The Stand Off (8 page)

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Authors: Z Stefani

BOOK: The Stand Off
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“Thanks, I’ll tell him you tried
your hardest to stop me.” She smiled as she headed in the direction that Amelia
pointed towards.


It was another hallway that led
to two monstrously large, distorted-glass doors. She took a deep breath before
she grabbed the oversized, platinum door handle. She opened the door and walked
directly into the boardroom. She almost grinned, realizing Amelia wasn’t giving
the standard issued excuse this time; Dean really was in an important meeting.


All five of the men sitting
around the table looked at her, but Dean raised his brow.


She ignored the stares as she
walked over to stand by Dean.


“Your men are trying to remove
things from my building; valuable instruments. There is also an obscene amount
of red tape on the doors preventing anyone from entering,” she spoke directly
to Dean in a controlled voice.


“I told them to deliver them to
you… undamaged,” he answered.


“And I told you to leave
everything where it was,” she lowered her voice.


“Now is not the time,” he said
with a look that sent a shiver down her spine.


the time.”


“We will discuss this later, now
I suggest you leave,” he said as his eyes bored into hers.


“I’m not leaving until you call
off your dogs. I want my stuff put back where it belongs, and I want those
doors unblocked.” She sat on the edge of the table, refusing to leave until it
was done.


“Give me your phone,” he


He grabbed her cell phone out of
her hand the moment she pulled it from her fringy, black purse. He quickly
dialed his phone number and then handed it back to her. He grabbed his
cellphone and stored her number in his phone before he dialed his men.


“Leave everything for now and
remove the barricade until further notice,” he instructed them as he put the
phone on speaker so she could hear.


“Yes Sir,” the voice drifted out
of the speaker.


He abruptly turned off his phone
as he stared at her, “Now go.”


She glared at him for another
moment before she got off the table and sashayed out of the room. She had no
more then made it to the elevator when she got a text from him. She rolled her
eyes; she’d watched him store her number in his phone, she expected this text.




That is going to cost you Miss
Hart. Meet me at Shush, 7:00 sharp.



She glared at her phone and
deleted the text. Less than a minute later she received another one from him.




If you’re not there, I will come
and get you.



She texted him back as fast as
she could.


Lux <3


You can come if you want, but
there’s no way I’ll let you in.




You don’t have to. I will find a
way in and then I will carry you out


Lux <3


You wouldn’t dare




Would you bet on that? 7:00




After Dean’s board meeting was
over, his secretary ran up to him in tears.


“I am so sorry, Mr. Blake! She
told me that you were expecting her. I tried to stop her but,”


“I was expecting her,” he cut her


“So it was okay to let her in?”
She asked, obviously shocked that he was not furious.


“Yes,” he answered.


“So should I let her in next time
as well?” Amelia asked.


“I want you to let her in every
time that she comes,” he instructed.


“Even if you’re in a board
meeting?” She needed to make sure.


“Especially if I’m in a board
meeting,” he finished before walking away.



Lux had never been to the
restaurant Shush before and had to put it in her GPS just to find it. Shush was
a level of elite that she couldn’t even fully comprehend. It wasn’t even
designed like a normal restaurant with an open floor plan. This restaurant
catered to the privacy of its diners. It also catered to the richest of rich,
only the wealthiest were allowed to enter. She entered the restaurant and was
momentarily stunned by the elegance. The furniture was the palest of ivory and
the deep mahogany wood was almost black in appearance. Everything was
accessorized in gold and considering the wealth that dinned here, she suspected
it was 24kt gold. She was glad she had worn one of her more professional


The server greeted her and led
her over to a secluded table towards the back. It was an area that didn’t seem
to be a part of the restaurant, despite the matching décor. It was almost a
small world upon its own, it was so well secluded.


Dean was waiting for her at the
table when she arrived. He was looking as handsome as ever, despite the smug
look on his face. His plain, dark suit fit his muscular body to perfection and
she wondered what he looked like beneath all of that fabric. His dark hair was
slightly tousled as if he’d recently run his hand through it and his pale grey
eyes shone with arrogance.


“You’re late,” he barked.


She pulled her silver pocket
watch out of her blazer pocket and looked at the time. 


“Only by three minutes,” she
scoffed as she sat down in the chair across from him.


“Would you like something to
drink?” the server asked politely.


“I won’t be ordering, thank you,”
she answered.


