The Suit and His Switch Claim Their Sub (7 page)

BOOK: The Suit and His Switch Claim Their Sub
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“So hot and tight, boy.”
pushed the last few inches in until his balls slapped Stellan’s. They both grunted
aloud, and Dietrich let go of Stellan’s ass only to grip his waist. With a firm
hold on Stellan he pulled out slowly, allowing his lover to grow accustomed to
his penetration. After a few measured strokes Dietrich let loose. He pounded
Stellan’s ass until their combined sounds of ecstasy filled the room. The
rhythmic clenching of his inner muscles spurred Dietrich on, and had him
pumping his hips faster and harder.

a good boy, aren’t you?”

God, yes.”

do you belong to?”

breathed out, “You, Master.”

does this ass belong to, boy?” Dietrich slapped the body part in question.

Master. It is all for you.” The sound of Stellan’s deep voice had Dietrich
groaning in pleasure and increasing his speed to the nth degree.

you want to come, sub?”

groaned out, “So badly, Master.”

reached around his broad chest and moved down Stellan’s six-pack until he
grabbed hold of his steely dick. It only took a few pumps before Stellan was
begging for release. He wasn’t going to make his sub suffer, at least not
anymore tonight.
“Fucking come.”
Stellan’s forehead
went forward and hit the bathroom door right before he came all over Dietrich’s
hand. He didn’t stop pumping his fist over his sub’s pulsating dick or thrusting
his shaft into Stellan’s ass until he was grunting out his own release. Taking
hold of Stellan’s shoulder Dietrich pulled him forcefully onto his dick until every
inch of him was inside his lover. After several moments his climax receded. He
took a moment to suck in some much needed air before he pulled out. Resting his
head in the center of his sub’s back, Dietrich closed his eyes and let the
post-orgasmic bliss wash through him.

such a good boy.” He smoothed his hands down Stellan’s side and kissed his sweat-slicked
shoulder blade.

you, Master.”

rose and removed Stellan’s restraints before discarding the condom. After
helping his lover into the king-sized bed he went into the bathroom and cleaned
himself up. He would have run a bath for Stellan, but he knew his sub would
need some down-time, and all he wanted to do right down was be close to his
sub. He went back in the room and lay beside Stellan. The other man curled his
big body around his, and Dietrich ran his hands along Stellan’s bottom and
thighs, stroking the marks he left on his body. He let his eyes drift closed.
Peace and serenity washed through him, as it always did after he played with
his submissive. But instead of sleep consuming him, all he thought about was
how sweet the feeling would be when he had both Stellan and Blythe.



time was going by so fast that Blythe couldn’t keep up. Already two weeks had passed
in a blur. Dietrich’s schedule was packed on paper, but actually following him
and making sure they were where they needed to be at the right time brought
hectic to a whole other level. Just today alone they had been to a breakfast
meeting, two afternoon merger proposals, a lunch meeting, and now they had a
dinner party for a business proposal. Blythe was already exhausted. Her feet
ached something fierce, and she still had a full night ahead of her. The only
thing that made her get through this was the fact she had the morning off.
There were no meetings scheduled until one in the afternoon, so she might
actually get to sleep in.

finished putting in the pearl earrings she had bought with Dietrich’s black
AMEX. When she went shopping with Alberta, one of Dietrich’s contacts in
Portugal, she had gawked at the prices on the items he wanted her to buy.
Everything was expensive and elaborate, and Blythe had felt guilty buying them,
but that little voice inside of her was buried under the mound of clothing that
Alberta had piled in her arms.

her hands down the periwinkle colored cocktail dress, Blythe took a step back
and appraised
in the bathroom mirror. Her
blonde hair was swept to the side and pinned in a sophisticated bun. Her green
eyes looked paler under the bright lighting. She opted to go with a more
natural coloring with her make-up, and since she didn’t wear much of it and
wasn’t an expert in applying the damn stuff, she was pleased with the end
result. She turned the light off and exited the bathroom. After sitting on her
bed and slipping her heels on, she took a deep breath. The clock showed she had
about twenty minutes before she was expected downstairs, so she decided to call
her mom and Austin. After dialing her mom’s number and getting her voicemail,
Blythe left a quick message. Austin picked up on the third ring and was out of

tell me I didn’t interrupt another sex session, Austin.”

