The Soundscape: Our Sonic Environment And The Tuning Of The World (54 page)

BOOK: The Soundscape: Our Sonic Environment And The Tuning Of The World
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p. 86

a growth Ibid
., p. 69.


On the basis
William A. Shurcliff,
SSTand Sonic Boom Handbook
, New York, 1970, p. 24.

The Electric Revolution


p. 91

We should not
“Ohne Kraftwagen, ohne Flugzeug und ohne Lautsprecher hätten wir Deutschland nicht erobert,” Adolf Hitler,
Manual of the German Radio
, 1938–39.


When I go
Emily Carr,
Hundreds and Thousands
, Toronto/Vancouver, 1966, pp. 230–231.

p. 92

At once
Hermann Hesse,
, New York, 1963, p. 239.


It takes hold Ibid
., p. 240.

p. 94

in the fact that
Sergei M. Eisenstein,
The Film Sense
, trans. Jay Leyda, London, 1943, p. 14.

p. 97

MUZAK Classified Section,
Vancouver Telephone Directory
, British Columbia Telephone Company, 1972, p. 424.


program specialists Environs
, Vol. 2, No. 3, published by the Muzak Corporation.


Each 15-minute Ibid

p. 98

Music Library
Memo from the firm of Bolt Berenak and Newman to Dr. Robert Fink, Head, Music Department, Western Michigan University.

p. 99

The modal group
Alain Danielou,
The Raga-s of Northern Indian Music
, London, 1968, pp. 22–23.

Music, the Soundscape and Changing Perceptions


p. 104

easy and insatiable
The phrase is Raymond Williams’s.


urban activity
The Oxford Companion to Music
, London, 1950, p. 900.

p. 105

At their due times
Gottfried von Strassburg,
, trans. A. T. Hatto, Har-mondsworth, Middlesex, 1960, pp. 262–263.

p. 108

with the increase
Lewis Mumford,
Technics and Civilization
, New York, 1934, pp. 202–203.

p. 109

Quoted from Kurt Blaukopf,
Hexenkuche der Musik
, Teufen, Switzerland, 1959, p. 45.

p. 110

Oswald Spengler,
Der Untergang des Abendlandes
, Munich, 1923, Vol. I, p. 375.


I take it that music
Ezra Pound,
Antheil and the Treatise on Harmony
, New York, 1968, p. 53.


In antiquity
Luigi Russolo,
The Art of Noises
, New York, pp. 3–8.

p. 116

It is recorded
Michel P. Philippot, “Observations on Sound Volume and Music Listening,”
New Patterns of Musical Behaviour
, Vienna, 1974, p. 55.

p. 118

The sound
Kurt Blaukopf, “Problems of Architectural Acoustics in Musical Sociology,”
Gravesaner Blätter
, Vol. V, Nos. 19/20, 1960, p. 180.



p. 127

To render
Hermann Helmholtz,
On the Sensations of Tone
, New York, 1954, p. 20.

p. 128

As our age
Marshall McLuhan,
The Gutenberg Galaxy
, Toronto, 1962, p. 72.

p. 129

object for human
Pierre Schaeffer, “Music and Computers,”
Music and Technology
, Paris, 1970, p. 84.


p. 130

A composed Ibid
., p. 84.


The sound object
Pierre Schaeffer,
Trois Microsillons d’Examples Sonores
, Paris, 1967, paras. 73. 1 and 2.

p. 132

The Sonic Environment Environment and Behaviour
, Vol. 1, No. 1, June, 1969, pp. 49–70.




p. 133

Barry Truax, “Soundscape Studies: An Introduction to the World SoundScape Project,”
Numus West
, Vol. 5, 1974, p. 37.

p. 134

solfege des objets Traite des Ob jets Musicaux
, Paris, 1966, pp. 584–587.



p. 151

Arnheim and Gombrich
The works I am referring to are Arnheim’s
Art and Visual Perception
(Los Angeles, 1967) and Gombrich’s
Art and Illusion
(New York, 1960).

