The Symbolon (35 page)

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Authors: Delia Colvin

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: The Symbolon
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Valeria shook her head. “Can we delay that trip? I’ve had enough water for a while.”

“How about Africa?
We could go on a safari!”

She shrugged
. “I could do Africa.”

Glancing back up at the scheduled departures, Alex nodded. “We’ll need to stay put for at least a month or more. I’m fine with Africa as long as we can find a preacher or
Justice of the Peace.” He winked at Valeria.

She nodded and hugged him.

“Africa it is!” As they started toward the counter, Caleb tapped Alex and Valeria, wearing his fully insulated body suit.

“Val, doesn’t anyone know who I really am?

“Sure they do!” She smiled and brushed her hand through his hair. “You’re Caleb, the superhero with the magic touch!”

His smile brightened, as he said to himself, “Cool!”

She walked ahead of them to the water fountain and suddenly began to wonder who Caleb really was, and if she was supposed to know. Behind her, Alex and Caleb watched her appreciatively.

Caleb bit his lip in thought and after a moment turned to Alex
. “Hey…I know you were upset with me for going to New York and all to see your girl. But…um, well, I wouldn’t have really stolen Val from you. I guess I just figured she could be my girlfriend until you could have her back.” He glanced nervously at Alex. “I just wanted to make sure we’re cool on that!”

Just then
, Valeria headed back toward them and Alex’s mouth turned up in an amused smile that brightened the room. Barely glancing at Caleb, Alex’s eyes locked on her…his symbolon.

“I appreciate that
, buddy! Yeah, we’re cool.” Then his smile expanded into the one Valeria knew so well. She wondered for a moment what he had in mind and glanced around her, suddenly noticing an alcove by the water fountain. His smile continued to broaden, in their secret smile.

As she reached him, she took his hand, tracing the symbol on it without looking and then their fingers laced together as the three of them walked to the ticket counter


Known opportunities were
running out. She sat on the step of her throne, her elbows perched anxiously on her knees with her hands balled into fists, as she clenched the dagger tightly. She had knowledge that all had not gone as planned. She could feel it—that gift had always been hers and she didn’t have to rely on anyone else for it!

Jeremiah’s footsteps were more hesitant than usual. She listened impatiently to the chink of his cane and then the slow clunk of his steps. His news was not good and she could not wait for him to make his way down the hallway.

“YOU FAILED!” she screeched as she ran her thumb across the crystal that was bound around her neck.

Waving an arm, Jeremiah continued toward her. “Now, now, my dear, calm down!
All is not lost. There was no way for them to escape.” His eyes flinched as he glanced around the room avoiding her glare “They are most likely in Tartarus!” He offered a weak cackle—but he didn’t believe it either.

Her eyes became giant saucers, wild with rage
. “They swam out, you fool—right in front of you and his wife!”

“His wife?”
Jeremiah asked.

yrdd! Myrddins’s wife! That’s his name, you know—Myrddin.” She stood and began pacing as her arms flew about, occasionally catching on cobwebs—although she didn’t seem to notice and kept muttering to herself, barely coherently. “I told Myrdd that Alexander was mine. I wanted him and he must help me have him. The girl, she doesn’t love him! Myrddin said, people had to decide their own path and his path was already designed and he belonged with the girl! But I told him, I could change history. Myrdd
told me
he would give Alex to me and then he told me that I couldn’t have him because he could never love me. But
I wanted him!
And so Myrdd should go away and I said, I can arrange that.” She laughed, softly, like a child. “But he is already dead. Alex must die, too! But where has he been all these years? Why does Paolo love her, too? Alex used to call was... Why does everyone I care about love her more? If she was gone, then they would all love me again. But Myrdd, he has to help me with the boy—I told him it was his responsibility…the boy. He must have told his wife…”

She glanced at Jeremiah. “Who are you?” she
asked, her voice now confused. For once, Jeremiah was truly afraid. Typically, he was able to control her with rational conversation. Now, he doubted it.

He tried to find his voice, clear
ing it before he spoke. “I am Jeremiah. And Shinsu is
wife. Myrdd is dead, remember?”

“You aren’t Myrrdin!” she pronounced.

“Uh…no. No, my dear, I’m your friend, Jeremiah. I helped you and you helped me.” He tried to smile.

Kristiana sat back down
. “Of course! But you have not…” She swallowed. “You permitted them to escape. Now what are we going to do?”

“Do?” Jeremiah asked.

She shook her head, weary of his portion of the conversation. “There are only a few more opportunities.”

Jeremiah’s eye twitched
. “Then we will take advantage of those opportunities.”

“I do not require your assistance anymore. You have failed me time and time again.
I asked only for a simple thing. Now, I must take matters into my own hands.”

“But, my dear, if they have both swam in the River Styx
she should be immortal now. All of them would be. That means that there is only one way to rid ourselves of them.”

Pursing her lips, Kristiana thought for a moment and then said, “It doesn’t matter, I will find them…I have been shown how I will.” She sneered and swiped her knife at something imaginary as her expression turned into rage. “I will show him what it feels like to lose the only thing you love! And then I will take his heart…and keep it with me always!



Personal message from Delia Colvin


I hope you enjoyed The Symbolon! As much as I
enjoy writing, I enjoy hearing from readers. If you enjoyed this or any of my other books, it would mean the world to me if you would send me a short email to introduce yourself and say hi.  I always personally respond to my readers.

I would also love to
add you to my mailing list to receive notifications about future books, updates, and contests.

email me at [email protected] so I can personally thank you for trying my books.





Titles by Delia J. Colvin


The Sibylline Oracle

The Symbolon

The Last Oracle





A VERY grateful thank you to those special people whose kind words and encouragement served to "talk me off the ledge" of insecurity!  Writing is so very personal and your support has made a tremendous difference for me!


Irene Enriquez, absolutely FABULOUS notes on story! Rosanne Eskenazi, for your wisdom, enthusiasm and encouragement! Sandy Rudiger for your wonderful support, friendship and marketing!  The sisters of my heart: Mary Jo Palmer, for all your fantastic promotion support and friendship and Pauline Lagana, my wonderful new friend from Melbourne!  


My very extraordinary previewers: Emily Kubat, Al Hatman, Bernadette “Bibi” Berrios,  Sandy Rudiger, Pauline Lagana, Paddy O’callaghan, Irene Enriquez, Dave Khanoyan


And the wonderful people that have supported me in this precarious adventure:  Jo Anthony, Dewitt Wilcox, Fran Bartlett, Marv Halbakken,  Patty Tully, Dave Khanoyan, Laurie Linfoot Brown, Karen Ang, JJ Upton,  Jennifer Mansfield, Cindy Abell, Kim Perry, Krissy Wright, and Joyce Wallace and Leslie Vanderwilt


Significant contributions were made by: Jen Youngs in so many areas, website (and repair after I “tinker” with it), concept and design of the covers, story and editing, marketing and organization of events;  Randy Colvin in his phenomenal support and marketing;  my editor David Gregory and Natalie Quinn, graphics designer extraordinaire.


Lastly a special thanks and love to both Jen and Randy!  You were both the first to read the rough drafts. Words cannot express what your phenomenal support network for me!



About the Author



Delia has lived all over the country from Fairbanks, AK, to Huntington Beach, CA to Knoxville, TN. but considers D
anville, CA home.  She currently resides in Prescott, Arizona, with her husband, Randy and their two Cavalier King Charles dogs.


She has worked as an Entrepreneur, Sales, Advertising, Air Traffic Control and as a Russian Interpreter.





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