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hen he woke in the morning Brittany was still sleeping soundly beside him, but staring aimlessly at the shadows on the ceiling he felt a growing unease. This was not his first shipboard escapade, but it was his first shipboard romance, and he wanted to kick himself.

This was so unfair of me. I should have stopped it before it began. I knew the attraction was intense, I knew the chemistry was there, I knew, and still I let it happen. Now we’re going to go through a tearful, gut-wrenching goodbye, and for what, a few nights of…


Her sleepy voice drifted up to him, and sighing heavily he rolled over and brought her into his arms.

“I’m here,” he said softly.

“I thought for a minute you’d gone somewhere,” she mumbled. “I didn’t feel you next to me.”

“I’m here,” he repeated,
at least, for the moment.

“I love sleeping with you,” she purred, and curling into him she fell back asleep.

Duncan closed his eyes, sinking into the delicious feel of her wrapped in his arms, shrouded by a need to protect her, to teach her, to take her deeper into his dark, indulgent world, and he knew that need would only grow deeper as the days on board the ship floated by.

You are a treasure, an absolute treasure, and I can sense a Brittany you’ve never let the world see. I can feel you opening up, the proverbial flower blossoming. This is wrong, totally wrong. You think I’m a fascinating, English Dominant, an author, a mysterious romantic, but you don’t know the other side of me, you don’t even know I’m a barrister. Do I tell you all the gory details of my boring life back in London, full of trials and cocktail parties and endless paperwork, or let you leave with your fantasy of me in tact?

It was an impossible question, and with it swirling around in his head he found himself reaching for her, needing to feel her, needing to take her. As his hands moved across her body, fondling, caressing, pinching and teasing, and her moans of gratitude and pleasure filled the room, he moved on top of her, and pushing her legs apart, slid his cock forcefully forward.

“Mmm, so wonderful,” she mumbled.

Kneeling up he clutched her hips, pulling her into his pelvis, thrusting home with a compelling urgency, the voice in his head suggesting it might be the last time he would have the joy of making love to her. If he was noble, if he was a gentleman, he’d let her go before she sank any deeper; he let her go before his own heart was put at even greater risk.

The fear took over, his stroking became ardent and demanding, and roused abruptly from her deep sleep, Brittany could sense his acute desire; he was fucking her with a desperate emotional power.

Dropping his head to her breasts he devoured them hungrily, and as his lips moved to her neck, she could hear his breathless panting.

“Duncan, are you all right?” he muttered.

“You’re a treasure,” he murmured, speaking his thoughts as his cock paused, and with his heart swelling he began to ride her again, stroking as he kissed her, his lips consuming hers.

Swept up in his passionate fire, her bubble suddenly threatened to break. Throwing her arms around his neck and pressing her mouth to his, her lips sent their own message of zealous need; it was all it he needed to send him tumbling into his moment.

Moving her mouth from his she let out her startled cry as her orgasm abruptly exploded, rocketing through her, and clutching him intensely she refused to release him even after their spasms had dissipated and he had slipped from her depths.

“Easy,” he whispered, attempting to move her arms from around his back.

“Something’s wrong,” she breathed, “I can feel it. What is it?”

“Sssh,” he crooned, ignoring the deep thudding in his chest.

“Don’t tell me to shush,” she replied, finally releasing him. “You just made love to me like the ship was going down.”

Rolling off her and pulling her into his shoulder, he squeezed his eyes shut.

How can I tell you what I’m feeling when I don’t even know myself? How can I tell you about my worry, my fear…

“I’m not sure…” he began.

“Not sure about what?” she pressed.

“We’re speeding forward, and it’s going to come to an abrupt halt in just a couple of days,” he managed.

Hearing the words out loud, a deep frown crossed his brow as he realized how trite they’d sounded.

“What are you saying?” she asked, pulling herself from his arms and staring down at him.

“I’m worried…for you,” he muttered,
and for me.


“Because the feelings…they’ve-”

“Hold on a second,” she interrupted. “Are you saying you think we should call it quits?”

