The Smiths and Joneses (2 page)

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Authors: Ira Tabankin

BOOK: The Smiths and Joneses
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              Taking a sip of his Wild Turkey, Ted responds, “Rod that you did. Even when I invited you to attend state dinners and other affairs, you refused to step foot back in the House. I don’t understand why you refused all requests for interviews and hid until Sally passed. I’m sorry for your loss. Sally was a very special lady.”

“Sally was very happy when we left the House and moved back into our own home in Virginia. She didn’t like what she called the glass house. She couldn’t go down for a cup of coffee wearing a housecoat, she never got used to having servants to do everything for her.”

              “I remember when the two of you moved into the House, and she proceeded to fire most of the First Lady’s staff. I laughed my ass off at her actions.”

              Smiling, Rod replied, “She said she was my wife, nothing more, she hadn’t been elected to any office, she didn’t deserve nor did she need any staff. If she wanted to go someplace, she would just go.”

              Ted picks up the conversation, “Oh man, I remember the first time she called a cab because her car was still at your Virginia house. She called a taxi to take her shopping. She took the Secret Service by totally by surprise. Alarms sounded in the house; they didn’t know why a taxi was approaching the front door. She drove the Secret Service crazy. She wanted to continue her normal way of life. She didn’t want to be in the news or be followed everywhere she went. “They ended up quickly arranging for a car to take her shopping. Looking back, it was very funny, I’m sure it wasn’t at the time. The Secret Service finally got Sally to agree to a Chief of Staff if only to give the agents a heads up when she set her mind on going somewhere or doing something. Do you remember when she turned the tables on one of the vulture press always trying to catch her in an embarrassing picture?”

              “I could never forget that; she went for a walk with her detail, when the press followed her, she reached into her bag pulling out a camera. She turned around and started taking pictures of the reporters. She turned around and started walking towards them asking them question after question about their families, their private lives all while taking their picture. I understand her protective detail almost wet their pants.”

              “The press gave her a little room after that. She sure had guts. She didn’t take crap from anyone.”

              Rod’s eyes turn very sad, fluid starts to build in his eyes. He says, “Five years later one morning she just didn’t wake up. I couldn’t wake her. I felt her neck and knew. I dialed 911, when the EMT’s arrived they told me her heart had stopped while she was sleeping. She had passed away in her sleep, thank God she never felt a thing. It devastated me; I didn’t leave our house for a year. Ted, we were together for 45 years. My life isn’t the same. It never will be.”

              Ted places his drink on the table. “Rod, I’m so sorry for your loss. Everyone who knew Sally misses her. She was a good woman, a special woman.  I wish I could do something to take your pain away.”

              “Ted, thank you. I have nightmares that I shortened her life because I became President. I feel that the stress we lived with every day for three years was more than she could handle. She never said anything; however, I knew she didn’t like being in the spotlight. She didn’t like the press following her everywhere. She didn’t like living in the White House. Ted, by becoming President, I killed her.”

              “Rod, you shouldn’t have nightmares or second guess what happened. You led the country through the craziest of times. I think anyone else would have either stumbled into a major world war or sat in the office allowing the country to break into many parts. You led the nation through a period that could have terminated the American idea. You quickly converted our monetary policy to the gold standard; you rebuilt confidence in our dollar; you made us energy independent within 36 months. You increased the standard of living for the average American. Rod, you saved the country. You saved millions of lives. I’m so sorry about Sally. At least she never suffered. My dad lingered and suffered from cancer for two years. I don’t wish having to watch a loved one die a little every day on anyone. Rod, you can’t blame yourself.”

              “Ted, think about all we don’t know about the LSA. I don’t think their lives improved much. In fact, I think their take home income has decreased.”

              “Rod, twelve years later, we know less about our neighbor than we used to. When they built the wall and RF blocking electronic fence, they became totally internally focused. They surprised most of the world by turning completely inward.”

              “Ted, I was the only President, who stood by and allowed the breakup of America. I was in office when Obsma and Reid split the country in two. That damn Obsma, a complete fraud, he caused the country and the world more problems than a world war. Even now, twelve years later, I wonder what would have happened if we had pushed for Obsma’s impeachment much earlier. What would have happened if our lawyer, what was his name? Hadn’t found Obsma’s hidden files. Twelve years has flown by much quicker than I thought possible. Twelve years that changed the world, I’m not sure it was for the better or worse. Ted, do you have any regrets?”

              “I don’t, we did what we had to do. I think we did a good job. I know we left the country better off than when we started. I say we because I look at my terms in office as an extension of yours.”

              “Including what we did to the Secretary-General and President Puten? Or what we did to President Reid and Polsi?”

              “Rod, we did what we had to do in order to save the country, to save the world. If you hadn’t given the orders you did, there would have been an all out invasion of America. Millions would have died. Our country would have been covered in the blood of our people. We would have ended up in a nuclear war with Russia. Rod, you saved hundreds of millions of lives.”

              “Ted, if I hadn’t said so before, thank you for signing the secret Presidential clemency for any acts I may have committed while in office.”

              “Rod, you’re welcome. I couldn’t be sure that one day the left wouldn’t have someone in the office who would have opened your files so they could go after you. Many on the left consider you the anti-Christ for forcing the impeachment of President Obsma. You published his background which brought down their savior.”

              “Well, let's toast the old times. As Dickens’ wrote, ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.’” 

              The two clink their glasses together.

