Read The Summer of Last Resort Online

Authors: J. A. Browning

Tags: #Romance

The Summer of Last Resort (17 page)

BOOK: The Summer of Last Resort
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Unsure of what to do now, I started to zip myself up. “Wait,” she whispered, and reached behind herself, feeling for me. Her hand explored my stiff member, and then her fingers traced their way over my abdomen until she found the button for my jeans. She undid the button, which I helped her with, and then unzipped my pants slowly. I got the idea, and pulled my pants down around my knees.

I started to pull off her sweat pants, and she protested and pulled them back up, and then, reaching in between her legs, she took my swollen manhood in her hand and started stroking it, slowly at first, and then more vigorously.

We moved slightly in the log pile and then she was able to rest her head on a log and then stroke me with one hand, and then she reached in and lubricated her hand with her own juices, and then stroked me with it. My member was hot in her hand, and she made a ring with her thumb and index finger and shoved it repeatedly past my swollen tip. I felt the heat and tension rising within me, coursing through my body, radiating from my groin. The world started to spin and I felt myself throbbing uncontrollably in Maria's hand. I tried to pull back but she grabbed me and pulled me back. Suddenly it was too much for me and her pungent pussy juices made my head spin, and quickly I lost control, my knees buckled beneath me, and I couldn't help but spill my hot seed onto her palm, wrist, and forearm.

We looked back up, but the two of them were long gone. In silence we walked back to our smoke-out spot, but everyone was gone.  Back at the parking lot, we found  the bunch, the stoners happily stoned, Kim sullen, and the rest a little unsteady.

“All right, let's go” Keith said, and the group trundled into Keith's car and my truck, Kim riding shotgun with me. The air was heavy with the scent of smoke, sand, salt, sweat, and sex.

As I threaded my way through the gathering darkness my mind was racing with strange thoughts. What was happening here? What could Kim possibly have been thinking? I cared so much for her, but Maria was right there, but not loving me? Loving Keith? They both did. Where did that leave me? And what about Sarah? My mind continued to turn these strange, dark thoughts over and over, coming to no conclusion.

The local theater was the other big hangout in our town. Lots of high school kids would go there and make out, so for us it was filled with old and familiar memories. Tonight's feature was a typical teen slasher movie, no doubt cheap to make and giving a quick thrill.

We bought our tickets and went to our usual spot in the back row; it was Kim on my left, then me, then Maria, then Keith, with Sarah on the other side.

The lights went down, and after the usual previews and trailer I slowly let my right hand work its way up Maria's thigh. She didn't move away, but wasn't holding my hand. But halfway through the movie I noticed Kim's index finger is running up the inside of my left thigh and then down. It's pitch black back here, but occasionally one can get glimpses around, and I looked over and I saw Maria's hand in Keith's lap. “What the fuck?” I thought to my self.

I let my left hand casually brush against Kim's, and she soon was holding my hand in hers while still gently, I suppose casually, stroking the inside of my thigh. I'm sure she could tell I was getting excited, and soon I felt her hand brush against my groin - as if by accident, but the accident soon repeated itself. She was teasing me and soon pressed the base of her palm against it, and I reciprocated by stroking her thigh with my other hand, and I noticed that Maria was turning slightly away from me in her seat. Meanwhile, Kim now was stroking my hard on through my jeans, so it was only the proper thing to move my hand up and gently along her thigh until I could feel the hot dampness of her nether regions through her jeans.  Deep in my loins there was a throbbing, pulsating hardness, and she held back for a bit, and then dug her nails into my inner thigh.

 I looked over amidst the momentary flashes of light from the screen and I swear that I could see Sarah's cascade of hair coming down behind her seat; she was making out with Keith, but then I felt Maria move my arm away as she reached over. I still had my hand on her inner thigh, but she was reaching over with her right arm and doing something. In a brief flash I saw the head of Keith's massive manhood in her fist... she had pulled out him out of his pants and was jerking him off, but he was also making out with Sarah. What a bastard! He had his arm around her, and kneaded her young, full breasts with one hand.

