The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory (5 page)

BOOK: The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory
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"I do remember, Lord," she said.  "But why did You let him slime me?  I'm so disgusted!  And ashamed, and…"

"Stop, Nicole!"
Jesus demanded. 

And she did.  "I'm sorry Jesus.  What do You want me to do about this?"

"I want you to understand how Satan works. 
I never violate a person's free will and Satan is not allowed to either.
  When a choice is made by a person within My Kingdom to obey Me and do My will, My blood protects, and the Holy Spirit's power is activated to bring about My plans and purposes.  But when a person chooses to act on a sinful temptation, this opens the door for Satan or his demons to step in and create strongholds. 

This is why Satan works so hard to cause abuse and trauma in people and especially children.  Through these events, he tries to destroy their hope, to crush their spirit and destroy their trust in God.  Then in desperation, in moments of vulnerability, pain, despair, rebellion, etc., they will listen to the lies and deceptions he sends their way.  The deception is enticing because it sounds like truth; however, even one drop of defilement in a full cup of pure water defiles all of it.  It is the same with everything that Satan says.  It is all laced with deception and defilement.  Once they choose to believe his lies, they will act on them.  When they act on his lies in disobedience to God, then the sin opens the door to him. 

"Understand this," Jesus continued. 
"It is not the bad things that happen to them that create the strongholds; it's the lies they listen to and choose to believe in response to the bad things that creates strongholds and leads them into bondage."

"Are You saying that I chose to sin because of lies I believed in the past which opened the door to IS?  I thought I had dealt with those."

came the reply
.  "The lies of the past were exposed and renounced and I was covering you in righteousness protecting you from the assault of the enemy until you pushed Me out of the way."

"I pushed You out of the way?  When and how, Lord?"

Immediately an incident came to Nicole's mind.  Some time before, she had picked up a romance novel that had just happened to catch her eye in the drug store.  She had justified the conviction in her heart at the time, and again as she read the graphic words of sexual intimacy between unmarried partners.  She had been thrilled and repulsed at the same time, but she had read it all the way through in spite of the Holy Spirit's nudge. 

She remembered that He had continued to convict her and she had finally confessed the sin to God, repented and had burned the book.  She knew that He had forgiven her, but she had not renounced the enemy and shut the door on him because she had been unaware of his presence. 

"Oh Jesus, I'm so ashamed!  I failed You and opened myself up to this attack!  What can I do now Lord?  Help me!"

"Nicole, IS is a familiar spirit to you because of his past involvement in your life through generational curses, soul ties, and the Satanic Ritual mock marriage.  But we will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony.  Then there will no longer be a doorway.  I will make you new and seal you with My Spirit." 

Peace returned to her spirit and Jesus continued
.  "For now, you need to know that IS has planted seeds of destruction unto death within your body.  But don't be afraid.  You have confessed and repented, and now as you renounce ties with the enemy and take authority over him, I will begin to destroy the work of the devil in you and will raise you up as a mighty warrior against this specific principality."

The fleas in the dream came back to her.  "Lord, the goat represents IS and the occult doesn’t it?  The fleas are the seeds left behind when the strongman is gone.  Can I cast this IS spirit out?  I don't want him!" she groaned.

"All in time my little one,"
Jesus answered. 
"Remember what you are learning about displacing principalities.  Humble yourself Nicole.  Submit to Me; resist the devil and he will flee from you.  Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you."

Nicole dropped to her knees beside her bed and began to renounce association with the devil.  She confessed that she had opened the door to the enemy through her previous sin, and confessed that she had participated, even though unknowingly and unwillingly, in sex with an unclean spirit.  Then she asked for forgiveness and cleansing by the blood of the Lamb. 

Under the direction of the Holy Spirit she asked for His fire to come and burn up all of the seeds that had been planted in her body and soul, and that if any had put down roots, that those roots would be poisoned with the holy blood of the Perfect Lamb of God. 

In Jesus' name she commanded all evil spirits that had attached themselves to her or to Jake, their children, family, pets, their finances, property, jobs or ministries through this event, to release them and to go to the feet of Jesus to wait for His judgment of them. 

In Jesus' name she cancelled all spells and reversed the curses.  She asked the Holy Spirit to shut the door and to set His seal on it.  And then she prayed that Jesus would pour his healing oil in her spirit, soul and body to repair any damage that had been done.  She asked for protection and blessings over them and their family, pets, finances, possessions, property, jobs and ministries. 

Jesus smiled and said, "
Well done!  Now follow me.  I have things to show you."

Nicole felt at peace and cleansed but not completely released.  Jesus had said that IS was a familiar spirit.  She wished it would just go away.  She didn't want anything to do with it!  But it seemed as though this was going to be a process, so she got dressed and decided not to worry because she knew that the Lord would be faithful to guide her into complete freedom in time.


