The Taming (The Black Thunder Series) (34 page)

BOOK: The Taming (The Black Thunder Series)
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“So what’s the secret?” Leroy asked as his eyes flickered with curiosity.

“It wouldn’t be secret anymore if I told you,” said Kate with a sweet smile.

“Well aren’t you a spitfire,” declared Moses as he began to laugh
. “You’re gonna give ol’ Jack a run for his money. Good for you, darling!”  He patted Kate firmly on the back. It seemed to break the ice. By the time Jack got back to the table all three of them were carrying on. Jack placed the bottle of whisky in front of Moses.

“Nice to see you three have been getting along without me,” said Jack as he handed Kate her beer.

“Give that little lady of yours a shot, Jack,” exclaimed Moses as he tugged on Kate’s shoulder and practically spilled her from her chair.

Jack poured everyone a drink then took his seat next to Kate
. He gave her a quick wink and she couldn’t help lifting her mouth into a full fledge smile.

“What are we drinking to?” asked Leroy as they lifted their shot glasses into the air.

“Here’s an old Irish toast,” said Moses as he stood from his chair and looked at Kate. “May your days be filled with sunshine and nights be filled with stars; but may your bed be filled with a lass, who knows how to blow you real-.”

“Moses,” Jack shouted as he stopped him from finishing
. “There’s a lady present.”

“Sorry darling,” Moses grinned
. “To Jack and Kate! Let’s drink!”  Moses downed his shot as did the rest of them.

“Fill her up again, Jack,” said Leroy as it was his turn to stand
. “I too have an Irish toast.”

“Oh God,” Jack rolled his eyes and looked at Kate
. “You do realize they’re going to do this all night.”

Kate giggled as she heard Leroy clear his throat
. “Here’s to our wives and girlfriends-” he paused. “May they never meet?”

“I’ll drink to that,” said Moses as he tilted his head back and took his shot.

“Don’t laugh at that one,” said Kate as she saw an impish grin form on Jack’s face.

“I can’t help it,” he chuckled
. “It’s funny.”

“It’s your turn little lady,” said Leroy as he filled their glasses again.

“I too have an Irish toast.” She lifted her glass.

“Are you Irish lass?” asked Moses.

“No, I’m Presbyterian.” Kate laughed as she slapped the table with her hand.

Jack sat back in his chair and watched with amusement as the slightly inebriated Kate stood tall again, raising her glass in the air.

“Here’s to you and here’s to me. May we never disagree? But if we do, fuck you. Here’s to me!”  The men applauded as Kate took a mock bow then downed her shot. Jack pulled Kate onto his lap and wrapped his arms about her waist.

“God, you’re cute, baby,” he whispered in her ear.

“It’s your turn,” said Kate as she placed her arm over his shoulder.

Moses refilled their shot glasses
. Jack lifted his in the air.

“My friends are the best
. Loyal, willing and able. Now let’s get to drinking! All glasses off the table!”  The all lifted their glass and did the shot.

“That was kind of boring,” Kate whispered to him.

“It was the only one I know that’s clean enough so I won’t get slapped,” he said as he brushed a kiss to her lips.

“Hmm.” She was ready to grill him further when they heard a loud commotion by the door

Jack looked up and a huge smile fell across his face when he saw a bunch of rodeo cowboys loudly enter the bar
. He would have recognized that rowdy group anywhere considering he worked alongside them for six years. The group of men made their way to the bar and Kyle greeted them. He pointed in Jack’s direction as the men turned and saw their friend.

“Jackie,” hollered a tall lanky man looking more like a cowboy than the rest of them with his rimed hat, wrangler jeans, and alligator boots with spurs to match

Jack stood from his chair almost spilling Kate on the floor
. The cowpoke strode toward him and they embraced with a welcome cowboy hello.

“Dusty, you son of gun, how the hell are you
?” Jack patted the man hard on the back.

“Where you been hiding out Jackie?” said an animated Dusty
. “I thought for sure we’d see you today for the roping contest.”

“Nah, my roping days are over,” said Jack as he looked over at Kate and grinned
. “At least as far as the rodeo is concerned.” She flushed a bright red, but no one seemed to notice. Dusty grabbed the bottle of whisky from the table and took a swig right from the bottle.

“Me and a few of the boys are heading over to Moundhouse later to visit the cat houses,” said Dusty
. “You coming with us?”

“I don’t think so,” said Jack as he shifted back and forth on his feet and glanced over at Kate
. He saw the not too pleased expression on her face.

“What do you mean, you don’t think so?” Dusty rubbed his
forehead as his hat shifted up.

“Jack’s got himself a woman now,” interjected Moses, pointing to Kate.

“Is that so?” Dusty strolled up to the tall blonde by Jackie’s side. “Not bad,” he examined her as if she were a horse for purchase, minus the inspection of her teeth. “Say, you’re kind of cute. What’s your name sweetheart?”

“Her name is Kate,” said Jack as he placed his arm protectively a
bout her waist and pulled her to him. “And she’s all mine, so don’t get any ideas.”

“You got a tongue there, Kate,” said Dusty as a sly grin shaped his face

“I guess so,”
she said as she looked up at Jack.

Several more of the rodeo crowd moved toward the table
. Jack loosened his hold on Kate and greeted his friends. Dusty stepped in between the couple and moved her further into the room seeing that Jack was too busy to notice.

“Well aren’t you a sweet little thing,” he winked at her
. “How’d you two get acquainted?”

“I work for Jack.”
She replied.

Is he paying you by the hour or for the whole night, sweetheart?” He leaned closer.

“Perhaps you misunderstood me,” she frowned and lifted her hand to show him her ring
. “Jack and I are in a committed relationship. We live together.”

