The Taming (The Black Thunder Series) (10 page)

BOOK: The Taming (The Black Thunder Series)
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She gasped back the sob in her throat while t
ears formed in her eyes, feeling this mock of intimacy and wishing it to be real. An ache filled her heart and the despair of loneliness engulfed her.

Her shoulders began to involuntary shake, the only sign of
her brokenness as she silently wept. “Shhh baby, don’t cry,” he whispered in a state of slumber soft to her ear.

Oh God
, she blinked as a salty tear streaked down her cheek, her humiliation worsening by his discovery, and the need to flee, gripping her almost to incapacitation.

She couldn’t bear it anymore
. She lifted his hand from her and sat up trying to slip away but instinctively Jack reached out and caught her by her own hand.

“Please Kate, don’t go,” he whispered
twisting his torso and leaning his head on the smooth of her back. “I want to hold you. Please just let me hold you.”

His breath was warm and inviting against her back and she nodded
. He released her hand, returning his head to the pillow and waiting to feel her once more. She settled back against him and he placed his hand to her breast again as if finding home.

“Much better,” he sighed
, nestling his head by the smooth of her neck and breathing in the sweet perfume of her hair.

She closed her eyes and absorbed his touch to her flesh making her feel totally claimed as a woman

A moment’s peace drifted between them and
she found herself being lulled into sleep, lying in the arms of the man that felt so right though her mind knew it was totally wrong.






It’s a Laundry Thing



ack woke to the smell of fresh coffee. He rolled on his back and opened his eyes. It took him a minute to figure out where he was. A smile formed on his face realizing he was in Kate’s room. He looked at the adjoining pillow but to his dismay, she was not there.

got up and walked into the bathroom. Several minutes later he returned and found his clothes placed neatly on a chair. He dressed, went downstairs, and found Kate in the kitchen.

“Morning,” he mumbled as he sat on the stool by the kitchen counter.

“Here,” said Kate pushing a large mug of coffee in front of him. “How are you feeling this morning?”

“Not too bad,” he muttered.

“Are you hung over?” she frowned.

“I should be feeling worse than I am,” he grinned as he saw her dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a light yellow thin strapped shirt
. “Thanks for picking me up last night.”

“I had little choice seeing you were ready to drive yourself home
.” She sounded curt but he paid her no mind.

“I guess I should also thank you for letting me crash at your place last night, too
.” His grin got larger.

“Like I said, I had little choice once you barged in here and
stripped down to your skivvies.” Her frown deepened.

“Oh yeah, I did do that,” he chuckled
. “But it was kind of nice sharing a bed with you.”

“We didn’t share the bed
.” She lied though she wasn’t sure why. “I slept on the couch.”

“Then who was I holding last night
?” His brow arched.

“I haven’t a clue
.” She took a sip of her coffee. “Maybe you were dreaming.”

“I wasn’t dreaming, baby,” he stated matter of fact
. “That nice big breast of yours was a part of my hand for most of the night.”

Kate flushed pink and turned away distracting herself as she poured herself another cup of coffee
. “You’re sober now and dressed so I suggest you finish your coffee and go home.”

“Aren’t you going to make me breakfast?”

“No,” Kate laughed nervously.

“Oh, come on,” he continued
. “How about whipping up some of those cinnamon rolls you made yesterday.”

Kate shot him a look
. He was in too good a mood today and it was really pissing her off. He should have been moaning and groaning, holding his head between his legs.

There was no justice in the world for Jack McBride to wake up perfectly fine after drinking himself into oblivion last night
. “I’m not making you anything.”

“Fine, have it your way
.” He shrugged. “So, what do you want to do today?”

Kate spun on her heels and glared at him
. She saw a mischievous smile on his face and wondered what he was up to now. With Jack McBride you never knew what was going on in that scary head of his. “
not doing anything.
going over to Clara’s,” Kate fibbed.

“Might be difficult seeing they’re in Vegas this weekend
.” He curled up his lip and grinned. “What do you say we go back upstairs to bed and spend the day there?”