“I’m just saying, I’m worried. If the feelings are this strong already, how much harder will it be when we have to say goodbye in a couple of days?”

“I don’t believe what I’m hearing,” she said fiercely. “You’re the one who showered me with a fabulous dinner and roses and said, let’s enjoy the time we have. What’s going on? Why are you about to dump me?”

“Stop it,” he said sharply.

“I won’t stop it,” she spat, jumping from the bed.

“I’m simply voicing my concerns,” he replied. “I’m trying to make sense of this, and what’s best for us. Brittany, you need to calm down.”

“No, I won’t calm down,” she railed, and grabbing her pillow she threw it at him. It landed across his face, and pulling it away he glared up at her.

“My goodness, you’re actually throwing a tantrum,” he declared, staring at her red face and blazing eyes. “I can’t believe it,” and leaping from his side of the bed, he shook his finger at her across the mattress. “You, Brittany Carter, are a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum. Stop it at once.”

“I am not!” she snapped. “I’m reacting to some bastard who took what he wanted and is now about to dump me.”

Marching around the bed he was next to her in seconds, grabbing her arm.

“Listen to me, young lady, you-”

“Let me go!” she demanded, interrupting him, “let me go right this minute.”

“My goodness, you’re being such a brat,” he exclaimed, and picking her up he threw her back on the bed, quickly straddled her, and pinning her wrists on either side of her head he glared down at her.

“You truly are a spoiled little girl, aren’t you, Brittany,” he scolded. “That wealthy father of yours, you had him wrapped around your little finger, didn’t you?”

He paused, staring down at her.

“You don’t know anything,” she snapped.

“I completely misjudged you,” he frowned. “I thought you weren’t allowed to be yourself growing up, and it’s just the opposite. It’s no wonder you want a Dominant. You need a man who will discipline you and make you behave. My goodness me, you certainly do, that’s exactly what you need.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, now let me up,” she insisted, squirming underneath him.

“Not until you calm down,” he growled. “Now take a deep breath. You’re going to listen to me whether your like it or not, and I might well tan your hide when I’m finished,” he threatened. “And something else just occurred to me. It’s no wonder you’re afraid to leave home, you have everything you want at your fingertips.”

Brittany stopped her struggling and stared up at him, his words hitting home.

Shit. He’s right. That’s exactly why I don’t want to leave.

“Finally,” he sighed. “Are you going to listen now?”

“Fine,” she said impatiently, not wanting to give up her pride.

“Sometimes things need to be talked about. You want to be free to voice your feelings, don’t you, Brittany? You want to share your dreams with me, your fears, your hopes. Am I not accorded the same right?”

“I, uh…I guess…” she mumbled.

“I’m concerned. The feelings between us have exploded, or am I wrong about that? Aren’t you feeling perilously close to me?”

“Perilously close,” she repeated thoughtfully. “That’s definitely how I feel, perilously close. Yes, but that doesn’t mean-”

“Be quiet,” he said sternly. “I owe you an apology.”

“You do?” she asked, puzzled by the admission.

“I let myself get swept away. It’s been a long time since I had such amazing chemistry with someone, a long time,” he said wistfully, “and I let it get the better of me. I did all those things for you because I let my heart lead me. It was wrong, and I’m sorry.”

“Now you’re not making any sense,” she frowned, “let me up.”

“No, Brittany, I’m not going to let you up. You need to stay right where you are. You’re falling for me, I know you are, and you reacted badly when I started to voice my concerns because of those feelings.”

The heat in her throat was building, and she dropped her eyes, not wanting him to see he was right.

“You said we should enjoy the time we have,” she said, her lower lip beginning to tremble.

“I did, and at the time I was right, but I didn’t anticipate our feelings would be turbocharged. If things continue like this, how miserable are we going to be when we have to go our separate ways?”

Brittany felt her fight slipping away.

He’s right. You know he’s right.

“This isn’t fair,” she muttered, feeling the threat of tears.

“No, it isn’t,” he agreed, releasing her wrists.

“I don’t want to stop things,” she said, looking back at him with pleading eyes.

