The Suit and His Switch Claim Their Sub (14 page)

BOOK: The Suit and His Switch Claim Their Sub
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on the beach and watching the sun set over the horizon was bittersweet. She
would miss the villa and the beach. The seclusion and quiet surroundings had helped
her relax, and also helped her forget about everything she had tried so hard to
accomplish and failed at miserably in her life. Idly she reached down and
rubbed her ankle. On the outside it looked fine, but on the inside that was
where the real pain and damage was. It wasn’t just the physical pain, but also
the emotional and psychological aspect of it all. Her heart and soul were
crushed, and in all honesty she didn’t know if she’d ever be able to get past
that. The guilt of shutting Stellan and Dietrich out made her feel like a world-class
bitch, but really, she would be the one who was heartbroken when it was all
said and done. To them she would only be a distant memory of the poor little
chunky girl they tag-teamed in Portugal one month. A bitter laugh rose in her
throat. She liked to think that wasn’t true, that their softly spoken
endearments, the gentle caresses, and the way they looked at her as if she were
more than just their next conquest, had her meaning something more to them.

Why are you
doing this to yourself? Just tell them what you’re feeling inside. They might
feel the same way, want the same thing.
Maybe, but then
again it could all end up blowing up in her face. She thought on it some more,
and knew that if she didn’t at least tell them the truth she would never know
what could have been. And so what if they told her what she felt was not
reality? At least she would know, deep down inside, that she put herself out
there. Feeling a bit more confident in her decision to talk to them and clear
the air she stood and headed back to the villa. When she neared the home she
saw Stellan and Dietrich on the veranda. Their backs were to her, but they were
close enough that she could hear what they said.

I think you’re over-reacting.” Stellan rested his hand on Dietrich’s shoulder.

you didn’t see her face, Stellan. The woman wants more than I’m willing to give.
are willing
to give.”
Blythe stiffened at his words. She shouldn’t be eavesdropping,
but her feet refused to move.

not saying you’re not right, I’m just saying you need to tread lightly. You
don’t want a scandal with the company.” Dietrich inhaled sharply.

don’t think she’d pull any kind of shit like that. She needs to be put in her
place, to know where we stand. I tried to tell her that, but her expression
told me my words wouldn’t have sunk in. She is delusional with how she feels
for us.”

sound of ice clanking in their glasses seemed deafening. Blood rushed through
her body, and tears pricked her eyes. Had she been so wrong about them?
You’re a fucking fool, Blythe.
she heard anything else that would cut her even deeper she darted up the stairs
and through the front door. It didn’t matter if they heard the door slam shut.
She couldn’t bear to look at them after what she heard.

closed her bedroom door and leaned against it. The beauty that surrounded her
was almost like a saccharine slap to the face. She closed her eyes and slid
slowly to the ground. Blythe let the tears fall that she didn’t want to shed.


had avoided them the entire fucking night. When it was clear she wasn’t coming
down, giving them some bullshit excuse that she was tired and didn’t feel well
he had left her alone. Dietrich wasn’t about to beg to talk to her. Yes, he had
important things he wanted to say, things that would change their relationship,
but whatever was going through her pretty little head was something she needed
to deal with alone until she was ready to open up to them.

had reluctantly left after hours of waiting to see if she would emerge. She
hadn’t. Now Dietrich sat in his jet ten thousand miles in the air staring at
the only woman who tied him in knots and made him feel weak. And Dietrich
wasn’t weak, not by any means. She hardly said two words to him, but he wasn’t
about to press her while just feet away his staff could easily hear their very private
He could tell them to
leave them alone, but there was also a part of him that was stubborn, wanting
to come to
. With that being said he also wasn’t
about to let her withdraw from him, not after what they shared. After Walter
and Rebecca went into the galley and shut the door he leaned forward in his
seat. He knew Blythe was aware of his close proximity by the way she shifted in
her seat and made sure to keep her stare on the magazine in her lap.

at me.” His voice was hard. He was pissed, and he wanted her to know it. It
took her a moment to obey him, but when she did her actions were slow and
timid. As soon as her eyes landed on him they widened. Yeah, he felt fury
inside of him, and he knew it had to be showing. Dietrich took a moment to calm
down before he said anything else. “You’re going to talk to me. Shutting me out
is not happening, Blythe.” The way she licked her lips had his cock hardening.
Even pissed he reacted to her instantly. They needed to talk. He needed to tell
her sorry for pushing her, for not taking things slowly. Running a hand through
his hair, Dietrich took a deep breath and leaned back. She hadn’t said
anything, but at least she continued to look at him.

want to talk to you. There are things that need to be said, and you will not
run from me before I can say them.” He heard and saw her swallow. “First, I
want to apologize for pushing you.” She looked like she was about to speak, but
he held up his hand to stop her. “No, let me finish.” He took a deep breath and
continued. “You aren’t used to this lifestyle, and I should have eased you into
it. I should have given you time, and for that I’m sorry, but you must realize
this is who I am. I can’t change, but I should have been understanding and a
lot gentler.”

she stared at him like a scared rabbit. That was the last thing he wanted. If
they were going to have a secure and trusting Dom/sub relationship he had to
earn her trust. He just hoped he hadn’t lost it for good. “I’ve been with
Stellan for years. I love him. With that being said, we have discussed some
things regarding you and the bigger picture—”

Please, just
stop.” Her voice wavered slightly, but it sounded strong. Blythe shook her head
and looked out the window. She swallowed several more times.