“I have a better idea,” said Kate as she leaned on the counter and planted a fake smile
. “Why don’t we go back to your place?”

Jack’s eyes lit up wide as saucers
. “Are you serious?” God, he was hoping as his stomach clenched tight with need.

“Do you really have to ask, Jack?” said Kate in
a flirty kind of way.

“Lead the way, baby,” he said downing his coffee then standing.

Kate walked into the living area with Jack close on her heels. She opened her front door and paused. “After you.”

Just as Jack stepped onto the front porch, Kate slammed the door shut, locking him out
. “Well, that’s that.” She turned, smacked her hands clean of him and walked back into the kitchen.

Did she just do what I think she did
, he thought as he heard the door slam behind him? He turned and saw the closed frame but no Kate. He played right into her hands.

Jack couldn’t help but laugh
. She was good, but he was better, for Jack McBride was not a man who gave up easily, especially when it came to Kate.

A grin formed on his face as he rummaged in his pocket
. He pulled out a set of keys. He found the one gold key in the mix of silver and slipped it into the lock. He gave a little turn and, as if by magic, the door opened.

“Nice try, Kate,” he
broadcasted his return as he stepped through the door.

“How did you get back in here?”
She gasped as she stood in the kitchen and peered over the counter, watching him stride into her living room.

“I have a spare key,” he
gloated and dangled it in air.

“Give that to me
.” She marched over to him and held out her hand.

“Nope.” He returned it to his pocket.

“You have no right using that key,” she hissed like a tea kettle.

“Why can’t I?” he asked watching the steam come pouring from her ears.

“Because it’s an abuse of power, that’s why,” she ranted. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s illegal for a landlord to enter a dwelling without giving proper notice?”

“I gave you notice,” he said, as he lifted his shirt over his head and tossed it on the couch
. “We’re going to spend the day together whether you like it or not.”

“What are you doing?” It was Kate’s turn for her eyes to get wide as saucers as she saw his bare chest oozing rugged male.

“I’m getting comfortable,” he said as he flopped on her couch and removed his boots, then his jeans.

He spread himself out long on her plush sofa and picked up the television remote
. He flipped it on and changed the channel then he leaned back and watched the preliminary before the NASCAR races.

“Jack, you can’t stay here like that,” she said
, panic-stricken by his almost nude presence. “Get dressed.”

“Baby, you think you could grab me another cup of coffee?” he
asked like they had been a couple for years.

“I’m not getting you another cup of coffee,” she choked
. “You’ve got to leave.” She raced to the couch and gathered his clothing, handing it back to him. “Put your clothes back on.”

“Why?” he asked nonchalantly as he
moved his head and peered around her hips so he could see the television. “This is the way I like to watch the races.”

“Not in my house you’re don’t,” said Kate as she flung his clothes at him.

“Don’t you think that’s a double standard?” said Jack as he dropped his clothes on the floor. “I’ve seen you strutting around here in your skivvies.”

“It’s my house,” stated Kate then froze
. “What do you mean you have seen me in my skivvies? Have you been spying on me?” The realization made her blue eyes almost pop out of her head.

“I’ve seen you doing more than parading around in your skivvies.” He winked at her.

Kate’s face turned a pretty shade of purple red.

“God, you’re cute,” he laughed as he reached out and pulled her onto the couch
. Before Kate could object, he rolled her over top of him and wedged her back against the couch then twisted her again until she lay beneath him. “You don’t have to be shy about it, baby,” he said looking down into her powder blues.

“Just stop talking
.” Kate covered her face with her hands.

“I can do that,” he said in a steamy voice as he lowered his head to her breasts and nipped at them through her shirt.

Kate felt a rush of electricity streak through her. She grabbed him by his sandy colored hair and pulled back as his teeth still clung to her top, making it pop out like a tent.

“Stop doing that.” She twisted his hair until he released the material and it parachuted back to her chest.