“Bring her a glass of wine,” Dean


The waiter nodded and left the


“I’m not staying long enough to


“Yes you are.”


“I don’t have the time.”


“Make the time,” he snapped at
her. “What you did today was unacceptable.”


“No, you sending your men to
remove all of the instruments from the lounge was unacceptable,” she countered.


“I gave you ample time to move
your things from my property.”


“I want my building back.”


“That’s not an option. As you
know, I own that part of the building and everything in it. You should be
thankful that I am returning your things undamaged. I’ve been lenient enough to
let you keep that club going, despite the fact that you’re holding up my plans.
But my patience can only be pushed so far.”


“Lenient? You call that lenient?”
she spat.


“Yes,” he answered with a
straight face and a nod.


“I would hate to see your version
of hard.”


“I would love to show you,” He
confessed and almost grinned when he saw a hint of curiosity flash across her
face before it was replaced by feigned shock.


“I want you to keep your men off
my property,” she blurted.


“That’s not an option; I need
that place torn down. You know that won’t be the last time that they come.”


“Then that won’t be the last time
that I barge in on one of your meetings.”


“Be warned, next time you barge
in, I will send everyone out of that room, bend you over my knee and beat your


“You and your idle threats,” she
shook her head and shifted in her seat as she felt her vagina begin to warm up.


He continued as if he didn’t hear
her, “Then I’ll slide my fingers deep inside of you and finger fuck you until
you apologize for your behavior.”


She withheld her gasp and the
look of shock trying to reach her eyes. She wasn’t shocked by his words, he was
an over sexed tyrant who said whatever he wanted and she was used to it by now.
No, she was shocked at her body’s aggressive reaction to him. She wanted to
grab him and kiss him, she wanted to insult him until he made good on his threat.
She felt her clit pulse as her nipples tightened to a painful degree and she
almost cringed. She slipped her hand below the table and pinched her outer
thigh until she felt her anxiety and her desire subside.


She took a deep breath before she
answered, “It would never happen.”


“How could you stop me?”


“I wouldn’t let you that close.”
She acted as unaffected as she could, despite the overwhelming sensations that
were beginning to spark through her lower body.


“Are you willing to bet on that?”
he raised his right eyebrow.




“Bet accepted. If you barge into
my office one more time… just once… your ass is as good as mine. That is your
official warning… your last warning.”


The thought of him bending her
over his knee was too much thought to handle. But what was worse was the
ultimate feeling of anticipation it brought.


“How can you be anticipating
something you know nothing about from someone you despise?”
She questioned


They both grew silent as the
waiter came back to the table. He exchanged Dean’s glass of cognac for a fresh
one and then poured a glass of red wine for Lux before leaving again.


“You’re insane if you think I
will just lie down without a fight. I will do what’s necessary to keep my


“Will you?”




“There is one way that you can
save you building.”


“Let me guess, 24 hours’ worth of
sex for a temporary peace treaty?” she asked sarcastically before she frowned.
“I already told you that will never happen.”


“What I’m offering is permanent.”


She looked at him skeptically for
a moment before she spoke, “I’m listening.”


“I want that property, make no
mistake about that. But I’ve come to realize that there is something I want


“What?” she asked as she leaned
in a bit closer.


He stared into her eyes for a
moment, keeping her on the edge of her seat before he finally answered, “You.”


She looked at him for a moment as
the word registered. She’d expected a ridiculous amount of money or something
just… equally ridiculous.


“What do you mean?” she asked and
he almost grinned at her innocence.


“I want to make a trade.”


“A trade? For what?”


“For you. I will sign the
property over to you once and for all, in exchange for… your consent.”


“My consent?” she asked through a
haze of baffled curiosity.




“You’re joking?”


“I don’t joke when it comes to
money. I want to fuck you more than I want to breathe right now,” he said with
an animalistic undertone. “I need your consent for what I want to do to you. I
want full control over you.”


Lux could not hide her shock if
she’d wanted to. She stared at him, her eyes wide, and her mouth slightly
parted. Her body was stiff except for her racing heart and the moisture
beginning to pour from her deprived vagina.


It took her a moment to control
her frazzled nerves before she answered in a calm voice, “No.”


“No?” Now he was the one in shock.
“You realize what I’m offering you?”


She swallowed and raised her
chin, “Yes.”


