The Stand Off (11 page)

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Authors: Z Stefani

BOOK: The Stand Off
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“I can prove you wrong. You have
to the count of three to admit it before I slide my finger inside of you and
force you to admit it.”


“Get off of me.” She was
desperate to get away, knowing that he would pull back a soaked finger. Even
her panties were soaked.


“I’m not going to get off of you;
I’m trying to get inside of you.” He pulled her tight against his body, and she
could feel the outline of every muscle crushed against her. His body was as
hard as the rest of him. “I want to be inside of you so bad; I can’t stop
thinking of what you would feel like around me.”


This time when he bent to kiss
her, he didn’t give her the option to keep her lips closed. He grabbed her
bottom lip between his teeth and lightly bit until she parted her lips. The
moment they were opened, he attacked her mouth full force. He grabbed the back
of her head as he drove his tongue into her mouth.


What started frenzied and
somewhat violent quickly slowed pace. He began to explore her mouth with his
tongue and despite herself, she began to respond.


He pulled back and traced her
bottom lip with his thumb, “I love the way that you respond.”


“It’s a response of repulsion,”
she lied breathlessly.


“Liar.” He ran his hand down her
neck and across her shoulder. “I want to strip you and touch every inch of your
skin. I want to taste every part of your body and I want to shove my cock in
every orifice it will fit in.”


“Damn,” was all that she could
say in return. His words had hit her like a punch, and her body was still


“Give me seven days, and I will
give you whatever you want in return. Anything.”


“I can’t do that.”


She shook her head and backed
away. She was very curious as to what he offered but not under these


“Are you sure? This is your last
chance, the building gets demolished tomorrow.”


She took another step back. When
she was ready to give up her virginity, it would be to someone that she loved.
It was not about denying herself; it was about the deal that he wanted. She
wanted no part of it; she would never sell her body for property. She hated
that she was tempted, and she despised him all the more for it.


Why hadn’t he just tried to date
her like a normal man? If he’d done that, she wouldn’t believe that hating him
was a necessity.


“I’m absolutely positive;
besides, I still have until morning. A lot can happen before the sun rises.”


“Only my death or an alien
abduction could stop this.”


“Then I pray you are abducted by


“Your pride will be your
downfall,” he stated.


“Or yours,” she shot back and
then walked across the room to the doors.


“Where are you going?”


“I’m leaving. Have a good night;
don’t let the aliens bite.”


With that, she stormed out of the
room and slammed the door behind her.


Dean grinned and shook his head,
surprised the door hadn’t cracked with the force. He wondered what her reaction
would be like in the morning when she discovered the truth. He couldn’t wait to
see her face when she found out. He knew what he was going to do, he’d known
for a little while now but he had to make sure.


He was absolutely sure now. Lux
had been right all along, something’s actually were priceless.




Lux pulled over to the side of
the road, turned her radio up, and screamed at the top of her lungs. She held
her steering wheel in a death grip as she released a bit of her mounting
frustration. Tears streamed from her eyes as she realized how close she’d come,
how frustrated he made her, and how much he turned her on.


“I fucking hate you! You greedy,
demanding, evil, sexy, fucking prick!” she screeched as she slammed her hand
into the steering wheel. “You can’t bargain with my vagina!”


She gasped for breath and began
to cry out of pure frustration.


“Please, please let him be
abducted by aliens tonight, please. I cannot have sex with him; that can’t be
my only option,” she cried as she laid her forehead on the steering wheel. “Why
couldn’t I have met you under normal circumstances?”


After a few minutes, she pulled
herself together and drove the rest of the way home. She walked into the
building and headed towards the kitchen. She grabbed a box of cereal and a


“Kiki cooked,” Pixie told her,
but Lux continued to make her bowl of cereal. “What’s wrong?”


“Where is everyone?” Lux asked in
a whispery voice.


“They’re celebrating. Mom is
throwing a
last night at the lounge


“You’re kidding me?”


“I wish I was. Everyone wants to
party one last time and say goodbye.”


“Fuck that, we still have until
morning. I’m
giving up, and I refuse to say goodbye. Not yet.”


“It would take a miracle at this
point,” Pixie admitted with a heavy heart.


“I’ll come up with something.”


“You need to get some sleep. You
haven’t slept very much these past few nights.”


“I’ll sleep when I know mom’s
safe; I’ll sleep when the music hall is safe.”


“I’m going to go back to the
party. You want to come say hello to everyone?”