be seated and buckle up for our final descent into New York City. It has been a
pleasure flying for you, Mr. Moore.” The captain’s voice rang through the
overhead speaker. Blythe didn’t look at him as she buckled her seatbelt. He
gritted his teeth and counted to ten in his head. He was damn sure not going to
let her run away without letting him finish what the fuck he wanted to say.

she finally did look at him his heart jumped in his throat at the raw emotion
reflected back. “The last thing I want is to get between anyone, cause a rift
in a relationship, or make trouble for the company.” A lone tear slid down her
cheek, but she wiped it away as quickly as it had arrived.

pet…” He wanted to go to her, ease her sadness, but she shook her head, stopping
him from doing any of that.

we just leave it as an incredible time in Europe?” Her words pierced his chest
like a serrated knife. He wanted to yell at her, tell her that it was far from
okay, but he could already see that she shut him out. He didn’t respond,
because he was afraid of his emotions right now.

plane touched down ten minutes later, and his focus stayed on her the entire
time. Blythe made it painfully obvious that she was avoiding him. After she
walked off of this jet she thought she could just leave and forget about what
they shared. He laughed internally. Not fucking likely. When they were given
the all clear to exit Blythe darted out of the plane like it was on fire. He
didn’t stop her as she dashed down the airstairs and across the runway. When he
saw some guy climb out of a Jeep and wrap his arms around her Dietrich’s blood
boiled. The guy easily lifted and spun her around. The smile on both of their
faces pissed him off even more. Was that her lover? He couldn’t imagine she would
have been intimate with him and Stellan if she was involved, but what the hell
did he know? Fortunately, they didn’t kiss. Dietrich didn’t know if he would
have been able to control himself if that had gone down. He still sat in his
seat and stared out the window, watching as she climbed into the Jeep. He
wanted to storm off the fucking jet and stake his claim, but he forced himself
to stay back. She glanced at the jet, but he knew she couldn’t see him. She
could have this moment and run, but in the end Dietrich always got what he
wanted, and what he wanted was Blythe with him and Stellan.



time with Moore Corporations had officially come to an end. The paycheck she
received was an incredible amount of money for only working for a month’s time.
It had only been a week since she left Dietrich’s jet, but Blythe couldn’t lie
and say she hadn’t thought about him or Stellan every single moment since then.
She felt pathetic for what she thought. Wanting them and letting her emotions
cloud her better judgment had been a mistake, but sleeping with them had been a
bigger one. Now her heart was broken, and it had only taken one night of bliss
and a few short weeks in their presence to accomplish it. Telling
over and over again that she needed to put them
behind her was harder than it should have been.

is your first appointment?” Austin yelled from the living room. She had invited
him over to her place to spill it all. Maybe talking about it and telling him
would make her feel better? She certainly had avoided talking about it with him
for long enough. He lifted his beer bottle to his mouth and took a hefty swig.
His focus was on the football game in front of him.

“Monday morning at nine.”
grabbed the plate of cheeses and summer sausage, and a few more beers and
headed into the living room. Setting the plate in front of him might not have
been the wisest move because he dived right in like some kind of wild, starving

She snatched
her hand out of the way and laughed. He looked at her sheepishly but didn’t
stop shoveling the food into his mouth.

I was up late last night and didn’t have time for breakfast.”

cocked a brow at him and watched his grin spread across his face slowly. Yeah,
she knew why he was up late, especially with that shit-eating grin.
“Another score, huh?”
She sat down beside him and grabbed a
few pieces of cheese.
“New guy?”
He was silent for a
few moments, and she turned to look at him. “What?”

well, I actually met someone shortly after you left. We’ve been seeing each
other exclusively. It’s getting pretty serious.” This instantly piqued her

Tell me!” She
playfully smacked his shoulder. His face turned pink, and she couldn’t help but
laugh. Austin was a manly man, and not the type to blush easily. The guy must
be something special to cause this reaction in him. His shaggy platinum blond
hair was impeccably styled, and his light blue eyes were bright. His tan was a
golden color that she had always envied.

name is Kyle, and he is just … well fuck, Blythe. He’s perfect.” The dimples on
each cheeked showed when Austin smiled. For the next ten minutes he talked
about Kyle with an almost breathless quality. By the way he spoke and his clear
enthusiasm she knew this was something Austin had never had before. When he was
finished she wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek. Leaning back,
she saw a perfectly pink outline of her lips on his skin. He ruffled her hair,
and she smacked his hands away teasingly.

we haven’t really gotten to talk about your trip. Tell me all about Mr.
Give-Me-Moore.” She rolled her eyes at the silly nickname he had given
Dietrich. The image of him and Stellan popped in her mind, and her face heated.
Quickly glancing down, she hoped Austin hadn’t seen her. When he cupped her
cheek and forced her to look him in the eye she knew she had been unsuccessful.

was going to tell him everything anyway, but right now Blythe didn’t doubt she
looked like some kind of schoolgirl with how red her face probably was. It felt
like it was on fire and growing hotter by the second.

have it that bad, huh.” He didn’t state it as a question.

a deep breath, she spilled it.
Blythe told
him about her feelings, the sex, the domination and submission, even the
threesome. By the time she was finished Austin’s eyes looked like they were
about to pop out of his head. “Well, say something.”

threw herself back on the couch very dramatically.

an idiot and a slut, huh?” She covered her eyes with her hand because all of a sudden
she felt like crying. Telling Austin how she felt didn’t make her feel better
at all.


dropped her hand and stared at him. He looked around the room and brought his
eyes back to her.

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