The Taming (The Black Thunder Series) (33 page)

BOOK: The Taming (The Black Thunder Series)
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“Is that how you came to acquire the ranch?”

“Not exactly,” said Jack thinking back. “Rodeo came to town and I started spending my free time learning rope tricks. I was a pretty good rider too, so when they were ready to pack up and leave, they invited me to join them. So I quit school and went to work with the rodeo.”

“Did you ever go back and get your GED?” Kate was taken aback.

“Didn’t need to. I made good money with the rodeo. Saved every penny I made, then came back here and bought the ranch. The rest you know.”

“Jack, I could help you if you want to get your GED,”
she offered.

“What would I want to do that for?”
He laughed at her foolishness.

“For a sense of accomplishment,” she said wanting to spark something inside him.

“In my thirty-three years here on this earth, I have accomplished more than most men with a college education.”

He did have a point
. His achievements were something to be proud of, but it still bothered her just the same. Perhaps it was because she was a teacher and believed in the educational system. “I understand if you don’t want my help,” she continued. “I know it’s a pride thing with you. But all the local high schools offer G.E.D. classes for adults.”

“Of all the shit I just told you, you have to go and get stuck on the fact I never graduated high school
.” He was getting annoyed. “Drop it, Kate. I’m not getting no damn G.E.D., and that’s that.”

“I can’t help it,” she produced a smile to settle him down
. “I’m a teacher. It’s what I do.”

“Well teach someone else, at least in the learning department,” said Jack as leaned over and pinched her boob

She swatted his hand away
. “Behave yourself,” she scolded him.

“Never around you
.” His face turned upward into a grin and he crawled toward her like a man on the prowl. “I’m ready for my dessert.” He placed a hand on either side of her leg.

“Eat an apple.
” Kate popped hers into his mouth. With his teeth, Jack tossed the apple in the air.

“I’d rather eat you
.” Jack pounced on her, knocking Kate back. She released a squeal and started to laugh as he nibbled on her as if she were his favorite meal.







Stand By Your Man



wilight came across the lake, the sky reflecting its hues of muted red and purple blue against the water’s edge. Kate watched Jack pack up and a part of her hated to go. They were having such a good time together, and she was learning so much about his past. She seemed to understand him better since getting a glimpse of what his life had been like growing up in Virginia City. Kate stood by the truck as Jack placed the E-Z Up into the bed.

“The night’s still young
. You still want to swing by the Wild Horse Saloon?” he asked her. “Unless of course you’re too tired?”

“No, I’m not tired
. I’m game if you are?”

“We brought a change of clothes,” he said
. “We could swing by the bathhouse or we could go home and change.”

“No, the bathhouse will work.”

God, she was easy.
Most women would want to doll themselves up before going out. He was glad Kate wasn’t like that. Besides, she was beautiful even without a stitch of makeup. Actually, he thought she looked better without all that artificial stuff plastered on her face.

Jack drove to the bathhouse
. Kate handed him his bag of clothes and she grabbed her own. They parted ways and she entered the dressing area. She slipped out of her bathing suit and darned a jean skirt and lace top. She sat on the bench and slipped on her favorite pair of roman sandals, zipping them up her heel.

Kate moved to the small mirror over the sink and went to work fixing her hair
. She swept up the sides and clipped it in the back allowing the remainder of her hair to flow down her back. She added a little mascara to her lashes and applied a light pink gloss to her lips.

As she was finalizing the finishing touches, she caught a glimpse of the ring on her finger in the mirror
. She held up her hand and for the first time since he put it on her finger she had a moment to take a really good look at it.

It wasn’t fancy or ornate
. It was simple, the silver smooth and dainty. But its meaning held more richness than the ring itself. Kate felt like she was radiating from the inside out. In one single act he had squelched her fears and sealed her heart. It was now Kate’s turn to fall hard for the man who did nothing in a small way. She packed the mascara and lip gloss back in her bag then exited the bathhouse.

Jack was outside waiting for her by the truck
. He watched her long legs carry her toward him in that sexy jean skirt and pretty lace top. Her hair looked messy and neat all at the same time with a little pulled back and some hanging loose. Jack felt a twinge in his gut. God she was pretty, and he was so into her it wasn’t funny.

“You clean up well, Barbie doll,” he teased her as opened the door for her.