p. 152

striking parallels
Cf. George A. Miller,
Language and Communication
, New York, 1951, pp. 70–71.

p. 153

sound-association tests
For instance, H. A. Wilmer’s“An Auditory Sound Association Technique,”
, 114, 1951, pp. 621–622; or D. R. Stone’s“A Recorded Auditory Apperception Test as a New Protective Technique,”
The Journal of Psychiatry
, 29, 1950, pp. 349–353.


sonological competence
Dr. Otto Laske, personal communication. See also reference in Glossary of Soundscape Terms, p. 271.

p. 154

Time after time
Alan Edward Beeby,
Sound Effects on Tape
, London, 1966, pp. 48–49.

p. 156

one of the subjects
Georg von Bekesy,
Experiments in Hearing
, New York, 1960, p. 6.


Faced with
Alan Edward Beeby,
op. cit
., p. 12.

p. 157

I know of
Edmund Carpenter,
, Toronto, 1959, p. 27.


Auditory Ibid
., p. 26.

p. 158

But other paths
Iannis Xenakis,
Formalized Music
, Indiana, 1971, pp. 8–9.

p. 160

Peter F. Ostwald,
, Springfield, 1963, pp. 119–124.



p. 161

Harold A. Innis,
Empire and Communications
, Oxford, 1950, p. 7.

p. 162

Then came the rigid
, Book I, lines 143–144, trans. C. Day Lewis,
The Eclogues and Georgics of Virgil
, New York, 1964. The original runs:


tun ferri rigor atque argutae lammina serrae
(nam primi cuneis scindebant fissile lignum)
stridor serrae
Tusculan Disputations
, V, 40:116; and Lucretius,
On the Nature of Things
, II: 10.

p. 163

And the first The Cantos of Ezra Pound
, London, 1954, p. 87.


Then came in sight
Notker the Stammerer,
Life of Charlemagne
, trans. Lewis Thorpe, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1969, pp. 163–164.

p. 164

Mohammed warned
Qur’an, Surah XXIV, vs. 31.

p. 165

The moon
The example comes from J. F. Carrington’s
Talking Drums of Africa
, New York, 1969, p. 33.


sixty miles
According to E. A. Powell, in
The Map That Is Half Unrolled
, London, 1926, p. 128.

p. 166

In Mozart’s day
Professor Kurt Blaukopf, personal communication.


The siren
Sir Henry Martin Smith, H. M. Chief Inspector of Fire Services; personal communication.

p. 167

two-tone horn
Home Office, Fire Service Department, Specification No. JCDD/Z4, April, 1964.


Clang! B. C Saturday Sunset
, September 21, 1907, p. 13.


A long wolf howl
“The Flame Fighters” by Garnett Weston in
British Columbia Magazine
, June, 1911, p. 562.


yelping siren
Kenneth Laas, Federal Sign and Signal Corporation, Blue Island, Illinois; personal communication.



p. 169

A word or an image
Carl G. Jung,
Man and His Symbols
, New York, 1964, pp. 20–21.


Psychological Types
Carl G. Jung,
Psychological Types
, New York, 1924, p. 152.

p. 170

that state
W. H. Auden,
The Enchafed Flood
, New York, 1967, pp. 6 and 13.


Water is
Carl G. Jung,
The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
, Princeton, N.J., 1968, pp. 18–19.

p. 171

he played the violin
Thomas Mann,
Stories of Three Decades
, New York, 1936, p. 87.
Man’s descent
Carl G. Jung,
77ie Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, op. cit
., p. 17.

p. 172

Nature is
, eds. P. Kluckhohn and R. Samuel, Stuttgart, Vol. 3, p. 452. I am grateful to Dr. Samuel for locating this quotation for me.

p. 174

The bell is hung
George M. Grant,
Ocean to Ocean, Sandford Fleming’s Expedition Through Canada in 1872
, Toronto, 1873, p. 272.
BOOK: The Soundscape: Our Sonic Environment And The Tuning Of The World
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