The Taming (The Black Thunder Series) (16 page)

BOOK: The Taming (The Black Thunder Series)
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“You live with him
?” Ethan did a double take as he looked at the couple.

“In the carriage house,” Kate stammered as she looked at Jack then at Ethan
. “I’m renting the carriage house on the ranch.” There was a moment of awkward silence and Kate wanted to shrivel up into the chair and just disappear.

Instead she took a long drink and glared at Jack over the rim
. She sputtered when she swallowed it down the wrong pipe. Her hand came up to her mouth covering it before a stream of red liquid came spewing out. She choked and tried to hold back the coughing fit which only made her cough louder and turn her face bright red.

“Here, wash it down with this,” said Ethan handing her his beer.

Kate took a long drink to rid the coughing spasm until it eventually subsided.

“I see you’re still a lightweight,” said Jack enjoying her discomfort way too much for her liking.

“I’m not a lightweight,” she defended finally able to speak. “It just went down the wrong pipe.”

“Sure it did,” he grinned at her as his eyes danced to the top of her sundress seeing her reddened flesh.

“It’s not strong. Here, try it for yourself.”

She motioned for Jack to try it
. “No thanks,” he stated. “I don’t touch vodka.”

“Now who’s the lightweight?” she teased.

“I’m not much in the mood for drinking today. I like to stay sober when I have other things on my mind.”

Kate turned red again but not from the drink
. She saw Ethan staring at them and grew more flustered than before.

“Maybe I’ll just stick to beer,” said Kate as she placed the cup on the ground
. “I think I’ll go get one from the kitchen.”

It was a good excuse to be anywhere but here
. The tension was building if not by Jack then by Kate’s extreme need to disappear. She scooted her legs around the arm of the lounge, planting her feet on the ground as her thigh brushed up against Jack’s leg.

“Here, take mine,” said Jack planting his own bottle between her hands
. “Never let it be said that I’m not a gentleman.”

she said forcing a fake smile.

“My pleasure, Barbie doll,” said Jack enjoying watching her squirm

He couldn’t resist adding to her apparent discomfort as he discreetly slid his hand behind her and ran his finger along the small of her back
. Kate’s eyes shot wide open, feeling him linger by the top of her bottom.

“So Ethan, what do you do when you’re not gambling?” asked Kate trying to focus on anything but the surge he was creating in her belly

“I like the ponies,”
he said, as he sat up in his seat and swung his legs onto the floor. He leaned over resting his elbows on his knees. “You ever bet on the ponies?”

“No,” she said, as she straightened her back and leaned in toward Ethan.

Jack lowered his hand, scrunching up the material of her dress that had come loose from under the seat. He slid his hand under the soft cotton fabric and ran his fingers expecting to feel the silkiness of her panties. Instead he felt her bare flesh against his skin. Jack shot Kate a look and a wide grin formed on his face.

“The Nugget in Carson City shows the races,” said Ethan
. “After the fireworks, Felicia and I are heading over there if you want to join us.”

“Kate has an early day tomorrow,” said Jack, speaking on her behalf seeing she was choking red again but not from the drink

“I’ll think about it.” Kate barely got the words out as she felt Jack squeeze one of her cheeks.

There was something going on but what Ethan wasn’t sure of. She seemed like a nice enough girl but he knew Jack and from that look in his eye he knew he was up to no good where Clara’s friend was concerned.

“Kate, you better watch out for McBride here, he’s trouble
.” He gave her a friendly warning.

“You have no idea,”
she mumbled under her breath as she felt Jack’s fingers tug upward on her thong. She shot him a look and all he could do was grin.

“Now don’t be telling Kate naughty stories about me,” chuckled Jack as he saw a smoldering flicker in her eyes
. “She is very easily swayed.” Jack went a little further as his fingers slid between her cheeks moving deeper until a satisfied grin formed on his face when he reached the spot.

“Oh holy cow!” exclaimed Kate as she felt Jack’s fingers tickle that special place shooting her arousal right up to her belly
. She jumped straight into the air and practically landed on Ethan’s lap.

“What’s wrong?” Ethan asked as he caught her and placed her on her feet.

“Bee,” exclaimed Kate as she pretended to swat the air. “I saw a bee!”

“I saw it too,” said Jack as he leaned back on his hands and tried to hide the grin on his face
. “It had a huge stinger.”

Kate shot him a look

“I didn’t see a bee
.” Ethan looked at them both queerly.

“I think I hear Clara calling me,” said Kate feeling her cheeks flush a rosy red
. “I’ll see you both later.” Kate didn’t wait for either to respond as she walked rather briskly across the patio heading for the kitchen.

Jack situated himself in the lounge chair, leaning back against its seat
. He picked up the plastic cup on the ground and took a drink. “Oh, she is a lightweight,” he declared.

“I know what you’re doing, Jack,” said Ethan as he sat back in his chair.

“What am I doing?”

“You’re looking to tap that sweet blond thing.”

“Don’t talk about Kate like that,” said Jack pointing his finger at him. “She’s not like those other women. Have some respect.”

“Boy, you are losing your touch.” Ethan started to laugh
. “How long has she been working for you and you still haven’t gotten her in the sack?”

“It’s not like that between me and Kate,” scowled Jack.

“No, but you want it to be,” said Ethan as the light bulb turned on. “Oh, I get it. She told you no.” It was bound to happen sometime to the great Jack McBride and Ethan couldn’t help being amused by his friend’s first time rejection.

“Not tonight she won’t,” said Jack thinking about Kate and their game.

“Want to put a little wager on it? I bet you a hundred bucks you can’t tap her before the night is through.”

