The Smiths and Joneses (47 page)

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Authors: Ira Tabankin

BOOK: The Smiths and Joneses
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              “What happens in these cases?”

              “We have specially trained teams to retrieve them.”

              “Will our teams get caught by the LSA?”

              “Anything is possible. However, we use very highly trained teams equipped with our new stealth skins; they are almost invisible, they bend light plus they mask IR and thermals.”

              “I remember the demonstration, I was surprised by their abilities. I watched as a trooper turned one on, he was 50 yards in front me and just disappeared. Do it. Get our people out, and hit them.”

              The meeting breaks up, the Secretary of Defense follows President Paul to the oval office. “Sir, one more thing if I may.”

              “Sure Don, what can I do for you?”

              “Sir, I suggest we blind the Russian military satellites so that the Russian forces spread around the world can’t respond. If we do this, it will tell the world we have the technology we’ve never admitted to having.”

              “What are the risks of us not blinding their birds?”

              “When the Russian grid goes down their forces may think the motherland has been attacked and strike back.”

              “You’re right, blind them.”

              “Sir, doing so, which is easy for us now, will tell the world we have a laser and beam systems operational.”

              “Sooner or later the world would find out anyway.”

              “Yes sir.”




              At the same time in Sterling, Virginia, Kathy asks, “Brad, why did Brownie bring up the nuke issue again, didn’t he drag President Brownstone through the mud enough and now with his wife gone why try to hurt him personally?”

              “Because they have to win under any circumstances.”

              “I think they pissed off President Paul. My gut tells me that the President is going to respond and we know how the President acts when angry; I’m happy we don’t live in the LSA.”

              “Me too.”

              “Honey, do you think Bloomberg can respond and attack us?”

              “They don’t have a military; they are going to have to ask Russia for help. I don’t think the Russians are going to want to play with President Paul. Our military systems are two generations ahead of theirs. I do think they will try to hit us somehow. Let’s make sure our emergency supplies are fresh.”

              “I agree.”

              “I want to see Ron tomorrow. I can’t believe he and Bev be really going to move to Vegas.”

              “Bev told me they sold their house the second day it was on the market.”

              “I told Ron his asking price was too low. He didn’t care, must have a cut a sweet deal in Vegas for himself.”





              Across the LSA, USA citizens smart phones all buzz at the same time, it’s a sound most never expected to hear. Each looks at their phone; the display on every phone show the same message, “USA NAT-EMERGENCY URGENT RETURN HOME ASAP DETAILS ON ENTRY USA. NAT-EMERGENCY”

              Most people’s faces turn white; a couple gets ill. They have no idea why they’ve been told to return home or what kind of national emergency there is. There hadn’t been a terrorist attack in or against an American citizen for years. The only reason for a national emergency was a terrorist attack or a warning of one. People stopped what they were doing and made plans to return home the quickest way possible. Business people who were in the middle of negotiations made excuses and left for home. People visiting relatives said they were sorry and had to leave as soon as possible. People who were on vacation canceled their trips and left for home the quickest way possible. The problem all faced was, there weren’t many flights between the two countries. Most rental cars, being all electric, lacked the range to take the Americans home. Every flight for days was booked, every train and bus was sold out. President Bloomberg called an emergency meeting of his cabinet in the Gray House. “What’s going on? Almost every USA visitor to our country has or is making plans to return home. Why would all of them decide at the same time to go home? We were counting on them leaving a lot of money behind. Something is going on. We all know their phones have a national emergency call capability built into them. The only reasons I can think of why they would call all of their people home are they have advance notice of a terrorist attack on them. Why anyone would dare attack them again knowing how they now respond is beyond me. Another reason could be they figured out we were behind their kids getting ill and are planning on attacking us, in which case they would want their people out of the LSA as soon as possible. We need to see if they’ve recalled all of their citizens or only the ones in the LSA.”

              The Director of the DepLIES says, “Yes, Mr. President, we have noticed every USA citizen here is leaving and more than 50% have already left. I’ll quickly check to see if their citizens have been recalled from other countries.” He taps some commands into his phone, a moment later he looks up saying, “Mr. President, our information is they have recalled their citizens from the LSA and Russia. So far only these two countries.”

              President Bloomberg looks around the room, “This isn’t good, it means they know it was us and are getting ready to hit both of us very soon. I suggest we hold onto any of their citizens who didn’t leave yet.”

              “Sir, I don’t think that’s a good idea. If we harm one of their citizens, President Paul may consider it the same as a terrorist attack which would mean he’ll hit us very hard. We don’t have a military. We have no way to stop what they hit us with.” says the frustrated DepLIES director.

              “Don’t worry they won’t use a nuke. They’ll be afraid of the fallout drifting over the divide.”

              “Mr. President, not if they hit us on the east coast, they’ll know the fallout will drift over the ocean.”

              “Director, I want you to form a working group to study how else they may hit us. I need to know as soon as possible.”

              “Yes sir.”

              Before anyone can respond, a secretary knocks on the conference door, “Mr. President, you have an urgent call from President Grameniko
he’s calling from his Dacha outside of Moscow.”

              “Please put the call in here.”

              President Bloomberg says, “Hello Mr. President, how are you?”

