The Surgeon's New-Year Wedding Wish (15 page)

BOOK: The Surgeon's New-Year Wedding Wish
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“How do you know I’m not a bad wife?” she countered.

Okay, now she was being ridiculous. “You had two wonderful years with George.”

“Quinn, every marriage has its ups and downs, its problems and its celebrations. George and I were no exception. I loved him, but he wasn’t perfect. And he thought I was obsessed with my past because I didn’t know anything about who my parents are or what genes or prevalent diseases run in my family. And maybe he was right, as I’ve spent hours on the Internet, trying to find my birth mother.” She sounded totally serious when she added, “Trust me, I’m no prize. I’m sure we’ll both make mistakes. It’s part of learning how to be partners.”

“Partners,” he murmured. The concept was foreign but hearing Leila say it with such conviction gave him hope. “I like the sound of that.”

Her smile was tremulous. “Me, too.”

He pulled her close. It was the eve of a new year and she’d just given him a new chance at love. “I love you, Leila. And I’m willing to spend my life proving it to you.”

Her eyes misted. “You already have,” she whispered.


pulled Danny close and straightened his small dress shirt. The boy squirmed, not too thrilled with the dressing-up part of his dad’s plan.

“How come we have to look nice?” Danny wanted to know. “Leila already likes us, right?”

Quinn tried not to let on just how nervous he was. “Yes, she likes us. We dressed up to let her know how much we care.”

Danny shrugged, his gaze still puzzled, and Quinn could tell his logic went right over his son’s head. The doorbell pealed.

“She’s here!” Danny headed over to open the front door.

He drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. He wasn’t nervous. Had no reason to be nervous because he did believe what he’d told his son. He was certain of Leila’s love. And of his love for her.

But this was a big step. For him. Putting the past to rest once and for all.

He followed Danny into the living room, his heart swelling with love when he saw Leila smiling down at his son.

“Danny, you look so nice all dressed up.”

“Thanks.” Danny made a face that was mostly a grimace.

Quinn crossed over to Leila, brushing a light kiss on her mouth when he really wanted to haul her close and kiss her senseless. “Hi, Leila. Let me take your coat.”

“Hi, Quinn.” She kissed him back and then sniffed the air. “Mmm. Something smells delicious. Thanks for inviting me over for dinner. I had no idea you could cook.”

“I’m full of surprises,” he teased, although in truth he’d had to take a crash course in cooking from Delores, and he couldn’t totally vouch for the meal he was about to serve, but he had done his best. One would think his Italian genes would help a little when making homemade lasagna.

“I helped toss the salad,” Danny said loudly. “And me and Dad have a plan.”

Quinn wanted to slap a hand over his son’s big mouth. Their
had been to wait until after dinner to serve Leila her engagement ring with dessert. But he suspected Danny wasn’t going to be able to keep their plan a secret for much longer.

“A plan?” Leila sent him a confused look and nodded. “Well, it is good to have a plan when you’re making a meal.”

Now Danny looked confused, and Quinn made a quick decision. “Danny, I need you to help me in the kitchen for a minute. Leila, have a seat on the sofa. Would you like a glass of wine?”

“I’d love one, thanks.”

Quinn practically dragged Danny into the kitchen.
“Okay, we’re changing the plan. How about we give Leila the ring now and pop the question before dinner?”

“Yeah!” Danny readily agreed.

“I need to get her wine first.” Quinn opened the bottle of wine, realizing his hands were sweating. Taking another deep breath, he swiped his damp palms on his slacks, told himself to calm down and then poured two glasses of wine before turning to Danny. “Do you have the ring?”

Walking on his cast without the crutches, Danny went over to the counter where they had the ring box discreetly hidden behind the chocolate cake, also made with Delores’s help once Quinn had learned Leila had a weakness for chocolate. “Got it.”

“Do you remember what you’re going to say?” Quinn asked, even though they had rehearsed this part several times.

Danny nodded.

“Let’s go, then.” Quinn carried the wineglasses into the living room and sat down on the sofa next to Leila. He set their glasses on the table, and then gave Danny the signal.

Danny stood beside her. “Leila, me and my dad want to know if you’ll marry us and be a family forever and ever?” Danny proposed exactly the way they’d rehearsed. But then he couldn’t get the ring box open.

“Oh, Danny. Quinn.” Leila’s eyes filled with tears as she glanced at Danny and then back at him. “Of course I’ll marry you and be a family with you.”

Quinn gently tugged the ring box from Danny’s hands, opened it and showed the ring to Leila. “I know it’s not a traditional diamond, but Danny and I thought
the deep amethyst matched your eyes perfectly. But if you don’t like it as an engagement ring, we can get a diamond, too.”

“No, I love this one,” she said with a tearful sniff and a watery smile. “It’s beautiful.”

He and Danny exchanged grins. Quinn took out the ring and gently slipped it on her finger. “Leila, I promise to be the best husband I can be. I wanted to propose to you today, so we can start off the new year and our new life together.”

Tears slipped down her cheeks but as she was smiling, he wasn’t too worried. “New beginnings sound wonderful. I promise to be a good wife, too.” She reached over to pull Danny close. “And a good mother, for Danny and for any other children we decide to have.”

Quinn knew that the decision to have more children hadn’t been easy. Leila had just begun to correspond with her birth mother. He hoped, for her sake, they’d find a way to build some sort of relationship.

“I’m glad you’re going to marry us,” Danny said, giving her a hug and a kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Leila returned his son’s embrace and then smiled at Quinn. “I love both of you.”

Her words, her heartfelt belief didn’t make him nervous at all, because being with Leila felt right. New beginnings, just like she’d said. He pulled her close for a proper kiss, secure in the knowledge that true partners working together could make a marriage work.

Promising a lifetime of happiness.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-4512-3


First North American Publication 2009

Copyright © 2009 by Laura Iding

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BOOK: The Surgeon's New-Year Wedding Wish
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