The Smiths and Joneses (45 page)

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Authors: Ira Tabankin

BOOK: The Smiths and Joneses
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“Mommy, Holly doesn’t mean it. She’s a puppy; she likes to chew.”

              “I know, just keep an eye on her. If she starts chewing on one of the cables they lay around the house, she could get hurt. Remember don’t let her near their equipment.”

              “Yes mommy I know.”

              “What to help me make a cake for tomorrow?”

              “YEA, Holly, we’re going to help bake a cake.”

              Bob calls out, “Carol, do you think the issues with the sick children and what happened last night is going to have an impact on the program?”

              “I don’t know. I understand the sick kids are getting better, I didn’t think last night went too bad. I was surprised President Brownie and Brownstone went after each other on live television.”

              “I didn’t think it was too bad, Brownie egged Brownstone on, and there was no need for him to bring back the nuclear issue. That was a long time ago. I supported him then and still support President Brownstone’s decision to use the weapon. I’m not sure I agree with him using the excuse it saves us money to use it versus sending a hundred bombers. I think he had to use the nuke to send a message to leave us alone. It worked, eleven years without another terrorist attack or an American harmed. He taught them a lesson they’ll never forget. He gave them what they wanted which was to be a martyr; he sent them to paradise by the tens of thousands. If he hadn’t used the nuke, they would have attacked us. We would have had to fight them on our soil. It would have cost us many innocent lives. Can you imagine what the situation would have been if Obsma had been president?”

              “He would have made a speech then gone to play golf.”

              “Speaking of Obsma, do you think Wolf will be returning tomorrow?”

              “Yes, why are you asking?”

              “There’s a lot of rumors floating around that either President Bloomberg was going to pull Wolf or President Paul was going to cut the program off. The forums are filled with all kinds of bullshit. A few are saying there’s proof floating around that the LSA was behind the kids getting sick.”

              “I hadn’t heard that one yet. Do you think they were behind it?”

              “Yes, I do. The timing is classic Bloomberg; he tried to shift our focus away from what had been said on the program. He almost succeeded. If Bloomberg did it, then I could see President Paul pulling the plug in revenge.”

              “If they pull the plug, we had our fifteen minutes of fame. We can get back to work; Beth will be fine, its Leon I worry about. The show’s gone to his head. I worry if they pull the plug how he’s going to take it.”

              “We should get him focused on something else. Something that will take up a lot of his time. I was getting worried about him. He was trying to use his new found fame to pick up girls; he’s too young for that.”

              “Kids grow up much faster now.”

              “I don’t want to be a grandparent while we have a six-year-old.”

              “Yea, that would be strange. I’ll talk to him. I’ll also have a talk with his coach.”

              “Great idea.”



              Sean softly sings, “We’re on the road again.” He doesn’t sing the entire song, just the one line over and over, driving Wolf crazy.

              “Sean, can you please stop singing, you’re driving me crazy. I think last night went well don’t you?”

              “I think President Brownie hit President Brownstone under the belt with the remarks about being a mass murderer, I thought everyone put that incident to bed a long time ago. When they were both in office Brownie at that time, spent months dragging Brownstone over the coals, I don’t think it was right to hit him with it on a live show.”

              “Sean, why not, it’s all true.”

              “That’s not the issue. Brownie was getting hit by facts he didn’t like so he opened an eleven-year-old incident to throw mud in Brownstone’s face. He should have stayed within the issue being discussed.”

              “In war you use every weapon you have.”

              “Wolf, you just let the cat out of the bag. You progressives base everything on winning. You think nothing of causing collateral damage or leaving bodies in your wake. The only things you care about are staying in power and winning your arguments.”

              “Sean, we’re no different than you, we all want to win.”

              “Wolf, to you it’s a religion rolled within a cult. Anyone not with you is against you, Compromise isn’t a word you understand. You built the divide so you could have a free hand in brainwashing your people.”

              “That’s not true; we built the divide to protect our people.”

              “Protect them from whom?”

              “From the evil that comes from the USA.”

              “Evil? Us evil? You can’t handle anything that doesn’t come out of your Department of Propaganda. You have to control every aspect of what is said and heard.”

              “Sean, we have to prepare for the show, let’s agree to put this discussion behind us.”

              “Typical, when you can’t answer, you change the subject. OK, let’s discuss the program. What do you think we should discuss tonight?”

              “I’d like to discuss their take on the homelessness, crime and the crisis in the USA with obesity.”

              “Wolf, Sounds like the Department of Propaganda sent you their list of favorite talking points. I’m going to give this one to you and go along with it; if you’ll listen to the truth you may get your eyes opened.”

              “Ha, we’ll see whose eyes get opened. How long till we land?”

              “About an hour.”

              “Do you want to write anything down or just go with the flow?”

              “Wolf, let’s go with the flow, Beth and her puppy are always good to pull on viewer's heart strings. People don’t know if they should love or hate Leon, he’s so much a typical teenager. Many can’t handle him. Most don’t realize he’s the perfect poster boy for the typical teenager. He’s focused on girls, sex, video gaming, sports and his friends. Aren’t all teenagers like him? The difference is Bob and Carol didn’t over smother him; they let him be himself on camera. I’m happy to see them accepting Leon as a regular teenager and aren’t using the program to try to make him into a star.”