IS was seething with rage, but he took comfort in two things.  Nicole was unaware of Daemon's involvement.  And she was even more unaware of the hidden failsafe.  There was still an undetected open door.  



icole felt that the Lord
was telling her to go to Samaria early before her meeting with Casie and to pray through the town.  Since she didn't know what to expect when she got there, she decided to leave Jo at home.  When she drove into town and asked the Lord where to begin, He led her to Sierra Crest.  She sat in the parking lot worshipping and praying until she felt released, then she drove up and around the back of the property. 

As Nicole reached the top, she passed the remains of an old garage of which the front and one side were missing.  As she passed by, she had the impression that she had missed something.  She stopped the truck and immediately thought what a silly goose she was for thinking something like that; but then she decided that it wouldn't hurt to just back up and check it out.  And sure enough, there on the back wall of the building was a painting of a huge demon, and it was extremely detailed.

Blindness and Confusion who had been given the task of guarding the painting suddenly came to attention as this woman of God and several large guardian angels sitting on the front and back of the truck, backed up and studied their assignment.  Confident that she would not see past them, they laughed loudly and mocked her ignorance.  They suddenly stopped laughing as she began to pray and Jair, the illuminating one, stuck his head out the window.  He and Cantor had switched places for the day.

"Lord Jesus, what is this thing?  And what do you want me to do about it?" 

Nicole immediately knew that she needed to bring Casie back here to see it.  She picked up her cell phone. 

"Hey Case, can you meet me right now?  There's something you've got to see!"

"What is it?"

"Just meet me in the parking lot at Sierra Crest and I'll show you."

Ten minutes later, Nicole drove Casie up to the garage.

"You've got to be kidding me," Casie exclaimed as she stepped out of the truck.

They walked into the building to get a closer look.  It was definitely a demonic looking face, but there was a lot of detail and hidden meaning in the drawing.

"What do you think it is?  What does it mean?" Nicole asked.

Casie pointed to the forehead.  "The most obvious thing is the inverted pentagram.  The star with the point down shows that this has something to do with Satanism and the occult.  The pentagram that Wiccans use is not inverted.  But I think we better pray before we continue."

So they prayed for protection and for understanding, wisdom, knowledge and discernment, and then they began to quietly walk around listening and waiting for direction.  Casie had her back turned to the painting when she suddenly cried out, "I know what this is!" 

Her sudden outburst startled Nicole, and then she asked, "What?"

Without even looking at the picture again, Casie said, "It's Incubus Succubus!  Look at the eyes.  They're slightly different because one is male and the other is female."

Both ladies turned back to the painting, and what Casie said was true.  The female eye had long eye lashes, and the male did not. 

"There's another hidden meaning in the eyes," Nicole said.  "Domination and control are huge with this spirit.  Look at how the male eye is higher than the female's, representing male dominance."

"Wow!  Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this revelation
for confirmation of who the principality over Samaria is!" Casie prayed. 

Then she said, "There is so much detail here that I think is really important.  The ears have earrings in them; not sure if that's important or not.  And hey, there's something else.  On the male side, there is a ram's horn protruding from his eye and over his ear, which we know is a symbol of Satan."

"Oh my goodness, I see it!" Nicole said.  "The nose and the right cheek look like they are made with letters.  They have to mean something."

"Hmmm…, is it Sion, Slon, Cion, Gion?  I'm not sure, but I agree that it's important," Casie said. 

"Why do you think the S, C or G on the nose has an elongated, thin oval in it?"  As Nicole stood looking at the image, she suddenly saw it. 

"Casie!  That's not a letter at all.  It's a penis!" 

Casie studied it and agreed.  She laughed and said, "I know this isn't funny, but who would ever think of a penis being on a face?" 

Nicole said, "The elongated oval and the two dots inside the circle of the male sex organ must mean something…Wait!  The oval is representative of a female vagina." 

"You may be right.  I wonder what the two dots could mean," Casie thought out loud as she began searching the web on her phone.   "Ok, you aren't going to believe this!  In numerology, two dots signify the womb."

"So we have a vagina and a womb encircled inside a penis."

"Not only that," Casie said.  "When you said encircled, I realized that another hidden meaning is what the occult calls the magic circle or boundaries of power.  The vagina and womb are inside such a circle, representing the power of sex."

Nicole clapped her hands together in excitement.  "Wow!  We prayed for understanding and God is answering our prayer!  Think about it.  The inverted pentagram and the ram's horn signify the occult; the male and female eyes represent its identity; and the penis and vagina characterize its function or purpose which is worship through bondage, manipulation and control.  Ungodly sex is most often the open door."

She pondered, "You know, if the remaining letters are ion, they could be a suffix like in the word un

"And commun
!" Casie enthusiastically exclaimed.  "It's amazing that these two words are what came to mind!  Godly sex is one of the deepest expressions of worship.  It is communion (relationship and connection) with God as well as a union or merging between a married man and woman, husband and wife.  The opposite is true in ungodly sex.  It is a connection with demons as well as an ungodly union between two people.  Exactly what Satan or IS is after.  Worship."