Darkness returned as the characters on screen made their way through a strange, mysterious castle on a dark and stormy night, and I felt Kim's hands playing with the buttons on my jeans, and soon she had me hard and ready in her warm, soft hand. The music swelled, and then when the lightning flashed on screen I swore I saw Sarah's head in Keith's lap, while Maria is still holding his cock. They must both have known, but I could hardly believe it. Maria then released his throbbing member, set it free, and ran her hands over his rippled abs, then back down his shaft, and finally grasped it in the base, while Keith turned and kissed Sarah passionately on the mouth, their tongues exploring each other, and then Maria was pulling up Keith's shirt and Sarah was kissing and sucking his chest. Then Maria was stroking his hard little nipples before returning to her self-appointed task of keeping him rock-hard. With my free hand I explored down, down along the inner curve of Maria's thighs, my fingertips tracing over the stitching of those sweatpants, until I could feel the heat and tumescence between her legs, hot and eager, growing wet even through the sweat-pants. But even while this is going on, Kim was giving me the best hand-job of my life, bringing my cock to the edge of explosion, and then pulling back.  Keith turned and was now kissing Maria passionately while Sarah sucked him off and Maria held his throbbing member. They must have seen each other, but decided they didn't care, and neither did he. The seats started to squeak as he started to lose control and I'm sure he climaxed into Sarah's mouth.

Kim leaned over to me and said, “let's get out of here”.




I feel so mixed up about the beach, about Keith, and about Shane. Do I get high too easily? It’s like I have a problem with men. Sitting there at the beach, Keith whispered into my ear how hard he was for me, and somehow when he does that, I can’t help but get excited, even though I know it’s not going anywhere. Maybe that’s all I want now; just to have him, to feel his big strong chest against me, to feel the warmth of his body lying next to me, and to be held in his strong arms safe from the world. But what ended up happening is that I went down on him. The weirdest thing about it was that I caught Shane spying on us. At first, I was so embarrassed! But then, somehow, having him watch me doing Keith turned me on - I can’t say why, so I made sure to give him something to get off on. I felt good knowing that I was getting both of them off, even though they didn’t know it. Is that a power trip or what? I know it’s bad, but it sure feels good.

I was really hot for Keith but when he tried to take me, it hurt too much. I wasn’t ready, or I really didn’t want it. His head felt wonderful, but when he pressed in, I felt like he would hurt me. Maybe I was just scared; anyway it didn’t happen but he got off nonetheless, leaving me frustrated and a little angry with him.

Later, when we went to the movies, Shane tried to make out with me. He’s so cute the way he tries to warm me up. His hands are warm and gentle and I let him stroke me, and I was still hot down there, and so I teased him and played with him a little. I noticed Keith making out with Maria and Sarah and it made me feel a little sick, like a weight was pressing down on my heart.

Sketch from Maria - how did she get this????

We left them in the darkness, and I couldn’t help notice that Shane was hiding his erection under his coat as he walked me back to his truck and started to drive us home. I slid over next to him; it’s cool how those old trucks have the bench seats and you can cuddle next to the driver. I wish they had that now. I nuzzled up to Shane and my mind went back to when he was helping me after I had that night at the club. God, he felt so good then. I wanted to feel his young hot cock on my freshly shaven pussy, but I just couldn’t. Why didn’t I just stay home and do him instead of hanging around with guys like Johnny? But then, I have to admit, Johnny knows his way around a woman’s body. When is mouth is on me, I can cum so quickly! Why is that? No, I must force these thoughts out of my head, I thought to myself. Riding next to Shane that night I decided to give myself to him for that night. And maybe, that was really a gift to me. Maybe that’s what I was looking for all along.





I felt Kim snuggle up next to me as I guided the old truck out of the parking lot and down the darkened streets. Traffic was thin this late, and we'd be home in no time. I wished we lived farther away. At first, Kim's touch was gentle and more loving than lustful, but I noticed that she soon started breathing a little more fully, and then she reached over and unbuttoned my jeans and began gently teasing the end of my member through my underwear.

