Read The Summer of Last Resort Online

Authors: J. A. Browning

Tags: #Romance

The Summer of Last Resort (18 page)

BOOK: The Summer of Last Resort
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I had Shane drive out to the parking lot behind the old mill. He doesn’t need to know that I’ve had lots of guys there; I was actually a little surprised that he hadn’t been there with another girl himself. All the way I have to admit that I was teasing him, I had his pants unzipped and I pulled it out and stroked it so that he was rock hard. I knew he would come soon, but I think I’m pretty good and managing guys.

When we got to the parking spot, I made him take off all his clothes. I wanted him to be vulnerable - if he wouldn’t do that, then it wasn’t going to happen. But he did, eagerly, and I really enjoyed watching him just sitting there with his big hard on, but otherwise naked, exposed, and open to me. It was a good feeling, and when he looked into my eyes, I felt that there was nothing I wanted more in the world than to feel him moving inside me, to be filled with him, and for him to give me his world and his future.

When I took him, he felt so right, it just slipped in, and I felt myself completely filled by his hot shaft. It was so warm and hard, and then I felt him explode inside me, it was actually like an explosion had gone off inside me. I’m sure glad I’m on the pill, God knows he shot so deep within me I felt like I could have a dozen babies of his! I kept him in me a long time, and soon he was hard again, and this time he lasted a long time and I climaxed on his cock, which was really special. I felt so close to him then, but part of me was still afraid to say what I was thinking - I think this part of me uses sex instead of words; when I want to say "I love you" I say, "let’s fuck." I couldn’t tell him that; I wasn’t sure if I still wanted Keith, or maybe Johnny was really the guy I was meant to be with. So I told Shane how to go down on me, which was great because he was so willing and eager, and most boys wouldn’t, but really I wanted to tell him how much I loved him, that I think I was falling for him, but I was so mixed up and scared and confused that I couldn’t say anything else.




I held Kim in the darkness for a while, and felt her warm body next to mine, and her breathing became deep and steady, like someone who is finally reached a deep state of contentment.

Then, in the silence between us, she asked, “Will you do something for me, Shane? Something that the other boys don't do?”

I nodded my head yes, not sure what I was getting into.

“Slide down onto the floor”, she commanded, gently. I slid down so that I was crouching down with my head resting on the back of the seat, which was pushed all the way back.

Then she knelt over me, her thighs over my hips, then closer, and I felt the fuzz of her neatly trimmed pubes against my nose and smelled my own deposit in her.

“Kiss my lips” she commanded gently

“Now, take your lips and suck on my outer folds”, she said, and I tasted the hot tang of her sex on my mouth. My member stirred again as I licked one fold, then the other, exploring it with my tongue”

“Now put your tongue out”, she commanded, and, taking my head in her hands, guided my tongue against her now swollen and proud little pink nub. She started rubbing against the rough texture of my tongue. It felt like a little hot bean in a bean pod under my tongue.

“Suck my clit!” she said more forcefully, and while I was doing that she took my hands and moved them from her waist to her round, hot ass.

“Now, put your tongue in my pussy”, she commanded, and I was intoxicated by the tang of her sex. Soon she was rocking against my mouth, faster and harder. My nose was pressed into her soft folds while my tongue penetrated her, but she reached a finger down and started to masturbate against her clit very lightly.

“Put your finger in my ass,” she commanded, shocking me a little, and she arched her back forward so I could reach around and pet her round little anal bud with one finger, and then slowly work it in.

“Oh, yeah!” she groaned as my finger penetrated her cute little butt button and pressed past the sphincter, and then she quickly started to climax on my mouth. She pulled her hand away and, grabbing onto my hair, pounded my mouth into her throbbing pink pussy - my head was throbbing and the springs were creaking a rhythm into the night. Then her whole body was wracked by waves of passion and she clamped her thighs around my head and held my mouth off of her, throbbing and rocking until her waves of passion crashed over her and wash away harmlessly.

She could see my cock was twitching again but she looked at it and smiled.  “You've had a big day, haven't you?” she says coyly, pulling her clothes back on.

Just then I saw the lights of a car driving into the other end of the parking lot.