Nicole closed her eyes and said, "Now I think I understand the vision the Lord gave me this morning as I was praying and worshipping out front in the parking lot."

Casie smiled.  "Tell me!"

"I saw that the skin around my heart had been pulled back so that my heart was exposed and I could see it beating.  It wasn't painful at all, but I did feel vulnerable.  Then I saw Jesus standing a few feet away from me.  He held out His arms inviting me to come to Him.  As I came close, I noticed that His heart was bare as well and I could see it beating.  He pulled me to Him in an embrace and our hearts touched and became one.  It was the most amazing experience!  I felt as if Jesus and I were of one heart.  I had His heart for just a moment, and it was pure love.  I think that He was showing me a glimpse of what true worship is."

"Wow!" Casie exclaimed.  "That's beautiful!  It reminds me of Ezekiel 11:17-20
.  "‘Thus says the Lord
: …I will give you the land of Israel.' And they will go there, and they will take away all its detestable things and all its abominations from there.
Then I will give them
and I will put a new spirit within them, and take the stony heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh
that they may walk in My statutes and keep My judgments and do them; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God."

"God is unmasking the spirit of Incubus Succubus and is showing us just how perverted and far from true worship Satan has taken us," Nicole said.

She thought for a moment then said, "This painting is a depiction of a male and female as one entity.  I feel that in itself is an important key.  IS may very well play a large role in the unleashing of homosexuality in our society along with the confusion, chaos and destruction it is inflicting in the world."

"I'm sure it does," Casie agreed.  "Think of the sexual confusion homosexuals must experience.  Once they give in to a homosexual relationship and IS gains influence over them, they often begin to take on the role of the opposite gender from what they were born into.  A depiction of male and female in one, just as you described the nature of IS."

"There is still the comic-like cloud around the pentagram.  I wonder if it is important," Nicole asked.

Casie stepped further away from the painting, examining it from a distance.  "Oh my goodness!" she exclaimed.  "It is so obvious I don't know how we missed it!"

"What?" Nicole asked as she went to stand next to Casie.

"Look at how the bottom of that cloud comes to a point and goes straight into the forehead."

Nicole gasped.  "The mind!  The only power Satan has over us is what we believe in our minds!"

"Yes because we act on what we believe!  The power of the occult is suggested through the cloud radiating power from the pentagram and projecting it into its intended target, which is the mind.  If it can penetrate the mind through a false belief, then there is an open door for the demons working for IS, and he begins to influence, manipulate and then control as his victim falls more and more under his power."

"We need to spend some time asking the Lord what He wants us to do about this," Nicole said.  "One thing I know is that Jesus' blood is able to set us free from all sin and bondage.  I think that there are many, even Christians, who feel hopelessly trapped under the bondage of this spirit."

Casie agreed.  "Even though homosexuality is huge with this spirit, that isn't its only form of bondage.  There's pornography…well, I won't go into all of it now.  Let's just say that IS has many disguises.  And I think that another big one it has been hiding behind is the occult."

"The scripture of hope that comes to my mind is Leviticus 17:11.  "
For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.'"

"I love that!" Casie said.  "Jesus' blood makes atonement for our
!  Atonement is forgiveness and cleansing, and our soul is our mind, will and emotions.  It's the place inside of us where we struggle with ungodly desires and passions."

"Exactly.  Our spirits may belong to God, but we need Jesus' blood to change our soul.  I know that this is His plan for us and for Samaria or He wouldn't be showing us these things. 

Casie said, "This building is the highest in Samaria and has been claimed by the evil one.  There has been so much defilement that has happened here.  But the Lord God has begun to take back the ground that the enemy has stolen.  It will be a process of cleansing and warfare, but I believe that He is showing us that He not only wants the Inn, but Sierra Crest as well.  So in Jesus' name, I declare that from this day forward, this is holy ground and is set apart for the Lord God Almighty through the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus the Son."   

"Yes!  Amen," Nicole agreed; and then she sighed.  "I just wish we had authority here." 

"Well I know of one thing that I'm going to do," Casie said as she pushed her glasses up higher on her nose.  "The occultic ram's horn reminds me of a Shofar.  They have been used in worship of God from the beginning of time, and I just hate how Satan takes everything from God's Kingdom and perverts it.  I am going to bring my shofar up here and call upon the heavenly angels with as loud a blast as I can!"

"I am so thankful that I listened to the Holy Spirit and came back for second look," Nicole said.  "Just think of all the graffiti that we drive by all the time and never pay attention to.  I wonder how much of it depicts other ruling spirits that need to be dethroned."

Casie agreed.  "Gangs have gone from being just territorial warlords to being heavily involved in the occult.  If Christians would take the time to pray about and understand such things, they might be surprised at the spiritual victories they would experience."

"So many people are in bondage to this spirit.  I wish everyone could see how ugly it truly is!" Nicole said.  "I wish people could understand that IS's appeal is all a false front that leads to destruction on so many levels." 


As the women drove away, Blindness and Confusion were terrified of the punishment that would soon come upon them.  They had failed…

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