“But still you decline.” He


“I’m sorry, was I supposed to be
flattered by your proposal of prostituting myself in exchange for my building?
The building that I already own.” she was flabbergasted and slightly aroused by
his audacity.


“I don’t expect you to be
flattered, I expect you to be thankful. I expect you to pull up your skirt bend
over the table and ask me to start fucking you to seal the deal.”


“You’re such a pig,” she said
even though the thought of it filled her with a level of excitement she’d yet
to experience. “You haven’t learned a thing about me have you?”


“I know enough; I know that
everyone has a price.”


“Not me; besides that price is
too high for me to ever be thankful. You should just let me buy the building
back since it means so much to you that you’re willing to trade it for sex,”
she snapped sarcastically.


“No, I can make more money off
that property than you could make in twice your lifetime. The only thing that
interests me more than that amount of money… is you.”


“Well, that is never going to
going to happen,” she snorted.


“It will.”


“You’re cockiness knows no


“Once you let me fuck you, you’ll
understand my confidence,” he said so smugly she wanted to slap his face,
despite the moisture pooling in her panties.


it’s never going to happen.” She crossed her legs and realized her mistake when
her clit reacted to the pressure.


“It will,” he repeated with
enough confidence to stimulate her even further.


“Rejection doesn’t settle well
with you does it?” she asked as she took a sip of her wine.


“No more than losing settles with


“I’m not going to lose,” she said


“Not if you let me fuck you.”


“I don’t have to fuck you to


“There’s only one way that you’re
keeping that building baby and you know it.”


“Just stop the charades; you
don’t even want that building anymore. Just let me buy from you.”


“I want that building more than


“Not if you’re willing to give it
up for sex!”


“At this point I’d give you your
building and a few of my other personal properties just to fuck you for a few
days. Actually, I’d give you half of what I got for one fucking night.”


“All that for some sex?” she
found it too hard to believe.


“It’s not just the sex… it’s
I can get sex anywhere; I can buy it for a fraction of the cost of that
building. I can only get what I
want from you; only
could give me you.”


“You have women lined up begging
to fuck you, but you meet one woman who says no, and you get all crazy. Do you
think I’d allow myself to be another one of your mounting numbers just so you
can rectify your wounded pride? You really don’t know me.”


“But I want to know you. I can
honestly say that I want to know you more than I’ve ever wanted to know
anyone,” he admitted, but he saw her doubt.


“You’re so smooth; I bet those
cornball lines work on lots of females. However, we both know that it’s not me
that you want, it’s winning.” She refused to listen to his deceit. She had
investigated him long enough to know what he was capable of when it came to


“I don’t use lines, I don’t have
to. I want to fuck you harder than you’ve ever been fucked before, so you never
forget; that is not a line… that’s reality. I want to grab you and take you in
the bathroom and fuck you until you cry… that’s reality. I want to reach under
the table, slide my hand up your skirt and play with you pussy until the food
comes or you come… that’s reality. That’s what I want from you for seven days.
I want you under my roof and at my disposal 24 hours a day for all seven days.
I want you to take time off work; I’ll pay you double your regular income.”


“How many times have you made
this offer?”


“Zero; I’ve never had to make a
deal for sex. But I’ve never wanted any other woman like this, to be honest.”


“You only feel that way because I
don’t want you in return; it’s the thrill of the chase,” she repeated
dismissively, despite his long speech.


“You don’t know how I feel.”


“I’ve seen your pictures; I’d be
surprised if you felt anything for any woman.”


“You’re fucking stubborn.” He
reached over, grabbed the leg of her chair, and pulled her closer. “It only
makes me want to fuck you more.”


“You want to have sex with me for
all the wrong reasons. But I don’t take sex as lightly as you; it’s a serious
act,” she spoke softly before she moved her chair away from him.


“You act like your giving up your


“And you act like a whore with a
hard on,” she barked back at him as she stood up.


“Sit down,” he demanded.


“No, there is nothing left to
discuss. I wouldn’t have sex with you if my life depended on it, there is no
way in hell I’d let you touch me for property.”


“You’re positive?”


“One hundred percent positive.”


“Then I will see you at the
demolition,” he nodded.


She glared at him for a moment
before she left the table with all the composure she could muster.




When Lux got home, she was happy
to find that everyone was busy in the lounge, so she could sneak into her bedroom.
She wasn’t in the mood for company right now. She walked into her room, sat on
her bed, and exhaled the breath it felt like she’d been holding all evening.

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