“Start driving”, she commanded.

“But I'm naked” I replied.

“Just drive”

So I did, but managed to get a shirt on as we pulled out, avoiding the other car, which was either cops or another young couple eager for each other's bodies.

“Take me home now”, she commanded, and finished dressing.  I was still naked, and she had one hand on my cock, but wasn't playing with it, just holding it. I started driving the back roads, trying to avoid any place with traffic. Kim lit up a smoke and offered me one, but I refused. She slouched over into the corner of the truck, and gazed with a satisfied look at my half-naked slender form, my erection still present and accounted for, and she was clearly having fun with my nervous look.

As we drove the last couple blocks to her house, she slid next to me again and started squeezing my rod, expertly keeping me in rock-hard form. She was so skilful. It's hard to believe, but she still made me throb, and then as I was about to climax, she pulled her hand away and a trickle of clear pre-cum gently squirted from me and then ran down my shaft leaving me wet and slippery, ready to explode at any second. //God, she knows what she's doing!]] I was getting sore being hard for so long, and my balls were aching.

About a block before her street she leaned over put her mouth all the way down on me, squeezing the shaft and then circling the tip with her tongue.

“You can't do this” I hissed, but I couldn't get up to push her off. I was starting to pull into the driveway, and she warned “Stay in the car”. Of course I'm staying in the car!

I pulled up, knowing that her parents were probably waiting up for her, The light was on in the house, as was the porch light.  She leaned over and gave me a long kiss on the mouth, while stroking me ever so carefully with her free hand, out of sight, just enough to keep me throbbing and on the edge.  “Slide over here”, she whispered, and I slid over while she got out.

“Oops, I dropped something” she said in a stage voice, as she got out of the car, and then bent down, as if to look for it.  “I think it's in here”, I played along, and with the door open, but blocking the view from the house, she bent into the car and took me fully into her mouth, wrapping one hand around the base of my shaft. Then, in a flash, she shoved her other hand under by ball-sac and roughly pressed her index finger onto my anus, causing me to explode into her mouth. She instantly squeezed my rod hard, so my remaining spasms were agonizingly cut off, pulled her head up and announced, “I found it”. Then she pointed my cock up and lets go, and a single giant gush of pent-up semen shot from me as she walked coyly back into the house.

“Goodnight, Shane”, she called as she opened the door, and I saw the light inside go out.


Maria’s Diary


We were all pretty stoned by the time we’d gotten to the theater, and the fact that Sarah had smuggled a flask of vodka didn’t help. My head was still reeling from the beach and all that had happened there. In the girls bathroom Sarah jokingly made a challenge to us as to who could get to first touch Keith’s member in the theater. God, what dirty minds we had! So it was on, baby! I don’t think Sarah knew that I’d already seen Keith and Kim fucking on the beach, but she didn’t need to know - ESPECIALLY about Shane.

We always tried to be in the back row in the theater, up in the balcony, but it was pretty popular with the kids and we ended up in the second row from the back. There were lots of young couples up there and I know I probably gave some of them dirty looks - that was our place!

In the darkness I still remember Shane touching me and making me wet - again - dammit! and then I somehow remember struggling with Keith’s zipper and trying to pull him out without hurting him! Fortunately he was only half-had and so I had the pleasure of feeling it fill up and grow turgid under my touch. Sarah however was trying to beat me and Shane kept touching me, so she was able to go down on him. I think there was an older couple next to her and they got up and moved in disgust, but behind us I could hear other couples start making out, following our lead. Didn’t they understand that’s what couples came to the theater for? Even Kim and Shane left; I guess she got upset because she was too far away from Keith.

Keith started rocking his hips under my ministrations and soon I turned towards him and felt those wonderful, soft lips against mine, even as Sarah sucked him off. It was so bad and dirty it turned me on. I had turned around in my seat and was stroking him with one hand and he was trying to suck my tits and feel me up. There was a loud passage in the movie where the characters were in a storm with lightning and a howling wind, and then, against this din I faintly heard the distinctive ‘slap-slap-slap’ and felt my seat rocking in rhythm. I looked up over the back of my chair and was shocked to be confronted with a woman’s rump riding up and down over a thick, wet phallus. She was kneeling on the armrests, dress pulled up, while he thrust in and out of her from below, stopping when the movie got quiet, then resuming in the loud passages. Meanwhile I could feel Keith’s mighty member hot and throbbing in my hand and Sarah’s mouth eagerly devouring him. God, her jaws must be sore. I would try to push her away and stroke his head to bring him off, but she would fool me by licking the base of his shaft.