              “Mikal, we have a problem; President Paul has issued a US National Emergency alert to his citizens, and I’m guessing he’s going to hit one or both of us very quickly over the incident with his children. We both knew this might happen.”

              “We agree, our thought is as soon as their last citizen leaves our countries, we are going to be struck.”

              “My friend, we agree. We think a nuke may hit us. The FSB tells me he will never strike you in the LSA with a nuke. President Paul still considers your land America, we have no idea what they will use against you.”

              Bloomberg replies, “I question if they will even use a nuke against you. You didn’t kill one of theirs. You only supplied the formula.”

              “To them, isn’t it enough?”

              Bloomberg looks around the table, “I would have said yes under President Brownstone or President Cruise, under President Paul, who is a medical doctor I’m not so sure he will use a weapon of mass destruction. I’m leaning towards a surprise we’re not expecting.”

              “Do you have any ideas?”

              “Not yet, we have decided not only allow their citizens to leave, but help them. Any we know of we’re contacting, we’re offering to help transport them home. We’re hoping this shows President Paul our good will.”

              “A good idea, we’ll do the same. I think all we can do is put our two nations on alert and be prepared for anything possible. Mikal, we have decided to alert our people who are in the USA that something may happen.”

              “I hadn’t thought of doing that; I will have my staff send the alert message. Let’s agree that whoever is hit first calls the other so we can exchange notes.”

              “I agree. Do you want me to send you some military support?”

              “No, I thank you for your offer. I’m concerned that when Paul sees your equipment moving he’ll assume you're coming to stage an attack against the USA from our bases. He may attack your forces in transit.”

              “You make a good point. Take care my friend.”

              “You too. I’m sure we’ll be speaking again soon.”




              At the Jones’ home Sean’s phone pings with an unusual tone. He pauses mid-word to say, “Excuse me one second; this must be very important. I don’t think I’ve ever heard this ringtone for a message before.” Sean steps aside to look at his phone, his face drains of all color, perspiration forms on his forehead. He looks up and around the room, every member of his Wolf News staff is also looking at their phone. Sean says, “Everyone, I think we need to take a quick commercial break. Will the Wolf news staff please join me outside?”

              The staff is all shaking and looking very pale. They join Sean on the front lawn. Wolf yells after them, “Sean, guys, what’s going on? What’s the big secret? We’re in this together.”

              Sean looks over his shoulder responding, “Wolf, just give me a moment.”

              Once outside Sean huddles his staff together saying, “From the looks on your faces, I’d say you all received the same message I got.”

              Joan asks, “What’s a national emergency recall mean?”

              “It means if we’re outside of the USA we are to return home as fast as possible, we’re not to cross go or to collect our $200.00. Something is going to happen. Our government wants us, and all of it’s citizens to be on home soil when whatever the ‘it’ is happens.”

              Joan continues, “Sean, I know I read about these messages and of course I’ve seen the tests, but I never thought I would really see a valid message. How do we know it’s valid?”

              “Joan, mine and I assume yours says, ‘This is not a drill, this is not a test.’ That rings like they’re serious to me.”

              “But we are home.”

              “They may not have known where we would be when the alert was being planned, so they included us in the message.”

              “Should we finish up here?”

              “Yes, if you notice Bob and Carol’s phones didn’t ring. That’s because they’re home. This means whatever is going to happen is going to happen soon.”

              Ted, one of the video managers says, “My message asks me to confirm when I reach the USA border, does anyone else’s ask the same?”

              Everyone checks their phones, all nod yes. Sean says, “Ted, good catch. Yes, all of ours say the same thing. Since we’re in the USA, let’s all confirm and see what message we get back.”

              Everyone pushes the confirm button on their phones, the next moment their phones buzz again. Their phones display the message, “DO NOT LEAVE THE USA. DO NOT ENTER THE LSA, REPEAT DO NOT ENTER THE LSA. CONTACT YOUR HQ FOR INFORMATION.”

              Sean says, well I guess that answers the question if we’re going to Portland tonight. I think our program just got cancelled by the President of the United States.”

              Ted asks, “Can he do that?”

              Sean laughs responding, “Do you want to ask him?”

              “I’ll follow your lead. I’m worried about my lost wages.”

              “I promise you, I’ll make sure you all get paid for the balance of the program, even if I have to pay you myself. Now let’s go back inside before Wolf goes nuts.”

              Everyone nods yes; they file back into the house where they take up their normal positions, only all of their faces are pale and drained of color. Wolf looks at them asking, “Did something bad happen? Did President Paul just decide to give up and merge with the LSA’s better system?”

              Sean looks at Wolf, “Wolf, I think you and I need to have a quick chat.”

              “OK, what’s going on?”

              “We, the Wolf crew, have all received a national emergency message to return home and not enter the LSA.”

              “Oh oh, this doesn’t sound good, does this mean the program is finished?”

              “I don’t know. I just told you all we know.” Before Sean can continue Wolf’s phone buzzes, he looks at it seeing a message from the Gray House instructing him to return home after the wrap of the show today. Wolf shows the message to Sean, “I guess I’m being recalled too. I don’t know what’s going on; it doesn’t look good. I had hopes this program would help bring our two countries together.”

              “Well, one thing is for sure, tonight may be our last joint broadcast so let’s wrap it up on a high note.”

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