly stood up and grabbed me. He crushed his lips to mine, and I felt myself being slammed up against the living room wall.

I eagerly responded. I might have gotten rid of all my excess energy from the elements, but I was still feeling a little jacked up inside, and it wasn’t from magical energy. It was pure unadulterated sexual desire. Mathias gripped my hips tighter, and I could feel his arousal which made me moan in pleasure.

I heard a tearing sound, and I was vaguely aware that the shirt Lucian lent me was now lying in tatters on the floor. Mathias’s lips left mine, and he suddenly plunged his fangs in my neck with no warning. I loved it when he prepped me for his bite, but I secretly enjoyed it more when he fed from me somewhat roughly. It just made the intimate and almost forbidden act more exciting to me.

I dug my fingers in his hair harder when I starting feeling slightly dizzy. He made no move to stop, so I trailed my hands down to his back and decided to tear his shirt in retaliation for mine. I felt an immense satisfaction when I tore it apart, and I dug my nails into his flesh. He lifted his head up, and his eyes were red and glittering with annoyance.

I smiled and bent my head to bite his neck just as rough. I knew that I didn’t receive any amount of nourishment from it, but I loved the spicy taste of his blood. It was not something we ever talked about nor had I told anyone that I had ever done it with it Mathias, but it just made my connection with him even stronger in my mind.

I only tasted him for a few seconds, but it was enough to make me almost cry out in adoration as his blood flowed through my system. When I was done, I leaned my head back and pulled him down to my swollen breasts.

He disposed of my black bra quickly and began kneading them with his strong hands before replacing his fingers with his mouth. He went from one breast to another, licking, caressing and nipping gently until I was panting in anticipation. He let me down for a brief moment while he ripped my jeans and panties off before tearing his own to the floor.

His eyes, which were back to the warm brown that I loved was staring at me with such fierceness it almost took my breath away. He picked me up again, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. His drove his hardness inside of me, and my eyes rolled back into my head for a minute. I loved that he wasn’t treating me like a fragile piece of glass that was going to break. He wanted me just as much as I wanted him, and I adored the fact that he wasn’t holding back with his lovemaking.

His pace started picking up, and my body clenched around him as I reached my orgasm. I screamed as a surge of immense satisfaction came over me. I could feel the elements inside me cry out in joy as they felt mine own, but I held back releasing them. I didn’t want to ruin Robert and Katya’s beautiful little cabin.

I knew he was close to his own release when his pace went from fast to wildly out of control. Everything around me blurred, and I held onto him because I thought he might plow us through the wall. My next orgasm spun my head sideways and even though I heard his shout and felt him come inside of me I still was only slightly aware of that fact. My body was singing with happiness, and when he sprinted upstairs still entwined with me I almost came again at the jerky movement of his racing body.

We fell on the bed, and he gently kissed me for what seemed like hours. His hands started running down my arms and legs lightly until I sighed as the most wonderful feeling of contentment came over me. I didn’t want to fall asleep, but my eyes were heavy and his light caresses lulled me into the welcoming darkness.



I woke up the next morning feeling slightly hung over. My limbs ached, and my stomach felt queasy. I knew that all of last night’s activities were catching up to me. I had to be careful not to overextend myself yet. There was so much I needed to do and to get burnt out now was not a good idea. I heard footsteps on the stairs and smiled when Mathias came into the bedroom with a tray.

“You’re bringing me breakfast in bed?” I asked in mock disbelief. “I knew I rocked your world last night but you shouldn’t have.”

“I was woken up to the sounds of your stomach grumbling so I thought I would feed the bear before he woke up and was grumpy,” Mathias answered

“That’s weird,” I said. “Usually I wake you up with my snoring or teeth grinding. The whole stomach growling must have been a welcome sound compared to what you're become accustomed too.”

“I have to admit it was better than your snore and hissing sound you make as you slumber.”

“At least I don’t fart,” I said. “Well, not yet, probably when I’m older. Although I’m not sure if I’ll ever get all gray and hunched over. I hope not because boy; I have smelled some stink bombs from the Granny patrol that used to come into the bakery from time to time.”

“Dear God did you…?”

“Did I really have to go there?” I interrupted. “Yeah, that just happened. Do vampires break wind by the way?”

“No,” he said curtly

“Well, that’s going to be awkward then huh?” I asked

“What is going to be awkward?”

“You know the first time I let one slip?” I said. “It’s not like you can make me feel better by busting out a bigger one and being all manly.”

Mathias shook his head and looked up at the ceiling briefly. “Can we just forget this conversation ever happened and start over?”

“Sure,” I said brightly. “Hi honey, wow is that breakfast in bed for me? You are the most amazing man ever.”

“Breakfast is ready your highness,” he said as he placed the tray on my lap. My stomach did a happy dance and all the queasiness flew right out the window at the sight of blueberry pancakes drenched in maple syrup

“So what do you want to do today?” he asked

I was quiet as I ate my breakfast. I took a sip of orange juice before answering. “I want to open a portal and bring my grandmothers here for a meeting.”

“Are you sure you’re ready to be around them?”

“I figured it would better here than on their turf so to speak,” I said. “At least here I can run away from their magic. I can’t do that too easily in Fairlia or on the island.”

“What’s this meeting going to be about?”

“We need to create a plan Mathias,” I said. “There are decisions we need to make. The most important one being is how we keep the residents of the Isle of Skye safe from the inevitable invasion.”

“The barriers are in place.”

“We need to remove the barriers,” I said. “We can’t fight Fonn or Cual in Fairlia. It’s too risky. They’ll be even more powerful surrounded by the natural elements of their home and realms. The island is the ideal place for any confrontation.”

“I agree,” Mathias said, surprising me. “I thought about it when I left for those four mouths. I had a few ideas about what we may be able to do to keep everyone safe.”

“I’m all ears,” I said

“Let’s wait until your grandmothers are here,” he said before taking my empty tray. “Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll call Winifred.”

“Sounds like a plan Stan,” I said as I jumped out of bed. I took a quick shower and threw on a pair of khaki colored cargo pants and a red t-shirt. A few minutes later we were standing out in the meadow, and Mathias gave me an encouraging nod as I opened a portal to Fairlia first. I had no idea what the time was there, but I was relieved to see Sidra sitting alone in her study with the afternoon sun pouring through the long windows.

“Hey grandmamma,” I said softly. Sidra’s head shot up and looked at me in shock. I was pretty sure her cry emanated in all of the realms.

“Shh,” I said. “We’re here on a top secret mission.”

“Willa, oh my goodness, are you all right my darling?” Sidra whispered back frantically. “What’s going on? What mission?”

“I need to see you and Winifred,” I said. “I want you both to come here because it will be easier on me right now.”

“Of course,” she said as she almost stepped through the mirror. I held up my hand to stop her, and she looked at me in surprise.

BOOK: The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*
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