The Test of Courage: (A Biography of) Michel Thomas (67 page)

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  1. Book review,
    Los Angeles Times
    , December 18 2000.
  2. The lawsuit between Michel Thomas, plaintiff, and the Los Angeles Times Communications LLC, Roy Rivenburg, and Tribune Company, defendants, was filed on 9 October 2001.
  3. Sworn Declaration from Michel Thomas, New York, 10 January 2002.
  4. Sworn Declaration from Professor Robin T. Lakoff, Berkeley, California, 16 December 2001.
  5. Sworn Declaration from Professor Sherrie Mazingo, Roseville, Minnesota, 9 January 2002.
  6. Articles challenging the claims of Paul Parks appeared in the
    Boston Globe
    , 12 October 2000, 13 October 2000, 23 October 2000.
  7. Paul Parks has continued to stick to his story, although he has been unable to produce supporting evidence. And despite the controversy B’nai B’rith went ahead and gave him the Wallenberg award and has never revoked it. Interview by the author with Thomas Farragher,
    Boston Globe
    , 23 April 2002.
  8. Phone Interview with Alex Kline, March 2002.
  9. CIC order from General Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Commander, Allied Forces, issued from HQ, US Army, signed by Lt. Col. Richard P. Fisk, Assistant Adjutant General, and by Capt. Rupert W. Guenthner, Commander 45th CIC Detachment, HQ, US Army 2 December 1944.
  10. Email from Ian Sayer to Roy Rivenburg, 7 April 2001. The reference to Thomas appears on page 2862, Volume XX, of the unpublished History of the Counter Intelligence Corps. The thirty-volume history was com-piled between 1950 and 1959 at the Army Intelligence School in Fort Holabird, Maryland.
  11. Email to Roy Rivenburg from Hugh F. Foster III, 1 March 2001.
  12. Emil Mahl was arrested on 1 May 1945 in Irschenhausen, near Munich. Letter from Mahl, Landsberg Prison, to The Modification Board, Heidelberg, 30 December 1951.
  13. Letter from Lt. Col. Hugh F. Foster III stating his conviction of Thomas’s presence at Dachau on day of liberation, May 2002.
  14. Handwriting expert Dr Timothy Armistead gave his opinion in March 2002.
  15. Expert opinion on Dachau photos given by Peter Mustardo, March 2002.
  16. Letter from Barbara Distel, Curator of the Dachau Memorial Museum, 18 April 2002.
  17. Sworn Declaration from Walter Wimer - CIC agent 1944-1945, 8 January 2002.
  18. Sworn Declaration from Doris White - widow of CIC Special Agent Frederick White, Worcester, Massachusetts, March 2002.
  19. Videotaped Thunderbird Reunion, Oklahoma City, August 2002.
  20. Stefan Heym wrote two accounts of the announcement of the discovery of documents from the Nazi Party master file. One is fictional and is contained in his book of short stories, Die Kannibalen und andere Erzhälungen, Paul List Verlag, Leipzig, 1953. The unpublished non-fiction manuscript is lodged with the author’s papers at Cambridge University. Heym gave credit to Hans Huber, the mill owner, for the discovery. Huber, of course, had received the documents directly from the SS.
  21. Discovery of Party Documents in the Josef Wirth paper mill in Freimann by 45th CIC Detachment, 20 May 1945. The report is headed Weekly Counterintelligence Report #16, and the discovery comes under the sub-heading Special Cases of CIC Interest. It was quite an interesting week - other cases of interest include documents from Germany’s top commando Otto Skorzeny reporting on the attack on Hitler’s life, the freeing of Mussolini, and the diary written by Mussolini while imprisoned. Seventh Army, Western Military District, Annex No 2, Part 4 of 8, CIC Reports/Reporting Section G-2, period 20 May-20 June 1945. Now lodged in the National Archives.
  22. The quote from Hans Huber about the discovery of the documents by ‘an American GI’ appeared in an article headed ‘Berlin Document Centre Aids Nazi Hunters’,
    Los Angeles Times
    , 11 March 1979.
  23. Open letter from Robert Wolfe, To Whom It May Concern, 13 June 2002.
  24. Mistranslation of phrase from article on Klaus Barbie trial, he Monde, 23 May 1987.
  25. Letter from Historical Department, Société des Bains de Mer, Monaco, 5 July 2001. The agreement between the casino’s Director General of the time and Monsieur M. Dufour, engineer, is dated 7 April 1941.
  26. See Top 15 Language Audio Titles,
    The Bookseller
    , September 2001.
  27. Tentative Ruling by Judge Audrey B. Collins, granting Special Motion to Strike the Complaint pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure, 4 February 2002.
  28. Defendants’ Motion for Attorneys’ Fees, Michel Thomas v Los Angeles Times Communications LLC, et al, US District Court, Central District of California, 2 April 2002.
  29. Letter to the author, 18 June 2002.
  30. Documents and details of the preparation for the disallowed defamation trial can be viewed on


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