“I don’t either, but…”

“You think it will be way worse to say goodbye in a couple of days,” she finished, a rogue tear escaping from her right eye.

“Don’t you?”

Turning her head to the side she stared across his bedroom, but saw nothing but a deep, black void.

“I’m really angry, and sad, and pissed off, and totally confused,” she muttered.

“I know,” he sighed, moving off her body and flopping on his back next to her.

They laid silently, side-by-side, and rolling on her side to face him, she dropped her forehead on his arm.

“You were right,” she whispered.

“Which part?” he asked, turning to face her.

“About my dad, and about why I don’t want to leave. He’s always there, all I have to do is call him and he comes over, if he’s in town that is. He still travels quite a bit, but that’s it exactly.”

“Your little Miss Goody Two Shoes, that’s been an act your whole life, for him, right? Be honest.”

“Kind of,” she sighed.

“Uh-huh,” he sighed along with her. “You get away with murder, and you’ve been craving a man who won’t let you.”

She didn’t answer, but buried her head in the mattress next to him.

“I should end what we have by putting you over my knee and spanking you for that tantrum,” he said absently.

“Would you?” she asked softly, lifting her head and looking up at him.

“You want me to? You know if I do I won’t hold back,” he warned.

“It’s the one fantasy I’ve been carrying around forever, having an over the knee spanking, and it still hasn’t happened, but if you think we should part now…”

“I should at least give you that,” he finished.

“Do you think it’s okay? I mean, considering it seems like we’re about to say goodbye?”

Duncan felt a sudden, unexpected lump in his throat.

“Let’s get one thing straight,” he managed, trying to swallow it away. “I don’t want to say goodbye, I just think-”

“It will be a lot easier than two days from now, when we’re way closer,” she interrupted.

“I’m going to spank you for that too, that interrupting thing you keep doing.”

Nestling against him she let out a long sigh, and let herself surrender to the tears.

Engulfing her in his arms, hating himself, he fought back his growing emotion.

Why can’t I throw caution to the wind? Why can’t I say, what the hell, let’s just go for it, let’s see where this thing takes us?

He knew the answer. Duncan Rhys-Davies was disciplined, he was decisive, and above all, he wasn’t prepared to go through the pain of a shattered heart ever again.


hey decided that Brittany would have her over-the-knee experience the night before they docked. It would not only give her bottom a chance to fully recuperate, they both felt the distance would help them come to terms with things, and a spanking on their last night on board would be the perfect way to say goodbye.

He’d held her until her sobbing had stopped, and though he’d fought his emotion while she was there, after he’d walked her back to her cabin and returned to his, he let loose, but only for a few minutes.

“Better than bottomless glasses of whiskey and weeks of recriminations and maudlin thoughts,” he said aloud, staring at his reflection. “At least you know you can feel again. You’re ready, now you just have to be patient. This is the right thing, it is, long distance relationships suck, and remember, you don’t know her…and she doesn’t know you.”

But even as he shook himself and walked away, continuing to convince himself he’d done the right thing, a shadow of doubt was lurking behind him.

I’ll spend the day reading through my book, then late this afternoon I’ll take a jog. My book will take my mind off things, and a jog will clear out the cobwebs.

Taking a shower and settling in front of his computer, he set to work, not allowing the unfortunate turn of events interfere with his focus. He ordered in a light meal in the early afternoon, and went right back to work, using his determined discipline to continue. By the time the afternoon was drawing to a close, he had almost finished, and stretching his muscles he decided it was time for his jog.

Changing into a sweatsuit he headed out, and as he began his run, as much as he wanted to keep Brittany out of his mind, the thought that the blond stranger from the night before might track her down, started to sneak into his head.

Duncan’s protective nature had stepped to the fore during the dinner, and as he recalled the man’s purposeful attempt to intercept Brittany on her way back to their table, and the determined look the man had conveyed to him across the room, the more concerned Duncan became.

He knew she was with me, but that didn’t stop him. How resourceful will he be? It wouldn’t take much to find her, all he’d have to do is grease a few palms, and if he does track her down how aggressive will he become?

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