“If I tell you where to drive, will you go there?” Kim asked.


She pulled my cock completely out of my pants, and stroked it, keeping it hard, but not letting me climax.

As we drove along, without asking, she unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down a few inches for me. I could see the bruises where Keith pushed her down, and there was still sand in her pants from the beach, mingled with a little died who knows what. She has those same panties on that I just saw his throbbing member pushing past. How long had I lain in bed, alone, fantasizing over the dream of having that beautiful pubic mound, so delicately guarded by its virginal armor of stretch fabric, on my mouth.  I slipped my fingers into her from the side of her panties-it was hot and wet, and very distracting for driving. When we pull up next to someone, she pulled my hand away but barely covered my member, and once, when we pulled up next to an old lady, she deliberately pulled it out to give her a peek.

Soon we'd pulled into a secluded parking lot, in the dark. I pushed the bench seat back, and she turned around and told me to turn off the car.

“If I asked you to take off all your clothes, would you do it?” she asked.

I obliged, and soon was totally naked. She slid back away from me and ran her eyes over my young body, oddly lit in that off-color lighting of some industrial vapor lamps which were nearby. She pursed her lips for a moment and sat, bathed in the cold light, gazing at me and lost in thought. Then, with a little shrug, she pulled me close and kissed me deeply, holding my face in her palms as though I were a special gift to her, and I felt passion stirring in my heart. She looked down at her pert young breasts tucked safely away under her blouse, within their guarded confines of her small brassiere, and then she took my hand in hers and slowly we unbuttoned each button, carefully, one at a time, and I slipped my hand in through the coolness of the soft cotton fabric and around her waist and held her close, kissing her passionately, full mouthed, until we felt that we were falling, melting into each other. Then her mouth was pressed against mine in fervent passion and her arms were holding me tight, and I felt her moving against me and my hands slid down her back and I could feel beads of sweat forming in the small of her back. I couldn't but help caressing her firm, rounded buttocks, and then I started pulling down her already unbuttoned pants. She rolled off me and I quickly helped her out of her pants, and, without hesitation, the panties came off too.

Then, for a moment, she lay beside me in that artificial moonlight, those soft beams just kissing the delicate curve of her hips, the pleasant roundness of her tummy, her two long legs, every curve and kink of her body voluptuous in that strange light, every curve hard wired to bring a man to arousal, to fire the instinct to push the species onward, ever onward.

“Now, spread your legs”, she commanded.

Then she climbed on me, and guided me slowly, carefully, into her waiting young body. As she did this, she reached around and undid her bra and pulled off her top. My God, she was tight! She pulled herself against me, her breasts against my face, riding me slowly at first. She then pulled all the way off me, then back on, then all the way off, teasing me, watching my manhood throbbing in the air, until finally she plunged down on me, taking me fully, deep within her, until I was pressed into the center of her being, hot and throbbing in her very nexus. We pulled each other close together, her arms tight around me, pulling my hips into her, and me pulling her to me, eager for each others young, fresh bodies. Suddenly it was far, far too much and I quickly exploded deep inside her, my body wracked with uncontrollable convulsions as I experienced a release more deep and profound than I had ever before.  She stayed on me and we rocked together slowly, holding each other closely in the lonely night. Soon the heat rose again in our young bodies, and my manhood awoke again and insisted on forcing it's way into that deep depth of her soul, deeper, harder, and over and over, our bodies rocking in a newly learned unison. My hands ran over her back, and down her spine, and to her firm young ass as I kissed and sucked her neck, throat, lips, chin, and then down, down to her nipples as she rode me harder and harder.  Soon I felt the waves of orgasm rising deep within her, squeezing me, hot and hard against my cock, and again I was shooting into her in wave after wave of youthful excess, and then she climbed off of me and we kissed side by side for a long time.

BOOK: The Summer of Last Resort
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