chuckled and said, “No, girl, I’m working out.” At her silence he laughed
harder and said, “On a treadmill, Blythe. Damn.” It was her turn to laugh. “So,
how’s Portugal and Mr. Give-Me-Moore.”

rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. She
talked to Austin and her mom at least a couple of times a day. They were the
only people who mattered in her life, and it was horrible being away from them,
even if it had only been fourteen days. “Things are good … I guess.”

What’s going
on, girlie?” The sound of weights dropping to the ground rang through the

she dare tell Austin? There hadn’t been anything she kept from him, but she was
embarrassed that she lusted not only after her boss but also Stellan, his

on, spill it.”

took a deep breath and told him how much she wanted Dietrich, and about the
intense connection she felt toward both men. Austin didn’t say anything for
several long seconds after she told him everything, and her nerves grew higher
and wound tighter.

know, Austin. It’s crazy and ridiculous. Obviously nothing could ever happen,
but I’ve never felt this way about another man, and certainly didn’t get all
hot and bothered watching him interact with Stellan.”

let me get this straight.” There was what almost sounded like awe in Austin’s
voice. “You’re staying alone in Dietrich Moore’s beachfront villa?”


this gorgeous billionaire man, who is your boss for two more weeks, swings both

knew he liked woman from all of the pictures of him plastered over the
internet. Apparently before he started anything with Stellan he had been in a
pretty serious relationship with a female model. “Well, yeah, clearly from what
I have been seeing.” Saying that had the images of the two men kissing, and
doing far more other erotic things playing through her mind.

girl. I’d be all over that like white on rice.”

it to Austin to make it sound okay to want the things that were completely
unrealistic. “It doesn’t matter, Austin. I’m working for his company, for
directly. Besides, it’s abundantly
clear that they’re pretty involved. From what I’ve read about the two, and what
I’ve seen, they clearly have a history.”

talking about it or a few more minutes, and trying to steer the conversation to
more neutral territory, Blythe finally got off the phone with him. The
conversation had excited him a bit more than she liked, but then again Austin
was all about the gossip. After checking herself in the mirror once more Blythe
grabbed her clutch and headed downstairs. The stilettos were a bitch to walk
in, but she couldn’t look good without a little pain, at least that was what
she’d heard constantly while dancing. Deep male voices become more pronounced
when she reached the landing. She followed the baritone sounds into the living
room and halted. Dietrich and Stellan had their backs to her. They stood on the
veranda and stared out at the ocean. The French doors were open, and the sound
of the crashing waves held a hypnotic quality. Their voices were clear, but
with the noise from the ocean she couldn’t quite hear what they said. As if they
sensed her presence both men turned around at the same time. Each held a short,
square-cut glass in hand. Stellan tilted his head for her to come forward, and
she did. It was as if her feet had a mind of their own as she kept moving until
, too, was on the veranda and standing in front of

voice was deep and alluring as he said, “You look stunning, Blythe.” The way
his eyes traveled up and down her body had heat rising up her neck and to her
face. Thank goodness for the cloak of darkness to hide her embarrassment, but
the way both men smirked led her to believe they had seen her reaction

you.” She dropped her head but lifted just her eyes to look at them again. The suits
they wore fit them to perfection, as if they had been tailor-made just for
them. Wide shoulders and broad chests filled out the black and white material
like no one’s business. Even though she was several feet away, their bodies and
height were intimidating. With her being five-foot-three Blythe only came up to
the center of their chests. Even with her three inch heels on, she still didn’t
reach their chins. She felt wholly feminine around these two men, like a
fragile piece of china against their impossibly hard granite.