“You don’t look so bad yourself, Lasso Larry,” she touted back.

“I still have a few tricks up my sleeve,” he winked at her.

“I’m sure you do.”

Jack took her bag and tossed it in the back of the truck before closing the door then walking around to the driver’s side
. He climbed in and pulled out of the parking lot, away from the lake.

“It may get a little cool tonight,” said Jack looking over at her
. “Did you bring a jacket?”

“I have a sweater in my bag
.” She pointed to the back of the truck.

“What are you doing all the way over there
? Slide over to me, baby,” Jack gave his order and Kate complied.

She shimmied across the seat and
he swung his arm over her shoulder. “That’s better,” he smiled at her. “You look real pretty tonight.”

.” She returned his smile.

“Now remember what we talked about earlier today, Kate,” said Jack firmly
. “Stand proud and no shrinking back.”

“Yes, sir!”
She saluted. “If I start slipping away all I need to do is look at my ring.” She held it up for him to see.

“That’s my girl,” he smiled proudly

Jack turned on to the main road
. The sun was an orange round ball slowly disappearing behind the Sierra Mountain range. Kate could not remember seeing a more perfect sunset.

“We’re kind of early
. The band doesn’t start ‘til about nine,” said Jack breaking the silence. “You want to grab dinner there first before heading for the bar?”

“Whatever you want, Jack.”

“You do know how to sweet talk me, don’t you, baby,” he said in his usual arrogant tone.

“I’m learning,” she giggled.

Jack drove along Highway Fifty until they entered the town of Dayton. He turned off a side road and traveled about a block before pulling into a small parking area alongside the bar.

Jack jumped from the truck and raced around to the passenger side
. He opened the door for Kate and she climbed out. Jack escorted her to the bar as he placed his arm around her, hooking his thumb on the back of her jean skirt. They entered the Wild Horse Saloon and from what Kate could see, the bar consisted of two rooms.

The bar itself was made of fine wood and ran along the eas
tern end of the establishment. Small round tables decorated the remaining space. In the back was a tiny stage to house the band. It had hardwood floors scuffed by cowboys’ spurs, and the dim lights, once filled with oil, hung from the ceiling. If Kate didn’t know any better she would swear she had stepped back in time to the Wild West.

The bartender glanced up when he heard the sound of new patrons
. He saw Jack and raised his hand, giving him a friendly welcome.

“Been a while, Jack,” the bartender greeted.

“How’s it going, Kyle?”

“The band’s playing tonight.”

“I heard,” said Jack as he and Kate moved up to the bar. “Been told some of the fellows are in town, too.”

“Yep,” said Kyle knowing that the rodeo crowd always brought big tips
. “They should be strolling in about the same time the band starts playing.”

Kyle’s attention moved from Jack to the new woman he had with him tonight
She was kind of pretty
, he thought as he took a quick glance. He wondered who she was since he had not seen her before.

new to town, sweetheart?” Kyle addressed her.

“Kyle, this is Kate,” he stated as he flung a possessive arm around her.

“Nice to meet you,” Kate smiled.

“Likewise,” Kyle nodded and returned the smile.

“Before you get any ideas, Kate’s mine,” said Jack as his eyes narrowed at the bartender. “She’s moved in with me.”

Kyle did a double take not sure if he heard Jack correctly
. “You moved in with him?” he seemed stunned as his brow arched to his hairline.

“Yes, she has,” Jack answered before Kate had a chance to speak
. “So before the rumors start flying, I want you to set them straight. I’m with her, and she’s with me.”

“You got it, Jack,” said Kyle as he scratched the side of his head
. “I’ll tell them. They won’t be happy, but I’ll tell them.” Jack nodded a short stallion snort then took Kate by the hand and led her to the second room.

“Who’s he telling?” Kate whispered to Jack.

“Some of the women who are bound to show up tonight,” he said matter-of-factly. “And some of the men, too.”

“There aren’t going to be woman trying to pull out my hair, are there?”
she laughed.

“There might,” said Jack seriously.

Kate stopped dead in her tracks as the smile left her face. “I’m a sissy when it comes to fighting,” she stated as the color drained from her face.

She was so serious, Jack couldn’t help but laugh
. “I’m teasing you,” he continued his chuckling. “They ain’t going to pull your hair out, but they have been known to break a tooth or two.”