“What do you say we get rid of that pretty little top of yours,” he said hoarsely scooting it up over her belly then over her bra.

Kate gasped as he maneuvered it over her head so fast she didn’t have time to object.

“Well look at you,” he beamed seeing the dainty yellow bra and becoming instantly aroused. “You match, baby. Tell me, are your panties the same color?”

But she
couldn’t speak as her eyes locked in his penetrating jade stare. Jack lifted himself to his knees and slowly unzipped her shorts. With great skill, he began a slow slide down her buttocks, exposing a hint of blonde patch. “No underwear, baby?” His smile widened.

“Oh, holy shit!” gasped Kate coming to her senses as she grabbed her shorts and hoisted them back

“Oh, come on,” he
hungrily teased. “Let me see.”

“No,” shouted Kate as she held firm to Jack’s continued tugging

She managed to maneuver them back over her buttocks and zip them closed
. Kate sat up and shimmied herself away from Jack. She reached for her shirt and went to put it back on, but Jack was too quick and he grabbed it out of her hand.

“If I can’t see your patch the least you could do is let me sta
re at those sweet tits of yours.” He rolled her shirt in a ball and tossed it across the room.

“It’s not the staring part that has me worried,”
choked Kate. She stood from the couch wanting desperately to get her shirt.

“Where are you going
?” He reached for her hand and grabbed her around the wrist.

“I’m getting my shirt,” she exclaimed pulling back on her hand hoping he’d let go.

“I’m not done with you yet,” he said hoarsely. Jack pulled her to him and hoisted her onto his lap. He lowered his attention to her luscious breasts while his hands went exploring, rubbing up and down the bare skin of her back.

“So, why no underwear?
” he asked as he nipped at her bra but his eyes stayed focused on her Santa Cruz blues. “Is that a California thing?”

“No,” she said
, rolling her eyes as his head poked up to match hers. “If you must know, it’s a laundry thing. I ran out.”

“So what kind of panties do you normally wear?” The visual was driving him insane

“I’m not discussing my panty type with you
.” She tried to move from his lap, but Jack tightened his hold.

“I don’t take you for a thong kind of girl,” he grinned as he slipped his fingers down the back of her shorts
. “You’d have to have a little naughty streak in you to wear them.”

Kate reached behind her and grabbed his hands
. If she wasn’t going to let him explore the least she could do was stay put. Jack folded his hands around hers and secured them behind her back. He watched as her breathing changed into shallow ragged breaths and became aroused by the sudden rise and fall of her breasts.

“You like me taking charge over you, don’t you
?” His eyes went smoldering but more importantly so did hers.

“No,” she whispered trying to control her voice and
simultaneously free her hands from his grip but Jack held firm.

“You’re lying to me again, Kate,” his own voice simmered with
heat that made her feel like she was melting into his lap. “You like what I do to you.”

He leaned forward and clenched the top of her bra with his teeth and slightly lowered it exposing more of her delicate flesh.

“Oh,” She gave an involuntary shudder as his lips touched her flesh sending a wave of tiny goose prickles over her skin.

“God, I want you,”
he groaned, tormenting himself feeling his lips on her now tingly skin.

Jack released her hands and tossed her back on the couch
. In one swift move he was on top of her, parting her legs with his strong thighs and pressing his hard need against her.

Wait,” gasped Kate as she made one last attempt to resist. She was falling hard and if she didn’t get a hold of her desires now it would be all over. She would cave and give in to those strong arms and firm lips. “Wait,” she breathed out raggedly. “Not like this.”

“Why not like this?” he growled as he entwined her hair in his hands
. He jerked back her head and held her tightly as he heard her gasp. “I’m going to make you mine and ruin you for any other man. By the time I’m done with you, you won’t want anyone but me, baby.”

Jack was done playing
. Her lips may be saying wait, but her body was begging for him to take her. He was so ready to taste that sweet mouth of hers and devour her until all she could do was moan. He wanted to hear her moans, needed to feel her release as well as his own. It was all there for him to take, and by God he was going to take her now.

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