“You’re kidding me right?” Dusty laughed
. “Darling, I don’t believe for one minute that you and Jack are an item, and if he’s got you believing that then you’re either green or just plain dumb.”

Kate was flabbergasted by his remark
. She didn’t know how to respond to that. She just stood there and blinked. Dusty laughed again seeing she was truly naïve to Jack’s nature. “Good luck with that.” He moved past her and returned to Jack.

Kate sat down in her chair and watched in silence while Jack carried on with his old friends
. She looked up and saw Moses looking at her. She gave him a shrug then took a sip of her beer. She listened to the rodeo stories flying across the table as the night progressed. Jack seemed to be having such a good time she didn’t want to put a damper on it though she felt left out and out of place.

After a while Kate grew bored
. She got up and excused herself and went to the ladies room. Dusty seized upon the moment and flopped in a seat next to Jack.

“Jackie, come on, why don’t you blow off this girl and come with us to the cat houses
.” He took another shot of whisky.

“I don’t think so
Dusty,” said Jack. “Kate and me are together now.”

“What are you doing with a girl like her
? She’s way out of your league, besides look at all those hot women at the bar. They’re just itching for you to throw a bone their way.”

Dusty motioned to a woman at the bar to join them
. She was kind of pretty with her red hair hanging over her shoulders. She wiggled her little hips all the way over to them standing between Jack and his friend.

“Hi, Jack,” she batted her pretty little doe eyes
. “Haven’t seen you around as of late.”

“I’ve been busy,” Jack frowned and looked at Dusty.

“Too busy doing what?” she asked as she brushed a stray lock of hair from his face.

“Don’t,” said Jack
jerking his head back. “It ain’t going to happen tonight darling, so don’t get any ideas.”

“Why not?” She smiled as she bit her lip
. “You didn’t seem to mind the last time we had a go at each other.” Jack looked up and saw Kate. He wondered how much she heard. He saw her cower and step back like she wanted to run.

“Kate, come here,” Jack shouted his order at her as he lifted his hand and rubbed the ring around his finger

hesitated for a minute and he thought she wasn’t going to comply until slowly her feet started to move toward him. When she got close enough, he reached out and pulled her to him and made her straddle his lap. He wrapped his arms around her back.

Kate looked up and saw the angry expression on the woman’s face
and Jack smiling with satisfaction. He pulled Kate closer and slid his fingers through the back of her hair, tugging her to him as he pressed his lips against hers and kissed her hard. He continued until he heard an outside huff from the other female’s lips. The kiss ended and Jack gave a strange smile to the woman watching their open display.

-” Dusty exclaimed looking at the fuming red-head. “Jackie here ain’t the only man in need of a little loving. How about you let me buy you a drink, sugar?”

The woman turned to Dusty and flaunted a saucy smile
. “Well, I thought you’d never ask.”

“Right this way, darling,” said Dusty as he stood from his chair and placed his hand on the woman’s back
. “See yah later, Jackie.”

Jack watched Dusty escort the woman to the bar
. He turned toward Kate and gave her a big grin. “I’m proud of you, baby,” he whispered in her ear.

“You are?” She gave him an eerie stare
. Kate leaned forward and grabbed a hold of his bottom lip and pinched it tight with her nails. “You ever put me in that position again and I’m gone,” she said through gritted teeth. “You got that, baby?”

Jack nodded
. Kate released his lip. She climbed off his lap and sat back in her chair. She reached for the bottle of whisky and poured herself a drink. Jack saw her hands tremble as she lifted it to her lips and downed the shot.

“Kate, I’m sorry,” he said moving his chair closer to hers.

“Don’t.” She pointed a mad finger at him.

Jack saw she was seething and he couldn’t blame her
. What was he thinking putting her through that? He acted like an ass, an arrogant prideful ass to be exact. He was playing a dangerous game and the thought of losing her cut made his stomach clench. He needed to make it up to her and fast, but he didn’t know how.

“Kate, I know you aren’t too happy with me right now,” said Jack as he placed his hand on her leg
. “Please baby, let me make it right. Can we go outside and talk where it’s private?”

“I’m too mad to talk
.” She growled at him.

“Okay, then I’ll talk and you can just hear me out
. You don’t have to talk back.”

“Fine,” said Kate.
“You won’t give up ‘til I say yes anyway. But I’m not talking to you.”

Jack jumped to his feet and took her hand
. He led her outside to the truck. Kate leaned against its surface, arms crossed over her chest and giving him such a look that Jack felt like disappearing into the ground.

“I was wrong, baby,” he started
. “You were right and I was so wrong. I know that now.”

Kate didn’t say a word.

“I shouldn’t have brought you here tonight,” said Jack as panic filled him. “You don’t belong here with this crowd. You’re not like them.”

“Are you?” she asked accusingly.

“I used to be,” said Jack as the realization hit him.

He used to be just like Dusty and the rest of the crowd, and then he met Kate and his world turned upside down
. Jack couldn’t bear to see her look at him like that as her pretty blue eyes turned dark and cold. An all too familiar terror struck him in the gut.

He hadn’t felt it since he was a kid, when his father would leave him home alone all ni
ght and not return until dawn. Jack remembered the small boy who stared at the sparse walls afraid to go to sleep.

“Don’t leave me, Kate,”
he said with desperation in his voice. “I don’t know what I would do if you left me. I’d go crazy.”

Kate saw the panic look in his eyes and her heart softened
. “I’m not leaving you, Jack,” she said as her anger left. She reached out and touched his hand. That was all Jack needed. He folded her into his arms and held her like he was hanging on for dear life.

“I’m a fool,” he stated
. “A big arrogant, overbearing fool.”

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