“Oh, that’s reassuring,” said Kate as the worried look continued.

“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll protect you,” said Jack as he planted a quick kiss to her lips.

They were seated in the small dining room and Jack ordered his usual burger and fries while Kate ordered the chicken Caesar salad
. She wasn’t all that hungry, and she was nervous about tonight. She had a strange feeling that there was some truth in what Jack joked about. She rubbed her teeth with her finger and said a silent prayer that they would be there in the morning.

Kate ate half her salad
. After Jack finished his burger and fries, he polished off the rest of her salad. Kate watched through the doorway as the bar filled with patrons. Jack paid for their meal and they headed back to the bar.

As soon as Jack entered the room, several of the locals shouted and motioned for them to join them
. Jack led Kate to the table of men and he held out the chair for her to sit.

“Howdy, Jack,” said the burley old man who Kate thought looked like a prospector
. She wondered if his donkey and wagon were parked outside.

“Hey there, Moses,” said Jack taking a seat next to Kate
. “Hey, Leroy.”

“Howdy yourself,” Leroy gru

“What’s wrong with him?’ Jack asked Moses as he saw the scowl on the dark haired man’s face.

“Ah, he’s still riled up about losing his mare,” said Moses.

“Damn straight I’m still mad,” Leroy continued to
be peeved. “I didn’t pay some hefty price to have that damn black stallion steal her right from under my nose.”

“He got another one of my mares the other week,” stated Jack
. “Busted my fence pretty good too.”

“That horse is a menace,” growled Leroy
. “When I get my hands on him I’m going shoot him between the eyes then I’m going to stuff him.”

“Don’t you dare kill Black
Thunder?” Kate spoke up.

Moses and Leroy glared at the blond woman then at Jack
. “Who’s this new flavor you got with you” asked Moses as he gave her the once over with his eyes. “Never seen her before. She new in town?”

“Fellas this here is my gal, Kate,” said Jack as he took her hand and gave it a little squeeze
. “Kate, this is Moses and Leroy. As you can tell by the conversation, they’re ranchers like me.”

“Nice to meet you,”
she said in a formal tone.

“Your gal?” Leroy’s scowl lifted as he thumped on his ear to make sure he heard him correctly.

“That’s right,” Jack smiled. “Kate’s moved in with me. Haven’t you, baby?”

“I have,” said Kate as she looked at Jack and saw he was busting with pride
. It was kind of sweet in a cowboy sort of way.

“Why’d you move her in?” asked Leroy
. “You knock her up or something?”

“Not yet,” grinned Jack
. “But we’re working on it.” Kate nearly fell out of her chair hearing his declaration. “Kate, why don’t you stay put while I head to the bar. What do you want to drink?” he asked her as he stood from his seat.

“I don’t care,” said Kate as she tapped the table nervously with her fingernails
. “A beer’s fine.”

“What are you fellows drinking,” asked Jack as he leaned his hands on Kate’s shoulders and gave her a reassuring rub.

“What do you think we’re drinking?” Moses grinned.

“Whisky, I take it,” Jack laughed as he saw them light up
. “I’ll be back, and no man handling my woman while I’m gone, or I’ll have your hides.”

Kate didn’t know if Jack was serious or just having fun
. She looked up at the two men and saw them gawking at her like she was a freak show. Why did everyone she came in contact with give her that look whenever she was with Jack?

“So you moved in with Jack, huh?” Moses gave her a questioning look.

“Yes,” stated Kate as she glanced over her shoulder and saw Jack standing by the bar.

“You two hitched or something?” said Leroy
. Kate couldn’t help feeling like he was grilling her.

she said.

“Then how come you’re wearing a ring like Jack’s?” interjected Moses.

“It lets folks know that he belongs to me and I belong to him,” she stated in their language. “You got a problem with that gentlemen?” Kate’s eyes narrowed and she leaned in as if to challenge anyone who did.

“No ma’am,” said Moses as he rubbed his whiskered chin.

“I didn’t think so,” said Kate as a slow smile curled on her face. She nodded her head and sat back.

“Never thought I’d see the day,” said Moses shaking his head
. “You must be something pretty special darling for Jack McBride to change his ways.”

“I don’t know if I’m special,” Kate laughed
. “I just figured out the secret to our Mr. McBride.”

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