              “Sean, I also think he’s perfect. He’s perfect for everything that’s wrong with the USA. I love him; I love giving him airtime. Every time he opens his mouth he puts both feet in until they pop out of his ass.”

              “Wolf watch that, he’s a teenager.”

              “OK, you’re right. I’ll be good.”

              When the crew is a block away from the Jones’ home, Beth and Holly see the lead vehicle turn onto her street, she’s overjoyed. Beth, with Holly at her heals, runs down the street to meet the crew. Wolf says, “Look, here comes Beth and Holly, I’m worried that she’s running along the street by herself, it’s too dangerous for her to be doing this.”

              “Come on Wolf, she’s on the sidewalk, it’s already been discussed they have a neighborhood watch program. I think you need to chill out. Let’s pull over and pick them up.”

              Sean opens the door; Holly jumps onto his lap, “Beth, how are? Come on in, we’ll give you a ride home.”

              “Mr. Sean, it’s so good to see you again, see Holly missed you too.” Holly is sitting on Sean’s lap licking Sean’s hands. They drive past a few homes before pulling into the Jones’ driveway where Carol is waiting for them.

              “I see you found my lost little girl and puppy.”

              Sean says, “You mean this little girl? And my puppy?”

              Beth grabs Holly, “Mr. Sean, that’s my puppy, she’s not yours. Give her to me.”

              The crew piles out of the vehicles waving at the neighbors and those hanging around to watch the program. Sean and Wolf chat with some of the people hanging around, they sign autographs; take selfies with the people on the street, while the crew goes about their business setting up the equipment. Sean and Wolf chat with Bob and Carol catching up on everything they’ve been doing. Leon bounces into the house grabbing a bottle of soda from the fridge. “Hi guys, guess we’re a go for tonight, want me to wear anything special? Want me to prepare anything unique?”

              Wolf smiles responding, “Hi Leon, we plan on spending some time with you today, so be ready for anything.”

              “Great, I love my camera time, my FB page is exploding. I’m the big man at school. I wish the program would continue forever.”

              Carol taps Leon on the shoulder, “Leon, remember what we discussed, this is going to end very soon, when it does, you’re going to return to being the preshow Leon. Your Facebook pages will shrink; all of those girls who are eager to meet you will disappear, don’t let this go to your head. You’re just a teenager. You’re not going to be some big star. Got it?”

              “Mom I know, but, while it lasts, I’m going to take advantage of it.”

              “Just remember what your father and I are telling you.”

              The crew nods to Sean and Wolf telling them they’re set up and ready to go. Sean nods saying, “OK then, let’s go.”

              Wolf opens the program, “Hello everyone. We’re back in North Carolina with the Jones family. I have to say, we’re happy to be here. We got a special welcome, as we were a few homes away; Beth and Holly ran to meet us. We picked them up to bring them home. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m very concerned about young children being able to run around outside by themselves.”

              Bob’s face turns red, “Wolf, we’ve discussed this before. We allow out children to be children, we allow them to go outside and play. This isn’t some sort of prison camp. We live in a very safe area. We have a neighborhood watch program that keeps an eye on all of the children.”

              “Bob, what about the high crime rate?”

              “Wolf, what high crime rate?”

              “Bob, everyone know that crime is out of control in the USA.”

              “It is? Where?”

              “We’re told all of the time that the USA has a very high crime rate because of income inequality problems and the very low base pay in the USA, people can’t live on what they’re paid. They have to turn to crime to support their families.”

              “Where do you get this made up information? I bet you have a propaganda group in the LSA who feeds all of you news people with pure bullshit to talk about.”

              “Bob, don’t get excited, I’m only saying things that ‘everyone’ knows is true.”

              “Wolf, I don’t know who this ‘everyone’ is, but you’re full of it. We have a minimum wage which is designed for entry level jobs. Minimum wages are designed for teenagers, part time jobs for people are looking to pick up a little bit of extra cash. These jobs are not designed to be the primary jobs to support a family. Why would anyone flipping burgers or working a cash register think they can support a family working in a fast food joint or a discount store?”

              “What if that’s the only job they can get?”

              “I’d say they should look for an entry level job where they can learn the ropes with a potential for growth.”

              “What if there are no such jobs?”

              “Walmart has many as do other stores. The people have to be ready to work, to report every day and treat it like a job. If they lack the skills required we have many program that teach computer skills, typing, English and even how to dress for work. All they have to do is ask for help.”

              “Why not just increase their pay?”

              “Small businesses can’t absorb wage increases without being offset by something else.  Once their pay is increased it puts stress on the business owners who will have to either reduce costs or increases prices to cover the increased pay. If they increase prices, their total sales may decrease thereby lowering the number of people they need. They may turn to automation that will further reduce the need for manpower. If, as you’re really suggesting, everything remains the same except that the minimum wage increases, all prices will go up. It’s called inflation. Did you ever study basic economics? By the way, where does the money come from to pay for the increases? Huge companies don't own most of these shops, they’re small businesses. Let’s assume that we take Walmart and increase the wages, it will turn their profit to a loss. Companies exist to make a profit for their shareholders; they don’t exist to employ more workers. We’re not a socialist country like you are.  If you increase wages, the increased wages flow across the entire economy, putting the workers in the same or a worse position than they were before the increase. Increasing wages is never the answer. Getting people educated and moved into better jobs is the answer. They have to want to improve themselves.”

              “Bob, your lower class workers are really slaves.”

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