“Not now,” she said with a look
of sadness that Pixie had never seen before.


“I’m calling bullshit, what’s


“Besides the fact that I have
until morning to fix this problem?”


“It’s something else.”


“It’s him… he’s driving me fucking
crazy,” she hissed.




“He’s too much for me; I can’t
stop him.”


“Why would you want to? You
should live a little. Go out with him, have some fun. He obviously likes you.”


“It’s all part of his game. He
gets a woman worked up, he’ll say anything, and I mean anything, to get her to
have sex. I know the type.”


“You mean dad’s type?” Pixie


“Why would you bring him up?” Lux
snapped as she stared accusingly at her sister.


“That’s what it boils down to
right? Dad was a bad womanizer, bad enough to get himself killed. Now you’re
having feelings for the king of womanizers, a man whose indiscretions have been
well documented for years. It makes me nervous, too, but we have to take
chances in life.”


“What happened to dad doesn’t
affect me.”


“Bullshit, just the thought of it
affects your every decision.”


“You’re a physiatrist now?” Lux’s
irritation was laced with sarcasm.


“I don’t have to be a physiatrist
to know how bad it was,” Pixie retorted.


“You have no idea.”


“I may not have been there that
night, but I can imagine.”


“Don’t even try to imagine it.”


“But how can I not? We
suffer from the after affects. Mom won’t leave the house, and you don’t trust
any man. I know the damage it brings, but I still think you should stop basing
your decisions on that.”


“I don’t,” Lux said as if she
were bored.


“Yes, my dear sister, you do; you
always have.” Pixie got up and kissed her cheek. “I just want you to start
having a little fun and stop worrying so much.”


“I’m going to bed,” Lux shook her
head and left the room.


Lux had just made it to her room
when she received a text message. The doomsday music let her know who it was.




Tomorrow is the day. You have
until morning to change your mind.




I haven’t changed my mind. Have
you? Have you decided to be a decent human being and sell my building back to




No, but I’m giving you one last
opportunity to change my mind. You have until 6:59 to call me.




Isn’t that cutting it a little




The men won’t make a move without
my command.




Good to know




Have you changed your mind?








Then I will see you in the

Demolition Day


Lux replayed Dean’s words over
and over in her head. She also replayed every scenario and could come up with
only one solution. At 3:00 a.m. she ran down stairs to see that everyone was
still up and in the kitchen cooking. She stood in the door way, wild-eyed with
her long, dark hair in a thick, tangled mess.


“You missed a great party Lux,”
Graves said with a grin, obviously a little tipsy.


“You haven’t slept have you?”
Pixie asked before stuffing her mouth with bacon.


“I know what to do,” Lux declared
and all four girls watched her as she stomped over to the table and sat down.
“He said that the men won’t make a move without his command. He said I had
until 6:59 to call him.”


“Who said that?’ Lolo asked.


“I’m assuming Dean,” Pixie
answered when Lux didn’t.


“He’s waiting until the last
minute; I have enough time to do this,” Lux said as she checked her watch.


“Enough time for what?” Kiki


“To prevent Dean from making that
phone call,” Lux answered.


“How do you plan on doing that?”
Graves asked.


“Well I’m not going to have sex
with him!” she said sarcastically. “I’m going to


“Take him?” Pixie raised her
brows in confusion.


“I’m going to take him to a place
where he can’t make that call. If he doesn’t make that call, the men won’t
start and if the men won’t start, the building stays up,” Lux rationalized the


“You mean you’re going to abduct
him?” Kiki asked with wide eyes.


“That’s a harsh way to put it; I
am going to conduct a friendly abduction.”


“Abduction?” Lolo repeated.


Pixie was aghast.


“You know, like casual… not
violent or anything. No guns or any of the other usual abduction
paraphernalia,” Lux explained.


“A casual, non-violent, friendly
abduction? Oh, you’ve lost it, Luxy baby.” Pixie raised her brows dramatically.


“You might want to rethink this
one,” Kiki urged.


“It’s the only solution.” Lux
refused to budge.


“It’s crazy!” Pixie cried.


“What’s crazier? Asking a woman
to prostitute for property or a friendly abduction, where no one gets hurt?”
Lux reasoned.


“Neither one of them are good,”
Pixie answered.


“I have no other choice,” Lux
explained, she was at her wits end.


“Yeah, but I’m not sure if this
is the choice. This is not the way to go about it.” Pixie was trying to reason
with Lux.


