The Taming (The Black Thunder Series) (12 page)

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“I’ll keep that in mind,” he said as he watched his friend leave.







Just One Kiss



er mistake was lying down and closing her eyes. Before she knew it, it was five-thirty. Kate jumped from the couch and rushed back to the main house.

Adam’s truck was long gone and she wondered how
his and Jack’s little talk went while scurrying up the front porch, and making her way to the kitchen.

Kate set her hands to work, and in less than thirty minutes she had whipped up a half-way decent meal
Not bad
, she thought proudly pulling the dish from the oven, the aroma enticing her own palate. She heard the front door open and the clicking of spurred boots against the wooden floor.

“You’re just in time,” she said, seeing Jack enter the kitchen
. She pulled a plate from the cupboard. “Dinner is ready.”

“Adam left two hours ago,” said Jack as he leaned against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest
. “He went looking for you, but you weren’t at the carriage house.” He didn’t look pleased.

“I took a walk,” she
said avoiding his gaze.

“Why is it that I don’t quite believe you,” he
lifted a doubtful brow.

She ignored him placing his serving on to the plate
. “I made Chicken Prima Rosa.” She paused. “How hungry are you? Do you want one breast or two?”

“You have no idea how hungry I am.” He stood behind her and placed his hands on her shoulder as he leaned over and whispered in her ear
. “Two breasts are always better than one.”

Kate felt a
shot of mercurial heat shoot up her spine and explode like silver liquid upon her skin. “Here,” she turned and practically dumped the plate into his hands. “If there’s nothing else, I think I’m going to head out for the night.”

“Not yet Barbie doll,” He shook his head
. “You’re eating with me tonight and that’s that.”

“I can’t,” she said getting a little nervous watching his
ill- tempered eyes flicker across her. “I have my own laundry to do and I need to clean my place.”

“It was not a request,”
he said sharply. “Now sit.” He motioned for her to take a seat at the kitchen table. Kate had no choice but to comply. She sat in her chair leaning on its edge as Jack prepared her a plate. He set one in front of her and the other across the table. “Want a beer?” he asked.

“No, I’m good.”

“You’re having a beer,” he said through white gritted teeth. “And I think a shot of JD would be fitting at the moment.” Jack grabbed two beers from the fridge along with a bottle of whisky and shot glasses. He handed her the beer and sat down across from her. He poured a shot and slid the glass in front of her.

“Jack, I don’t want a shot,” said Kate growing increasingly nervous by the moment watching his dark steel eyes glare at her.

“Drink.” He nearly shouted his command.

Kate did the shot and placed the glass on the table
. Jack proceeded to fill it again.

“One more baby,” he directed her
. “It’ll help loosen that tight ass of yours.”

“This is ridiculous,” she stated feeling a warmth settle around her belly
. “I don’t need you loosening anything, especially my ass.”

“I said drink,” he growled at her
. “Or I swear to God Kate, I am going to put you over my knee and spank that pretty ass of yours red.”

Kate believed him
. She picked up the shot glass and downed it with record speed. He nodded in satisfaction then picked up his fork and began to eat.

“Give it a minute to work and then you and
me are going to talk,” he stated as he cut his chicken.

Kate cringed, hearing the scraping of his knife against his plate cutting in deliberate strokes
. He seemed furious at her and she had a good suspicion why.

She was kicking herself now for having spoken to Clara at all
. Kate moved her food around her plate but didn’t eat. She suddenly lost her appetite and her defenses were slowly weakening by his overbearing presence and the effects of two shots of whisky.

Jack finished his dinner in silence
. Kate was dreading the moment he took his last bite then all hell was going to break loose. Jack pushed his plate aside. He sat back in his chair and retrieved his beer then took a long swallow.

“You want to tell me what the hell you told Adam to get him so pissed off at me?” Jack questioned, as his dark eyes permeated
down to the bottom of her souls.

“I didn’t tell Adam anything,”
she said averting her eyes to her plate.

“Well you told Clara, and that’s the same as telling Adam,” he frowned
. “He practically took my head off.”

“Oh,” she said as she played with her food on the plate.

“For the record Kate, what you and I do together is none of Clara’s business.”

“I don’t need you telling me what I can and cannot tell
my friend,” she said a little irritatingly.

“You women are all alike,” said Jack exasperated
. “You flap your gums and tell each other way too much for my liking. What happens between a man and his woman should stay between a man and his woman, and not the whole world.”

“I’m not your woman,”
she stated firmly.

“Not yet,” he grinned.

“Not ever.”

“Don’t be too sure of that, baby
.” His eyes flickered green. “I’m not going to be accused of groping an unwilling female. The next time I do anything it is because you want me to.”

“Then you’re going to be waiting a very long time.”

Jack stood and walked around the table. Kate’s lashes fluttered rapidly watching his overbearing presence close in on her. He stopped behind her and began to slowly rub her shoulders. She could smell the luring scent of earth and musk mixed with strong hands touching her skin and her body began to tremble.

“I know you want me,” he said in a husky tone as he leaned over and brushed his mouth against the side of her hair
. “I just need for you to submit to me once so I can tell Adam to back the fuck off and mind his own damn business.”

“I’m not giving in to you,” she said feeling him too close for her to breathe.

“Why not?” he asked as he entwined her hair between his fingers.

“You know why.”