“I’m not a betting man,” said Jack as his eyes narrowed
. “And I’m not betting on Kate.”

Ethan sat back in his chair in disbelief
. “Holy shit! You got a crush on her,” he laughed. “Does she know?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said Jack growing more annoyed by the minute.

“Wow, I never saw this one coming.”

“You’re out of your head,” said Jack as he stood from the lounge chair.

“Where you going?” Ethan called out to him.

“I need another beer,” he grumbled as he left Ethan alone and went to find Kate.

He spotted her on the other side of the patio talking to Felicia. He stopped walking when several children raced past him. Kate glanced over Felicia’s shoulder and saw Jack. Their eyes met and he motioned for her to follow him in to the kitchen.

, Kate mouthed shaking her head as she returned her attention back to Felicia.

Jack was not taking no for an answer as he refused to break eye contact with her
. Kate felt his stares and once more their eyes met. Even with no language, Jack was giving her orders, taking his finger and pointing it at her then motioning for her to come to him.

Felicia turned to see what or who was distracting Kate
. A smile planted on her face when she saw Jack trying to sway her friend to leave. Felicia returned her attention back to Kate.

“It looks like you’ve got an admirer,” said Felicia nudging Kate

“That’s one way of putting it,” said Kate as she glanced at Jack and tried to hide her grin.

“You should go for it,” said Felicia. “Have some fun and just let go for one night.”

“I’m not into one night stands, especially with my employer.” She glanced once more at Jack and saw him walking toward her.

“You work for him?” The smile left Felicia’s face.

“Yes, why
? Didn’t Clara tell you?”

“No she didn’t
. Oh, this is bad,” she frowned. “I take back what I said earlier.” Before Kate had a chance to question her further, Jack walked up beside her.

“Hello, Felicia,” he said looking at the curvaceous auburn then turned his attention to the buxom blonde
. “Hello, Barbie doll.”

“Hi yourself Jack,” said Felicia with a frown as she watched Jack move closer to Kate and nudge her with his hip.

“I was hoping I could steal Kate away for a minute,” he said as his eyes danced across her freckled face.

“No, you can’t,” said Felicia firmly as she took Kate by the hand and pulled her away from Jack’s clutches
. Kate couldn’t help but giggle when she saw the look of frustration on Jack’s face.

“Fine, then I’ll stay,” said Jack as he gave them both his charming smile
. “What are you two lovely ladies talking about?”

“We’re just talking,” said Kate.

“Actually, Kate was just telling me that she works for you.”

“You’re talking about me
? That’s sweet, baby.” He reached out and took her hand, pulling her back to his side. Jack placed his arm around Kate, resting it on the small of her back. Felicia glared at his brazen territorial action.

“I didn’t go into all the details,” said Kate as she tried to hide her grin
. “I’m working for Jack for the summer. Hopefully by fall I’ll have the teaching position at the school. They called yesterday and I got an interview with them next week.”

“That’s wonderful Kate,” said Felicia.

“You didn’t tell me they called.” Jack shot Kate a look.

“I didn’t have time to tell you since yesterday was kind of crazy for us,” said Kate.

“It was hell a crazy,” said Jack as he moved his hand over her backside and up her dress again hoping to get to touch the spot that was now his favorite place.

“Am I missing something here?” asked Felicia listening to them talk as if they were already a couple
. “Are you working for Jack or shagging him, because he doesn’t do both.”

“Kate takes good care of me,” said Jack as Kate blocked him with her hand
. “At least most of the time,” he frowned.

“I only clean and cook for him,” stated Kate as she held his hand and moved it to their side
. “That’s it.”

“But we’re working on it,” he whispered in her ear
. Kate’s face turned a rosy red when she looked up and realized Felicia heard him.

“Well, good luck with that,” said Felicia
. “And hang on if you do ‘cause you don’t want anything to break when he kicks you to the curb.”

“Man, I can see the apple doesn’t fall from the tree,” said Jack growing annoyed with Felicia filling Kate’s head with utter garbage
. “You and your sister are so much alike it’s scary.”

“And speaking of apples, I could say the same about you.” Felicia saw his back prickle
. “Like father like son. Right?”

“All right you two, calm down,” said Kate sensing there was history between the two that she wasn’t aware of
. “Come on, this is a party. Let’s change the subject.”

“I need a drink,” said Jack
. “You coming?”

“You go,” said Kate looking at Felicia
. “I’ll be there in a minute.”

Jack wasn’t thrilled to leave her alone, but there was nothing he could do about it now
. He left the conversation and headed for the house. Several more children ran past him and he avoided colliding with them, all except one. Jack stumbled, his feet tangling with tiny little feet, tripping him and he sailed over a miniature body then came crashing down on the pavers. He heard the child scream as Henry, too, took a tumble and fell against the stone.

Jack jumped up and picked up the little boy who was
now screeching like a banshee. “Ouchh!” Henry wailed as tiny buckets of tears ran down his chubby cheeks. “I’m bweeding!”

“I’m so sorry, buddy,” said Jack feeling like a heel.

Kate and Felicia raced across the patio to where Jack was holding the little boy. Felicia went to take the boy from Jack, but Henry held out his arms for Kate.

“Katie, fix my boo-boo,” he sobbed.

Kate took Henry from Jack’s arms and saw his skinned knee. “Oh, it’s not so bad, baby,” she said trying to comfort the toddler.

“I told you to stop running,” his mother scolded him
. “Here, let me have him Kate.”

“No, I got this,” said Kate as she gave the little boy a pouty face
. “What do you say we go to the bathroom and I make your boo-boo all better?”

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