“Well, have you come up with any
other suggestions, dear sister? Because I’m not trading my virginity for this
place!” Lux said with a tone of disgust.


“Maybe you should sleep for a
little while and then rethink it. You haven’t been sleeping much this past week,”
Kiki suggested.


“I don’t have time to sleep,” Lux


“You’re losing it Lux. I know you
get a little reckless when you don’t get enough sleep; but this is crazy.”
Pixie shook her head, realizing her sister was beyond reason.


“This is not being reckless; this
is preservation!” Lux said, her voice getting shrill.


“That is up for debate,” Pixie


“This building can’t come down!
Did you forget that our mother won’t leave, even with the wrecking ball out
front? We can’t call for help or they will lock her up for psychological
evaluation. You remember what happened last time they took her in for an
evaluation? I do; I’ll never get it out of my head. I can’t change Mom’s mind
and I can’t change Dean’s mind. I can’t think of another way. I’ve tried
everything; we have to resort to drastic measures. I need to buy some time.”


“This is extreme; I’m just saying
that maybe we should take a little time and think it through a bit more.”


“We don’t have time. We are
absolutely, without a doubt, out of time. We’re counting down the hours now.
Our building is going to be torn down to the ground first thing in the morning
if I don’t do something. If I could just talk to him, maybe I could make him
see how important the music hall is. I cannot have sex with that man in
exchange for property!” She explained hysterically.


“We’re not suggesting that you
should,” Pixie said.


“That’s the only other
alternative,” Lux looked nervous.


“Fine, I’ll help.” Pixie grabbed
her hand, obviously worried about her sister.


“Me too.” Kiki grabbed their


“Me three,” Lolo added.


“We’ll all help.” Graves nodded.


“Thanks, I’m going to need it. I
have a plan; you’re going to need black shoes, everyone will. I’m going to get
ready and then I will come down and explain everything,” she explained before
she headed out of the room.


“Okay.” Pixie nodded with a smile
as she watched her leave the room.


“Oh, she’s totally lost it.” Kiki
looked worried.


“What do you expect? With all the
pressure, she can’t sleep, she rarely eats.” Pixie sighed.


“I’m worried about her,” Kiki


“Me, too. I guess the only thing
we can do to ease her mind is help her,” Pixie said with a heavy heart.


“You know this is insane,” Graves


“I know,” Pixie admitted.


“Maybe we can use the ride there
to talk her out of it… maybe she’ll change her mind,” Lolo said with hope.


“It’s Lux you’re talking about;
you know she doesn’t change her mind once it’s set,” Pixie reminded her.


be able to
reason with her,” Kiki interjected.


“The best we can hope for is
damage control,” Pixie stated with a frown.


“Dean Blake is going to have our
heads on a platter by tomorrow night,” Graves announced.


“Maybe if he sees the state she’s
in, he will understand.” Kiki hoped.


“We’ve got a better chance of
finding a three-eyed unicorn. Dean Blake is heartless,” Graves reminded her.


“Yeah, but he likes Lux. Maybe we
can use that to our advantage,” Pixie stated, her mind already developing a


“That’s true… he was willing to
trade it all for sex,” Kiki mentioned.


“Right now, I will take any
sliver of hope there is. I have a feeling it is going to be a crazy day.” Pixie
took a deep breath.




Lux fished through the basement
until she found the box of the band’s old costumes that she had been looking
for. They were black dresses with matching black blazers and chauffer hats.
When they originally wore them to perform, all the girls had complained that
they looked more like chauffer uniforms then costumes. Now that defect would
come in handy.


They quickly got dressed, and
Lolo drove them to Dean’s apartment in the city. Lolo parked way down the road,
far from Dean’s place, so they did not raise suspicion. Lolo was to wait in the
car for them in case something happened or Lux changed her mind and aborted the


Lux, Kiki, Pixie, and Graves hid
behind the large patch of trees facing Dean’s monstrous garage.


“Tell me again why we couldn’t
have Dean meet you somewhere like normal people do when they want to discuss
something?” Pixie asked Lux.


“Because Dean is extremely smart,
and he’d automatically be suspicious. Not to mention the fact that he could
tell someone that he was meeting with me. I don’t want to take any chances. I
need this to go smoothly,” Lux explained.


“I still think we look more like
stewardesses.” Kiki frowned.


“No, we look like chauffeurs,”
Graves reassured her.