“Actually, I don’t have a clue,” he said as he tightened his grip in her hair. “Enlighten me.”

“Stop that
.” Kate pushed his hand away and stood from the chair, putting distance between them before she changed her mind. “I don’t do casual sex.”

Jack leaned back against the table and laughed
. “Trust me baby, there will be nothing casual between us when I get you beneath me. I’m going to devour you, and you’re going to love it.”

Kate felt the heat rush through her belly and up to the top of her head
. Jack laughed at her again.

“I don’t know why I try to explain myself to you,” she said temper rising
. “Why do you always have to embarrass me with that kind of talk? All you’re looking for is a piece of ass. Go back to your other girls and leave me the hell alone.”

She turned to leave but Jack bolted from the table, caught her by the hand and pulled her back.

“I can’t leave you alone,” he said as his eyes smoldered with wanton heat. “I want you bad Kate, those other woman just don’t do it for me anymore. I can’t stop thinking about you and it drives me crazy to think about you with somebody else.”

“You’re obsessed with a fantasy,” said Kate pushing back angry tears from forming
. “I’m nobody, and you’ve made me out in your head to be something more than I really am.”

“There’s only one way to find out
. Kiss me and let’s see if the sparks fly.”

“I’m not kissing you

“Come on Kate what are you afraid of
?” She watched his eyes turn from steel to steamy. She hated when he gave her that look. It was difficult to stay focused when his raw male energy oozed all over her. She needed to get out of here fast, before she lost all control. “One little kiss right here.” He tapped his finger to his mouth.

“I know what you’re doing,” she breathed watching that curled mouth of his grinning and tempting her to taste
. She took a step back. “You’re trying to seduce me, but it won’t work.”

“Oh, I think it’s working,” he said seeing her breathing increase as he stepped closer to her backing her into the counter
. “How about you give me that kiss now?” He placed his hands on the edge of the counter wedging her between them.

“No,” she said knowing it would be her undoing if she let him kiss her.

“Kiss me.” He leaned closer tempting her with his lips.

“Jack, I…”  His mouth was a droplet away and her lips began to tingle.

“Shhh,” he whispered as he trailed the tip of his finger along the sweetness of her dewy lips. “Don’t think with your head baby. Just kiss me.”

“Fine, just do it and get it over with,” she said shakily.

“Oh, I’m not kissing you,” he smiled that luring seductive smile. “You’re going to kiss me first to prove once and for all that you want me. All you need to do is place that sweet little mouth of yours on mine then I’ll do the rest.”

He wanted her to kiss him, and God she wanted to more than anything she had ever wanted before in her life, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to stop with just one kiss
. One kiss would be her undoing. One kiss would render her in his arms, in his bed, and under his sheets. One kiss and it all would be over.

“No,” she said coming to her senses and she pushed him away from her

“Oh, Kate,” Jack sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair
. “You were so close to just giving it up.”

“God, I hate you right now,” she fumed as angry tears filled her eyes
. “Why couldn’t it have been anybody but you?”

“But it is me, baby
.” He grinned and reached for her again.

“Don’t,” snapped Kate as she slapped him away
. “You play way too many head games and I’m not about to get suckered by some jerk who just wants in my pants. So from now on leave me alone!”  Kate ran from the room. She flung the front door open wide and stormed out heading for the carriage house.

Momentarily stunned, Jack shook his head trying to figure out why her comment bothered him when in fact he
looking to get in her pants? Or was he?

She was different than any woman he had ever met
. She was driving him crazy, turning his world upside down. He couldn’t let it end this way. He needed to go after her. He wasn’t sure why, but he was not about to leave her alone. He couldn’t just as he couldn’t stop breathing. If she didn’t have the courage to admit her desire for him then he would do it for her.

Kate picked up speed when she heard him call after her
. She ran up the porch steps and made it to her front door, but Jack was not far behind.

“Stop right there,” he shouted taking the steps two at a time
. He grabbed her by the arm and swung her to face him.

“Enough, Jack,” Kate turned her face hiding the tears streaming down her face
. “I’m done talking to you.”

“We’re not done talking ‘til I say we’re done,” he shouted at her
. “And you aren’t going anywhere until you kiss me.”

Kate tried to pull away which made Jack all the more determined not to let her go
. He wrapped his arms about her waist and pulled her to him. All sense left his head and he held her tightly in his arms. He saw her bottom lip quiver and that was all it took.

“Ah hell, if you aren’t going to do it then I will!” 

Jack seized her by the back of her hair and tilted her head back. Before he knew what he was doing he slammed his mouth against hers, parted her lips and took possession.

He was fierce in his consumption of her and Kate’s head began to spin
. It was rugged, filled with raw primal need, and it made her knees go weak and she fell against him for support.

In that moment, she gave up the fight and offered sweet submission for him to conquer her flesh
. Jack knew the second she gave it. That was all he wanted to know. He became relentless, maneuvering her toward the frame of the house pressing her back against the wall and his hard flesh into her soft skin.

He slid his hand under her shirt, moving upward to the pink flesh mounds
. He covered her breast with his hand, squeezing and flicking his thumb over her nipple, never once allowing his mouth to part from hers. A sweet moan escaped her lips, the sound echoing deep in his throat.

God, he wanted her like nothing he had ever felt before
. He wanted to claim her, make her know that she was his and nobody else’s. If he didn’t stop soon he would lose all sense of self and just take her.

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