you look gorgeous, Miss Winters.” Dietrich set his glass on the patio table
beside him and crooked his finger at her. With her heart pounding hard, she
moved the last few feet it took to reach them. Standing so close to him had the
scent of their combined colognes surrounding her. It was no doubt something
ridiculously expensive, with a spicy, woodsy scent. Dietrich took her hand and
lifted it slightly up. He then motioned for her to turn in a circle. Mouth gone
dry and pulse beating a frantic tattoo, Blythe turned in a slow circle. Was
this really happening? She glanced up at Stellan and was struck even more
nervous when she saw the expression he held. He brought his glass to his mouth
and took a long, slow drink. He watched her over the rim, his lids half-lidded
and filled with something akin to arousal. She didn’t want to think too deeply
on that, because it was quite possibly just her need and desire for these men
playing tricks on her. The sound of a car pulling up drew her attention away
and back to the matter at hand: keeping things professional. If only they knew
the things she thought, they would probably laugh at her naivety. They could
have any woman they wanted—hell, they most likely had. It was definitely her
own desires that were allowing her to see something that wasn’t there.

she made a full circle and faced Dietrich again she stared into his blue eyes.
He continued to hold her hand, and it wasn’t lost on her that he swept his
thumb back and forth along her pulse. His skin was smooth and heated and sent
tendrils of electricity flaring to life inside of her.

think the car is here.” Her words sounded distorted, but maybe that was because
her pulse beat rapidly in her ears? Dietrich’s mouth curved into a small smile.

I know.”

licked her lips and looked between the two men. “Maybe we should go?”

that’s what you want.” Stellan took a step closer to her, and it took every
ounce of her willpower not to lean into him. What in the hell was happening
here? If she didn’t know any better she’d think these men were purposefully
keeping her off-balance. She had to be imagining things, but how could this all
be in her head when they moved closer still? They surrounded her, not only
physically but figuratively, too.

She licked her lips again and heard one of them make a guttural groan. She felt
as if she was under water, as if everything was a haze around her. Hell, she
couldn’t even be sure which man made the sound. Her arousal was like a living
entity inside of her. It was an unusual and uncomfortable sensation that made
her feel on edge. Pulling away from them and taking a step back went a long way
in helping her breathe easier. But they still had their intense eyes locked on
her. “I think maybe we should go, so we’re not late. Mr. Moore, this is a
pretty important party for you to attend.” Her hands shook, and she offered a
smile that wavered. Turning on her heels she made a hasty escape to the front
door. Blythe leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. The deep breath she
took in didn’t really help. What she needed was a nice glass of alcohol to help
ease the chaotic emotions inside of her. Everything was crazy, and she didn’t
know why.
Keep it together, girl.
That was something easier said than done.


cocktail party certainly wasn’t the intimate gathering she had expected, but
then again she was happy for the thick throng of people. It made her feel less
noticeable and helped keep her mind off of other things. Things like the two
men who were now constantly taking up her thoughts.

The host and owner of the ridiculously elaborate
mansion she was currently exploring was none other than Frederique
Santos. Frederique owned several well-known
wineries up north. Blythe thought the drive to the party would help cool her
down, but in reality it made everything worse. Being confined in the limo with
Dietrich and Stellan had been torture. She had sat on one side while they sat
on the other, side-by-side. Both men watched her intently, but it became stifling
in the small confines when Stellan started murmuring to Dietrich in Portuguese
yet again. Neither man took their gazes off her as they had this seemingly
intimate conversation in another language right in front of her. She may have
felt anger at the rudeness of that, if not for the fact she was so wet and
turned on beyond anything conceivably coherent. She had no idea what they said,
but she knew they were talking about her. She had been able to pick up a few
words, ones that seemed familiar to her from her days in high school when she
took Brazilian Portuguese. Her limited and brief encounter with Portuguese had
been one of the reasons they offered her this position in the first place.
Apparently the fact she hadn’t spoken the language in far too many years wasn’t
a concern.

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