              Ted sips his bourbon, “Mr. President; it was all of that and more. Looking back, I wonder how we made it, how the average citizen made it. I wonder how we’d lucked out and didn’t destroy the world.”

              “Ted, don’t call me Mr. President; I held office for three years, thank God you were elected twice. You provided a steady hand when the country needed it the most. Did I tell you President Brownie reached out to me on Sally’s death?”

              “It shows he has some class. Did he bring up any of the old issues? I’m surprised you took the call, considering how he went after you after the terrorist issue.”

              “That was another decision that haunts me every day. I still have nightmares of that day. He kept the discussion to small talk and his condolences for Sally.”

              “I really didn’t believe he would leave office after his one six-year term.”

              “Neither did I. I never thought he or any progressive would willingly step down from power. He really surprised me. When he stepped down, I called him to wish him well. I told him I was proud of him for keeping his word.”

              “Rod, what are your thoughts about the special program being produced by Wolf News Network and the Continuous News Network?” 

              “Ted, I found the entire concept very interesting. I can’t believe the two news networks agreed to work together, they couldn’t be further apart in their views, yet there they were sharing production staff and funding to produce the program. Both networks agreed to broadcast the very same program at the same time. Do you know I was invited to have a major part in the program? At first I refused it, I like to stay out of the public eye. Wolf News Network wouldn’t let it drop; they called, they even came to visit me at my house. I spent an entire day with the production staff to look at their goals. I questioned them for hours. I agreed to be a consultant and part-time host; I donated my pay to the Wounded Warrior charity.”

              “Of course, I know about the program, when they kicked the program off, it’s all anyone talked about for a while. I knew they were approaching you. I didn’t know you had agreed to be part of the program. They never released that fact. You all kept that one in your vest pocket. They asked me to be a part of it. I refused because I was still in office. Can you share anything with me about it?”

“I can tell you it’s a very interesting program. It should open a lot of eyes on both sides of the border. It sure surprised me and opened my eyes. I was very pleased the two organizations agreed to produce a very honest view of the two systems and the two countries. They didn’t script the two families. The families get to say whatever they want to. The networks got thousands of family's volunteering. It took the producers three months to select the final two families. I got to meet with the two families before the production started; I agreed they picked two families who are the typical average family from each country. I’m very much looking forward to seeing the people’s reactions when they see the differences in the two families’ lives.”

              “The previews of the program don’t show you in the program.”

              “I’m going to be sort of a surprise.”

              “Rod, there goes your ability to hide away from the public eye. You’re going to have to have your protection detail increased soon.”

              Laughing, Rod says, “Have you looked to your right or left, those are parts of my new protection detail which started yesterday. They weren’t pleased with the two of us meeting for a public dinner. Have you noticed no one else has entered the restaurant since you arrived?”   

              “No, I didn’t notice.”

              “The Secret Service bought out Morton’s tonight. After the Senators leave, we’ll be alone for the evening.”

              “Are they going to open the restaurant to normal diners when we leave?”

              “No, it’s closed for the night. Dennis didn’t object. Because we’re here, the Secret Service purchased all of the tables. Dennis will have the only restaurant that is sold out on a cold, snowy Monday night. Most of his staff will be paid to go home early. He loves it when we book a reservation.”

Laughing, Ted says, “I can see your timing sucks. You’re not going to be able to drive yourself anywhere. I bet that’s going to hurt. With this snow, your brand new Corvette C8 is going to have to sit in the garage for a while.”

              “I will miss not being able to drive it. I went to the factory and watched my ‘toy’ being built. I got to sit in it on the factory line; I was the first person to start it. I even got to drive it off the production line. The entire experience was something I’ll never forget. I’m not sure who had the most fun, me or the production workers who took hundreds of ‘selfie’ pictures of us together. I signed shirts, hats, pants even sneakers. Hell, I was asked to sign one of the robots and the entrance wall into the factory. I got all of the workers to sign my engine fuel rail covers; they sealed them so their signatures won’t fade in the heat. After leaving the factory, I drove it back to Virginia. I had a blast.”

              Laughing, Ted says, “I heard you drove the Secret Service crazy, there’s a rumor you drove away from your protective detail at 175MPH, and you even pulled away from their helicopter. When I was told the story, I laughed so hard I dropped my drink.”

              “Guilty as charged. I’m waiting to get it on the track to check out the top end.”

              “Rod, you know damn well, the Secret Service is NEVER going to allow you on a track. And if you try it on the interstates, the Secret Service and police will go crazy, how are they going to deal with you when you cross 200MPH? Make sure you have the car’s camera on; I think the videos will be priceless. By the way, when do I get my ride?”

              “After the program wraps the Secret Service promised me they would give me a partial release, I’ll drive it down to Texas.”

              “I can see the headlines right now, ‘Two former Presidents get pulled over for breaking 200MPH!’ That ought to be fun. I’m going to hold you to it.”

              “Ted, do you plan on watching the program?”

              “I don’t have a choice; I’m sure we’ll both be bombarded with thousands of questions as soon as it airs. When does it start?”

              “Tomorrow night, both networks are going to run it at the same time, Tuesday through Friday, 8:00PM to 11:00PM for four evenings.”

              “How does it end?”

              “I can’t break my contract and spill anything; you’re going to have to watch it. Some of it was filmed in advance, most will be filmed live. I’m hoping people watch the program with an open mind and see what happens when progressives have no one to stop them. Here’s a surprise you might not know, President Brownie will be making an appearance, and they are covering President Reid’s conviction. They even got him to agree to be interviewed in the program.”

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