The woman was now the one fucking the man behind me, for he had stopped - and then someone walked by the aisle and we all froze. When the interloper had passed, it seemed as though she still wanted him in her, but he wasn’t cooperating. He must have been really close, so he raider her up and his rod popped out and bobbed and bounced freely in the darkness. I couldn’t see his face - I didn’t WANT to see it, or hers even. I don’t know why I did it, but I reached up and grabbed his cock with my free hand and held it for her. I felt the man freeze in surprise, and that gave the woman the time she needed to slip him back in. She kept slowly riding his shaft while I held his base tightly.

I turned and looked down to my left and there as another couple just past these two, making out and past them there was a another jumble of arms and legs rocking together in the darkness.

Suddenly I felt Keith’s hot load shoot down his shaft and into Sarah’s mouth and she quickly pulled him out and I clamped down had on his base, holding him off until she had spit him out. Then, as I released him, he spewed into the darkness. He must have shot at least over his head from the pent-up pressure - Jeez! how does he do that? The strangers behind me must have sensed this, although the woman in particular couldn’t have known, for she started moving faster and faster. Should I let go? I was afraid of what I’d gotten into - and then her body quivered , and I heard her grunt through her teeth as she climaxed on her man and then quickly pulled herself off. He was still rock hard and Keith was now sucking my nipples and I was so aroused that I must not have known what I was doing and I masturbated that strange young man until he came quickly on his girlfriend’s ass. All around us in the back two rows were couples fucking and sucking each other, it was pretty much an orgy. You could smell the sex all the way to the front of the balcony. It made me feel dirty but at the same time excited but also frustrated.

Keith took us home and Sarah and I were silently making daggers at each other’s eyes as to who he would drop off first, but then she relented and let him drop me off first. After she’d left, he started driving towards my house, but then he missed the turn-off from the highway. “You missed it,” I told him.

“No I didn’t.”

“Where are you going?”

“You know.”

My self-doubt got he best of me and I looked down at my body, not strong and sexy like Sarah or cute like Kim, but just blah. “You don’t have to do this for me, Keith..”

“But I want to.”

“What about.... what about Kim?”

“You didn’t seem to be to worried about that a little while ago.”

We sat in silence as he drove into the night.

“It’s late. You should take me home.”

So he did. DAMMIT!! why don’t I have the courage to take what I want? He was right there for me. I couldn’t look at him as he drove me home, but then I noticed he had put his arm around me and was pulling me close. I tried to turn from him, to not look at him, but his arms were so gentle and warm, I couldn’t help it.

As we approached my house, I realized that it was about 3am, and how I would be getting a big lecture from my mom the next morning if she knew. I made Keith stop down the street and told him that’s close enough and he pulled over and shut the car off.

“Wow, that was some night,” I said.


“Well... I guess I’ll be seeing you around,” I said and climbed out of the car and into the cool night air. It was like a cleansing blast of freshness after all that had happened. The stars were twinkling brightly overhead and I wrapped my jacket close to me and started towards my back yard.

“Wait!” Keith called from behind, after I had taken a few paces. “I have something for you.” I stopped in my tracks and he came up and pulled a folded up piece of paper out of his pocket and held it out to me.

“What’s this?”

“Read it.... just - read it.”

I unfolded the note and I could see that it was a letter he’d written to me. It was too dark right there.

“Read it at home,” he repeated, and turned to walk back to his car..

“Please, let me read it now,” I begged. “Tonight was... too much. Please , Keith, I have to know. It has to be now.” And with that I took his hand in mine and walked him back towards my back yard, where there was a light in the back alley that stayed on all night. He wanted to leave, but I was at least firm there. It read:

BOOK: The Summer of Last Resort
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