“Sexy chauffeurs,” Pixie smiled.


Lux looked at her pocket watch as
she spoke, “Alright, Dean should be ready to leave for The Music Hall soon.
Graves, you take care of the real chauffer and then meet us at the place.”


“Alright,” Graves said before she
stepped out from behind the tree. She had dressed especially for the occasion.
She wore a very tight dress and made sure that her top buttons were undone. She
had curled her blonde hair and had even applied makeup. She hiked up her skirt
and headed over to the chauffer. He was obviously waiting for Dean, leaning
against the limo while looking at a pornographic magazine.


“Piece of cake,” Graves whispered
to herself as she walked to stand before the chauffer.


“Hi,” Graves said in the ditsiest
voice that she could muster.


“Um hi, can I help you?” he asked
as he stood up abruptly.


“Hi, I’m Mandy; I’m new with the
driving company.”


“Hi Mandy. It’s nice to meet you,”
he said with a creepy smile; his eyes went straight to Graves’s cleavage and


“I’m so sorry to bother you, but
I think I may have gone to the wrong address by accident. I thought that I was
supposed to be the driver for this place, but I’m not so sure now.” She twirled
her blonde hair around her finger and tried to look confused.



“That’s okay sweetheart, I can
help you. Come with me, we can give them a call, but we have to be quick.”


“I can be quick,
quick” She leaned in and smiled suggestively, “Thank you so much.”


“Come with me, there’s a phone we
can use in the garage.”


“Oh thank you so much. How can I
ever repay you?” Graves purred as she walked with him into the large garage.


“Perfect timing,” Lux whispered
as she watched them disappear into the garage. She looked up to the large
windows to see Dean coming down the stairs.


“You wait here for Graves,” Lux
told Kiki.


“Okay, I’ll see you soon,” Kiki
said with a nod.


“Hurry,” Pixie said.


They hunched over and ran to the
front of the limo. Pixie only opened the door wide enough for them to slip


“Now let’s just hope he gets in
before the real chauffer comes back,” Lux said as she leaned down in the
passenger’s seat.


“I think Graves has that under
control,” Pixie said as she pulled her hat down.


They held their breath as Dean
walked to the limo and got in. Once he was situated, Pixie started the car and
drove to the street before she rolled down the window separating the front from
the back.


“Where to?’ Pixie asked.


“You should know this,” he said
in an irritated tone.


“Oh yeah, got it right here, The
Music Hall.” She grinned knowingly and began to drive.


“Close the window,” he barked.


“Sure thing boss.” She smiled in
the rearview mirror and took off her hat first.


It was at that moment that he
noticed the white and orange hair. He knew only one person with hair like that.


“Wait, leave that window down. I
know you,” he went to the edge of his seat.


“You sure do.” Pixie giggled as
she locked all of the doors.


“What the fuck,” his words froze
on his lips when Lux peaked at him through the opening, “Lux?”


Lux quickly slid through to the
back and sat in the seat across from him.


“Hello Wrecker,” she smiled as
she pulled out the stun gun.


“What is this?” he asked, a grin
hanging on his lips.


“I told you that I wasn’t going
to let you demolish my building today.”


“You’re a brave girl.”


“You have no idea.”


“Did you really think this
through?” he asked with a slight smirk.


“Yes. You’re going to call your
demolition crew and tell them to stop.”


“Am I?” He raised his brows.


“Yes and then you’re going to
sign the building over to me.”


“How are you going to get me to
do that? With a stun gun?” he grinned smugly.


“No, with this.” With a quick
hand she withdrew the needle and injected him. He quickly over powered her and
grabbed the empty syringe but the damage had been done. “Too late.”


“What the fuck is this?” he
growled as he held her against the seat.


“Just a little sleep aid, nothing
harmful. You’ll wake up refreshed and in my custody.” She smiled.


“When I wake up, you better run,”
he warned as his eyelids began to droop.


“There’s no need to run. When you
wake up, you’ll already be tied up,” she said in a sweet tone.




Lux had picked the perfect spot.
It was an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere. Pixie parked in front, and
they both got out of the limo. They both looked down at Dean, who was still
passed out on the seat.


“How the hell are we supposed to
get him in that house? He’s fucking huge!” Pixie asked.


“We’re going to carry him. Grab
his legs.”


“Oh hell no. Do you not see the
size of him? He’s all muscle; muscle is heavy, Lux. He’s going to break our
backs,” Pixie protested.

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